Once everyone was ready, Lin Youxi explained the rules of the human knot again. Then, under He Luoyun’s whistle, the students from both classes began the competition.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Hey, Bingbing, take it easy, you’re about to break my hand!”

With Xia Yuan’s guidance, Mei Fang’s group quickly found the trick. They started untangling their arms by spinning around each other. Xia Yuan twirled around Mei Fang, then stood with her arms crossed.

Mei Fang imitated Xia Yuan’s move, twirling around Liu Xiaoyu and crossing their arms together. During this maneuver, Mei Fang and Liu Xiaoyu’s hands almost slipped apart, but Liu Xiaoyu tightened her grip just in time to prevent it.

“Good, good, keep it up, everyone!”

Despite Xia Yuan’s guidance, their group lost the game because Xiang Bingbing misunderstood Xia Yuan’s directions and almost twisted Wan Chaoxiong’s arm off, causing him to quickly let go and escape.

The prize for winning the human knot was a cute little notebook.

“Phew… a bit of a shame!”

“Sorry, sorry… if I hadn’t rushed, we wouldn’t have lost.”

“Indeed, you need to reflect on that.”

Mei Fang tiptoed and lightly tapped Xiang Bingbing’s head with his finger, criticizing her, “Winning or losing the game is a trivial matter. If you really want the notebook, I can give you one, but imagine if you had actually hurt Wan Chaoxiong’s arm and his parents made a fuss. The school might ban field trips, and everyone would blame you.”

Xiang Bingbing’s earlier apologies were more about not winning, but Mei Fang’s words woke her up like a dream, and she hurriedly ran to check if Wan Chaoxiong was okay.

“Sorry, sorry… Did I hurt your bones? Let me check…”

“No, no! I’m fine, just don’t scare me like that.”

“Sometimes Bingbing can really be a bit too rough.”

“Be more careful, Bingbing.”

Everyone around was pointing out Xiang Bingbing’s mistakes, who looked very guilty and kept apologizing.

Recognizing one’s mistakes is a good thing, but if it leads to being overly cautious and restrained, isn’t that a bit of an overcorrection…

“The next game is ‘Blind Man and Lame Man.’ One person plays the blind man and covers their eyes with a blindfold, while the other plays the lame man and is carried by the blind man. The blind man must carry the lame man through a minefield filled with obstacles in the shortest possible time and reach the finish line.”

The so-called obstacles were bottles, buckets, and other items scattered by He Luoyun on the field.

“By the way, this game is voluntary. Everyone has only one chance, regardless of gender. Does anyone want to give it a try?”

“I’ll do it!”

Mei Fang was worried that he had made Xiang Bingbing feel bad, but she quickly raised her hand to volunteer.

Well, I worried for nothing. This girl is always so carefree.

“One person isn’t enough, you need to find a partner.”


Xiang Bingbing turned to look at her classmates and immediately spotted Mei Fang.


“Ahem! Ahem!”

Just as Xiang Bingbing was about to call out Mei Fang’s name, Lin Youxi coughed frantically to hint at her, and Mei Fang quickly shook his head to refuse. Xiang Bingbing finally got the message.

“Then, Liu Xiaoyu, join me!”


From the side, Xia Yuan and Mei Fang cheered for Liu Xiaoyu, “Go for it, Xiaoyu, give it a try!”

Compared to the dazzling Liu Xiaoyu of Baimei No. 1 High School in her previous life, this version seemed more like Xia Yuan’s little follower. Though she didn’t have the same family background as before, her appearance was still captivating, quickly attracting everyone’s attention.

Despite looking a bit shy, she wasn’t hesitant. Once she was chosen, she immediately teamed up with Xiang Bingbing to start the game.

After putting on the blindfold, Xiang Bingbing carried Liu Xiaoyu on her back.

“Let’s do our best together!”


With Liu Xiaoyu’s guidance, Xiang Bingbing quickly advanced.

Although she had always had the advantage of speed and long legs, this time she also learned from the hasty way she had untangled their arms earlier and patiently waited for Liu Xiaoyu’s command before moving forward.

“Walk forward, forward… step over, lift your leg higher.”

“Careful on the left, move a bit to the right, that’s right.”

“Stop, stop! Just jump over it! Use more strength!”

Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu’s coordination was quite in sync. Although their movements had some pauses, they managed to reach the finish line without touching any obstacles.

After completing the task, the two high-fived each other. Liu Xiaoyu, who hadn’t seemed very happy all day, now had a sweet smile on her face. It was clear she had started to enjoy the fun of the team-building activity.

Lin Youxi began to call for more challengers. More participants joined, but they all chose same-gender pairings. Because they had been warned about the punishment game for failing, everyone was very cautious, and the pace was slow, making the audience start to get a bit bored.

But for whom this activity was prepared, Mei Fang and Xia Yuan knew very well deep down.

“Ah Fang, let’s play together next,” Xia Yuan suggested.

“I’m up for it, but the difficulty seems too low. No one has hit any obstacles, so it’s not that interesting.”

“True, we hadn’t tried this game ourselves, and it’s simpler than expected,” Xia Yuan admitted.

Mei Fang reminded her, “We can’t let Youxi’s event fall flat. By the way, do you know what the punishment for hitting an obstacle is?”


Xia Yuan whispered into Mei Fang’s ear.

This time, when Lin Youxi saw Xia Yuan raise her hand, she didn’t hesitate to give the opportunity to her.

Xia Yuan’s participation instantly livened up the atmosphere.

“Stop yawning, something good is coming!”

Most high school romances are secretive and shy, so everyone was looking forward to witnessing some genuine displays of affection during the team-building event. If it turned out to be a childhood sweetheart relationship, they would accept that too.

“Ah Fang, hurry up!”

Xia Yuan wasted no time and directly pulled Mei Fang up from the ground and brought him along with her, prompting a chorus of “Ooh—” from the crowd.

When Mei Fang and Xia Yuan arrived at the starting point, Mei Fang skillfully carried Xia Yuan on his back, while Lin Youxi personally put a blindfold on Mei Fang and made a small gesture close to a whisper.

“You two, have fun!”

“Ah, okay…”

This little action between Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan, and Mei Fang elicited even louder cheers from the crowd.

“It’s a classic scene!”

A girl from Class 3 asked, “So, are Mei Fang and Xia Yuan a couple or not? It doesn’t seem like your class monitor’s relationship with him is just friendship either.”

A boy from Class 5 shook his head and answered, “Don’t ask. If you do, all I can say is they’re childhood sweethearts. We’ve long gotten used to it.”

Mei Fang gently supported Xia Yuan’s thighs, and Xia Yuan tightly wrapped her arms around Mei Fang, whispering in his ear:

“I’m not as heavy as I used to be, am I? You seem to be carrying me quite steadily.”

“Well… after a lot of practice, I’ll get used to it.”

“What do you mean by that?!”

As He Luoyun’s whistle blew, just as everyone was expecting to see some sweet interaction between Mei Fang and Xia Yuan during the game, Mei Fang suddenly carried Xia Yuan and jumped straight ahead!



“Jump again!”

Xia Yuan kept shouting for Mei Fang to leap forward. To beat the times of the previous contestants, their plan was to jump over all the obstacles in one go.

“Holy crap, that’s genius!”

“Did Mei Fang memorize all the obstacle positions beforehand? He’s so smooth!”

“Xia Yuan is guiding Mei Fang! But without enough coordination, there’s no way he could react that quickly!”

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan’s special tactic ended in what seemed to be a mistake amid everyone’s exclamations. He almost stumbled after kicking a water bottle near the finish line, but just before he tipped over, he managed to hold Xia Yuan tightly. This gentlemanly gesture in that small moment won the admiration of many of the girls.

“It looks like our two students’ special tactic didn’t work out.”

Lin Youxi removed Mei Fang’s blindfold and patted his shoulder, “Since you hit an obstacle, you have to do the punishment game. You need to have someone sit on your back and do ten push-ups.”

“Oh, so it doesn’t have to be my partner?”


A question mark appeared above Xia Yuan’s head, which hadn’t fully formed before Mei Fang pointed to Lin Youxi.

“Then, Youxi, you sit on my back.”

“Ah Fang… what do you mean by that?!”

Blushing, Xia Yuan pinched Mei Fang’s arm and demanded an explanation, while the other students burst into laughter.

We’re shipping them! We’re shipping them!

Wait a minute… which pair are we shipping again?

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