Some of you may have noticed; I previously posted an NSFW story as a companion story of NEO story, consisting the explicit scenes that took place off-screen in NEO. However, the website tore it down because the story's content was too, well, explicit.

I might sound that I'm complaining - I understand this site has rules and all, but I'm pretty sure there are at least one or two stories out there that are just as explicit, if not more than my One-Punch DxD: NSFW. Why are they still standing? How does that work?

Anyway, enjoy!

They were all surrounded.

Assassins entered in from the enemy side slowly closed in on them step by step, their eyes and auras filled with the intent to end their lives.

Issei sniffed the air for a moment, smelling their scent.

"...You reek of the Trihexa." Issei knew from being around the 'child' as the Demons call it, the one that began and ended the Trihexa Death Plague.

"Good nose." One of them admitted.

"But it isn't exactly the Trihexa, isn't it?" Issei could tell.

Because he smelled the similar scent from Kiyome, the exact same scent from her power… and his arcane vision could see the similarities.

The Dark Elves stopped, their murderous aura interrupted.

"...You took the cells made from the Son of the Trihexa. I heard he goes by Djall now."

Azazel, Sirzechs and his Peerage, Vali and his group, and Rossweisse gave Issei their attention.

"What?" Azazel blinked as he looked back at the Dark Elves.

"You were given the cells not from the corpse parent, but the living child of it. Though, I'm not exactly sure how powerful he is right now compared to the actual Trihexa. If I had to guess… It didn't grant you as much power. Though the other benefits are easy to see. Since I heard that one of you survived decapitation and escaped with their head in their hands."

The reaction of the dark elves was silence, but their refusal to look away from Issei confirmed their truth.

"Since when are you a detective?" Vali asked as he summoned Divine Dividing.

"Since I have a nose like a Hellhound. Knowing Stjarna, they won't die even if you take their heads off, and their reflexes are annoyingly fast."

"Well, ain't that comforting?" Bikou twirled his signature Bo around, "An opponent that doesn't die from head loss? First time I'm fighting one."

"What about the Phenex Clan?" Le Fay asked as she aimed her wand at them.

"They don't really count." Bikou argued, "After all, a good hit from Arthur's sword is enough to take them out. I wonder if your sword can work on these guys."

"...I'm looking forward to finding out." Arthur merely replied as he unsheathed his Caliburn.

The vanguard of the dark elves wore a helmet made from an insectoid exoskeleton, covering half of her upper face, only her mouth exposed enough for them to see her grit her teeth.

"Kill the outsiders! Show them the Power of the Beast!" The leader shouted as the dark elves moved forth with disciplined silence, their intent roaring their desire to murder.

"Protect the Elves! Don't let any of them reach the Queen!" Sirzechs shouted to his Peerage.

His peerage already went into position, Bahamut, the golden sacred beast of the seas, and Surtr the second went to the front, Okita behind them, Beowulf and Enku behind Okita and Matthers in the farthest back as the long-range fighter.

They went between the Dark Elves and the Royal Family as they clashed.

Vali and his group intercepted those on the opposite side of the flank, the group of dark elves exchanging blades and spells as Vali entered his Balance Breaker.

The rest - Issei, Rover, Kiyome, Griselda, Asia, Azazel and Rossweisse were delegated on the defensive perimeter around the elf VIPs, along with Ikala.

The battle had begun between the assassins and the Midgardians, the High Elves now the spectators to their irony.

Albeit, the high elves were not the only spectators as Djall watched from the corner with interest. He was in the throne room now, following the assassins after Ikala alerted the guards.

The crimson-haired one was watching, not acting. Was he not using his power to overwhelm them to conserve his strength for the real battle?

Again, Djall had plans for this one.

The one with the katana… one of the swords reminded him of the creations of the Hellsmith, Muramasa.

A vastly inferior version of his current creations, especially after his transformation.

However, the dark elves showed their abilities when their bodies turned into shadow and started using their shadow magics.

When they were in shadow, they could dodge and evade the strikes and magic spells of the outsiders, blade phasing through their bodies, fists passing through the dark effigies of their forms harmlessly.

