One Wish to Own the World

Chapter 284 284 – The Sovereignty Festival

"Hey, Team Leader, there's a festival in Lotus Blossom City next week, how about the four of us go?" Alaric asked enthusiastically while the party of four sat in a restaurant and waited for their food to be served.

Ken thought about it for a moment, stopping his urge to refuse to go somewhere without a practical reason that would benefit him.

'Hmm, a festival, huh?'

Ken mused about going. He has not engaged in any recreational activity ever since he was reincarnated in this world aside from the luxury meals he shared with his "wooers" in the Phoenix Feather Sect during his last stay there.

Looking at Henry who was eating silently and acting as if he found inner peace like always, he had no idea whether the monk wanted to go or not. As for Tiara, she wore her cold and indifferent mask as always, but she wasn't completely antisocial, so she might be interested in going.

"Sure, why not. What's in the festival?" 

Ken ultimately decided to go and enjoy the world's customs and traditions. It'd be a shame if he was reincarnated into a fantasy world and never got to explore it.

'Even in my previous life, I did not go outside much. I don't have much to do other than cultivating until the Martial Arts Summit starts next month, so I might as well try to take some time off,' Ken decided. 

He was not exactly experienced in every pleasure the world had to offer, so it was natural he was interested in experiencing a festival. At first, he only trained in order to be at the top and avoid oppression, but his ambitions naturally grew with him.

From only seeking life with no master, he already aspired for a life that would transcend the threat of time, meaning he wanted to become immortal. Once he was immortal, he'd be at the bottom of the new realm he would be moved to, which would lead to another search for power to be his own master.

'And once I stand at the pinnacle of the immortal world, my ambitions will surely grow again, and I'd want to be an equal being to the God who moved me here, maybe even beyond that. Since I know that much already, I can start aiming at the peak of the universe from now on instead of waiting to do it in steps. But what's the point of climbing to the top if I can't do whatever I want?'

With this train of thought, Ken wanted to try the festival out. No matter how cold-hearted and murderous he was, even the Devil's Heir was still a young boy.

"There should be several competitions, among them will be arts such as drawing, playing music, dancing, and poetry. I read there's even a martial arts competition, but it's more focused on performance and flashy moves rather than on battle prowess and fighting."

Alaric described what he knew about the festival as a waitress in beautiful jade hanfu entered with a few trays levitating around her.

'Hmm, that's an interesting invention. I guess they don't only make tools meant for battle in the cultivation world,' Ken thought to himself as he watched the trays. 

They were all first-rank tools inscribed with runes that made them levitate around the person who controlled them, and Ken could see a few Qi stones attached to their bottom to supply energy.

"Here, Young Masters, please enjoy your food. Don't hesitate to call for me if you lack anything," the waitress bowed as she left the room. To Tiara's delight, they sat in a private room due to Ken's similar preferences. He was rich, and he never hesitated to spend his Qi stones.

"Henry, aren't you supposed to be against the needless killing of other beings? Why do you always go for the meat?" Alaric asked the monk when the latter reached out to his favorite golden phoenix dumplings. While the dumplings were truly golden, the phoenix meat was actually the meat of a fifth-rank quail. The restaurants often commissioned meat hunting quests, which was a significant part of their expenses.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty. We need the nutrients from meat to live well," Henry explained.

"But that's not true for cultivators that have Qi nourishing their bodies, especially when we have various high-grade fruits that can offer just as many nutrients as meat," Alaric pointed out the faulty of Henry's argument.

"In the garden of existence, tend to your own blossoms, for the petals of another are meant to be nurtured by their own sunlight."

"Alaric, his whole monkhood is a ruse. He is just a hypocrite who likes meat," Tiara chimed in, forcing a snort from Henry and a smile from Ken. He liked Henry's hypocrisy; it allowed a long range of flexibility when he needed dirty things done.

"What about you, Tiara, don't you like colder dishes as an Ice Qi practitioner?" This time it was Ken who questioned his companion's taste buds.

"No, why should it mean that?" Tiara asked with a lifted eyebrow as she placed a steaming rice cake on her plate.

"Well, I like my steak blue rare," Ken shrugged. He assumed that it was because of how he changed his constitution through his cultivation that made even his food preferences change while others were not affected by their attributes in all fields.

"Do I also need to come to the festival?" Tiara asked.

"No, but whoever stays needs to babysit Emrys."

"I will be there…"

The wolf was a young child now, a phase full of energy and playfulness. He had become such a nuisance lately that Ken commissioned peak fourth-stage babysitters for him using his pills as payment.


The four companions set in the next afternoon to Lotus Blossom City, using two wild beasts Ken threatened and bribed to carry them. 

