After a 4-hour journey, the group arrived in the city of Jiangcheng.

For Lin Youxi, a bustling city like this was unfamiliar and fascinating. Along the way, she leaned against the window, observing the scenery of the city.

Xia Yuan gently patted Lin Youxi’s shoulder, “Is this your first time in Jiangcheng, Youxi?”

Lin Youxi nodded, “Yes, it’s my first time.”

After all, her father was always busy with work, so at most, he would take her to the neighboring city of Xunyang (Jiujang City) for a few visits.

Through her words, one could deeply sense her longing and unease.

Xia Yuan leaned closer to Lin Youxi and whispered to her. Although it was unclear what they were discussing, it ended with Lin Youxi nodding.

In Jiangcheng, Xia Xun booked three double rooms adjacent to each other for each family in an express hotel near Jiangcheng NOHS, where the three were going for the exam.

Mei Lijun parked his car and joined Mei Fang in their room. After putting down their luggage, he started complaining, “I should have just come directly in Lao Xia’s car. His SUV had seven seats, and there was clearly enough space. Did he leave the back seats uninstalled?”

“Then you would have had a chance to drive it too, right, Dad?”

“Uh… What I’m trying to say is, it wouldn’t have been so tiring if we took turns driving!”

“If you like the car so much, you can ask Mom to buy one for you in the future.”

“Cough, cough… what are you thinking? Our family just recently got that Volkswagen. We don’t have the money to buy a luxury car.”

“Dad, not being able to afford it is the best!”

Mei Lijun had been in the workplace for many years and had excellent emotional intelligence. He naturally understood the hidden meaning[1] behind Mei Fang’s words and promptly chuckled while tapping his son’s head.

“You brat… always trying to imply things to your dad.”

Compared to their first meeting after Mei Fang’s rebirth, Mei Lijun’s hair had become much sparser after years of hard work in Baizhou City. However, he had also become more mature and stable. Although he was occasionally teased by his family, being a deputy director, everyone was willing to give him face.

After Mei Lijun finished unpacking, he collapsed onto one of the beds, looking drowsy.

“I’ve been busy for quite some time to accompany you on this trip for the exam. I even worked several extra days to finish my tasks.”

“Even as the second-in-command, you’re still working so hard!”

“It’s precisely because I’m the second-in-command that I need to work this hard. When you go out to work in the future and become a small leader or a middle-level cadre, you’ll understand the responsibility and hard work one day.”

“Well… I don’t want that. I want to become the top leader directly, the big boss.”

“Then study hard now and get admitted to Jiangcheng NOHS. It will give me face at work too.”

“Do you still need me to earn face for you at work? Apart from the director, who doesn’t respect you——”

As Mei Fang spoke, Mei Lijun’s deep snores filled the room.

He’s really been working hard lately…

But being exhausted by working until 9 p.m. every day was nothing compared to his son, who used to work until 2 a.m. every day in his previous life.

There was a knock on Mei Fang’s door, and when he opened it, he saw Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan. The two of them had already finished tidying up. “Ah Fang, tell Uncle Mei that we’re going downstairs to eat Peking duck later.”

“My dad is too tired and needs to rest.”

“Then… should we wait until Uncle Mei is rested?”

“No need for that. We’ll eat first and take out some for him to eat later.”

Acting as the host of this trip, Xia Xun invited everyone to eat Peking duck, and he had already booked a private room in advance.

Although Peking duck was no longer considered special now since it could be found everywhere, it was a rare delicacy in Hubei Province in the early years. The renowned Quanjude[2] in the capital was enough to make one’s mouth water.

Not to mention in Baimei County, there was no Peking duck restaurant in the entire Baizhou City. Only in Jiangcheng could they have the opportunity to taste this unique northern delicacy. That’s why Xia Xun decided to make Peking duck their first meal in Jiangcheng.

Although Xia Xun was concerned about the concept of the Super Energy, he didn’t want to disturb his daughter’s state of preparation for the exam, so he decided to ask about it after the exam.

“Uncle has already ordered some dishes in advance. Kids, take a look if you want to add anything.”

“Give it to me, give it to me!”

After receiving the menu, Xia Yuan skillfully ordered her favorite steamed buns and some snacks. Then she handed the menu to Lin Youxi. “Youxi, take a look if you want to add anything.”

“I’m fine… anything is okay.” Lin Youxi waved her hand. “If we’re not full, we can order more later.”

“What about Ah Fang?”

“I’m good. Give it to Aunt Liang.”

