In her centuries as the Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat has had her fair share of battles and adversaries.

But never in her years had she experienced such hunger and bloodlust directed at her from this monster in human skin.

Lacerations, dragon blood stained Tiamat's blue silk attire.

Since the battle started, the monster targeted her solely while Serafall was alone to deal with the other Heroes.

Since Sirzechs' reign, Tiamat had only ever encountered a very small amount of adversaries that could wound her.

The blasphemous sword of bone and metal sang with each swing; each slash a flickering flash that could carve even the hide and muscles of a Heavenly Emperor Class Dragon.

Serafall kept glancing at Tiamat's way while dealing with the heroes.

A series of precise, savage slashes assaulted Tiamat, then he instantly dropped low and swiped her legs, and when Tiamat retaliated with her fists, the creature moved in and latched his legs onto her arm, dangling upside down like a monkey would hang from a tree before his blade stabbed her lungs, sinking past her aura, her skin, her muscles, her ribs, and right into her vital organ as the blood started to pour in.

The monster was acrobatic, his wild movements armed with lethal insight, precognition, and skill as Djall's free arm hooked Tiamat's forearm and lifted the rest of him, the snap of Tiamat's arm cracking the air as Djall uprighted himself with his blade held high as he swung down.

Crimson dragon blood flew as Tiamat's draconic roar drowned all sound around her.

Cao Cao, Siegfried, and Leonardo stared at the Dragon King of Familiar Forest, holding her stump of an arm, bleeding, her once-beautiful features stained with her blood, while Djall crouched and…

Openly ate her severed arm, teeth ripping off her skin and sucking the blood out of the open blood vessels, the sound of his silent chewing replacing the quiet.

"Tender." Djall commented on the taste. "So this is what a female Dragon tastes like. Very good meat."

It was the first time she saw someone eating her arm like this. Or facing a thing that treated her kind as prey, the status quo of the food chain was challenged.

"Is that so? Good to know that my flesh suits your taste." Tiamat snarled, "I suggest you savor it, for it shall be your last meal."

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Djall cackled at her declaration. "Oh, go ahead. Make my feast more worthwhile!"

"...As you wish." Tiamat simply flared her power out in return, her blue hair and navy skirt slowly rising from the pressure of her aura.

She glared at her opponent as a new arm suddenly burst out of her stump, making it as if she had never lost it in the first place. Tiamat flexed her arms and claws a few times before she growled, her draconic power intensified.

The clone of Son of The Beast watched in anticipation as Tiamat's human form ascended in the air as it slowly morphed and grew into a western dragon with scales reflecting the majestic blue sky covering her body.

Serafall, along with the other heroes, had to pause their battle to see the Chaos Karma Dragon bellow high in the sky.

"Oh, this isn't good…." Cao Cao could tell she would bombard the area with massive AOE attacks, the standard attack pattern of any high-leveled dragon.

"Leonardo! We need airborne units!" Cao Cao shouted at Leonardo.

Leonardo in his organic mech suit nodded as he summoned two special creatures from the primordial ooze of Annihilation Maker. He summoned two dragonfly-like creatures, sixteen wings with a disc-shaped back wide enough for either of them to stand as they mounted their rides.

The three flew to the skies as Tiamat's maw opened with tremendous energy condensed within.

Djall simply looked up, grinning at her defiantly as he brazenly ate her severed arm like a chicken drum casually.

Tiamat - in her dragon form opened her maws where a pure, condensed, yet unadulterated power gathered within, and the energy sphere she was charging kept growing more and more potent by seconds.

The wildlife had already scampered away from Tiamat's territory the moment the fighting began, frightened little things compared to her current size; even the lake-sized slimes were slithering away from the blast zone.

Djall started eating her severed arm's fingers, chewing with a look of boredom.

Then he playfully yawned - just in time when Tiamat's power reached its crescendo, and the dragon unleashed the condensed power of her signature dragon's breath.

Djall simply watched the incoming attack - blazing, unrelenting, devastating everything in its wake.

Cao Cao and his friends were far enough to witness the nuke going off.

It was comparable to watching a hydrogen bomb. They failed to take account of the sonic boom as the sound of the powerful explosion rocked their eardrums, forcing them to hold their ears.

The Familiar Forest quaked as Tiamat watched the bright light explode into a mushroom cloud. She made sure that her power wouldn't destroy too much of the Forest as the cloud of flame and energy dyed the world in pure white, the sound of armageddon drowning the land and the atmosphere.

Once the light of armageddon died, she stared at the giant crater, a massive burning bottomless chasm replacing the abomination.

She narrowed her draconic eyes. Was the monster dead?

Emerging from invisibility, the Son of the Beast descended in his respective monstrous form.

His serpent wyrm form, three main eyes, on the sides and on his forehead, each massive eye surrounded by six smaller eyes in the form of a hexagram, his lower jaw, and his split mandibles opened as he fell upon the unsuspecting Dragon Queen much to the shock of the heroes and Serafall. His teeth sank into her nape and crunched the bone past the tough scales and flesh, paralyzing most of her body.

Then his lower serpentine body entangled Tiamat, taking one of her wings and binding her arms, the bladed-spear tip of his tail end jammed into her throat with ease.

Then, after ripping out the chunk of nerves and muscles, the Wyrm pressed his split jaw together and elongated four fangs, canines from above and below, and sunk them into Tiamat's neck.

And began to do what the vampires would do to their prey.

After all, the blood must be drained before the meat moves to the abattoir. The sight stunned the four witnessing the scenes.

It was like watching the nature's channel on how predators outsmart and subdue their prey.

Tiamat could not use her dragon breath - not immediately after she just pulled one off; her arms and wing were bound, her throat was filled with injecting poison, she crashed into the earth with the monster constricting her while his fangs…

"Tiamat-chan!" Serafall realized that Tiamat was in grave danger this time.

Her devil wings flapped, her body cutting across the aerial distance as she aimed her wand at the monster. She flinched when the wyrm's eyes turned to her, the many pupils shifting into shapes, almost as if he was visually dissecting her.

"Worry about yourself first, Satan Leviathan!"

Serafall turned to the voice.

A swarm of strange creatures greeted her in place of the three stooges she expected to see.

To describe them, they were like large dragonflies the size of footballs and many wings, only that their head was replaced by a drilling arrowhead, twelve wings flapping at a blurring speed cutting towards her. Then something protruded from the creature. She realized that it was shooting jet flames behind to propel its acceleration.

She summoned a wide wall of levitating ice as each of the small creatures rotated in a high-speed torque before they crashed through Serafall's ice wall…

And exploded.

Exploded in holy light, the blast large enough to destroy a building inside out.

As per Djall's advice during their hellish training, Leonardo continued pumping living organic suicide bombers, or kamikaze missiles as Cao Cao like to say, as a swarm of the same organisms instantly surrounded Serafall.

If Annihilation Maker could summon enough monsters to overwhelm the world, why not use some of them like ammunition? The power generated when they explode was stronger than Leonardo's normal humanoid creatures fighting normally, like when a pokemon used the move Explosion for massive damage at the cost of the pokemon's entire HP.

