Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 134: The Grand Battle for Super Energy Replenishment

Originally, the summer camp required the students to live in the campus dormitory, but starting from 2011, it didn’t seem mandatory anymore. Now, it was only recommended that everyone stay in the dormitory to experience the school atmosphere of Jiangcheng NOHS.

As for Mei Fang and his friends, they opted not to live in the school dorm.

The three of them gathered in Mei Fang’s classroom at 10 p.m. and then went home together, sharing their experiences of the day on the way.

“The people here are really outstanding! You guys might not believe it but as soon as I entered the classroom, I saw a boy next to me engrossed in reading a book entirely in English…”

“It’s the same over here. Someone came up and did a self-introduction speech in fluent English and got scolded by the teacher.”

“Haha, serves them right… they love showing off. Speaking of which, they started teaching classes on the first day, the progress is really fast. Our teacher said that everyone has probably already previewed the textbook materials, so they just went through it briefly…”

“That’s true… but it’s not too bad, after all, it’s all material from the third year of middle school.”

Lin Youxi continued, “Even though we have to stay until 10 p.m., I really like the free time in the afternoon and the evening self-study.”

“Mhm, since we don’t have anything to do these two days, many people in our class just sleep during the evening self-study…”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi chatted enthusiastically, but they noticed that Mei Fang was walking silently without saying a word. They quickly pushed him and asked, “What are you thinking about? You’ve been quiet the whole time.”

“Well… I’m thinking about the computer issue.”

Mei Fang looked at Lin Youxi and asked, “How do you think we can make Aunt Liang believe that our computer was sent from home and not something I bought myself?”

Even though they had Liang Meijuan supervising them, Mei Fang’s parents would probably not want him to bring the computer with him since they saw his coding as a distraction from his studies.

Furthermore, Mei Fang’s desktop computer at home was already quite old and often couldn’t handle his work. It was also inconvenient to share a computer with Lin Youxi most of the time, so he had this idea.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Youxi said, “Aunt Liang usually doesn’t care much about what I do, but for something like a computer, she would probably tell your parents if she saw it, right?”

“That’s why it’s so troubling… I actually planned to buy a laptop, because going to the school’s computer room to do my work doesn’t seem very convenient…”

“Um… What’s so complicated about that? I don’t get it,” Xia Yuan expressed in confusion. “Let’s just boldly bring the laptop back home and tell Aunt Liang that it was provided by the school. Wouldn’t that work?”

“Oh… that’s actually a good idea!”

Mei Fang’s eyes lit up at Xia Yuan’s suggestion. He held Xia Yuan’s hand and patted it gently as a sign of praise and said, “As expected of our Yuan Yuan, you always come up with a cunning plan!”

“What do you mean by cunning plan? This is called a brilliant plan, okay?”

Xia Yuan hummed, wanting to naturally take advantage of the situation and hug Mei Fang to replenish her Ah Fang’s super energy. However, Lin Youxi interrupted, saying, “But if we just bring one home, won’t it raise suspicions with Aunt Liang?”

“I’ve already thought about that. I plan to buy one for each of us.”

“One for each of us?”

Xia Yuan frowned and said, “Laptops are quite expensive nowadays. Ah Fang, do you have enough money to buy one? I should have around 70 to 80 thousand yuan in my savings account, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough. And if I spend too much, my mom might get suspicious…”

A savings account with 70 to 80 thousand… Yuan Yuan, your little treasury is quite extravagant.

After silently complaining in his heart, Mei Fang waved his hand and said, “It’s alright, I’ll cover the cost.”

“You’ll cover it? Just how much money did you actually earn from the game? You’re so generous…”

Mei Fang waved his hand again, revealing a meaningful smile. “I advise you not to ask. Once you know, you might lose motivation.”

“So you actually earned a lot of money!”

Xia Yuan smiled and looked at Mei Fang. “Then I won’t ask. Anyway, since you’ll take care of my laptop… can I choose the laptop I want?”

“No, you can’t. We should all buy the same model, and something simple, so Auntie Liang won’t suspect us.”

Mei Fang continued, “In that case, the specifications are more important than the appearance. You have to be mentally prepared for that.”

“Fine, I won’t take it outside anyway.”

While they were talking, they had already arrived downstairs in their residential building.

Oh no, I won’t be able to replenish my Ah Fang’s super energy now!

In the past, Xia Yuan could freely hug Mei Fang in front of Lin Youxi. At that time, their relationship were still innocent.

But things had changed after their last quarrel. After expressing their feelings for Mei Fang and agreeing to limit their relationship with him to childhood sweethearts, it would be hard to justify such intimacy in front of Lin Youxi.

So now, except for those moments of sudden bursts of happiness when she couldn’t help but hug Mei Fang, Xia Yuan didn’t have the confidence to ask Mei Fang for a hug in front of Lin Youxi.

The three of them took the elevator and returned home. Liang Meijuan welcomed the trio at the door.

“You’re back. You must be tired today… Are you hungry? I made some late-night snacks. If you’re hungry, have some.”

“Great! I’m starving! Thank you, Aunt Liang. I won’t hold back then!”

Xia Yuan quickly changed her shoes and ran to the dining room to eat. Lin Youxi neatly folded her shoes and began chatting with Liang Meijuan.

“Aunt Meijuan, what did you do at home today?”

“Not much… just cleaning and familiarizing myself at the wet market and supermarket.”

“Then, can you understand what people are saying around here?”

“I can’t understand some things, but most people speak Mandarin, so it’s not a big problem…”

Mei Fang changed his shoes and entered the house. He first ate some steamed dumplings as a late-night snack with Xia Yuan in the dining room, then prepared to rest on the sofa in the living room.