It was nothing more than an illusory trick of invincibility… no, there was some form of intangibility in it by hiding a portion of themselves in the shadows. Djall could improve upon this.

Then they started incorporating his power.

"Die!" The leader started using unorthodox techniques when she threw something over Okita.

Okita quirked a brow when his eyes spotted a crystalline sphere, which then exploded in a flash of light.

In that instance, she grinned and stabbed Okita's shadow with her poison blade.

Blood flew from Okita's neck; the sight drew shock from everyone.

Okita stumbled back and placed a hand on his neck, blinking.

"Alfheim shadow magic. If I hit your shadow, I hit you."

Unfortunately, she spoke in Alfheim. Okita could guess what she said, however. Then he noticed a foreign substance infecting his veins, a sensation he knew too well.

"Their blades are poisoned!" Okita shouted.

He channeled the power of the 100 Yokai Parade within him. It was not as if they had the power to cure the poison, but the accumulated power of a hundred spirits dwelling in his body should be enough to resist the poison.

Yet the poison was vicious. He could feel the Yokai within him struggling.

The other Dark Elves still standing unleashed the Trihexa's, or Djall's, power, one growing dragonfly wings, another transforming their legs into digitigrade hooves, and another growing four mantis arms with serrated blades that gleamed like metal.

Rossweisse dueled the one with the mantis blade arms. Her rate of attack increased, pressuring Rossweisse as she blocked and parried with her shield and spear.

"Your power has indeed grown with the Beast in your blood… But!"

The mantis elf grabbed the shield with two of her four pincers and pulled Rossweisse in while thrusting her daggers at the Valkyrie.

But Rossweisse broke out of the grapple and shield-bashed her weapons out of her grasp and rammed her spear into her heart.

The mantis elf coughed as Rossweisse lifted her and summoned five simultaneous fire spells and blasted the dark elf, launching the charred elf towards the wall.

"Even I can see how unsynchronized you are with your new powers."

Even they could see how little they mastered their new powers. They could not incorporate Stjarna's powers into their fighting style flawlessly.

Souji retreated while summoning a Nue and Oni to keep the leader occupied while MacGregor and Asia hurried to make a first-aid treatment for the poison.

The dark elves fought valiantly. Some of the ones still standing lined up and poured all of their transformed and new limbs into offensive magic, swirling magic forcibly compressed into a vortex, and fired at the group.

But Asia raised a barrier and blocked the attack, the impact shaking her barrier and vibrating the room, leaving cracks in her defenses.

Kiyome dueled with one in combat.

"How can you have that power?! We are the first to inherit the beast!" The Dark Elf shouted in a tongue Kiyome could not understand as they dueled.

They used each of their new abilities to Djall's interest as his eyes trailed towards them.

They both weaponized their arms as they clashed, yet Kiyome's metal-claw hands surpassed the elf's insectoid armor and blades. He wondered how Kiyome could have come up with the metal claws in the first place like him, though.

In terms of power and compatibility, Kiyome surpassed the elves. The dark elf had more experience, but the girl still surpassed her in skill, a mix of human techniques and his powers, as she cleaved through the dark elf in twain with a blade of bone jutted from her elbow.

The way it gleamed around the edges…

It was interesting, microscopic razors rotating around the contour of the blade, the serrated teeth slicing through the assassin's like butter, armor and all despite the magical nature of her armor, slicing her in half as her organs fell out.

In the end, the Dark Elves were overwhelmed, some dismembered and mutilated.

Arthur decapitated his foe as her head rolled on the floor. The way the severed head glared at him while seething…

"Consider me amazed. Never have I seen a head glaring at me with such vitality." Arthur pushed his glasses up, satisfied with the answer he got.

He slashed behind him, cutting down the headless body of the severed head before it could backstab him as it collapsed, bleeding.

"...Please, have some tact. We know you can move your bodies remotely."

Those that were not dismembered recovered from their injuries, wounds closing and burned skin flaked off, replaced with new, stronger flesh.

"...Surrender," Azazel warned as he snapped his fingers.

A golden coating of light spread from underneath Azazel's feet, covering the floors and crept up the walls towards the ceiling, surrounding them, imprisoning them all in golden light.

