【This is Yuan Yuan’s diary that wasn’t actually written down but really happened.】

【First day of the first lunar month: New Year’s visits, visiting relatives, played with Ah Fang in the afternoon. Going to Grandma’s house in Jiangcheng tomorrow, so I asked Ah Fang for a secret training tonight.】

【Second day of the first lunar month: Drove to Grandma’s house in Jiangcheng, chatted, and complained with Ah Fang through messages. Ah Fang said he was playing League of Legends with Youxi and told me to be quiet, huhu…】

【Third day of the first lunar month: Came home, cuddled with Ah Fang, had secret training.】

【Fourth day of the first lunar month: Cuddled with Ah Fang, had secret training.】

【Fifth day of the first lunar month: Xia Yuan, oh Xia Yuan, how could you become so depraved? Your new album isn’t finished yet. How can you only think about cuddling with Ah Fang every day? You can cuddle Ah Fang anytime, but there’s still so much to do for the album. You can’t keep losing to Youxi. Tomorrow, you must work hard!】

【Sixth day of the first lunar month: Cuddled with Ah Fang, had secret training.】

【Seventh day of the first lunar month: Ah Fang went to help Youxi with her uncle’s matters, so I went out shopping with Xiaoxue. At night, waited for Ah Fang to return from Youxi’s house to ask about the progress and then cuddled with him. Wanted to have secret training but Ah Fang refused, saying he had shanghuo (inner heat)[1], so we only had a simple secret training.】

Thirteenth day of the first lunar month.

My daughter’s behavior has been a bit unusual lately.

Both Xia Xun and Teacher Yu noticed it.

During holidays, she usually sleeps until around 10 o’clock before getting up. But during this New Year, even in the winter, she always wakes up early at seven or eight o’clock.

And she dressed up elaborately early in the morning.

Xia Yuan was adjusting her floral dress in front of Xia Xun, who was eating breakfast. It was a dress with a bit of a Lolita princess style, making her look very cute and charming.

“Dad, do you think I look good in this? Does anything look strange?”

“You look beautiful, everything you wear looks beautiful,” Xia Xun smiled slightly.


Xia Yuan pouted, showing her dissatisfaction, “Dad, you’re being too half-hearted. I’ll go ask Mom!”


Xia Xun lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, the more he thought about this matter, the more frustration was written on his face.

How come no matter how I complement, it’s not right?

But previously when I gave suggestions, she said I don’t understand anything…

After consulting with her mother about her outfit, Xia Yuan cheerfully made some adjustments and came out dressed even more lightly. Xia Xun couldn’t help but complain, “Aren’t you feeling cold dressed like that?”

“No, it’s not cold. Dad, you all eat slowly, I’m going out!”

Xia Yuan hurriedly changed her shoes at the door.

“Wait… aren’t you going to have breakfast?”

“Pan Ji restaurant is open today. I’m going to have breakfast with Ah Fang and Youxi there.”

Xia Yuan bid farewell to her parents and rushed out the door.

Teacher Yu, collecting the dishes, remarked with some emotion, “Our Yuan Yuan, she’s hit puberty…”

“Even if she’s hit puberty, she still likes that Mei Fang boy.”

Xia Xun sighed, resting his chin on his hand, “They’ve known each other for ten years. Aren’t they tired of each other yet…”

Teacher Yu lightly knocked Xia Xun on the head, “You have the nerve to say that? Yuan Yuan’s personality takes after you… didn’t you start pursuing me in our freshman year of college?”

Xia Xun responded while holding Teacher Yu’s hand, gently stroking it and smiling warmly, “But didn’t you also start liking me from freshman year?”

“Nonsense, back then I didn’t like you,” Teacher Yu quickly added with a smile when she saw Xia Xun’s slight surprise, “At that time, my heart was only set on studying. You were just in second place.”

“Indeed, you really loved studying back then. Even when we went on dates to the café, you always had a book with you. You said that the place was perfect for reading and doing homework…”

Xia Yuan missed this rare opportunity to enjoy her parents’ lovey-dovey moments because she was eager to meet her Ah Fang as soon as possible.

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang agreed to meet at the entrance of their neighborhood. As soon as she saw Mei Fang approaching, she ran up to him and hugged him skillfully.

“Why are you acting like we’ve been apart for ages?” Mei Fang gently pinched Xia Yuan’s nose and suddenly leaned in to sniff her cheek. “Did you change your face cream?”

“You can even tell that by smell? Are you a dog, Ah Fang?” Xia Yuan smiled, offering her cheek to Mei Fang. “Want to try it?”

“This is the entrance, you know… and you’re familiar with the security guard.”

“Hahaha, just teasing you. You’re so excited——”

Before Xia Yuan could finish, Mei Fang planted a kiss on her cheek, startling her. She playfully slapped him a few times.

