Liu Xiaoyu replied, “I think that since the three of them are already in a close relationship and things have already happened, hiding it will only make the situation worse. Being honest early on might yield unexpected benefits, and it’s better to clear things up.”

“I know that’s the case, but asking girl A to confess to girl B takes more courage than she has.”

Xia Yuan still harbored the promise she made with Lin Youxi (to not go any further and let Ah Fang make his own choice), but explaining this to Liu Xiaoyu would be too complicated.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyu frowned and thought for a moment, wondering if Xia Yuan had said it wrong.

“I think the main responsibility should lie with girl C. Since she knows both of them like her, she should manage the boundaries well.”

“That’s true…”

Xia Yuan blushed, “Is it possible… I mean, if girl A and C have been intimate, and girl A confesses to girl B, could girl A make amends for not being honest from the start by allowing girl B to also be intimate with girl C?”

Yuan Yuan, as the girl B in this scenario…

Aren’t you being too much of a pushover?!

But, if Yuan Yuan really wants this kind of compensation… what can I, an outsider, say?

But thinking about it, if one kiss could make the three of them reconcile, get Yuan Yuan to back off, and bless Mei Fang and Youxi, wouldn’t that be a better outcome?

The only thing I find regrettable is that this way, scumbag Mei Fang is getting off easy.

In addition to this, if Lin Youxi happened to see Mei Fang and Xia Yuan kissing without understanding the situation, it might cause a bigger crisis. Liu Xiaoyu would need to make sure of Lin Youxi’s whereabouts at that time.

Liu Xiaoyu’s mind was now full of the ABCs, so much so that she was getting dizzy.

“I think… if all three parties agree to this compensation plan, I feel it’s okay… Actually, no matter what, the best outcome of communication is when everyone can accept it.”

Liu Xiaoyu was exhausted.

But in her view, this was already the best outcome.

Could there be a better one?


Liu Xiaoyu assumed that Xia Yuan just wanted a kiss from Mei Fang to make up for all her regrets and would then willingly step back, giving Lin Youxi and Mei Fang her most sincere blessing.

Without realizing it, she and Xia Yuan had chatted all morning. Now the sky was breaking, and the distant light was gradually getting brighter.

“We can see the sunrise soon. Shall we wake everyone up?”


Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu returned to the tent to wake Xiang Bingbing and Lin Youxi. Afterward, Xia Yuan looked over at the boys’ tent and smiled, “I’ll go get Ah Fang to watch the sunrise with us.”

There were many people on the mountaintop preparing to watch the sunrise. When Lin Youxi and the others finished packing and went out, they found the mountaintop already crowded.

“There were so many people camping here last night? I don’t believe it.”

“Many probably started climbing before dawn,” Lin Youxi guessed. “After all, camping is quite cold, and you need to prepare tents and sleeping bags.”

“Why haven’t Yuan Yuan and Mei Fang come over yet…” Liu Xiaoyu anxiously looked around, while Xiang Bingbing patted her shoulder, “It’s fine, right? With so many people here, it should be okay for them to be alone.”

“How can it be fine? How can it possibly be okay? Youxi is still——”

“I don’t mind. Yuan Yuan is someone who values special moments. She must have gone somewhere to watch the sunrise with Ah Fang.”

You’re not even jealous about this? Are you really the official girlfriend?

Liu Xiaoyu was numb with disbelief at Lin Youxi’s nonchalance.


“It’s better to watch the sunrise together with us. I’ll go look for them…”

“Hey, Xiaoyu, don’t go! What if you can’t find them either?”

Xiang Bingbing’s call did not stop Liu Xiaoyu from searching for Xia Yuan and Mei Fang. She headed vigilantly towards the lakeside of Mulan Heaven Lake to search. Xia Yuan had mentioned liking the scenery there and had predicted that someone might be kissing there.

Could it be they really went to that place?