For Leonardo, it was not easy controlling so many tiny creatures meticulously, so he directed large groups into simple actions, direction, velocity, and then triggered the explosions if they were close enough.

Serafall barely had the time to cover herself with an array of defensive spells when her eyes registered the first exploding arrow dragonfly suddenly glowed, followed by the others. Her wall of ice shattered from the multitude of blasts, and the holy light that immediately came after burned like hell, as strange as it sounded considering what she was.

She hissed, then gasped when she saw a locust swarm of the bastards zipping towards.

She immediately summoned an ocean, the same tactic she used against Issei, drowning the sky in water, exploding an ocean out of her as the waters drowned the creatures, stunning them as their wings were not designed to fly in water.

"Whoa!" Cao Cao and his friends flew back, the mounts of Cao Cao and Siegfried retreating away from the expanding blob of water that just continued to grow without end.

"Leonardo! We need an upgrade here!" Cao Cao shouted. "And prepare us underwater gear! We're going to fight her on her turf!"

Leonardo nodded as he summoned two new mounts.

Two marine flying swordfish creatures, with needle-like horns, six fin-shaped wings flapping, and a long wide tail.

Siegfried and Cao Cao hopped-switched mounts as they each took a jellyfish-creature and wore it on their head, their underwater helmets, as the three dove into the waters.

Leonardo already had his underwater jellyfish helmet on his head as he summoned marine versions of the dragonfly kamikaze bombers, swarms of piranha sized sword fish cutting across the waters towards Serafall.

Serafall countered by summoning layers of open air, segmenting her artificial ocean apart into multiple layers so that the fish bombs plopped out of the waters and falling to land, making Leonardo frown in annoyance.

Cao Cao hummed as he witnessed the magnitude of the water that Serafall summoned. The woman herself was playing defensive, surrounding herself within her element…


Cao Cao blinked before he smirked as an idea came to mind. Brandishing his holy spear, he twirled the weapon with one hand while his other hand performed a cross sign. He closed his eyes to sync his and his spear's power, held the spear closed as he whispered.

"O water, creature of God, I exorcise you in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. I exorcize you so that you may put to flight all the power of the Enemy, and be able to root out and supplant that Enemy with his apostate angels: through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire…. Amen."

Then he launched the spear through the layers of water towards Serafall.

Within her air bubble at the center of the liquid mass, Serafall watched something penetrate her liquid fortress, her eyes finding Cao Cao's spear dove into her water bubble when it glowed.

Suddenly, Serafall felt… burning!

She suddenly lost control of the water as it collapsed and drowned her in liquid.

But the liquid was burning her, like she was bathing in the most painful acid only the worst degenerate would dare to make. Using the remaining control she had in the midst of utter agony, Serafall flared her raw demonic power out to repel herself out of the water - her defense nearly turned into her grave.

Serafall was still clinging to dear life as her body was still badly burned and falling to the unforgiving ground. Her body was literally smoking, the smoke of the chemical reaction of the holy element and her very flesh. She tried to get up but the exposure of the holy element soaking her from head to toe really did a number on her.

"Hah! It worked!" Cao Cao laughed as he hopped from his mount and summoned his spear back into his hand, landing beside Serafall.

"What…" Serafall growled from her prone position from the ground, "What have you done…!?"

"I baptized the water." Cao Cao smirked. "Clever, right? I have a Holy Spear, the True Longinus, and I thought… why not try to see if I can turn your water into Holy Water?"

"...You…!" Serafall gawped at Cao Cao as his friends landed behind him.

Of all the things she encountered, having someone turn her own element against her like this was not one of them.

Not even the angels she fought in the war could do this.

"Not sure how strong the holy water soaking you is compared to the normal mass-produced stuff, but it looks like Djall is about to finish playing with his food."

Meanwhile, Tiamat felt her strength… being sucked away with her lifeblood, while the creature was injecting a vicious poison into her from his tail. When her draconic eyes caught the sight of Serafall's battered form, she knew that the situation had deteriorated worse than she expected.

She underestimated the humans and the monster.


She knew that the monster was dangerous, but the creature never gave out his aura to let her measure his power, so she let her confidence… or arrogance guide her.

Thus, Tiamat decided to go for broke - gathering as much power as she could despite the state she was put in, the dragon unleashed an earth-shattering roar as raw draconic power flared out like wildfire.

Djall, who was still constricting his prey, suddenly felt high temperature heat radiating from Tiamat. Was this his prey's last attempt to shake him off? He attempted to inject more poison to subdue the dragon, paralysis and anesthetic types, killing her will and consciousness, but the said dragon only struggled even more, pumping out more power as she began to trash around with reckless abandon.

She was just burning her power and stamina at a terrible cost effectiveness at this point as Djall accelerated the vacuuming of Tiamat's lifeblood fivefold.

Tiamat knew that if this continued… she would probably die. The poison in her system could not be impeded by her water manipulation for too long.

It was too strong, more than enough to take her out if left unchallenged.

She inhaled.

Just when the heat intensified, Djall blinked when he suddenly lost hold of his prey.

What happened? It was as if he was hugging a massive pillow that suddenly vanished into thin air.

His serpentine body thudded the land as he looked around, no longer seeing the large dragon. He sniffed, then his head craned at a low angle, seeing Tiamat, in human form, on the run towards Serafall.


As Djall lashed at her like a viper, Tiamat looked back right into his maw.

She had ejected all of the poison out her system now through water manipulation, though her blood was low, that was something healing magic cannot replenish.

With the same speed, she transformed, the blue dragon returning as she held Djall's massive jaws as the creature screeched with irritation, she used her remaining strength to toss Djall towards the giant pit she made with her dragon breath so she could make her way towards Serafall.

The heroes did not expect such a turn of events. They were about to regroup with Djall, when Tiamat - who was now looming over Serafall, prepared her one last dragon breath aimed towards them.

From behind, Djall burst from the soil, screeching in his blurring dash towards her at blinding speed.

Tiamat was exhausted and drained, this one last attack would only be enough to give her an opening for her to take Serafall as far away from the forest.

God Slayer's Instant Attack

Then her scales and every bone in her body shattered, confusion wracking her mind as to what happened as she suddenly lost feeling below her neck. She gritted her fangs, trying to regain her bearings, when more agonizing pain erupted on the center of her body.

God Slayer's Fa Jin Attack

Blood spewed as every organ inside her ruptured, blood flying out of her mouth, eyes and ears as she was launched away from the hungry wyrm.

It all happened when Djall reached her, the spear-end of his tail impaling the ground right where Tiamat's head used to be. Djall growled in a chittering tune as he turned towards the one man he considered above him.

[Why did you interfere?!]

Djall demanded telepathically.

"You were going for the kill." Malacoda's voice answered from Garou's lips.

The one man and the twelve beings inside him, Djall considered more dangerous than anything else. The only other contender was GOD.

