After touring the school, everyone went to the city center together to shop and have fun. During this time, Mei Fang clearly sensed that Xia Yuan’s behavior was a bit off after they took pictures together.

She would intentionally or unintentionally lean towards him, but it wasn’t as natural as before when she used to link her arm with his.

During their meal together, she would prop her chin on her hand and stare at Mei Fang. When their eyes met, she would pretend to look at the scenery elsewhere.

They had known each other for over 10 years as childhood sweethearts. Could Mei Fang not figure out Xia Yuan’s little thoughts?

It must be this Peng Xue girl whispering something in her ear again…

Mei Fang pretended not to know for now. After all, Xia Yuan couldn’t hide her thoughts with her personality. She would surrender within a day. If he cared too much, it might lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

Everyone had a great time eating and drinking outside, and then they took a taxi back together. During the entire time, Mei Fang was the one paying.

“By the way, how much money have we spent since yesterday? Mei Fang, do you have the total amount?” Yue Xinyi reminded Mei Fang. “Let’s share the bill and split the costs.”

“Oh? About that… Let’s forget about the expenses,” Mei Fang waved his hand and smiled. “You’ve come all the way to Jiangcheng. I should be the one treating you well. After all, you’ve helped a lot with the games.”

“I feel embarrassed hearing you say that… You did all the work for the game, not me,” Yue Xinyi said.

Peng Xue joined the conversation, “It’s better to calculate the expenses. We’re all students; no one’s money falls from the sky.”

“If you all think so, then I won’t insist,” Mei Fang said.

For Mei Fang, taking these girls out was just a small expense, but he admired their sensible attitude.

“Let’s split the bill equally this time.”

Mei Fang reminded Lin Youxi in a low voice to help calculate the expenses, but they could discreetly exclude the taxi fare to alleviate the burden on the truly financially constrained students.

Most of the time, Mei Fang managed the finances of his business on his own and sometimes it gave him a headache.

He definitely preferred to have his trusted confidant handle the team’s finances, but if he let Lin Youxi take full responsibility, he would feel like her talents were being underutilized.

Of course, Mei Fang and the others still had some time before officially establishing a real company, so there was no rush. Perhaps when he went to university, he would have to study some finance-related knowledge himself.

After returning from their outing, everyone collapsed on the couch, looking exhausted.

“Quickly go take a shower and go to bed. We have a music festival to attend tomorrow, and it’s quite a distance away,” Xia Yuan urged everyone to hurry up and wash.

“You guys are so energetic now. When you reach my age, you’ll know how enjoyable it is to stay in a hotel and eat and drink for three days without bothering to visit any tourist attractions,” Mei Fang replied.

“Um, Mei Fang, why do you sound like a useless middle-aged uncle who’s lost in life?” Yue Xinyi made a disgusted expression.

“I have a cousin who’s just like what you described. When he went to Luoyang City last time, he stayed in a hotel with his friends for a few days and then went back home. It really made me laugh,” Yue Xinyi added.

“Alright, alright… We’ll talk about that and save the laughter for later.”

Peng Xue saw Lin Youxi entering the bathroom with clothes in hand and then nudged Yue Xinyi, saying, “Let’s go to our room and rest!”

“Why not just rest here in the living room? What’s the point of going to the room so early?” Yue Xinyi questioned.

“Hey, just go to the room when I asked so. I have something to talk to you about,” Peng Xue dragged Yue Xinyi, who was puzzled, into the small room, and before leaving, she winked at Xia Yuan.

This is obviously creating an opportunity for Yuan Yuan to be alone with me.

Mei Fang lay on the couch, yawning and looking at Xia Yuan, who was pretending to watch TV.

From my understanding of Yuan Yuan, she definitely won’t make any big moves.

Mei Fang stared at Xia Yuan’s back for a long time, but she didn’t make a sound.

Youxi will finish taking a shower soon. If you have something to say, say it quickly! Mei Fang moved closer to Xia Yuan and poked her back, startling her.

