Mei Fang and Xia Xun were laughing and chatting as they brought over some milk tea. Looking at them from afar, Xia Yuan felt very curious:

“What are you two talking about? You look so happy.”

Mei Fang replied with a smirk, “You don’t need to know. It’s a man’s secret.”

“What secret could you have with my dad…”

Xia Yuan rolled her eyes at Mei Fang and then took the milk tea from his hand. “Just two cups? Never mind if my dad doesn’t drink, but you, Ah Fang, don’t want any?”

“Yeah, I don’t need it. It’ll be troublesome to carry it around later.”

Mei Fang had always been disciplined in his life. Although he spent less time exercising, he paid great attention to his diet and always remembered to drink milk and consume enough protein.

As a result, his skin was well-maintained this life, with a clean face free of acne, and he was also much taller than in his previous life. He had completed all the necessary check-ups and surgeries, which could be considered an advantageous benefit brought by his rebirth in childhood, allowing him to shape himself better.

“You are afraid that you might vomit it later, aren’t you? Hahahaha…” Xia Yuan teased.

Ignoring Xia Yuan’s teasing, Mei Fang handed the other cup of milk tea to Lin Youxi. “Hurry up and play. We have to go back home tonight.”

“Let’s go, let’s go!” Xia Yuan held Lin Youxi’s hand and happily skipped forward. As soon as they entered the amusement park, they saw a roller coaster soaring above their heads. The roller coaster track in the sky was intricately built with twists and turns, and the cheers and screams of the tourists filled the air.

“Why is it so high…” Mei Fang complained, but Xia Yuan turned back and said, “Let’s ride this one first! This is the Bullet Roller Coaster, the signature roller coaster of Jiangcheng Happy Valley! Dad, are you going to ride?”

Xia Xun shook his head. “You guys go ahead. I won’t ride.”

In fact, if he had come alone with his daughter, he would have been more than happy to share this parent-child time with her. However, if Xia Yuan strongly insisted on him joining, he wouldn’t refuse either…

After all, Xia Yuan’s childhood had been spent attending various talent classes. Now, thinking back, he, as a father, hadn’t properly enjoyed the time of playing with his daughter.

“Hmm. Then you can help us carry things! Also, remember to take pictures for us!”

“Ah… alright.”

Xia Xun smiled faintly on the surface but felt bitter in his heart.

The three youngsters then started to play together…

Mei Fang was initially worried about the seating arrangements and whether everything would be fair. However, upon seeing that the roller coaster had four seats in each row, he felt relieved.

“Who will sit in the middle?”

“Of course, it will be you, Ah Fang,” Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang’s shoulder. “Youxi and I want to witness your embarrassing expression.”

“What a joke. Who do you think I am?”

Mei Fang was different from Lin Youxi. It wasn’t his first time visiting Happy Valley. In his previous life, he used to come here frequently during his university days with his roommates.

Although roller coasters and drop towers made him a bit queasy, at least it wasn’t his first time, so there was nothing to fear.

That’s right, there’s nothing to fear!

“Ah Fang, hurry up and get on, stop dawdling!”

With Xia Yuan’s urging, Mei Fang boarded the roller coaster.

“There’s only one seat belt?”

Lin Youxi felt a bit incredulous. “We’ll slide down from such a high place at an angle; it doesn’t seem very safe…”

“It’s fine! The safety bar above will come down later. That’s the most important safety measure.”

Xia Yuan had only visited this place a few times when she was a child, but back then, she could only ride the kiddie roller coaster and carousel. This time, she was particularly excited. She pressed her hand against her chest, took a deep breath, and said, “Photos will be taken when we reach the highest point, so make sure you pose well for the camera.”

“Um… I’ll do my best.”

“Hey, Ah Fang, are you scared?”

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang’s thigh. “If you’re scared, you can hold big sister’s hand. That way, everything will be fine——”

As she was saying this, Xia Yuan noticed that Lin Youxi had already held Mei Fang’s hand. Both of them silently lowered their heads, as if waiting for their final judgment. Xia Yuan didn’t think much of it and simply held Mei Fang’s hand, then placed it on her lap.

The roller coaster slowly started.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi could both clearly feel Mei Fang squeezing their hands tightly.

“Don’t be scared, don’t be scared. Listen to me, let’s raise our hands together later, okay?”

As the roller coaster slowly climbed up, Xia Yuan let out a long scream along with it.

“Youxi, remember to lift your hands! Three, two, one—yeah!”

Mei Fang’s memory of riding the roller coaster seemed to disappear as if it was missing. When they finished the ride, he felt everything spinning, and his legs were wobbly when he got off. Xia Yuan immediately lost any thoughts of teasing him and instead comforted him gently.