He was right, Djall's tail almost curled around Tiamat and was about to spear through Tiamat's lower jaw and snap her mouth shut, probably skewering her brain in the process… and then have her breath weapon explode her insides.

Djall calmed down as he transformed, facing the Human Monster with his three eyes.

He licked Tiamat's blood off his lips.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" Malacoda answered.

"...May I bring her with me? For… takeout?" Djall asked.

Tiamat was groaning some distance away from Serafall in her dragon form, now completely helpless, the sight causing Serafall to grimace as she had never seen Tiamat in such a state once.

"I thought you said he wouldn't do anything!" Serafall shouted at Cao Cao.

"I said that he wouldn't help us. He is an evaluator like I said… meaning he has the right to end the test. Which is this entire ordeal… Speaking of which, what's our grade, Malacoda?"

"Ahem." Malacoda 'cleared' his throat.

"...What's our grade, master?" Cao Cao sighed as he repeated.

The Malebranche enjoyed lording their current caste system over them, reminding them of their place.

"To answer Djall's question, it depends. For you… creative. You have points for ingenuity. But it is not up to our standards for you need the support of Leonardo to get close. The boy did most of the work this time."

Cao Cao and Siegfried turned to Leonardo in his organic mech suit. The boy smiled.

"As for Siegried… you were mostly useless. A swordsman glued to the land is useless against an aerial battle."

"Tsk." Siegfried could not deny that.

"Learn how to fly. Don't use your lack of Sacred Gear as an excuse. The same goes for you, Cao Cao, you need to learn how to deal with foes that refuse to fight on your terms. Djall, excellent subjugation. You clearly know how to subdue your quarry so well that not even ancient beings can fight against you. You have promise, yet you're not without naivete."

"Why do you say that?" Djall asked.

"Your hunger blinds you just as it motivates you. The hunger is mostly from the mind." Malacoda pointed at his head. "...And the soul." And then at Djall's center.

"Don't let it dominate who you are. You are a special one. You will learn of the source in due time."

Djall tilted his head.

"...Hmmm… What do we do about her?" Djall asked, looking at Serafall. "I want a bite of her."

Serfall paled at the monster's mention of his desire… to eat her.

Cao Cao paused in silence, "...Honestly, I didn't expect things to turn out this well."

They originally wanted to part ways with Serafall, and he did not expect Djall to outplay and overpower Tiamat so easily.

The Dragon Queen was ripe for the taking. Then there was also Serafall who was glaring at the heroes while stealing brief glances at Djall. She shuddered at the sight of drool leaving Djall's lips.

Taking Serafall would leave an outrage and a manhunt; an unnecessary heat on their backs. Saitama might be even on their asses in this case…

"Do we have any use for Serafall?" Siegfried asked.

"Djall has one for her, but… Even I don't want to see her being eaten by a him." Cao Cao admitted. "We'll leave her, she's too much a liability to take away for other reasons. But… I may have an idea on what we can do about the dragon."

Mostly because he learned that Tiamat was the origin of the Annihilation Maker. He had an idea for her as he looked at Leonardo, who did not take long to catch on and nodded at him.

"Georg, prepare for extraction. I'll leave transporting Tiamat along to you." Cao Cao instructed his right-hand, who nodded and began to work.

Cao Cao oversaw his surrounding until his eyes landed on a certain clone - Djall stood as his eyes remained glued onto Serafall's downed form.

"...Maybe just an arm." Djall moved towards Serafall as he summoned his bone-metal cleaver-katana, licking his lips.

"What are you doing?" Cao Cao asked.

"I want to sample a 'Satan.' I'm not leaving without comparing her taste to Zekram's."


Cao Cao was afraid of this, but words had little influence over this monster's stubborn appetite.

"...She can live without an arm."

Serafall widened her eyes as Djall raised his blade. Terror took a hold of her for a second, before she gritted her teeth and met Djall's eyes with a defiant look. He wanted to have her arm? Fucking fine, she hoped he would either choked on it or got some nasty food poisoning.

"Wait, don't!" Cao Cao called out as he moved towards Djall.

Serafall did not even blink - she would not allow the monster the satisfaction.

Then something appeared behind Djall just when the blade fell.

It fell before Serafall.

With Djall's arm severed, fingers still holding onto the sword.

Serafall blinked, and turned to see Garou behind the monster.

Djall stared at his severed arm…

He looked at Garou.

He flinched when Garou gazed back.

There was light in his eyes. Djall leapt back on instinct, hissing at Garou as he landed on all threes.

"...What was that for?" Djall snarled at Garou.

Malacoda's voice answered to him, "I advise you to leave that girl alone."

"I thought you despise her kind," Djall replied.

"Indeed, but that is neither here nor there. You saw it, didn't you?"

Djall grimaced.

"...I will not be around when he decides to break free." Djall clicked his tongue while glaring at Garou.

He looked at his severed arm and shot a tentacle from his wrist, the tendril of red flesh retrieving his severed arm. Serafall watched the monster reattach it, his once-detached arm moving as he rolled his shoulders.

Cao Cao sighed with relief. He learned that force could be used to discipline him… in a way.

"You may keep your arms." Djall glanced at Serafall, "...I will settle for the dragon. Take us away." Djall said as he walked away.

Serafall watched the group gathered around Tiamat's body before the mist of Dimensional Lost whisked them away, only then she allowed darkness to take over her vision.

Diehauser rapidly punched Bedeze's armored abdomen, the monster shaking and coughing from each quick-succession strike.

The champion ducked a heavy right hook and slammed a heavy straight punch as he pirouetted around the monster, the monster lurched from the impact, yet still standing.

When the monster turned towards Diehauser, Masaomi landed, his weight increased from the gravity modulators as he drew his purple lightsword down from Bedeze's shoulder to out his side.

Bedeze roared in pain, but Diehauser forced his jaw shut with a flying high jump kick.

Then Masaomi shot the Bedeze's back of his knee, forcing Bedeze to knee before he jumped and landed with the weight of more than thousands of tons on Bedeze's locust-mutant cranium, forcing Bedeze to see Diehauser glaring at him at eye level.

Bedeze felt the wrath of the Champion as he started to beat the shit out of him, a fusillading flurry of his fists assaulting his face from all sides while the weight of many tons burdened his scalp, the sound of many blows trying to overlap each other.

Bedeze had enough.

He roared as he knocked Masaomi and Diehauser away, then cried when one of the Blacks on the roof sniped his right eye with his high caliber sniper.

"HAH! I GOT HIM!" The Black on the roof shouted as the mutant stumbled back.

The mutant was in much, much agony, holding his right eye as it cried crimson ichor.

He snarled as he lowered his hand, the bullet round dropping to the scorched earth.

Diehauser and Masaomi did not expect to see the eye stalks growing out of the wounded eye socket.

"What in the name of God….?" Masaomi uttered.

Diehauser was sure that he was suppressing the Phenex regeneration. It must be the Trihexa's healing factor in play, something he had no power over.

Then the creature fired a cone of foul gas at Diehauser to his shock, Diehauser instantly took flight on reflex.

