Xia Yuan’s father started his business, Baimei Renjia, when Mei Fang and the others were ten years old.

Although Baimei Renjia initially started as a restaurant, as Xia Xun’s business grew, it gradually transformed into a hotel.

He chose the busiest location on the street for the new hotel, relaunching the Baimei Renjia brand there.

In 2005, a towering hotel with over ten floors was established in the small Baimei County. This was the pinnacle of Baimei Renjia’s success.

However, only Xia Xun knew that he had built this brand through sheer determination. He knew how much manpower, material resources, and financial resources it would take to keep this hotel running normally.

To the point that during his finances were at their worst, he considered mortgaging his own house for cash flow.

Of course, this idea was shattered due to Xia Yuan’s running away from home, which was orchestrated by Mei Fang’s clever scheme.

Xia Xun ended up selling the entire assets of the seemingly prosperous Baimei Renjia at a lower price to someone else.

In his previous life, Mei Fang only knew that Xia Xun’s hotel went bankrupt because of poor management. Who would have known that the real reason for the closure of Baimei Renjia was actually road construction.

Even a deity would find it difficult to save them…

At the time, no one got hold of the news about the road construction. Neither Mei Fang nor Xia Xun anticipated such an event.

As for transferring the hotel to Liu Xiaoyu’s father, it was simply a normal business transaction. It just happened that Liu Xiaoyu’s father was involved because of their mutual interests.

That’s how it was.

But Xia Yuan, who had a stubborn mind, didn’t see it that way.

Now burdened with immense psychological pressure, she became withdrawn and melancholic once she returned home, sitting on her bed with a gloomy expression.

“It’s our family that has brought such misery upon Liu Xiaoyu’s family. If it weren’t for our family, she would still be leading a happy life…”

“What does it have to do with you? It’s purely a business transaction,” Mei Fang tried to console Xia Yuan. “Even if Liu Xiaoyu’s family had become successful because of Baimei Renjia, they wouldn’t give your family an extra penny. Their mismanagement is their own responsibility, and your family doesn’t have to bear any blame.”

“Ah Fang is right, Yuan Yuan. It has nothing to do with you. You don’t need to blame yourself,” Lin Youxi gently comforted her, placing her arm around Xia Yuan’s shoulder.

Usually, Mei Fang was very cautious about not entering the girls’ bedrooms without a reason. This time, he clearly sensed that something was troubling Yuan Yuan, which prompted him to enter the room to console her.

Out of trust in Mei Fang, Liang Meijuan did not intervene and allowed the children to encourage each other.

She knew that these three children could accomplish anything when they worked together.

With Mei Fang and Lin Youxi’s consecutive reassurances, Xia Yuan’s mood gradually calmed down a bit.

“E-Even if you say that… I still want to do something to compensate her, befriend her, treat her to more meals… at least make her high school life happier.”

“If you want to get close to her and be friends due to guilt, I suggest it’s best to change your mindset.”

“If you want to get close to her out of guilt and be her friend, I suggest changing that mindset.”

Mei Fang said earnestly, “If you approach Liu Xiaoyu and try to establish a good relationship with her out of guilt, one day when she finds out that Beimei Renjia used to be owned by your family, she will think that you don’t genuinely like her but are trying to compensate for your guilt. It might even make her hate you.”

“It’s similar to how you didn’t want us to give you answers during exams… Yuan Yuan, you should understand,” Lin Youxi added.

“But… I still have to do something… If I do nothing… just thinking about Liu Xiaoyu makes me…” Xia Yuan struggled to express her feelings.

“First, calm down and find a good opportunity to explain the situation to her in detail. But don’t apologize because neither you nor your father did anything wrong. Just state the facts and see how she feels afterward,” Mei Fang explained. “If Liu Xiaoyu doesn’t mind, then continue being her friend and help her in any way you can. If she does mind, it’s understandable, but you shouldn’t let this matter weigh on your mind anymore.”

“I also support Ah Fang’s idea,” Lin Youxi nodded. “If you feel that it’s too heavy to talk to her alone, I can accompany you, and Ah Fang will be there too. The three of us will always stand together.”

With the support of Lin Youxi and Mei Fang, Xia Yuan finally approached Liu Xiaoyu and revealed the past connection between their families.

Upon learning that Beimei Renjia used to be owned by Xia Yuan’s family, Liu Xiaoyu naturally showed a shocked expression.

However, facing Xia Yuan’s sincere attitude, Liu Xiaoyu took it well. She could sense the pressure Xia Yuan was under and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

“This matter was never about right or wrong between anyone…… If your father had kept the hotel, it would have been your family’s misfortune. It just shows that luck wasn’t on our side… I don’t want to dwell on these things anymore. Living in the present is what matters most.”

