This was the first time Mei Fang gathered the courage to showcase his guitar and singing skills to the two of them.

The last time he sang for them was back in fourth grade, mainly for Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan had always felt guilty about it, thinking that her initial mockery had robbed Mei Fang of the courage to continue singing.

So, she had always been extremely supportive and encouraging of Mei Fang’s musical dreams.

When Mei Fang mentioned that he was already prepared, Xia Yuan was afraid that he might change his mind and quickly dragged him to listen to him sing.

Mei Fang, carrying his beloved guitar on his back, went downstairs with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan to find a suitable place.

“Isn’t it the same place where you usually practice playing guitar?” Lin Youxi asked in surprise. “Isn’t it close enough?”

“There are people who jog around there at night, and I would feel embarrassed if anyone saw me,” Mei Fang replied.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yuan burst into laughter and patted Mei Fang’s shoulder. “Ah Fang, this won’t do. You always encourage me to perform on stage, but you’re acting so timid yourself. You’re even afraid of the people jogging at night. How are you going to perform in front of everyone on stage?”

“It’s because the theme of the song is different this time, unlike the few songs I’ve written before,” Mei Fang said with a serious expression. “The song I’ve created this time is a love song.”

“L-Love song?!” Xia Yuan’s expression turned extremely surprised. She and Lin Youxi exchanged a knowing glance and swallowed nervously. Then she continued, “Love songs… love songs are quite common… it’s a timeless topic… um… that…”

What was supposed to be a normal sharing of his performance turned into a moment where both Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sensed a great crisis.

Speaking of which, Mei Fang had always kept all his preparations a secret, and now everything made sense.

In that case, if Mei Fang’s song lyrics only reflected the memories with one of them…

Then it would almost certainly mean the other’s defeat.

This was no longer just a new song creation…

Th-this is a love confession!

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi followed Mei Fang with heavy hearts. They circled around the neighborhood for a while until Mei Fang finally found a suitable performance spot.

“Let’s go up this small hill. There’s a dead-end ahead, so usually, no one comes here.”

“Um… well… um!”

Suddenly, Xia Yuan raised her hand and said, “Ah Fang, are you sure you’re ready?”

“I’m ready. I’ve been preparing for almost half a year,” Mei Fang replied.

“Well… maybe you should think about it again? Like the lyrics and all…” Xia Yuan hesitated, not daring to look up. Finally, she raised her hand again and said, “I just remembered I haven’t finished my homework. Maybe you can just listen by yourself, Youxi. I’ll pass!”

Lin Youxi grabbed Xia Yuan, who was trying to run away, and Mei Fang expressed his dissatisfaction.

“Why don’t you have confidence in me? You were the one who said you wanted to hear me sing.”

“It’s not because…I don’t want to hear you sing… It’s just that…”

What if the song you sing is full of your little moments with Youxi, then I… I…

I won’t be able to be intimate with you anymore…

Although Xia Yuan liked Mei Fang, she also liked Lin Youxi.

But if Mei Fang believed that Lin Youxi was a more suitable partner for him, she would silently bless them and silently withdraw, never touching her Ah Fang easily again.


He’s mine, my Ah Fang…

At this moment, she deeply regretted their growth.

Because if we were all children, we wouldn’t have to worry about this at all.

The three of us could hold hands forever and spend every day together happily.

Just like… just like our childhood promise.

Seeing Xia Yuan on the verge of tears, Lin Youxi hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear:

“Let’s sit down… and listen carefully.”

“We agreed back then that no matter what the outcome, our relationship will never change.”


It will never change…

No matter how beautiful it sounded now, accepting it in the future would be just as painful.

Both Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi understood this truth.

In fact, the balance in their hearts was no longer even, and both of them were well aware of it.

They even understood it better than the other:

Their affection for Mei Fang had gradually begun to surpass their liking for each other.

Perhaps some people would say that friendship and love cannot be compared, but reality can sometimes be very cruel. You always have to face it.

If the balance in Mei Fang’s heart tilted even a little bit towards one of them, then this fragile balance would collapse. This was without a doubt.

So… it’s better… it’s better…

Xia Yuan now remembered what Lin Youxi said to her during their argument, and suddenly felt that those words were surprisingly correct.

“It’s better… if Ah Fang never makes a choice.”

“Huh? Yuan Yuan, what are you talking about?”

“N-Nothing… Are you ready?”

“I’m ready, right away.”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sat cross-legged, holding hands, while Mei Fang sat on a small hill, tuning his guitar.

Mei Fang didn’t understand why Xia Yuan suddenly had such a strong reaction. She was obviously looking forward to it before.

Well… never mind, her mood will improve after listening to the song.

Mei Fang gently strummed the guitar strings, and after a brief prelude, he began to sing with his eyes closed:

“I’ve become a bit sensitive recently, despite being carefree~~♪”

“I feel restless if I don’t receive your message for half an hour~~♪”

“They say not to love too much, but it’s easier said than done~~♪”

“But I’m quite willing to savor this bittersweetness~~♪”

In the first verse, no one had an advantage.