The gas melted the ground, acid breath, Diehauser grimacing as he had no authority over that. Then Masaomi jumped onto Bedeze and rammed his purple lightsword into his nape, aiming to cripple the bastard.

Bedeze collapsed like a puppet with his strings cut, falling on his stomach.

Then Masaomi's blade was ejected from the nape to his surprise as he stumbled back to see an eyeless eel-like creature screeching at him, emerging from the wound he delivered.

"What is happening?" Masaomi asked.

[...I have absolutely no fucking idea. Wait, I think I saw something like this in a game before… Don't tell me he's mutating in response to damage or something?]

Black answered from the safe room while typing on the screen.

[Okay, been analyzing the piece of shit for a while. I think I triangulated the source of his odd power-up. There is something in him mingling with the Trihexa Cell he ingested…]

"Something inside him affecting the Trihexa Cell?" Masaomi repeated as Diehauser picked up the conversation.

"The King Piece. Don't tell me that…!" Diehauser could not imagine the result that comes from the Trihexa Cell and the King Piece entwined.

Bedeze rose back to his feet, looking much more frenzied.

[This is gonna take forever at this rate. Screw it. We're putting him down like the animal he is. Hey, try making your sword longer and sharper! Do some fancy energy sword attack tricks, you're no pansy exorcist anymore!]

"I'll try." Masaomi glanced at Diehauser as the champion nodded.

The two resumed their engagement, starting with Masaomi extending his purple lightsword to cut Bedeze's eyes as Diehauser moved in and resumed his barrage of attacks on the beast.

Bedeze mutated from each severe injury.

He grew an extra arm when Masaomi managed to cut off his right arm, now sporting three arms.

Bedeze's eyes turned nightmarish, a bouquet of eye stalks replacing his faceted eyes after Masaomi cut them.

The armored exorcist then experimented with his shoulder mounted cannons, setting them on maximum penetration as he blasted off Bedeze's knees while Diehauser slammed his head with an uppercut, only for tentacles to burst form from the penetrated kneecaps.

Now Bedeze was the literal definition of what Black would describe as a 'Chaos Spawn', which he explained as a name of a similar beast, heavily mutated and disfigured, much body horror involved .

The Blacks then resumed pelting Bedeze with their iconic bullet hail, manned magic machine gun turrets singing with gunfire once more while Bedeze groaned in constant agony.


The door of the mansion opened.

One of the Blacks ran out carrying something large and threw it at Diehauser.

Diehauser caught it by the handle.

It was an odachi, techno circuit lines running across the high-quality golden alloy as the metal hummed with energy vibrating through it.

"Cut the bitch down! We don't have all day!" Black shouted.

Diehauser was not a fan of weapons, but in this case, it would have to do to end his misery.

Bedeze was on his knees, exhausted of energy, heaving with heavy, pained exhales before he retched awful fluids, vomit of blood and unknown fluids mixed in the puddle beneath him. He growled as he looked up - eye stalks filled with insanity were met with Diehauser's tranquil determination.

"...It's over."

Diehauser raised his blade, he inhaled, then swung the blade down, parting Bedeze's head from his uglifying body.

The body collapsed finally as Bedeze's head rolled towards Diehauser's feet.

He looked at Bedeze's freakish face.

Bedeze's eye stalks were still active, the many eyes glaring at him with gritting teeth.

"If you can only look at yourself now." Diehauser shook his head while the sound of battle outside the fence quieted, Mr. Carp and Crab ending the battle with the army outside. Though the two seemed to have some trouble coming back due to the barrier of the fence, and they knew better than to wreck the house of the Strongest Man.

Bedeze's head opened his jaw as if trying to speak, but not a sound came out.

Masaomi sighed with relief that it was finally over… until the headless body twitched and spasmed, forcing him to aim his light magnum at the corpse.

The corpse suddenly rose and stood outright, forcing Masaomi to blast the thing with his gun while Diehauser aimed his odachi at the headless corpse.

However, it writhed and spasmed, the body instantly bulging with pustules of unknowing glowing fluids, the skin turning translucent as they saw something swimming inside the headless corpse, the light pulsing, dimming and brightening at the pace of a heartbeat.

"What's happening?!" Masaomi shouted.

[I have absolutely no fucking idea! Something big is happening!]

Diehauser caught the shadow of a chess piece swimming inside the headless corpse.

Immediately, the chess piece grew into a ball, the ball undergoing rapid mitosis before it grew and rapidly matured within the corpse.

Diehauser glanced at Bedeze's head, seeing that Bedeze was still alive somehow.

Once the maturation finished, it ripped itself out of the headless body as it became its cocoon. They could only see another abomination, a mutant standing over the torn remains of Bedeze's lower body.

It had the wings of a locust, the legs of a grasshopper, and the upper body of a reptilian with compound eyes. At its center was the familiar crest of the King piece within a glowing glassy-core at its chest.

It was a result no one expected, another monster being born from the flesh of another. The question is, was it under Bedeze's thrall?

It screeched at them as it looked around, sniffing the air for a moment.

Diehauser and Masaomi looked at the creature warily, ready to take it out.

However, the reptilian head looked at the head of Bedeze. It flicked its tongue, latched onto the head, and pulled it into its mouth.

Gulping it down to their surprise.

The creature hissed in an alien frequency as it regarded Diehauser.

However, it turned away from them and jumped, leaving a crater beneath as it flew with its locust wings, moving away from them at breakneck speed, the sound of a sonic boom following as it broke the sound barrier.

Everyone stared at the creature for a moment; processing the bizarre turn of events that lead from one thing to another, ending with another potential threat to loom over the horizon.

"Should we chase after it?" Masaomi asked.

"...It is gone too far from here already." Diehauser sighed. "And we have much cleaning up to do. I also need to file a massive report on Bedeze."

"But we cannot leave it like this."

"There's nothing we can do. It is too fast." Diehauser argued. "We'll alert the Gremories and Sitris of this. For now, let's be glad that our family is safe."


Issei and the others gathered in the war room, with the map of Alfheim's layout sprawled in front of them at the long marble war table.

"It's about time we talk about battle plans on how to deal with the Dark Elves, Euclid, save Grayfia, and end the civil war… but first, let's talk about Djall since he's messing up our game plans. He has a terrible habit of appearing in places that he shouldn't be in."

Issei began and scanned at the others, ensuring that they were paying attention - Titania, Sirzechs, Vali, Azazel, Griselda and Rossweisse. The others were hanging back or at the corner while listening in.

"Let's start with…. The fact that the Queen of Dark Elves want to marry Djall into their bloodline. I learned that they didn't plan to marry Djall with the princess, but the queen herself, which still sounds kind of freaky. Ambitious and kinky to some, but yeah. Lady Titania, anything you can tell us about Queen Sycorax?"

