The Blueberry Music Festival was first held in 2009 and invites renowned veteran rock bands, popular artists, folk bands, international folk groups, and indie musicians to perform every year, making it the most famous folk music event in the country.

In the performance area, which covered nearly 100,000 square meters, six stages were set up for the participating performers.

Although the performances had not officially started yet, the park was already packed with crowds of people and bustling with excitement.

After the group entered the park, they were quickly drawn to the festive atmosphere. Everyone looked around, took photos, and had a great time.

On the way, musicians dressed in punk and avant-garde styles could be seen everywhere, posing for photos with their guitars.

These musicians all looked like in their 20s, while Mei Fang and his friends, who were around 15 years old could be considered very young.

Even Peng Xue, who usually dressed in a mature and avant-garde style, looked very youthful in this atmosphere.

“My cousin’s band actually participated in the Blueberry Music Festival last year, and it was held in a different city.”

“They didn’t come this year?” Xia Yuan asked curiously. “I’ve heard songs from your cousin’s band, and I quite like them!”

Peng Xue shook her head. “The music festivals are getting bigger and bigger. They didn’t receive an invitation this year because their popularity isn’t enough.”

Band culture was a niche culture in China, so opportunities to perform were truly very limited. Missing one chance to take the stage at a large music festival would greatly increase the difficulty of gaining popularity and fans.

“That’s really not easy… How are they doing now?”

It was a sad matter for Peng Xue as well. “My cousin said they plan to stick it out until the end of this year. If they can’t find a record company to sign with and their band career doesn’t show any progress, they plan to disband and find jobs at a factory.”

“That sounds very tough…”

“But it’s okay. My cousin often tells me that if you choose this path, you should be mentally prepared from the beginning. It’s common for a band to not work out, and becoming famous is almost an unattainable dream. At least they tried hard in their youth, which is pretty good.”

Peng Xue then pushed Xia Yuan forward and whispered, “I’ll take the others to another stage to watch a performance later. Take this opportunity.”

“What… What opportunity?… I also want to enjoy the music festival.”

Xia Yuan had come to the music festival this time to learn from those musicians, but Peng Xue was urging her to make a move on Mei Fang. It was a spur-of-the-moment move.

“Oh my, I didn’t say you can’t enjoy the music festival properly, I meant for you and Mei Fang to enjoy it together!”

Just then, the sound system on a stage ahead started playing, and everyone moved forward with the crowd. Taking advantage of the crowd, Peng Xue pushed Xia Yuan toward Mei Fang and joined everyone in moving forward.

“Quick, let’s go watch the band performance!”

“Xiaoxue, you’re causing trouble again——”

Xia Yuan originally intended to call Peng Xue, but her voice was soon drowned out by the crowds.

Just as she was looking around helplessly, Mei Fang appeared from behind and grabbed her hand. He pulled her in front of him and shielded her protectively from the moving crowds.

“Why are you alone?”

Because of the noisy environment, Mei Fang had to raise his voice to ask.

“Um, there are too many people…”

Xia Yuan just leaned against Mei Fang’s chest. Although it wasn’t her original intention to attend the music festival this way, the feeling of being protected by him was indeed wonderful.

They took steps forward together, almost in an embracing posture, and after walking about a hundred meters, the crowd gradually became less congested.

Seeing Xia Yuan limping slightly as she walked, Mei Fang pulled her to sit under a nearby tree stump.

“Let’s rest here for a while…”

Mei Fang noticed the shoe marks on Xia Yuan’s white sneakers. “Did someone step on you just now?”

“Mhm… The crowd was just too much.”

“Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay, really, it’s nothing.”

Xia Yuan brushed off the dust on her shoes. “I’ll just sit for a while.”

“Everyone really loves music.”

“Indeed…you can feel the frenzied atmosphere.”

Xia Yuan remarked, “I feel that music festivals like this are much more pure than those celebrity singer concerts.”

“Because what everyone truly likes is the band’s songs, the band’s skills, the band’s live performance, not any other external elements. Since most of the audience attending music festivals are people who genuinely love music or are involved in making music.”

“Yeah, I can feel that… By the way, which band performances are you most excited to see today? Let’s make sure we don’t miss them.”

“Of course, I’m looking forward to the performance by Catcher in the Rye. I also want to hear the songs of Summer Tribe, they’re a very famous girl band and they’ve been really popular lately. I love listening to their songs online!”