After hearing that, Liang Meijuan shook her head frantically. “This is such a high-end restaurant, how would I know what to order? You guys order, and I’ll just follow.”

“It’s okay, Sister Liang. It’s not that high-end of a restaurant, just a bit closer to that.”

“Um, as long as the kids are happy with the food.”

Lin Youxi, waiting for the Peking duck to be served, seemed a bit restless. Xia Xun, who had high emotional intelligence, knew that she was someone who hadn’t eaten Peking duck before, so he explained how to eat it after the dish was served.

“First, hold the Mandarin pancake with your left hand, then pick up a few slices of Peking duck and dip them in some sweet bean sauce. You can also add shredded scallions and cucumber if you like. Then, put everything on the pancake and roll it up. You can start by folding the sides and then rolling up the bottom. It’s fine to eat it with your hands once it’s wrapped up.”

After hearing Xia Xun’s instructions, Lin Youxi began to try it herself, but she was a bit unfamiliar with the rolling part and often let things fall out.

So Mei Fang, who was beside her, taught her again, step by step until Lin Youxi could eat more easily.

However, Liang Meijuan next to Lin Youxi seemed quite awkward and clumsy. She tried to roll it a few times but couldn’t do it properly, so she ended up just picking up the roast duck and dipping it directly in the sauce.

“Aunt Liang, let me teach you.”

Lin Youxi walked Liang Meijuan through the process of rolling the pancake, and after Liang Meijuan successfully rolled one, she handed it to Lin Youxi’s bowl.

“No need, Aunt Liang, you eat it yourself.”

“Auntie just had a piece earlier, so you can have a taste. You go ahead and eat…”

But ultimately, Liang Meijuan couldn’t resist Lin Youxi’s insistence in the end. Lin Youxi even made a Peking duck roll for Liang Meijuan herself. Xia Xun, who was nearby, also chimed in, “You don’t need to be polite. If it’s not enough, I can order more.”

At this moment, Xia Yuan leaned towards Mei Fang’s ear and whispered, “Have you noticed that Youxi and Aunt Liang are getting along better and better?”

“Yeah, after all, they are a family now…”

Lin Youxi was a stubborn child. No matter how considerate Liang Meijuan was towards her over the past year, in her eyes, the term “mother” would forever be the title reserved for the person buried in the grave in Baimei County’s Heaven Cemetery.

But there was no need to force her to make a change or address someone as “mother.”

Just let nature take its course.

After everyone finished eating their Peking duck, they packed a portion of shredded pork with sweet bean sauce for Mei Fang’s dad, Mei Lijun. Mei Fang brought it to him just as he woke up. After Mei Lijun finished eating, everyone rested in their respective rooms for a while before setting off together to visit the campus.

After obtaining permission from the school, they wandered around the high school campus of Jiangcheng NOHS. The complete facilities, vast campus area, and beautiful environment of the campus were beyond the imagination of Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi, and even Mei Fang.

In addition to the regular teaching buildings, Jiangcheng NOHS also had a science and education building dedicated to experiments. The sports facilities could be described as “plentiful”, as they included outdoor sports fields, a track and field stadium, as well as indoor courts for various sports such as basketball, swimming, tennis, and badminton.

The library at Jiangcheng NOHS had a collection of books comparable to some smaller universities. In addition, there was also an art center, which included an exhibition hall showcasing the school’s history and science & technology, a grand auditorium that could accommodate 1,500 people, and four lecture halls. Students talented in arts like fine arts and music also have special activity areas and places to showcase themselves in the art center.

“Th-this… is this really a high school? Why does it feel like those universities on TV? They even have a swimming pool. It’s truly amazing!” Xia Yuan’s tone was filled with envy. “The atmosphere here for studying feels so good! What do you think, Youxi?”

Lin Youxi’s determination became even stronger. “We must get accepted here.”

“Then let’s cheer each other on together!”

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi extended their hands and stacked them together, waiting for Mei Fang to join in.

“Alright, I’m joining too.”

As soon as Mei Fang reached out, Xia Yuan held his hand.

“Wait, Ah Fang, you should be in the middle layer.”

“Do we really have to be so particular about this…”

“Fight! Fight! Fight! We must get accepted!”

The independent recruitment exam for county students in the cultural subjects would begin tomorrow. After Xia Yuan finished the cultural subjects, she was also going to participate in the art specialty test the day after.

Although their journey to Jiangcheng was quite tight, they had put in a lot of effort for this and would not let the past six months of sweat and hard work go to waste.

Translator's Notes:

  1. His dad is not corrupt. ↩︎
  3. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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