The High Elf Queen pondered for a second before replying, "...She is the kind of person that likes to cross certain boundaries to achieve her goals. A bit daring, yet not unrelatable in some matters. She cannot see the line that marks the boundaries of taking things too far. But she knows the importance of balance and will put aside differences when the time comes, a ruler with ruthless efficiency and wisdom…"

"And has a certain fetish to go for an infant… well, technically speaking." Azazel commented.

"...I will not comment on that." Titania admitted.

"From Grayfia's interaction with Djall, he hasn't awakened his lust yet." Sirzechs added.

"It is terrible to force the sin of lust on others. This Sycorax has no respect for his wishes." Griselda added.

"But he is definitely consumed by gluttony. He isn't afraid of eating Rizevim's servants and allies," Sirzechs gave his input.

"To be honest, I say this Djall just hasn't hit puberty yet. That's something every youngster will go through in their life." Azazel quipped.

"He is even more genius than self-proclaimed genius Vali here." Issei remarked.

"You picking a fight?" Vali frowned, albeit he was ignored.

"I'm not sure how good he is with magic currently, but it's advanced. Wrote a teleportation circle under us before we knew what hit us." Issei continued. "He did it with his fucking toe as well. I can't even do that, though I'm gonna try it out later. Also, he tried to copy the Power of Destruction."

Issei summoned the crimson sphere of destruction in his hand for emphasis.

Titania, Asia, Vali, Le Fay, Bikou, Arthur, all of Sirzechs' Peerage, Griselda, Azazel, and Asia stared at the power of destruction.

"My word…" Titania muttered.

"He said in my face, 'I cannot do what you can do.' He tried using modern magic systems as a substitute, almost seeming to get it, but gave up in the end. Hey, Azazel, what's your input on this? Is it possible to mimic a devil clan's powers with modern magic?"

"Haven't seen it done once even in our Great War." Azazel remarked. "It is a Bloodline power for a reason. Meaning, it is not something magic formulas can perfectly replicate. Can't help but try though since he almost seemed to get it."

"Next is security." Issei said after nodding at Azazel's input, "What's stopping Djall from breaking into the palace again? He did it before on a whim most likely." He then posed the next important question. "How do we deal with a guy that can get into any place without anyone knowing?"

"Some mix application of advanced Senjutsu and scrying magic." Kuroka voiced her opinion, "No matter how well he hides his presence, the fact remains that he exists on the same plane as us. In extreme cases - we just need a way to detect his existence rather than his presence alone."

"That is a good theory." Titania conceded, "But more importantly… Can you put that into practice?"

"To tell you the truth, this will be my first time doing that, so… One way to find out." Kuroka replied with a determined smirk on her face.

"Won't he notice such strong magic being used?" Issei asked.

"Eh, good point, but what better way to deter a guy from being too nosy?" Kuroka winked.

"Alright, next step: how do we deal with him? He might send us away to another hell zone or send some mushroom super soldiers after us if we return…" Issei groused, still remembering that gruesome fight for their lives.

"Or try to eat us." Kuroka noted.

"Yeah, or that." Issei did not want to experience that.

"It appears that you need a magic expert for this." Azazel remarked.

"You volunteering for the next mission, then?" Issei asked.

"Of course. Need to test some things on my end as well. I might be able to counter whatever he can do with my knowledge and experience."

"Next obstacle. Sycorax and her army. Need to know what she can do in case we have to face her." Issei and everyone turned to Titania.

Titania sighed.

"She is a master of the Fae line of magics. She does not rely on the Midgardian version of light and darkness, holy and cursed. She uses the pure primordial essence of the darkness in her magic. From that, she could use it to erase her foes and overwhelm anyone unprepared. She could weaponize the shadows to manipulate the shadows of others, and with that, the bodies of their owners. She can summon creatures of darkness as well, those that she bound to her will. As well as being able to banish her foes into the infinite darkness as well. However, she is not a warrior… but with her new powers, she would become even more dangerous and unpredictable. I hope this information is to your acceptance."

"It is, kind of." Issei nodded. "Might need context on some parts later. And finally… Euclid… I only saw him briefly during the raid to save Stjarna. He was a pushover as far as I know. What can we do about him?"

Issie turned to Sirzechs.

"I had my fair share of fights against Euclid back in the Civil War." Sirzechs began, "Personally, back then he was not as powerful as Grayfia, but he's not to be underestimated. Not to mention that he possesses a genius-level intellect as he also served as one of the main researchers for the Old Satan Faction. Now, after centuries have passed? I don't even know the full extent of his abilities."

"Then… we'll just have to wing it with him. Basically, with anti-devil attacks and weapons." Issei nodded.

"Next is geography… we can assume that Euclid's base is located near Mykriundir." Sirzechs looked at the map, seeing a large portion of the land.

"We need to search for his base and scout it out. Assuming that Djall didn't warn Euclid of our presence…"

"So another scouting team." Issei concluded.

"Yeah. Our only guide is in enemy territory." Kuroka sighed. "I just hope that Kiyome-chin and Ikala-chin are doing alright."

Kiyome was learning the hard way that using her fly wings in interior spaces might not be as wise.

Immediately after she buzzed around the 'Queen Whore Bitch' as Urist liked to call her, the ashen elf managed to surround herself with spider webs, weaving them around her with the help of four spider legs she grew from her back, sticking them to the walls while weaving the webs into a fortifying lattice that impeded her.

She grimaced and tried to cut a thread with her claw…

"What the fuck did you make this from?" Kiyome could not help but curse when the thread did not cut, only remaining stuck to her claws.

"My dear, handling spiders and insects has been within our culture for generations." Sycorax smiled.

Her guards were already far away from the battle as Kiyome managed to yank her claw out of the sticky web.

She summoned her plagiarized shark fin bone chain blade and cut another thread. The fluids got stuck and clung to the rotating teeth of her bone blade like gum to her growing irritation, forcing her to detach the blade from her arm and jump back as she glared at the smug Queen.

"How about this then?" Kiyome opened her mouth and took a page from Stjarna.

Sycorax widened her eyes when Kiyome fired a stream of plasma at her face.

The plasma collided, yet Kiyome remained tense, waiting for the smoke to clear. No, wait, she switched her vision mode to see what was behind the smoke.

But to her confusion, all she saw was a sphere of inky black within the smoke.

She returned her vision to normal when the smoke cleared, revealing a sphere of literal darkness surrounding the Queen.

Sycorax hummed as she revealed herself from the darkness. In her right hand held a staff, a pale gray thing with an onyx stone at the top end encased within the skull made of silvery metal.

Most likely Mithril, by the looks of it.

"I admit that your application of Djall's powers is… direct. But even I know that you do not have that much experience with it."

"Oh yeah? Let's see you try, Queen Bitch!" Kiyome dared.

"Hmph." Sycorax grinned as she held her staff up, horizontally orthogonal to the ground, and dropped it as it clattered to the floor.

"Very well. I will answer your challenge, little girl." Sycorax's Trihexa eyes dilated as she closed in.

She was moving like she was in a video being fast-forwarded, too much for Kiyome's kinetic vision as she flew back.

However, Sycorax's spider legs shot a net of sticky webs when she did, widening like the jaws of a predator.