Neither Lin Youxi nor Xia Yuan could discern Mei Fang’s inclination; one could even say that this section of lyrics was a fictional creation.

After all, Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, and Xia Yuan were all living together, so there was no situation where they wouldn’t receive messages for half an hour.

But then again…

Ah Fang is actually singing a sweet song.

As soon as Xia Yuan heard the prelude, she understood the main melody and tone of Mei Fang’s song, and she felt a small sense of anticipation.

At this moment, Mei Fang opened his eyes and continued playing the guitar and singing.

“Your smile is like the texture of that spoonful right in the middle of a watermelon~~♪”

“It illuminates an entire summer, and the starry sky is resplendent for you~~♪”

“I won’t be overly affectionate or play any tricks~~♪”

“My love is pure and simple~~♪”

So sweet, so sweet!

Ah Fang has no shame! How can he come up with lyrics like this?!

While singing this part, Mei Fang kept his gaze forward and didn’t specifically look at any of the girls, which relieved the two.

So, it turns out Ah Fang was just creating a fictional story.

It seems he really has no intention of dating in high school. We misunderstood him!

However, the mood of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi hadn’t relaxed yet, and the climax of Mei Fang’s song finally arrived.

“I’m willing to stand behind you and hold you in my arms~~♪”

“Lower my head and see your pure, rosy cheeks~~♪”

Mei Fang sang this part while looking at Lin Youxi. This posture of hugging from behind was their exclusive hugging position!

This was something even Xia Yuan understood. When Lin Youxi was replenishing her super energy, she had seen it too many times.

So… I… I am…

Just as Xia Yuan’s heart raced and her mood rapidly plummeted, Mei Fang’s gaze shifted to her, and he showed a very tender look:

“I’m happy to hold your hand, with a heart full of restless, playful thoughts~~♪”

“Every note echoes with a shimmer of happiness~~♪”

Xia Yuan’s originally disheartened mood instantly went crazy with this line of lyrics, as if she had plunged into a spoonful of honey.

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang often played the guitar together, and when Mei Fang accompanied her in practice, he would always hold her little hand!

This was their exclusive interaction!

“I’m willing to be by your side, shielding you from rain and wind~~♪”

“I’ll walk with you on the path ahead~~♪”

Mei Fang sang this verse while looking at Lin Youxi, and at that moment, images of Mei Fang accompanying Lin Youxi while visiting her mom’s grave and seeking shelter from the rain flashed through Lin Youxi’s mind.

“I’m willing to offer myself as your exclusive universe~~♪”

“Holding you in my arms, dancing without a care~~♪”

In the final part, Mei Fang sang while looking at Xia Yuan, and she recalled the dreamlike scene of Mei Fang swinging her in the air when she was replenishing her super energy.

Oh my… Ah Fang, you rascal…

You said it was a love song, and it turned out to be a love song for both me and Youxi, right?!

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan tightly held each other’s hands, so tight that their palms began sweating.

Can I say Ah Fang is a scumbag?

But he’s just creating a love song, taking inspiration from me and Youxi is reasonable, right?

But…why is it so balanced, so precise?

It’s half of each person’s love.

Or is it…

Even though the relationship between me and Youxi has somewhat changed, is Mei Fang still treating us equally as he did in the past?

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan both deeply felt Mei Fang’s full appreciation for the pure feelings between the three of them from this song.

He truly… is a very pure boy.

Having realized this, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi finally let go of their inhibitions and began to earnestly and attentively enjoy the love song Mei Fang composed for them, swaying their heads and humming along to the rhythm.

“I’m more than willing to do anything for you♪”

“(You said you just want me to be happy every day) ♪”

“I’m more than willing to accompany you anywhere♪”

“(You said you wanted to visit Antarctica this autumn) ♪”

“I’m more than willing to look into your eyes~~♪”

Mei Fang’s gaze swept evenly across Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi’s eyes.

“Sincerely saying that one line~~♪”

Mei Fang closed his eyes only after making eye contact with both of them.

“I—love—you—oh oh! ♪”

After repeating the energetic rhythm once, Mei Fang sang the four sections of I’m Willing[1] again.

When the guitar sound abruptly stopped, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi held hands, leaning their shoulders against each other, their heads touching, with closed eyes, reveling in the moment, savoring the enjoyment that would linger for a long time.

This can be considered a success, right?

“How was it?”

Mei Fang curiously asked, Did you guys think this song I’m Willing sounded good?”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi slowly opened their eyes and remained silent for a while.

“Hey… is it really that bad?”

Mei Fang felt a bit disappointed seeing their reaction.

Wasn’t the performance just now pretty good?!

Could it be that I was just overly self-satisfied?

“Ah Fang, I want to tell you something.”

Xia Yuan approached Mei Fang, and gently cupped his face with her hands, and her gaze was tender.

“I firmly, firmly believe that my Ah Fang… um, our Ah Fang, will one day shine brightly on the stage and become a well-known star,” Xia Yuan said.

“And not just any star, but a very popular and successful one.”

Translator's Notes:

  1. Mei Fang’s version is of course a bit different but here’s the original song:↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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