“Although… it may seem shameless to say this now, I still hope we can be friends,” Xia Yuan said.

“Of course! I-It’s definitely not because of guilt that I have this thought… We got along well before knowing about this, and I genuinely like you!”

“But… if you don’t want to see me anymore, I understand… I’ll stay away and not disturb your life——”

Liu Xiaoyu couldn’t help but burst into laughter as Xia Yuan stumbled through her words.

“Xia Yuan, you’re really cute!”

“I never said I disliked you… If both of us don’t mind, let’s forget about this and get along well.”

“To be honest, I should be the one relying on you, hahaha… I’m studying here all alone, so being with you, my fellow Beimeians, would give me some peace of mind.”

Just like in the previous life, Liu Xiaoyu remained an approachable and kind-hearted girl.

When she was well-off, she didn’t discriminate against any classmates, and even now, in difficult circumstances, she didn’t harbor any resentment and moved forward.

She actively sought ways to improve herself when faced with hardships, which was why she ended up at Jiangcheng NOHS.

After having a heart-to-heart conversation with Liu Xiaoyu, Xia Yuan’s mood became much more relaxed.

In the subsequent school days, she grew closer and closer to Liu Xiaoyu.

However, Lin Youxi was no longer as conflicted as before about Xia Yuan being too close to other friends.

First of all, she was Xia Yuan’s deskmate. No matter how friendly Xia Yuan got with anyone else, Lin Youxi’s position would never be shaken.

In addition, this allowed Lin Youxi to be sweet to Mei Fang to her heart’s content during the short breaks between classes.

Of course, they occasionally ended prematurely due to Xia Yuan’s timely discovery.

Although Mei Fang had previously emphasized that Xia Yuan should not befriend Liu Xiaoyu out of guilt, Xia Yuan’s desire to take care of Liu Xiaoyu never stopped.

One day during their regular energy replenishment, Xia Yuan brought up the topic of salaries at Ximilu Studio.

“Ah Fang… How much do you pay the people in the studio every month now? Like Yue Xinyi, Zhang Ming, and Guo Yun…”

“What salary can they receive when there are no results yet? I can’t let them get the impression that this is easy money.”

“Not even a penny? Ah Fang, you’re so stingy!”

“This isn’t about being stingy or not. Some money can’t be handed out right away. If young people make money too easily, they will become arrogant. When the time is right, I will naturally pay them…”

Mei Fang said as he released Xia Yuan from his embrace.

“You’re asking me this not for your middle school friends, right?”

Xia Yuan nodded, “Actually… I found out that Xiaoyu is quite interested in games. I was thinking… if you agree, can we also bring her into the studio and have her help? It would also reduce her living expenses.”

“The studio doesn’t need so many people, but in C Site, it’s worth considering…”

Xia Yuan shook her head, “I asked Youxi about this, but she said she didn’t want people from the high school to know that we are working on C Site, so I gave up on that…”

To be frank, Mei Fang’s studio was indeed short-staffed, but Liu Xiaoyu’s identity was sensitive, and Mei Fang preferred her to simply get closer to Xia Yuan rather than getting close to himself.

Whether it was to avoid suspicion or because he was uncertain himself, it was significant for Mei Fang.

“Or…you’re also lacking people for your music work now, right? Ask her if she’s interested in music composition.”

“Good idea, I’ll ask her.”

Actually, there’s no need to ask, she’s definitely interested.

Mei Fang continued, “In name, she can be a member of the Ximilu Studio, but you’ll have to pay her salary yourself.”

“That’s fine… I have no problem with that!”

“Don’t give her too much per month, okay? At most, within 1,000 yuan. If it’s more than 1,000, she’ll become suspicious. Also, make sure she works normally and give her opportunities for training and growth. That way, she won’t be just working for nothing.”

“Got it, got it… Do I have to go to the bank to withdraw the salary every month? It’s a bit troublesome.”

“In that case… just ask me for it. I have plenty of cash on hand, I’ll give it to you directly.”

Mei Fang paused for a moment. “Anyway, you’ve been helping me for so long, and I haven’t paid you.”

“I don’t want money from you!”

Xia Yuan had a clear understanding of herself. “If I take the money you give me, won’t I become your assistant?”

“Then what are you if not my assistant?”

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan’s head, and Xia Yuan immediately stood with her hands on her hips.

“We are childhood sweethearts, after all! So you could say I’m at the female boss level, right? And don’t forget, you still owe me that angel investment.”

Seeing that Mei Fang didn’t argue with that, Xia Yuan was also happy and intimately snuggled back into his embrace.


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