“The roller coaster ride was quite fun.”

At first, Lin Youxi was just as nervous as Mei Fang, but as they got used to the rhythm, she also became excited. The three of them spent some time in the souvenir shop waiting for their printed photos before exiting the venue to find Xia Xun.

“If the line wasn’t so long, I would love to ride it again,” Lin Youxi said.

“Exactly! It was so much fun!” Xia Yuan said, then in a manner close to Yuan Yuan’s Super Energy, she hugged Mei Fang to her chest and smiled while patting his head. “But… I think Ah Fang today is even more fun than the roller coaster…”

The following experiences were filled with Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi dragging Mei Fang around, having a crazy and happy time.

“Ah Fang, look! It’s a drop tower! Two heroes of heaven and earth, let’s go!”

“Wow, it’s a pendulum ride! This is the Sun God’s chariot, right?”

“Ah Fang, the surf drift over there looks fun too!”

“There’s a haunted house here… Do you want to give it a try?”

Mei Fang patted his chest, as haunted houses were his specialty. “I can lead the way!”

“Great! Let’s see how Ah Fang performs!”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi pushed Mei Fang into the haunted house to play.

The three of them came out of the haunted house.

With bland expressions.

“This haunted house was really boring.”

“Indeed! Let’s never wait in line for this one again. It’s so dull.” The three of them agreed.

After they almost finished playing, Xia Yuan felt extremely happy and satisfied.

“Ah Fang, you really had a lot of fun today.”

With her hands behind her back, Xia Yuan said to Mei Fang, “I didn’t expect you to have such an interesting side. I’m glad I brought you along.”


Mei Fang didn’t respond directly, but when he looked away, a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

Yuan Yuan and Youxi must think I’m a coward now, right?

Haha, I bet they didn’t expect this!

Scared? I was just pretending!

Mei Fang didn’t want to appear too perfect in everything because then Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi might think that he didn’t need them or that he could do well without them.

So, today, he deliberately showed his embarrassing side in front of the two, which was also a way of being considerate and building a closer relationship.

Moreover, being comforted by Yuan Yuan and Youxi (mostly Yuan Yuan) made the experience even more fulfilling!

Mei Fang was basking in the satisfaction of today’s grand plan when Xia Yuan suddenly pointed to a ride ahead.

“Oh, there’s another roller coaster. Should we go and check it out?”

“It doesn’t look very thrilling… But it seems like the track is built entirely with wooden planks? Is it real wood?”

“Yes, it’s one of the signature attractions here. It’s called Dauling Dragon. Although it doesn’t seem as fast as Bullet Roller Coaster, it should be quite interesting.”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi both looked at Mei Fang, who was already looking elsewhere.

“Oh, there seems to be a show over there. If we don’t watch it now, we might miss it. How about we go see the show first?”

“What’s so interesting about the show? Let’s go ride the roller coaster first. It’s probably going to close soon.” Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang’s shoulder. “Ah Fang, it’s okay. You’ve already done a great job today. If you’re really scared, Youxi and I can go by ourselves.”

“I’ve been accompanying you on so many rides, and you still think I would be scared.”

Mei Fang looked at the roller coaster in the distance and couldn’t help but laugh. “Heh, that’s it? I can ride it twice without any problem.”

The three of them joined the queue for the Dauling Dragon. The line was very short, and they quickly got on the ride.

“But each row can only accommodate two people. What should we do? I’m a bit worried about leaving Ah Fang at the back.” Xia Yuan asked Lin Youxi, “Which one of us should ride with Ah Fang? Actually, I’m fine with either. What do you think, Youxi?”

Lin Youxi shook her head. “Let’s play rock-paper-scissors. The winner can ride with Ah Fang.”

“No, no, no… I can’t rely on luck with rock-paper-scissors!” Xia Yuan didn’t want to do it because she always lost at rock-paper-scissors.

“Wait, didn’t Ah Fang say he can ride it twice? So, this time, one of us can ride with him first, and then he can ride with the other later, right?”

Lin Youxi nodded. “Okay, Yuan Yuan can go first. I’ll wait.”

“Hey… Why didn’t you consult with me first?”

“You said you can ride it twice yourself. Are you just bragging? Are you saying you actually can’t handle it? Don’t pretend to be strong.”

The moment Xia Yuan said that, Mei Fang’s blood pressure skyrocketed.

“How could I not handle it?! I was just acting scared earlier to entertain you guys. Can’t you see that it was all just——”

“Well, that’s even better. Come on… Let’s ride it together!”

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang’s hand and they got on the Dauling Dragon.

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