Kiyome blocked it with her arms on reflex, only to be caught in the adhesive, then Sycorax moved in and rammed both of her upper spider legs into Kiyome's abdomen and ripped her stomach open, letting Kiyome watch her guts being spilled out.

However, Kiyome glued her organs inside by sheer will power as she fired her own webbings from her wrist at Sycorax, pulling the Queen Bitch to be torn to shreds.

However, Sycorax's wrists grew sharp bone pikes and tore into Kiyome, right into her eyes.

Sycorax cut off Kiyome's webs and proceeded to tear her apart with unexpected martial precision until Kiyome was at her feet, half torn to pieces and bleeding.

She sucked out Kiyome's fluids with her bone pikes, weakening her, like a spider would drink its prey.

"By Odin's wrung ballsacks…" Urist muttered at the sight of such brutality.

Kiyome still could not believe that Sycorax could best her in a close-range brawl. Honestly, she wanted to trounce her, but reality would not let her apparently by showing her the difference in experience between her - a teenager and Sycorax - a queen old enough to be her great-grandmother.

However, Kiyome was not done as she immediately regenerated her eyes as she inhaled. She took another page from Stjarna, one that popped the heads of so many Devils and Fallen Angels.

Sycorax suddenly found her world literally shaking, her eardrums burst and her brain overloaded; as Kiyome unleashed a supersonic scream right towards her.

The spectators might have been out of her range, but her voice filling and echoing throughout the dungeon still forced them to clamp their ears shut.

The bodyguards fell on their ears, screaming yet their voices were drowned out.

"FUCKING ARSE SHIT!" Urist was caught in the crossfire, rolling left and right on the floor of his cell.

Blood leaked out Sycorax's eyes and ears as the Queen grit her teeth, her iron fortress of calm broken into a snarl as she inhaled and had enough.

Kiyome suddenly lost control of her jaw, her mouth clamped shut while some invisible force choked her.

Sycorax sighed as she looked down, seeing tendrils of shadows elongated and grabbing Kiyome's shadow, holding her mouth and throat.

Kiyome grasped for the invisible force choking her like Darth Vader.

"Alright, that is enough for today." Sycorax smiled again.

Kiyome did not have time to react to Sycorax stabbing her heel through her hands and throat, then pinning Kiyome into the ground. The beast tamer tried to throw the queen off, but the latter applied her weight and force, crushing Kiyome's windpipe and the ground beneath to a crack.

"That's a good way to submit to your Queen. I should consider this method for later use. Mmmmm." Sycorax wiped the blood from her eyes and flicked it aside.

Kiyome wheezed and choked as her windpipe was still in the middle of healing itself.

"I hope you learned your lesson. Now, what should I do with you?" Sycorax then willed the dark tendrils from her shadow to lift and suspend Kiyome's still-healing body in the air - constricting her arms and legs in the process.

"I don't suppose you'll obey like a good little girl, won't you?" Sycorax hummed.

With her head and neck mostly healed, Kiyome spat at her face. Sycorax winced when she felt the acid spit melting her skin.

"Let her go, Queen Bitch!"

Urist reminded them of his presence when he jammed the detached shark fin blade into Sycorax's leg.

."...Oh, I actually forgot that you are here." Sycorax merely commented as she ignored the blade lodged into her leg, before she swatted Urist away until he fell and was apprehended by the guards.

She calmly removed the shark fin bone blade and inspected it, her wounds healing.

"Bahhh! Let me go, you sorry gimps, before I will… I…" Urist paused when he saw someone on the ceiling.

It was the moody teenager that threw his horny Japan friend up there, stuck to the ceiling like an inconspicuous spider.

Sycorax merely grinned as she fixed and healed the melted spot on her face, "Feisty one, aren't you? Even after what I've put you through…" Her hand then grabbed on Kiyome's face, clamping her jaws shut as she leaned in, "I think I will indulge myself with you." She ran her tongue on Kiyome's cheek, much to the latter's chagrin.

The woman was far more twisted than the elves said.

"My Queen!" One of the guards shouted upon tracking the dwarf's line of sight.

Sycorax turned around, only to recoil upon seeing Djall standing behind her so close.

How did he notice them? No, the sonic scream. Sycorax didn't take into account that the battle was loud enough for Djall to notice the commotion.

"...I believe this is the second time I snuck up on you," Djall commented with an eerie calm.

Sycorax barely managed to force a smile on her face.

"I believe so… May I ask-"

The power of Djall within her pulsed.

Suddenly, she was filled with unspeakable dread. She saw herself being torn to shreds, limbs flying, her entire body melting into a puddle of blood and bones without warning, the Son of the Beast instantly devouring her on the spot as the upper half of his body split in perfect halves, teeth lining between bisected human body, showing his inhumanity at full display, as he devoured her without warning.

And she could almost feel every death she saw, the sensation of her bones being crunched, her screams begging for mercy.

Then the visions ceased, back to Djall standing in front of her with an eerie calm.

"...I believe Kiyome and I must leave."

Gone was the amused expression on Sycorax's face, as she regarded Djall with an unreadable look. Soon, however, Sycorax smirked while narrowing her eyes.

"...Did you really have to do that?" The queen asked with a somewhat curious tone.

"I am not in the mood." Djall warned. "I am annoyed, and there is a burning feeling I cannot explain inside me, if we do not leave right now, I will destroy you. I don't know how you know I'm here, but I will not make the same mistake twice."

Djall walked past the Queen towards Kiyome. He sighed as he looked at her.

"...Weak flesh." He swung his arm, the shadows binding Kiyome banished back to its natural state.

Sycorax could not believe that his power of the shadows already surpassed her authority during his brief stay.

Kiyome fell on the floor as Djall stood over her. The girl then turned to look at Djall.

"I'm sending you back."

Kiyome blinked, "Back…?"

"You arouse unreasonable emotions inside me, anger at your suffering. And I feel a great amount of disappointment in you, seeing you lose even though you have more of my power than anyone else. I do not like losing control without reason," Djall said. "And I deem you as a hazard to my mental health for now. Until we see each other again."

"What? What do you-"

Djall flicked his finger and shot a bolt of magic around Kiyome's feet, forming a familiar-looking teleportation circle under her, then Kiyome realized what Djall meant.

"No! Wait, Stjar-"

Kiyome was gone.

Djall was with Sycorax, Urist staring at the scene very confused by the monster's behavior.

"Oi! What'd you do that to yer girlfriend for?!" Urist shouted at the monster, kicking the air due to the guards holding his arms at their height, and Urist was short.

Djall ignored the loud stout thing.

"...I have to repeat the annoying thing's question. Why did you send her away?" Sycorax asked, a little disappointed by the result. She wanted to have some fun with her.

"Because you ruined everything." Djall tersely answered as he teleported himself away using the same magic, albeit much faster than when used on others.

Sycorax pursed her lips once he was gone… it would seem that she would have to do some damage control.

But first.

"Return the dwarf to another cell. And this time, place soundproof barriers around him."

