Amidst the continuous sound of firecrackers, Mei Fang’s family gathered around the large table, cheerfully enjoying their New Year’s Eve dinner.

Under the lead of the eldest brother, Mei Lixiong, who stood up to make a toast, everyone raised their glasses together——

“Happy New Year!”

In Baimei County, there are many rules and traditions, and during family meals, it is customary for relatives to offer toast to each other.

Mei Fang actually disliked this kind of formality. He felt that if relatives were genuinely close, they would naturally offer toasts and say celebratory words own their own. Being pushed by his parents to go and offer a toast felt very embarrassing to him.

However, the relationships on his father’s side of the family were warm both in his previous life and the current one, so Mei Fang was happy to take the initiative in offering them a toast.

“Uncle, Aunt, and Sister Yue Yue, cheers… I wish my uncle and aunt good health and all the best. I wish Sister Yue Yue to be more and more beautiful and forever 18!”

“Ah… Mei Fang, you really have a sweet mouth. I also wish you academic success and hope you strive to get into a good university!”

“For academic success! Cheers!”

Mei Fang’s uncle and aunt returned the toast, and Mei Yue smiled warmly as she raised her glass to Mei Fang.

“I also wish you a happy family and happiness every day, Xiaofangzi!”

Mei Fang clinked glasses with Mei Yue, noticing the inexplicable smile on her face.


Mei Fang had a rough idea of what she was thinking, but he didn’t say anything.

After Mei Yue happily drank a glass of juice, her mother kept nudging her arm, “How could you let your younger cousin offer a toast first? As an elder sister, you should set an example for your younger cousins.”

“Aiya, I know, don’t rush me.”

Mei Yue raised her glass and offered Mei Lijun and Xiang Xiaoxia a toast, “Uncle, Aunt, I also wish you all the best, and may Uncle continue to rise in his career!”

“Ooh, thank you for your kind words!”

Mei Lijun, smiling widely, clinked glasses with Mei Yue, “But your uncle here thinks it’s hard to go any higher. I think I’ve reached my peak, hahaha! The rest is up to the next generation to continue striving.”

Although Mei Lijun was already a deputy director, he often spent time at home and seemed quite satisfied with his current career status, having no grand ambitions to climb higher.

Xiang Xiaoxia had no objections to Mei Lijun’s statement, “And I wish Yue Yue finds her sweetheart soon and brings a boyfriend home to meet us, haha.”

“With Sister Yue Yue’s qualities, catching a rich husband should be a piece of cake, right?”

Mei Ya’s teasing made the whole family burst into laughter, while Mei Yue’s awkward but polite smile barely concealed her urge to cry.

“I also wish Sister Yue Yue success in her work and career.”

Mei Yue, feeling a bit down, clinked her glass with Mei Fang’s. “Why do I feel like your tone is a bit flat?”

“True happiness lies in simplicity.” Mei Fang smiled at Mei Yue.

“True happiness lies in simple eggs.” Mei Ya mimicked her brother’s words sarcastically from the side, earning herself a light knock on the head from Mei Fang.

“Hurry up and eat!”


The family ate together merrily, watching the special program before the Spring Festival Gala began. They passed dishes to each other, offered toasts, and gave blessings to their relatives for the coming year—wishing for academic success, good health, finding love, and of course——

“Happy New Year! Now, give me the red envelope!”

Little Mei Ya, who had never existed in Mei Fang’s previous life, was the star of the New Year’s Eve dinner, receiving red envelopes from the four adults.

“Sister Yue Yue, Happy New Year!”

Sitting on the sofa picking her teeth, Mei Yue saw the little money-lover Mei Ya extend her hand and became somewhat reluctant.

“I’m from your generation; why should I give you a red envelope?”

“Sister Yuan Yuan also gave me a red envelope, and she’s not even my sister-in-law yet. She was willing to give me one.”

“Uh, well…”

Mei Yue reluctantly took out her wallet. “How much do you want? Is 10 yuan enough?”

“Sister Yuan Yuan gave me 500.”

“Darn! How does a high school student have so much money?”

“Because Sister Yuan Yuan loves me, so she gave me a lot. Now, let’s see if Sister Yue Yue loves me as much as Sister Yuan Yuan does.”

“Why don’t you ask your brother? He loves you the most, doesn’t he?”