They did not want to take responsibility for the sect's beasts during the festival; they heard there'd be millions of participants from towns and cities nearby in addition to the residents themselves. With such a packed environment, many things could go wrong.

"What's the name of the festival?" Tiara asked during the trip.I think you should take a look at

"It's called the Sovereignty Festival, and they celebrate it every 50 years before the start of the Martial Arts Summit. Its first time was after the Serene Lotus Sect climbed to the first rank above all the sects in our continent, and they have it before the Martial Arts Summit as a symbol of confidence in their victory. Their expectations were met for so long that they take it for granted now," Alaric told the whole group about the festival's history.

"Interesting, how long is it?"

"Seven days."

The four soon arrived, entering the buzzing city with a flash of their discipleship tokens for immediate entrance, passing a long line of waiting tourists at the gates. 

As they stepped onto the cobbled pathways, the city embraced them in a flurry of colors and lights. Lanterns of red, gold, and green hung from every high place that could hold them, bathing the streets in a warm, inviting glow. Colorful silk banners with the white-pink lotus that served as the sect's symbol fluttered from the walls of every building.

"It's quite grand in here," Alaric remarked while they passed through a display of local young women dancing in blue hanfu.

Ken's eyes scanned the vicinity with a calm yet scrutinizing gaze, taking note of the vibrant stalls lined along the streets. The aroma wafting through the air was a blend of spices and sweets, enticing travelers from every corner. 

Stalls were filled with skewers of grilled meats, bowls of hearty broths, sweet buns, and exotic fruits that promised natural sweetness. Though his expression remained stoic, he was comparing the actual thing with the festivals he saw on TV in his previous life.

"I never imagined a city to be so alive," Tiara said quietly, her eyes scanning the crowds, the remark was more to herself than to the others. Because she was under the strict mentorship of Naomi since early childhood, she was not taken to such events, and when she was free to do so, she already developed a more seclusive personality.

Tiara's grace was undiminished in this lively ambiance. Her ice-blue eyes, however, remained indifferent to the allure around her as if she wouldn't mind missing out on the celebrations. Yet, the reflection of the twinkling lights in her eyes betrayed a moment of wonder that she would never admit to.

"There are some activities over there, let's check it out," Ken turned toward an area where many people assembled.

Among a myriad of displays were the numerous games and contests designed for both young and old, cultivator and mortal. There were simple games of ring toss and archery for the younglings, their laughter resonating through the bustling crowd. For the daring souls, there were dueling arenas with soft weaponry to have a friendly clash of skills.

"Hey, Team Leader, why don't we participate in some games?" Alaric asked.

"Sure, but don't pull too much attention. Limit yourselves to the abilities of a third-stage cultivator, or else the whole city will know about us." 

Ken still disliked too much attention from so many people, making him pose a limitation. They changed the discipleship robes before they left the sect to avoid standing out in the festival, and they all wore fancy ones that matched the event.

"We invite the youths of our province to demonstrate their scholarship and wisdom through poetry, come and recite; you will earn the respect of men and perhaps the admiration of the ladies!" An old man shouted from the stage. 

There was a crowd of hundreds of people in that area alone as the festival happened in every corner of the city, and people continuously moved from one area to another.

"I will go first!" One young man climbed onstage. His gaze moved swiftly on the crowd before he began.

"In the verdant land, amidst the chaos, compelling awe, 

A lotus of serenity, defying nature's law. 

Amidst the turmoil of ambition, in the quiet, it's found, 

Beyond fleeting glory, true strength is unbound."

Everyone clapped enthusiastically for the young man.

"Good, great poem! Your love for the Serene Lotus Sect is apparent!" The old man complimented as the young man left the stage with the pride of a peacock. 

"It was indeed a good poem, he described our sect as strong and mighty, while also righteous and defending the weak from nature's law of the rule of the strong. It could also be interpreted as that every one of us has a lotus of power blooming in themselves, one that is full of power and potential to achieve greatness," Ken appreciated the poem out loud, prompting a nod from his companions.

"I shall also share a poem that came to my mind, I call it Ode to the Beauty of Ice, as it popped into my mind after I saw one recently," a handsome man jumped lightly onto the stage.

"Young Master George! Of course, may your words captivate the heart of the lucky girl!" the old man exclaimed when he saw the newcomer.

"In the waltz of fate, two hearts entwined, 

The rhythm of destiny, in both souls aligned. 

In a single glance of her beauty, our spirits refined, 

A melody of love, in ice, we find."

The young man, also known as George, had his eyes focused on a certain ice beauty throughout the whole poem.

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