“Stingky Ah Fang! You’re so bold!”

“You asked for it,” Mei Fang replied, smiling as he pinched her nose. “Wearing a new dress today?”

“Yes, yes. Do you think it looks good?”

Mei Fang smiled, “It looks great, of course. My Yuan Yuan looks good in anything.”

Xia Yuan blushed deeply, “What do you mean ‘my Yuan Yuan’? You’re such a smooth talker and shameless.”

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang walked together to meet Youxi.

“By the way, did Sister Yue Yue go back last night? She said goodbye to me on QQ.”

“Yes, she did. She finished everything here and had to return to work.”

After dealing with the ancestral house demolition, Mei Yue and her parents returned to Echeng yesterday. As an outsider, Mei Yue decided to keep the fact that she saw Mei Fang and Xia Yuan kiss to herself.

Mei Fang, on the other hand, wanted to get closer to his sister Yue Yue. As a high school student, he had many limitations, and these next two years were crucial for establishing his company. The legal representative needed to be at least 18 years old, and his Ximilu Studio might need to form a formal company this year.

Apart from establishing a company, since Mei Yue was already working and had a more flexible schedule, Mei Fang was willing to offer her a well-paying job to help him with errands if her current job didn’t work out. He told her this directly, but his cousin didn’t take his words too seriously and just said she’d stay in touch.

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang called Lin Youxi to join them, and they all headed to Pan Ji Beef Noodle House, chatting and laughing along the way.

As previously mentioned, this was a very famous long-established noodle shop in Baimei County, with nearly 20 years of history. The origin of its beef noodles was Xiangyang City’s red oil beef noodles, which had high popularity among the breakfast options in Baimei County, often resulting in long lines.

The trio got up early to beat the rush, worried about long lines.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi found a seat with free soy milk, while Mei Fang queued for the food.

“It’s already the 13th day of the new year. Once the Lantern Festival is over, we’ll be back to school,” Xia Yuan said, resting her chin on her hand. “I haven’t done any of my homework. The next few days are going to be busy…”

“But there’s a lot of homework. Can you finish it all?”

“I know, there’s a lot… I’ve done a bit, so it’s not too bad,” Xia Yuan replied, feeling slightly embarrassed under Lin Youxi’s gaze. “There may have been a tiny bit of random writing.”

“It’s best not to randomly write too much. If they find out, it will be treated as incomplete work. Two offenses and your parents will be called in.”

“I don’t want that. That would be so embarrassing.”

Looks like Youxi won’t let me copy hers…

Xia Yuan took a small sip of her soy milk just as Mei Fang arrived with bowls of beef noodles.

“It’s ready.”

“Wow! Delicious beef noodles! I love it!” Xia Yuan exclaimed, taking a big whiff of the noodles. “This is the taste of home! I can’t believe this is the first time I’m having it since coming back. It’s such a shame.”

“Actually, it was open for a while before New Year’s when Ah Fang wasn’t around. I tried to invite you, but you wouldn’t get up. But when Ah Fang calls, you’re all energetic,” Lin Youxi said, smiling with her chin resting on her hand. “To you, Ah Fang is more important than me now.”

“No, no… you’re both equally important to me,” Xia Yuan said, stirring her noodles guiltily. “Let’s eat before the noodles get soggy.”

Baimei County’s beef noodle shops have large pots where they simmer beef broth from early morning. The rich, red oil soup base and the flavorful beef are their unique signatures. Pan Ji, in particular, has a secret recipe passed down through generations, and it’s said that only sons-in-law can inherit it.

The noodle chefs skillfully knead the dough, stretching and pulling it repeatedly to make smooth, fine noodles or robust, wide ones. People in Baimei County, with its slow pace of life, value tradition. The locals prefer freshly made food over fast food, willing to stand in long lines for a proper breakfast to start their day and experience the warmth of life.

The three of them enjoyed their noodles at Pan Ji. By the time they were done, Mei Fang and Xia Yuan’s mouths were bright red from the spice, both breathing heavily.

“Ah Fang, didn’t I ask for mild spice? Why is this so spicy…?” Xia Yuan complained, gasping.

“This is mild… Have you become picky from living in Jiangcheng…?” Mei Fang replied, also gasping.

“No way… People in Jiangcheng love spicy food too! Look, Youxi is fine. You must have made it too spicy for us.”

Lin Youxi was calmly wiping her mouth, then smiled at Mei Fang.

“By the way, Ah Fang, after eating this meal, won’t you get shanghuo (inner heat) again?”

Her gentle gaze clearly carried a hint of special meaning. Mei Fang immediately swallowed hard.

“Uh… maybe… perhaps… probably… I won’t get shanghuo.”

Translator's Notes:

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghuo↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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