“But my favorite is still the Natural Q! They’re here today too, but unfortunately, the lead singer Waa Wei is pursuing a solo career now. I actually really like Waa Wei’s voice, it’s so sweet!”

“You must have heard their song, Couple Sitting in the Alley[1], it’s the song to that diaper commercial, ‘Jump-jump-jump/La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la~~♪'”

Xia Yuan kept talking non-stop about her favorite bands, occasionally humming a few short parts. Mei Fang kept staring at Xia Yuan’s face, making her feel a bit embarrassed.

“W-What’s the matter? You keep staring at me!”

Mei Fang smiled slightly. “I didn’t know you knew so much about these bands… You really love music.”

“Of course, I have my own interests too! Don’t think I revolve around you every day! Narcissist…” Xia Yuan stood with her hands on her hips, looking proud.

Mei Fang remained silent and leaned in closer, gently tucking Xia Yuan’s hair behind her ear. Their faces were so close that Xia Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

But afterwards, she regretted it a bit.

Should I have taken the opportunity to kiss him just now…?

At this time, Mei Fang held Xia Yuan’s little hand in his arms, gazed at the blue sky, and said:

“I don’t think our Yuan Yuan is any worse than those bands you mentioned. I could tell when you did the guitar solo that day…Yuan Yuan will definitely become an amazing singer in the future.”

“Don’t just focus on me. You owe everyone a stage performance as well, don’t forget that.”

“I remember, I remember.”

Mei Fang smiled faintly, “I’m almost ready. The Autumn Art Festival is in mid-October—I will definitely sign up! But you also have to perform on stage, you can’t just watch me perform.”

“Then let’s make a deal, we both sign up for the performance! Whoever doesn’t go on stage is a little dog.”

The sound of speakers in the distance caught Mei Fang and Xia Yuan’s attention.

“Now, please welcome the indie band from Taiwan, Natural Q, to give us a fantastic performance!”

“Natural Q’s performance is about to begin!”

“We have to hurry over to watch…”

As Xia Yuan stood up, she almost stumbled and fell.

“What’s wrong…”

“Sitting for too long, I twisted my foot…”

Xia Yuan rubbed her ankle in distress, “It wasn’t sprained earlier… ugh.”

“Since that’s the case…”

Without hesitation, Mei Fang squatted down in front of Xia Yuan, “Come on, I’ll carry you to watch the performance!”

But Xia Yuan wasn’t as straightforward as Lin Youxi. In such a public place where they would definitely be seen, she restrained herself.

“It’s too embarrassing, I don’t want to! I can walk by myself…”

Xia Yuan reluctantly took a few steps on her own, but the sprained foot was really painful.

“What’s there to be embarrassed about?! If you keep dragging your feet, we won’t be able to see the band performing in the front row!”

Mei Fang urged Xia Yuan and she reluctantly climbed onto his back.

Mei Fang carried Xia Yuan as they jogged through the crowd and arrived near the stage for the overseas bands. Natural Q was performing their original song, Little Apple[2].

“This is what it’s like at a concert venue! I can’t see anything.”

“We arrived too late.”

Mei Fang glanced at Xia Yuan, who was leaning forward on his back, trying hard to see, and then he put her down.

“What’s… are you tired?”

“No, ride on my shoulders so you can watch the performance.”

“That… that… that’s too embarrassing!”

Xia Yuan covered her face and muttered, “I-I-I-I, I don’t want to!”

“You won’t be able to see anything like this! This is your favorite band.”

Mei Fang reached out his hand towards Xia Yuan, “Come on, come on, we finally came to a music festival, you should enjoy it to the fullest!”


Xia Yuan cautiously straddled the back of Mei Fang’s neck. Fortunately, she was wearing shorts today instead of a skirt, so it wasn’t too embarrassing.

But, isn’t this like letting Ah Fang grab my slightly chubby legs… N-No it’s nothing.

Riding on Mei Fang’s shoulders, Xia Yuan experienced the scenery from a high vantage point for the first time. This different kind of viewing experience quickly made her excited. She waved her hands and swayed her head along with the music, humming along with the band.

Although Mei Fang couldn’t see the live performance, he was also enjoying himself. He swayed his body in rhythm with Xia Yuan and hummed along.

【It’s you / Wearing cute clothes coming to pick me up】

【Beside / I can’t see anything clearly】

【So great / Holding your warm hand blankly】

【Beside / Everyone’s faces are blushing red】

【In a moment】

【The little apple will soon blush red】

Translator's Notes:

  3. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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