One Wild Night

Chapter 857 Till Death Do Us Part

The sleek black resort car glided to a stop in front of the grand entrance of the Oriental Palms Resort, and the chauffeur got out of the car, and went to hold out the door for a very excited Jade and Harry.

As they got out of the car, Harry took a deep breath, the humid air thick with the scent of plumeria and salt. Jade, however, barely seemed to notice the heat. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she gazed out at the breathtaking vista before them.

Jade looked around, her eyes gleaming with barely concealed excitement as she took in the beautiful view of the palm trees which were swaying gently in the warm breeze. They had formed a verdant canopy overhead, casting dappled shadows on the polished marble floor.

Lush gardens, bursting with vibrant tropical blooms, flanked the entrance, their intoxicating fragrance mingling with the salty tang of the nearby ocean.

"I know I haven't seen it all yet, but this is absolutely beautiful!" Jade said, and Harry couldn't help but smile at Jade's infectious enthusiasm.

A bellboy with a smile as bright as the hibiscus flower tucked behind his ear whisked their luggage away, leaving them free to marvel at the resort's breathtaking entrance.

Hand in hand, they walked, following the bellboy's lead. They walked along a winding path adorned with vibrant bougainvillea and fragrant frangipani trees. The air buzzed with the gentle chirping of exotic birds, adding to the peaceful and calm atmosphere.

Harry like Jade, was momentarily mesmerized by the breathtaking view that unfolded before them.

The greenish-blue waters of the sea stretched out to the horizon, its surface shimmering like a vast sheet of polished sapphire. Sailboats with billowing white sails danced gracefully on the waves, while powdery white sand, as pristine as sugar, stretched endlessly along the shoreline.

Jade's eyes widened as she took in the scene, a gasp escaping her lips. Her gaze swept across the glistening infinity pool that seemed to merge seamlessly with the ocean beyond, then landed on the charming thatched-roof buildings that housed the resort's luxurious accommodations.

"Harry," she breathed, her voice filled with awe, "it's even more beautiful than the pictures!"

"Yeah. It is," Harry agreed as they continued to follow the bellboy.

Finally, they reached a secluded section of the resort, nestled amidst a grove of swaying palm trees. A discrete sign proclaimed it the "Lover's Lane" section, a promise of intimacy and romance.

"Ready to see our love nest?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Jade's head snapped towards him, her eyes sparkling. "Love nest?"

Harry chuckled and leaned closer to whisper in her ears, "We have this whole area to ourself. I want you to be able to scream freely without feeling embarassed later."

A blush stained Jade's cheeks as her lips curved in a wide grin, "I can't wait," she whispered back, and Harry chuckled.

The bellboy unlocked the door to their suite, and the scene that greeted them was nothing short of breathtaking. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the ocean, the turquoise expanse stretching endlessly towards the horizon.

The pièce de résistance, however, was the ceiling which was also made of glass. It kept the scorch of the sun away, but made the room bright enough to not need any artificial source of light during the day, and gave a promise of a wonderful view of the stars at night.

It offered an uninterrupted view of the ocean while ensuring complete privacy from prying eyes.

The tile on the floor was a 3D beach sand design making the room look like they were outside in the open, yet felt like they were indoors. It was both magical and brilliant.

A plush king-sized bed, draped in crisp white linens, took center stage. Directly above the bed was a mirrored ceiling added a touch of playful sensuality.

Harry turned to Jade, and wasn't surprised to see her mouth agape.

Jade's eyes were wide with delight as she took in the room. She walked over to the window, her fingers trailing along the cool glass as she gazed out at the incredible view. "This is all so awesome," she whispered, turning back to Harry with a radiant smile.

"You can contact the reception via the telephone if you need anything. There is an easy to use map in the top drawer of the nightstand. You can find your way around easily using the map. If you do not have any questions, I'd like to be excused," the bellboy said politely, and Harry gave him a nod, permitting him to leave.

Jade's gaze swept across the room, taking in the private balcony with a hammock swaying gently in the breeze, the walk-in closet filled with plush robes, and the sleek marble bathroom.

Jade hurried over to check out the bathroom, "Jonas, come over here," she called, and Harry went to join her.

The tile on the floor of the bathroom was a 3D beach wave design, making it look like the bedroom was the sea shore and you were walking into the waters when you crossed into the bathroom.

A heart-shaped bathtub, crafted from polished white marble, sat in the center of the space, beckoning with the promise of a luxurious soak. Above the bathtub, a whimsical crystal chandelier sparkled, casting a soft, romantic glow.

Jade could imagine soaking in the warm water, bubbles cascading down her shoulders, all while gazing out at the outside view.

Beside the bathtub, a walk-in shower boasted a rain shower big enough for two and dual showerheads, hinting at a shower experience fit for royalty. Situated at the side was a double toilet for lovers. floor-to-ceiling glass wall that separated the bathroom from the bedroom.

"What do you think this is meant for?" Jade asked as she picked up a controller by the washbasin beside the toilet.

The moment she pressed it, the transparent glass wall separating the bathroom from the bedroom became opaque, and they could no longer see the bedroom from there.

Harry grinned, "No privacy unless you want it. I love it," he said and Jade giggled, her laughter, light and carefree,

"Me too. I think the bedroom should have something similar," she said as she returned into the bedroom.

"No, it doesn't. I was told the glass wall of the bedroom lets you see outside, but no one can see inside from the outside incase you forget to adjust it," he said and Jade jumped on the bed.

"I love it!" She screamed happily.

Jade got off the bed and went to stand in front of him, "Oh, Harry," Jade breathed, her voice filled with awe. "This is the most beautiful place on earth!"

