The last time they saw Guo Yun was nearly four months ago when they all visited the Wuzu Temple together.

Four months might not seem too long or too short, but based on everyone’s knowledge, it was unlikely for Guo Yun to lose so much weight in such a short period.

She was still somewhat plump now, with a relatively round face. But after all, she was wearing autumn clothes, she no longer reached the level of being called a “fat girl.”

She used to have a lot of acne scars on her face, but they had all disappeared now, and her slightly reddish skin had gained some radiance.

Although she originally had large eyes, her features didn’t stand out much before because her whole face was quite full. However, after she lost a significant amount of weight in her face, her features actually looked quite delicate and pretty. Describing her as “cute” was no longer just a euphemism for lack of better words to describe her appearance, but an apt compliment.

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan’s astonishment was within Guo Yun’s expectations. She hesitated and explained, “Um… because the doctor scolded me during the physical examination, I’ve been trying to lose weight and control my diet recently, along with various exercises. I’ve probably lost a little weight…”

“A little bit? Should we take out our middle school graduation photo to compare… It’s like you’ve become a completely different person!”

“I couldn’t recognize you at all.”

Mei Fang nodded and waved his hand, “This must be the legendary transformation girls go through at age 18. Your perseverance is really admirable. The fitness routine you’ve been doing must have been tough.”

“Um, i-it’s alright… During the cutting phase, controlling diet is crucial, and exercise is just supplementary.”

Guo Yun couldn’t handle Mei Fang’s praise and mumbled a few words before lowering her head in embarrassment.

Alert, Xia Yuan had been staring at Guo Yun.

An ominous thought arose in her mind.

“Well, I think it’s fine. Guo Yun looks just like how you guys described her!” Xiang Bingbing put her hands on her waist and shouted, “Instead of talking here, let’s go to the restaurant and have a big meal already! I can’t wait any longer.”

“Let’s go upstairs first and sit down for a chat.”

Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu supporting Lin Youxi, “Let’s find a place for Youxi to sit too.”

The cheerful Xiang Bingbing immediately struck up a conversation with Guo Yun as they rode the escalator in the shopping mall. Not only did she introduce herself, but she also helped Liu Xiaoyu get to know Guo Yun.

Since they were both from Baimei County, there was no particular issue in communicating. Liu Xiaoyu was quite curious about how Guo Yun and Mei Fang had gotten to know each other, and later learned that Guo Yun was originally Mei Fang’s deskmate.

Xia Yuan supported Lin Youxi and went to the restroom on the same floor. After a while, when they came out, Lin Youxi no longer needed Xia Yuan’s support.

“Youxi, how are you… feeling better?”

“Yeah… I’m much better now.”

Lin Youxi seemed to have washed her face, and her condition had improved. A few of them arrived at the buffet restaurant early, before 11 o’clock, so they didn’t need to wait for a table and were sitting outside.

Xiang Bingbing embarrassingly pressed herself against the restaurant’s floor-to-ceiling window to watch the staff inside arranging the food, while the other girls were chatting amiably together. Xia Yuan was hanging onto Mei Fang’s arm, but excluding him from the girls’ conversation circle.

“C-Class Monitor, it’s been a long time… Both you and Xia Yuan have become quite beautiful.”

Guo Yun hadn’t seen her middle school classmates in a long time and appeared a bit shy. However, compared to her previous state where she didn’t dare to speak, she had improved a lot. Clearly, the improvement in her appearance had made her more confident.

Lin Youxi also smiled at Guo Yun, “You’ve changed a lot too. If you go back in Baimei for Lunar New Year this year, it will definitely shock our other friends.”

“I don’t think I’ll go back this year… My family has settled down on this side of Jiangcheng, we’ve moved here.”

“Oh, I see…”

“So, how did you actually lose weight? Can you teach me? I feel like I have quite a bit of belly fat recently.”

“I just… followed a diet plan and controlled my daily calorie intake to not exceed my calorie expenditure. I gradually lost weight. My family is quite supportive, and they have been helping me with my diet.”

“Is your diet just eating salads? How can you feel full?”

“The key is protein intake, less oil, less sugar, less refined carbohydrates, and fats. You can still eat quite well…”

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head, “It’s almost impossible for us boarding students to find food that meets these conditions.”

“Why do you want to lose weight, Xiaoyu? Isn’t your figure already great?”

“Ah… It’s not about losing weight, it’s more about having a healthy diet. The school’s meals are a bit…”

Guo Yun enthusiastically introduced her weight loss secrets to everyone, and Mei Fang also listened attentively. After a while, he found it a bit boring and got up to join Xiang Bingbing.

“Are you really that hungry?”

Xiang Bingbing vigorously nodded at Mei Fang.

“I’ve been in Jiangcheng for so long, and today is the first time I’ve come to the city center to have fun. I’m really excited. Mei Fang, you brought your phone, right? Your phone has a high-resolution camera, so please take more photos for me. I’ll send them to my family to show them that I’m doing well here.”

“Why are you talking so sadly like that? You always look so cheerful, aren’t you happy?”

As Xiang Bingbing continued speaking, she suddenly became “sad.”

“Actually, that’s just the surface of me. You have no idea how fragile I am on the inside.”

Mei Fang suddenly felt like he had entered a girl’s heavy inner world.

It turns out that Xiang Bingbing also had two personalities—half of her heart was incredibly bright, while the other half was filled with sadness——

Fragile my ass!

Mei Fang rolled his eyes at Xiang Bingbing. “If you had something bothering you, you would have told someone right away, there’s no way you’d bottle it up inside.”

“Hey…Mei Fang, do you really not show any consideration for girls other than Yuan Yuan and Youxi? I may seem outgoing on the surface, but I’ve actually been suffering a lot deep down. Since you say that about me, I have no choice but to tell you all about this pain directly!”

Xiang Bingbing covered her stomach, her gaze filled with sorrow and indignation. “I’m actually starving every day. I have to pretend to be happy and leave the cafeteria with you guys, but my meal card won’t let me eat anymore. I can only go back to my dorm at night and eat chestnuts from Shennongjia to fill my stomach, do you understand?!”

I knew it was something like this…

Mei Fang lightly patted Xiang Bingbing’s shoulder.

“Well, you have a chance to shine today. Eat as much as you want here at the buffet. If you don’t bankrupt this place with your eating, I’ll look down on you.”

“I won’t definitely eat until it’s bankrupt. But I can guarantee that as long as I’m here, I’ll finish whatever you all can’t eat!”

Xiang Bingbing patted her chest, making a promise to Mei Fang as a queen of foodies.

After a while, it was time to enter the restaurant. After the staff confirmed Mei Fang’s online coupon, they allowed Mei Fang and his group in. Xiang Bingbing rushed ahead to check out the food.

The buffet restaurant mainly focused on self-service barbecue, but there were also many other ready-to-eat delicacies. They found a table and sat down together. Xia Yuan asked Lin Youxi to sit in the middle and gestured for Mei Fang to sit on the other side.

“Youxi, you sit over there… Just let us know what you want to eat, and Mei Fang and I will get it for you.”

“It’s fine, I’ll come with you. I’m no longer feeling dizzy.”

Lin Youxi glanced at Guo Yun, who was having a friendly conversation with Liu Xiaoyu and then patted Xia Yuan’s shoulder. “Let’s go get some food.”

“Let’s go check it out together,” Liu Xiaoyu and Guo Yun also got up.

“I’ll stay here to save the seats.”

Mei Fang guessed that Xiang Bingbing would definitely bring a lot of food. If they couldn’t finish it, he would have to pay the penalty. But he decided to observe Xiang Bingbing’s true eating capacity first.

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