Liu Xiaoyu ran to the slope near the lake and indeed found Xia Yuan and Mei Fang sitting on the same small hill where Lin Youxi and Mei Fang had kissed before, watching the sunrise.

At that moment, Xia Yuan was leaning on Mei Fang’s shoulder, saying something that made her blush.

After hearing her out, Mei Fang hesitated for a bit, then hugged Xia Yuan and spoke to her softly.

Scumbag! He’s, he’s too skilled at this!

Liu Xiaoyu pouted angrily but continued observing.

Upon hearing what Mei Fang said, Xia Yuan seemed to have a moment of sudden realization. Her mouth formed an “O” shape, and she couldn’t help but scratch the back of her head.

Then, she started punching Mei Fang lightly.

He’s not dodging. It must be because he confessed their secret.

But she doesn’t seem angry at all!

No matter how well-prepared a girl is mentally, when the boy she likes and her girl best friend get together, there should be some emotions to vent aside from just giving them her blessing!

However, Xia Yuan just kept playfully hitting Mei Fang’s chest, then suddenly changed position and sat directly on Mei Fang’s lap.

Thank goodness Youxi isn’t here. If she saw this——

Before Liu Xiaoyu could finish her thought, she saw Xia Yuan cup Mei Fang’s face with her hands and snuggled into his arms. After a brief moment, she first nuzzled her cheek against his and then kissed him on the lips.

? ? ?

! ! !

Although it initially seemed like Xia Yuan had planned this, the way she was going about it was way too smooth. She was executing everything like a total pro.

Liu Xiaoyu’s intuition told her something was off, but there was nothing she could do. She had no other choice but to go back and keep an eye on Lin Youxi. Letting her see this scene would be disastrous.

Liu Xiaoyu turned around, ready to leave, but the sight of the girl in front of her almost made her gasp out loud. It was only the quick reflexes of the other person, who covered her mouth, that prevented the situation from getting worse.

Standing in front of Liu Xiaoyu was none other than the person she desperately hoped wouldn’t appear here right now—Class Monitor Lin Youxi.

“Um, Youxi, please don’t get mad. Don’t be impulsive, let me explain——”

“No need to explain, I understand. I already know.”

What? You already know?

Lin Youxi made a shushing gesture to Liu Xiaoyu.

“Can you help keep this secret, Xiaoyu?”

Lin Youxi smiled at her. “You saw me and Ah Fang kissing yesterday, right? I saw you.”

“Keep… keep this secret?”

Liu Xiaoyu rubbed her temples. “Your relationship is too complicated. I’m getting dizzy.”

“It is a bit complicated, so let me quietly explain,” Lin Youxi said softly, nodding. “You know, both Yuan Yuan and I like Ah Fang. But we don’t want to push the other away by establishing an official relationship with him.”

“That’s true…”

“But besides that, Yuan Yuan and I want a closer relationship and to create more memories together with him. So now we have a tacit understanding; I won’t interfere with Yuan Yuan and Ah Fang being intimate, and she won’t interfere with me. Our relationship is really good right now.”

“But doesn’t that just benefit Mei Fang?”

“It’s not about benefiting anyone. The three of us grew up together, and every experience is a precious memory. To us, these memories hold equal value.”

“Alright… If all of you feel that way,” Liu Xiaoyu nodded gently. “Though it’s hard for me to accept this kind of relationship, if the three of you have no objections, then I won’t say anything.”

“Then let’s stay here and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.”

Lin Youxi smiled meaningfully.

Though the world has many rules and tragedies, who doesn’t love a happy ending? It’s the embodiment of our infinite hope for a beautiful life.

The warm sunlight glistened on the azure Mulan Heaven Lake, creating a sparkling view.

After spending enough time together, Xia Yuan leaned on Mei Fang’s shoulder, filled with affection and love.

Lin Youxi watched them gently; Liu Xiaoyu felt somewhat dazed and weak.

Amidst exclamations and clicks of cameras, the students of Class 3 and Class 5 welcomed a new dawn that belonged to them.

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