“My brother doesn’t love me at all.” Mei Ya glanced at Mei Fang, then shook her head and sighed dramatically.

Mei Fang watched this exchange, feeling perplexed.

You little brat, I bought you a model aircraft that cost over 1,000 yuan, and you dare to say I don’t love you?

Thick-skinned Mei Ya managed to extract 500 yuan from a reluctant Mei Yue.

Meanwhile, Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Lijun sighed as they watched the scene unfold.

They had long anticipated that Mei Fang would eventually choose between the two girls, but they hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.

Yet, with the current harmony among the trio, and Mei Ya talking about Sister Yuan Yuan becoming her sister-in-law…

The more fun they had now, the more painful and awkward it would be when the truth came out.

But after discussing it earlier in the day, Mei Lijun and Xiang Xiaoxia decided to keep the matter hidden for the time being.

The kids have grown up, and it’s normal for them to have feelings for each other.

But when it comes to Yuan Yuan…

Xiang Xiaoxia was happy about Lin Youxi and Mei Fang being together, having supported Lin Youxi from the beginning.

However, seeing Xia Yuan visiting and still liking her son so much made her wish she could split her son in half; one half for Lin Youxi, and one half for Xia Yuan, so both sides would be satisfied.

After finishing the New Year’s Eve dinner at home, the adults decided to have a mahjong game. While Mei Yue got the car key from his father.

“Let’s go. You wanted to set off fireworks, right? I’ll take you to the cultural square now.”

“Right now? Great!” Mei Ya jumped up in excitement. “Let’s go set off fireworks together!”

As Mei Lixiong cleaned up the table, he reminded Mei Yue, “Don’t just focus on playing. You should chat with those two guys I asked you to contact last time. You never know, it might work out.”

“Alright, alright, I got it,” Mei Yue replied, waving her hand impatiently. Then she nudged Mei Ya forward, “Go on, get all the firecrackers you bought.”


Ever since Mei Ya started kindergarten, Mei Lijun would give each of his two children 100 yuan to buy firecrackers. In the days before firecrackers were banned, Baimei County was a fireworks paradise, with all sorts of firecrackers like skyrockets, sparklers, buzzing bees, mini fireworks, and tank crackers available in endless varieties.

Every year, Mei Fang’s firecracker money was inevitably spent by his sister Mei Ya. As a result, Mei Ya would always take her brother’s money to the small shop and buy things, becoming the envy of the neighborhood kids as the most dazzling girl who could afford any expensive fireworks. This time, she also bought two full bags of fireworks to set off at the square.

At this moment, Mei Fang suggested, “Why don’t we wait a bit before we head out? I want to make sure Yuan Yuan and Youxi have finished their dinner.”

“You’re so considerate.” Mei Yue playfully smacked Mei Fang’s butt, saying, “Hurry up, Xiaofangzi. Your sister Yue Yue wants to escape the adults’ world as soon as possible.”

Mei Yue drove to pick up Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi. When Mei Fang was about to get up from the back seat, his younger sister proactively jumped out from the back seat.

“Brother, you can sit in the back seat. I want to go to the front and enjoy the view!”

“What’s so great about the front view…”

Mei Fang looked at his sister with disdain, knowing exactly what she was up to. As Lin Youxi moved past Mei Fang to sit on the other side, she said, “Ah Fang, it’s better if you sit in the middle.”

“Yeah, you sit in the middle.” Mei Yue watched Lin Youxi and Mei Fang’s affectionate interaction in the rearview mirror, feeling a bit conflicted.

Although she initially preferred the well-off and friendly Xia Yuan, over the past few days, the seemingly cold but inwardly gentle Lin Youxi had also won her over.

Does she still not know that the two are already dating?

If she found out, would the three of them still maintain their current close relationship?

Could it really be a happily-ever-after scenario with just the two of them?

Haha… that can’t be.

Mei Yue sighed softly, “Why do I worry about others when I’m so miserable myself…?”

As Mei Yue and Xiang Xiaoxia each felt saddened by the potential heartbreak of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi,

Sister Youxi was intimate with my brother at night, and Sister Yuan Yuan was intimate with my brother during the day…

It seems Brother has decided to adopt my clever plan!

Soon, I’ll receive double the love from my sisters-in-law, making me the happiest little sister in the world——

So wonderful, hahaha!

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