Harry watched with amusement as she spun a slow circle, her sundress rolling around her legs like a summer breeze, taking in every detail.

"The bathtub, the view, the bed…" she trailed off, a playful glint in her eyes as she stopped and met met his gaze.

Harry, watching her reaction, felt a surge of love and warmth spread through him. All the planning, all the meticulous searching for the perfect getaway, felt instantly validated by the smile on her face.

He had hoped to impress her, but this– this was pure, unadulterated joy. The way her eyes sparkled, the excitement bubbling in her voice, filled him with an immense sense of satisfaction.

He had brought her here, to this paradise, and the joy he saw reflected in her face was all the reward he needed. Her excitement was contagious, a reflection of his own growing anticipation.

Harry, unable to contain his amusement, chuckled. "Seems someone's impressed." He couldn't help but be enchanted by her childlike excitement.

"Impressed?" Jade feigned a dramatic sigh. "You, my darling, have outdone yourself!" She walked towards the veranda, flinging open the glass doors. The scent of salty air and exotic flowers mingled with the warm breeze, further igniting her senses.

Turning back to face him, her smile was radiant. "So, what do you say we christen that magnificent bathtub first?" she purred, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "A long soak and a little rest before we explore the beach, wouldn't you agree?"

Harry's smile mirrored hers, "That wasn't your original plan," he reminded her.

"Well, you did say the sun is a big star and I can see it from inside," she said with a wink and Harry laughed merrily, "So? Like my new plan better?"

"Love it," he agreed, stepping closer to her. The ocean breeze played with her hair, sending a careless strand teasingly across her lips. He leaned in, brushing it away with a gentle touch. "Anything for my excited goddess," he whispered, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to hers. Novel Fire -

With the promise of a luxurious soak and a romantic evening ahead, the start of their vacation couldn't have been more perfect.

Away from there, Mia was seated in the private Jet, and opposite her, Henry sat rigidly in his plush leather seat, a statue carved from granite.

Twelve hours had crawled by, each minute marked by the suffocating silence between them. Mia knew it was a game he was playing, a test of her endurance, a chilling display of his power.

It was a deliberate ploy, a chilling game of cat and mouse where he wielded the silence like a weapon. It was designed to break her, to make her beg for his mercy.

Finally, Henry spoke, his voice devoid of warmth, sharp as a shard of ice. "Did you know," he began, his eyes boring into hers, "that at this very moment, I could open this door and push you out? At this altitude, one push is all it takes. You'd tumble out and plummet to your death. A fleeting speck against the clouds, disappearing into the vast emptiness below. And no one, not a single soul, would bat an eyelid." he drawled, his eyes glinting with malice,

Mia met his gaze unflinchingly. "Do it then," she challenged, her voice a steely whisper. "Push me out. End this charade."

A flicker of surprise crossed Henry's face, replaced by a cruel smile. "No, my dear, Vanessa. That would be too easy, wouldn't you say? Death," he said, savoring the word, "would be too merciful for you. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging for oblivion, but it will remain just out of reach. A cruel twist of fate, wouldn't you say?"

Mia refused to give him the satisfaction of fear. "Why didn't you remarry when you thought I was dead?" Mia asked, holding his gaze.

"You mean too much to me to be replaced so easily," Henry said with a smile that sent shivers down her spine.

"I know why you're doing this," she stated, her voice steady.

A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips. "You do? Enlighten me. What pearls of wisdom have you gleaned in your self-imposed exile?" He challenged, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"You're punishing me because I brushed you off ten years ago at the party, and for not remembering you all these years," she said, her voice steady. "You're mad because a silly teenage girl didn't see what a 'catch' you were," Mia said, wanting to see if it was really true.

The smile returned, wider, crueler this time. A predator savoring his prey. "Took you long enough to figure it out, didn't it?"

"The past three years have been a time of reflection," she continued, her gaze unwavering. "A time to dissect the choices that led me where I am."

"Reflection," he scoffed, "yet instead of seeking forgiveness, you pulled such a silly stunt and made a fool of me. You ran." he sneered.

"For survival. I had to save myself from you." she countered.

He slammed his fist against the armrest, the sudden violence of the gesture making her flinch. "Two strikes, Mia. You brushed me off, and now you ran. That counts as two strikes, wouldn't you say, Mrs Rosewood?" He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a menacing hiss.

"One more, Vanessa. One more strike, and I won't hesitate. Three strikes, and you disappear. Permanently. And your pathetic family… they'll disappear too. You and your leech of a family will vanish without a trace." he declared, his voice dripping with venom.

"You got married to me just so you could teach me a lesson? What kind of life is this, Henry? Why are you living in the past, consumed by a rejection that happened years ago?" Mia whispered.

He ignored her question, his eyes glinting with a chilling certainty as he leaned forward. "When we land, there is only one story to tell. You were rescued from the accident by strangers and couldn't contact us because you didn't remember anything about yourself or your past. Then, a miraculous recovery three days ago, hence the frantic call to your beloved husband. You will play your part, Vanessa. Won't you?"

Mia's stomach churned, but this time, it wasn't fear. It was a cold, steely resolve. She locked eyes with him. In that locked gaze, a flicker of defiance sparked. "I will do as you say, Henry," she agreed, her voice devoid of emotion.

A cruel smile played on his lips. He had her right where he wanted her– trapped, scared, and compliant. But Mia knew better.

This was just the beginning, a new game with different rules. This time, she wouldn't be running. This time, she would fight back.

She understood something Harry and the others didn't understand— It was going to take the death of one of them for this to end. It was a till death do us part relationship.

Exposing him and having him arrested would never be enough. Only death would set her free, and she had no plans of dying.

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