“Woah! What are you doing?”

“What am I doing…”

Mei Fang rolled his eyes at Xia Yuan. “What’s going on with you today? You look strange.”

“S-Strange? No way…” Xia Yuan awkwardly scratched her face. “I’m just happy to be out together. I’m so tired that I can’t even speak.”


Mei Fang scrutinized Xia Yuan with his gaze. “Well, as long as you’re happy.”

Mei Fang then lay back down, closing his eyes to rest.

Come on, Yuan Yuan… What are you doing?! Xia Yuan was told by Peng Xue that she would create an opportunity for her and Mei Fang to be alone and encouraged her to deepen their relationship.

But Xia Yuan couldn’t think of anything more intimate than the Ah Fang’s super energy. Going any further would cross the boundary she had agreed on with Lin Youxi.

It seems that after reaching this point with Ah Fang… there’s no way to deepen our relationship anymore! This is driving me crazy… What else can I do with Ah Fang to deepen our relationship…

Just as Xia Yuan was at a loss, Mei Fang, unable to tolerate it any longer, finally stood up and pulled at Xia Yuan’s shoulder from behind.

“Do you want to replenish your super energy?”

Now? At this moment…?

Xia Yuan was conflicted in her heart but ultimately nodded reluctantly, throwing herself into Mei Fang’s arms.

Although it’s not new, it still makes me feel secure!


Xia Yuan was dissatisfied with Mei Fang’s passive behavior.

She circled her arms around Mei Fang’s neck and grumbled.

“Don’t you like doing this with me anymore?”

“Why are you suddenly saying this?”

Although Mei Fang was usually quick-witted, sometimes he couldn’t imagine why Xia Yuan would get angry, as it seemed quite inexplicable.

“It’s just… I feel… I feel like you’re just going through the motions when you replenish your energy now,” Xia Yuan muttered. “You’re not as enthusiastic as before.”

“That’s because I’m exhausted today. And even though I’m so tired, I’m still willing to be close to you, which shows that I like doing this with you, okay?”

Xia Yuan immediately blushed upon hearing Mei Fang’s explanation.

“I-It has been really tough today… Actually, you didn’t really want to go out shopping, right? We forced you to come out and play. I’m sorry to have put you through this.”

“It’s not that bad… It’s not like I can just stay at home all the time——”

“In consideration of how tired you are, let me help you relax a bit!”

“Help me relax?”

“Seeing how tired you are, let me give you a massage!”

“A massage?”

Xia Yuan cupped Mei Fang’s cheeks and said, “You know, Ah Fang, I’m really good at giving shoulder massages! I used to help my mom and dad with shoulder and leg massages all the time. Dad especially liked it when I massaged his back.”

“Is that true…? It’s the first time I’ve heard you mention it.”

“Of course, it’s true! Don’t believe me? Let me show you my skills!”

Xia Yuan then sat on Mei Fang’s lap, facing him, and proceeded to loosen his shoulders.

“How is it? My technique is pretty good, right?”

“…To be honest, I can’t really feel it.”

Mei Fang reminded her, “You need to apply more pressure; otherwise, I won’t feel it in my shoulders and back.”

Being denied in her area of expertise, Xia Yuan naturally felt indignant.

“Then… like this?”

“It’s slightly better.”

“Like this… like this… like this!”

“Oh, oh! That’s it, that right there…”

Clearly enjoying the massage, Mei Fang shifted his body, moving away from Xia Yuan and leaning onto the couch. “You can step on my back.”

“S-Step…directly on it? Aren’t you afraid that I’ll hurt you?”

“It’s fine. My back needs that kind of pressure.”

Mei Fang patted his back, signaling Xia Yuan to hurry up. “Come on, Yuan Yuan, don’t dawdle.”


Xia Yuan debated for a long time whether to take off her socks, but finally decided to step on Mei Fang’s back barefoot.

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