At that moment, he was called out by Xia Yuan, who patted him. “You can’t just lie down after eating! Come, let’s go for a walk and exercise together.”

Xia Yuan winked meaningfully at Mei Fang after saying that, and Mei Fang immediately understood Xia Yuan’s intention. He was about to get up with her when Liang Meijuan interjected, “It’s late, it’s better not to go out. It’s not as safe here as it is in our hometown. Just walk around the house.”

“Um… alright.”

Although Xia Yuan was unwilling, she didn’t dare to go against Liang Meijuan’s suggestion. “Then I’ll go take a shower first.”

“I’ll go first, I’ll go first. I’ll be done quickly,” Mei Fang said.

Liang Meijuan also reminded, “Mei Fang, take your change of clothes and pajamas from the balcony outside. They’re hanging there.”



Mei Fang’s heartbeat was racing a little fast.

Now that we are living together, the view outside the balcony must be——

Mei Fang looked out from the balcony and suddenly felt a bit disappointed.

Almost all the clothes hanging outside on the balcony were his, with only a few shirts belonging to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi.

Mei Fang took his change of clothes into the bathroom, quickly took a shower, and then came out.

Mei Fang’s speedy shower earned him Xia Yuan’s disdain. “You showered so quickly! Did you dry yourself properly? You’re all wet, how annoying.”

“Boys are like this. You have to get used to it…”


Xia Yuan snorted at Mei Fang a few times, then called him to the living room. “I’ll blow-dry your hair.”

“I can do it myself.”

“Didn’t I always blow-dry your hair when we used to live together? Let me do it!”

“We only lived together once before…”

While Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were bickering, Lin Youxi walked over with a washbasin in her hand. “Excuse me… I’m going to take a shower.”

“Oh, Youxi, are you going to take a shower first? Finished with the late-night snack?”

Lin Youxi nodded. “Yes, I’m finished.”

“Oh, I see.”

Xia Yuan smiled slightly. “Then you go ahead, I’ll go next.”


Xia Yuan found a hairdryer and began to blow-dry Mei Fang’s hair. Seeing that Lin Youxi had already entered the bathroom and Aunt Liang was busy doing the dishes, a thought popped into her mind.

She quickly finished blow-drying Mei Fang’s hair.

Then, Xia Yuan rubbed Mei Fang’s head with a towel, stealthily pushed him into his room, and gently closed the door.

“Why are you acting like a thief?”

Mei Fang furrowed his brows. “Wasn’t it simple to just ask for a hug before? You just had to say so.”

Xia Yuan made a hushing sound to Mei Fang, urging him to be quiet, and then whispered softly, “Past is past, and today is today…”

After hesitating for a while, Xia Yuan decided against locking the door from the inside, as it would be too suspicious.

Mmm… Let’s start replenishing my Ah Fang’s super energy!

Xia Yuan quickly approached and gently wrapped her arms around Mei Fang’s waist, while Mei Fang cooperated by hugging her back, keeping Xia Yuan tightly pressed against him.

However, this sweet moment seemed rather short-lived for Xia Yuan. Before they could cherish it for long, they heard the sound of opening the door came from the bathroom opposite of Mei Fang’s room. Xia Yuan hurriedly released Mei Fang from her embrace just as Mei Fang’s bedroom door swung open.

Caught red-handed by Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan became flustered and didn’t know where to put her hands. However, Lin Youxi seemed unfazed. She wiped her hair with a towel and looked up to ask Xia Yuan, “Yuan Yuan, where did you put the hairdryer?”

“It’s, it’s over there in the living room! Let me take you there! I’ll blow-dry it for you!”

“No need… You go ahead and take a shower. I’ll blow-dry it myself.”

“Mhm, alright then!”

Xia Yuan quickly grabbed a basin to put her own change of clothes and hurriedly entered the bathroom with a blushing face.

Seeing that it was already close to 11 o’clock and Mei Fang had nothing to do without his computer, he was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep when Lin Youxi knocked on the door and entered.

She closed the door behind her and skillfully locked it, instantly raising Mei Fang’s alertness.

“Why… I was about to turn off the light, you know?”

Without saying a word, Lin Youxi stood with her arms crossed and walked up to Mei Fang. She suddenly leaned in close to him and sniffed, then picked up a strand of hair from Mei Fang’s collar and showed it to him.

Does she want an explanation?

Mei Fang scratched his head. “It’s Yuan Yuan’s hair. We just hugged for a moment, you know, super energy and all… you understand, right?”

Lin Youxi nodded. “I know. And… anything else?”

“How could there be anything else? We’re still students, we need to focus on our studies…”

Lin Youxi didn’t really listen to Mei Fang’s explanation. She just made a low humming sound and Mei Fang tried to guess her thoughts. “Do… do you want the same?”

Lin Youxi didn’t give a direct response. Instead, she gestured for Mei Fang to turn around.

So Mei Fang turned around, and Lin Youxi suddenly embraced him from behind, pressing herself against his back.

Does she prefer this kind of embrace…?

Due to Xia Yuan’s preoccupation with their earlier intimate moment, her shower took longer. Meanwhile, Liang Meijuan didn’t have the habit of casually entering other people’s rooms, so Lin Youxi had a prolonged embrace with Mei Fang.

In the middle of their embrace, Lin Youxi released Mei Fang’s hold, switched positions with him, and allowed Mei Fang to embrace her from behind. They stayed in that position for a while before she finally left, feeling satisfied.

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