"You bitch!"

Faster than a blink, she found herself at the dining table where everyone was at, eating lunch.

The gang was there, Issei was there, trying out another of Alfheim's special fruit cuisine.

"...Kiyome?" Issei called out.

"Issei? I… No! Damn it!" She looked around her, seeing that Djall did send her back as promised, back to the silver palace.

"Azazel! Can you send me back?!"

Azazel was there as well, swallowing his food.

"Kiyome, slow down. What do you mean?"

"I…! Ugggh!" She grabbed her hair and pulled out of frustration. "I need to get back! Stjarna… ugh…"

Without warning, a sudden wave of fatigue washed over her. She fell on her side to everyone's shock as though she tripped, prompting Issei and Asia to run towards her, the rest rising from their seats.

"Kiyome! Are you okay?!" Issei shouted as Asia immediately summoned Asclepius to heal Kiyome of her injuries.

"I…" Kiyome grit her teeth. "...I feel… tired…"

Asia started scanning her with Asclepius to discern her condition.

Asia spoke up, "Kiyome-san. Your… your body is exhausted. Your blood sugar level is low. I can detect elevating levels of malnutrition. I recommend that you eat something fast."


Kiyome muttered as her eyes landed on a plate of what looked like a turkey within her arm's reach. She reached out, shot a string of web towards it, yanked a drumstick, and gingerly bit through the meat and ate like she never before.

The drumstick was finished within seconds, and Kiyome did not finish there as she yanked the whole body and savagely buried her face into the tender meat, ravenously chomping through.

The sight of her savagery stunned the group, even Titania was surprised to see the pristine girl tearing through the meat like a barbarian, even eating the bones.

"Hah…" Kiyome felt relieved, yet some of the hunger still lingered. "...May I have some more?"

Issei scoffed a little when Kiyome managed to pick herself up, brushing the dust off her.

Everyone did not fail to notice the bloodstains on her clothes, the rips and tears through the fabric.

"...Did Djall do this to you?" Rossweisse asked, gesturing to the aftermath of the battle.

"...No." Kiyome shook her head. "...Damn it…"

She inhaled and exhaled to calm herself. It was troubling for her to accept that Stjarna sent her away… after saying he was disappointed in her. Her fingers clenched so hard that her nails dug deep into her palms.

"...I'll explain everything that happened after we got separated."

To be Continued…

Omake: Angel's Jobs

"So… What are you three doing here again?"

Issei asked the angel-trio, as they sat together in one of the vacant classrooms in the school.

"We angels need a base of operations in this town, Ise." Irina supplied, "The Occult Research Club actually offered us to share their space, but we feel bad for taking advantage of their kindness, not to mention some of our activities might harm them since… Y'know, we are angels and they are devils. Thankfully, the student council gave us permission to use this room after school."

"Oh, and by the way, Sister Griselda is taking charge in overseeing the purification of the site where St. Adonai once was. Once the purification is completed, Heaven plans to build a new church for us to use." Xenovia added.

"That's… fine, I guess." Issei shrugged.

After observing the jobs that devils usually do, Issei became curious to see how the side of angels do their business. Thus here he was, meeting up with the resident angels to see what they usually do.

"So, what do angels usually do? I heard it's similar to how devils form pacts, is that true?" Issei asked.

"Um… Yes, Issei. But, um, our job as angels is to listen to their problems and help them the best we can do. We… don't know if we should make a pact." Asia replied.

Xenovia quickly filled in, "No, no, no, there's no making pact with people. We are tasked to guide them with love and God's teaching, you know? From what I learned, back in the Vatican, most angels are tasked to oversee confession and absolution, baptism, naming children for married couples… And we do regular and menial works, but let's say it is more altruistic in nature."

"So like counseling?" Issei concluded.

"Yes, like counseling!" Irina nodded, "We also have spread words out across this school and town about our activities for the past week, so… Now we just sit back and get ready for our clients. We are going to spread the Lord's teaching, starting… Any minute now!" She finished while eagerly looking at the door.

Issei smiled a little.

"It's not something many would go for, would they?" Issei pointed out.

"Issei, don't look down on the sacred profession." Irina pouted at him.

"Okay, okay, but I'm saying that there's a chance nobody will come on the first day-"

"...Excuse me? Is anyone here?"

A foreign voice suddenly called out from outside the classroom.

Issei turned to the door, jumped by the fact that someone did come. He looked back at Irina, seeing her smugly smiling at him.

"Fine, I'll eat it. I'll get the door." Issei rolled his eyes as he got to the door.

He opened it.

"Hey… whoa." Issei closed the door, earning confused looks from the angels.

"What's wrong, Ise?" Asia asked.

"Hey, Irina. Did you get the flier messed up?" Issei asked.

"What do you mean?" Irina asked.

Issei stared at her, "Come take a look."

Irina glanced at Xenovia and Asia - the former shrugged in confusion while the latter was just as confused. She then stood up and walked to the door, took a peek and realized what Issei was talking about.

"Oh… That's… the guy who called out just now?" Irina asked.

The guy in question appeared to be a man clad in medieval armor from head to toe - his entire head was covered in a helmet and plate-face that prevented anyone from discerning his face.

Issei took another glance, "Apparently. What the hell is that, though?"

"Well, a lost lamb, obviously!" Irina said with confidence, "You go back inside, I'll handle this."

Issei decided to play along as Irina opened the door back open, "Sorry about that. How can this humble Servant of The Lord assist you?" She greeted with practiced courtesy.

The armored guest fidgeted slightly before he replied, "So… Is this the place? I heard this is where I can get help for my troubles…"

"Mhm! Please, come in! This is a safe place!" Irina smiled as she welcomed him in.

Soon, everyone was situated on a table.

Murai's armor was clicking with every step until he took a seat. Issei had no idea why he did not hear of a guy in armor at school all this time, though.

"May we hear your name, mister…" Irina trailed.

The armored man quickly caught on as he nodded, "Yes, my name is Murai."

"Welcome, Mr. Murai. My name is Irina Shidou, this is Xenovia Quarta, Asia Argento and this gentleman is Issei Hyoudou. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Those who were introduced offered nods and smiles at Murai.

"Mr. Murai. Please tell us what troubles your heart," Irina asked as she rested her chin on her palms.

"Ummmm… I don't know how to say this… Alright, here goes. There… is this girl…"

Murai's first sentence had garnered Issei and the angels' curiosity.

'There is this girl'?

Their first day became a lovebird's counseling.

"Her name is Susan. She lives in this town, but… All of our interactions have been done via letters and video calls, never face-to-face, and…" Murai hung his head slightly as if in embarrassment, "Even during those video calls, both of us kept our suits of armor on."

Issei sighed, "Dude, sorry for interrupting - but for starters, you ought to show more-" he then paused abruptly when he digested the words, "...Wait, what do you mean by 'both of us'?"

"...Uhh… she always keeps a samurai suit on her person at all times."

Issei and angels blinked and exchanged glances. A man in full knight armor and a woman in full samurai armor… wow, what were the odds?

"So… What is the problem?" Irina prodded a bit more.

"Well, the thing is…" Murai twiddled his thumbs, "I've been thinking of inviting her for an offline meeting, so I can tell her how I feel, but… I'm bad at talking with people, the reason I wore this armor is because I feel safe and more comfortable out there. When I ran into Susan in social media by chance, I… Feel this kindred spirit inside her, we talk, and…"

As Murai began to pour his heart out, the rest came to a conclusion - It was a match made in heaven. No matter how they see it, they were literally made for each other. He was another envy of all boys in this school, someone that got his ideal dream girl.

"...Dude. Go for it. She's your soulmate." Issei concluded instantly with a thumbs up, cutting off Murai's story.

Murai looked rattled, "B-but, what if she doesn't feel the same way? What - what if she only sees me like a brother, or good friend? I don't want to ruin things when they are going so well…"

"If she is like you, I think she will understand. The worst you can get is a rejection and a few days of awkwardness" Issei said.

"Y-Y-Yes!" Asia meeped. "You have to be b-brave! I know it's scary, but once that wall is overcome, you'll feel like you can take on anything!"

She spoke from her heart with her own experiences with love.

Murai, however, did not look convinced as his body was still slumped on his seat.

"Hm, let's backtrack a little, start over slower, shall we?" Irina placated, "Mr. Murai, I hope I'm not intruding, but among those letters you wrote to her, have you ever talked about how you feel about her?"

"Um… no…" Murai looked down. "I… I tried, you know? Everytime I muster up the courage, my hands start shaking and… well…"

He's a pansy.

That was Issei's conclusion in his eyes.

"Hmmm. You know what? We can write one right now!" Irina chipped.

"Eh?" Issei turned to Irina. "Wait, what? Since when is writing love letters your hobby?"

"Everyone needs to start somewhere." Irina retorted, "Besides, there are five brains here, I'm sure it will work out!"

"Did someone say 'love letter'?"

Everyone turned to see Black standing by the door, his signature mischievous smile in place.

"...What is that thing?" Murai could only ask with apprehension and dumbfoundment.

"Black, no!" Irina stood up and pointed her finger at the evil thing. "This is no place for evil spirits! Don't try to sugarcoat it; your face says everything! Shoo! Shoo!"

Black walked in anyways, giggling maniacally while ignoring Irina's glare. Issei still wondered how Black could wander around the school without anyone noticing.

Or them noticing; the evil bastard.

"Let's see here..." Black took out a piece of paper and slapped it to the desk. They had no idea where it came from.

"Dear samurai-chan."

And he was already starting to write without their consent.

"Black, no! Don't make me send Asia your way!" Irina threatened, knowing Black's weaknesses.

"By the way, I've been listening to your story for a while, so this gal you are after also wears armor, hm?" Black asked.

"Um, err, yes." Murai still could not wrap his head around what the creature was, but somehow decided to go along.

"Hm, alright, so let's go with this…" Black then began to write, "Let us unite together at the center of the world, from west to east, at the crossroads of the compass. No borders shall separate us, be it the insecurities that bind us, or the world that might turn against us."


Everyone had to admit that they were impressed. Black surprised everyone, Issei and Irina thought he would ruin it with something unnecessary for the laughs alone.

"...By then, I hope that we can shed these armors of ours open, face and understand each other with sincerity." Black then wrote.

"Yes, yes, that's what we need!" Irina nodded in excitement as her twintails flailed up and down.

"...And finally, we can lay our eyes upon each other's natural state with you opening your legs to me."


"YOU CUR!" Irina punched the evil spirit so hard, he flew out of his seat to the chalkboard.

"How dare you desecrate this sanctuary with your vulgar evil?! Why?! You have something good, and you just… just…!"

Irina was so red with fury she might burst, her cheeks puffed and her brown twin tails stiffened upright, lifted by her own indignant rage. Meanwhile, Asia was flustered with Xenovia looking awkward at the situation.

"Kuh. Of course he'll go for it." Issei snickered as Black peeled off the wall and flopped onto the floor.

"...Worth it." Black gave Irina a thumbs-up, inciting her fury even more.

"...So that's it."

However, Murai operated on another spectrum, "I think… I like this one. Yes, I'll go with this!"

"What?" Issei stared at him.

"Wait, what?!" Irina turned to Murai with panic in her eyes. "No! No no no no no! That is wrong! There is no way she will accept that!"

"E-eh?!" Murai actually was looking reluctant, "B-but look at the lines, the choice of words! This… This mirrors what my heart desires, I'm sure of it!"

"You…! Issei! Reason with him!"

"...Okay, man to man." Issei decided to do damage control. "...First off, what is wrong with you? I am sure as hell no girl in this world… actually, I can think of one that will accept such a letter gleefully."

Somewhere else, Aika Kiryuu sneezed.

"...But there's no way that she'll accept that letter. Nuh uh. Even God and Buddha has limits."

Which was true, God was killed by the evil bastards.

"But I have to try! You said it, she's my soulmate!"

Murai did not listen to reason. Issei blanched at his twisted common sense.

"...You know what? Let's test how far that theory holds weight. Let's send the letter."

"Issei, don't you dare go along with it! I will not have our club's reputation be stained because of you!" Irina grabbed his hair and pulled.

"Let's do it!" Murai decided.

"NO!" Irina shrieked, fearing the worst to come.


Irina could not believe it.

"Yes! Let's do it!" Said the female in full-body samurai armor.

Saji and Ruruko were there, standing with Issei and the angel girls as the couple stripped themselves of their armor.

"Oh my dead God, it actually worked!" Black was with them, cackling along the way, rolling left and right as Irina and Ruruko glared at the evil imp.

On the other hand, Issei simply stared at Saji who seemed to have no idea of what was happening, "...Small world, eh? So she's your client?"

"Ruruko's, actually. Still, what the hell?" Saji could only comment.

"Blame Black. I'm actually still surprised by how much of a match they are… and oh good god, they're naked."

They were actually naked under that armor, and they were both beautiful.

Everyone could not believe it - Susan's breasts were huge, more than watermelon sized.

Murai's muscles and special equipment were also a contender against that of Issei's if Irina had to compare as they watched them hug each other in their nakedness, both blushing.

"...Don't tell me they're going to do it here?" Issei asked.

Out in the open street at the orange dusk.

"They're kissing. They're actually going to do it!" Black cackled.

"Welp, time to run interference." Xenovia was the one to take initiative, leaving a completely flustered Asia, "...We can't afford them to be arrested for sexual offenses."

"Good call. Come on, Saji, you help too." Issei followed suit, with Saji sighing while complying.

"...This is the weirdest job I've ever seen." Ruruko commented as she watched her three upper-classmen separate the naked couple.

"I HATE YOU BLACK!" Irina's cries drowned out the street while Black's insidious cackle echoed throughout the dusk.

Just want to let you guys know that I also have published another Issei x Irina Lemon in my P treon . Check it out ;)

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