Djall grimaced as he was forced to jump down from his hiding spot, landing on the golden coating as it reached the ceiling covered the flat surface above.

"I know how your magic works. This barrier will stop you from using your shadow magic to-"

Azazel twitched as he turned towards Djall's direction.

"...Something is there. Another one of you?"

Djall clicked his tongue again, realizing that the light was also a motion detector. Seemed that he had overstayed his welcome and got caught. First time that happened to him… both refreshing and invigorating, forced into a precarious position, the rush of knowing he could no longer hide.

He did not want to reveal himself this early… he wanted to watch some more; but then again….

Azazel's eyes continue to stare directly at him.

Deciding to answer the fallen, melding into existence, Djall made himself known as he dropped from the wall.

Three eyes, two eyes with sigma symbols tattooed on the left and right iris, a hexagram for the third eye. Wearing casual clothes from Midgard, he walked, no shoes, bare feet touching the light-covered floor.

He stared right into Azazel as his throat clicked in a rhythmic tune, a tune that Issei, Kiyome, Azazel, Asia, and Vali knew so very well.

"He's… not one of us." One of the Dark Elves admitted with confusion.

"What is he?" Another whispered in Alfheim.

"...Stjarna?" Kiyome asked.

An overwhelming sense of emotion and shock flowed through them as they reunited with the one they failed to save… questions and confusion filling their heads when they saw him in this very room.

Like why was he here? Was he not meant to be at the enemy's base? Under the enemy's control?

There were so many questions, they could not respond.

But the dark elves saw an opening. They immediately rushed towards the Midgard group with wild abandon.

Okita, Vali, Beowulf, Arthur, Bikou, Griselda, Enku, Rossweisse, and Azazel moved fast even as they turned into shadow.

They were torn, beaten back, blasted apart, cut down.

But a few of them could teleport, disappearing in a puff of black smoke before reappearing behind their targets.


One of them got Asia, a blade to her neck. The girl looked startled - there was a hint of fear on her face, but the girl then quickly calmed herself down. Her eyes scanned her friends - she subtly nodded to Issei who silently asked her to stay calm and trust him. She then sent a mental command for Rassei to remain on stand-by.

The Imoogi was still in her hair, waiting for the signal to free his mother.

The other two assassins stood near the hostage as they raised their weapons defensively.

"...You know how this goes, outsiders." The assassin warned with the blade pressed onto her jugular.

Djall stared at them, his eyes laid on Asia. A certain emotion stirred within him the more he processed their actions.

"If you want someone to blame, blame the stranger for distracting you. And-"

Everyone froze when they felt it. When it exploded out of him.


Murderous intent as vast as the ocean suddenly flooding the throne room, even the Queen, who was standing as spectator, reacted to it with horror in the face of such primal hostility.

It spilled from Djall as his eyes stared at the assassin holding Asia hostage, so much that the room was dyed metaphorically red, redder than even Sirzechs' hair.

Ddraig and Albion - all the way from within their confines in their Longinus gear, were intimidated. A fear that they could not understand, the fear of prey cowering before the face of death, for they knew what it was to be in the face of a predator that can consume dragons like snakes to rats.

"...Let. Her. Go." Djall threatened as his eyes bored into dark elves' terrified ones.

His irises, pupils, expanded until it covered all of his white sclera black.

On instinct, the assassins released Asia - who was still stunned at the bloodlust, and dropped their weapons.

Out of all those present, the dark elves were trembling the most, even the ones that fell trying to reach the hostages, even dismembered, were the most paralyzed, for they could feel the connection now.

"You… You are the…" The Dark elves immediately understand from the power within them reacting to the bloodlust, shrieking within their bodies. They knew from their instinct what this creature was.

The source of their power.

Immediately, they fell on their knees and bowed before the three-eyed beast.

"W-We beg for your forgiveness, Spawn of the Beast! Please! S-Spare us!" The leader whimpered with a tone no one expected to hear considering her previous arrogant tone.

Everyone was flabbergasted at the development. However, before anyone else could have spoken, the door was slammed open, revealing more guards armed to the teeth.

When Djall looked at the guards, high elf, in the finest silver armor and weapons royalty could craft, his bloodlust ceased.

He blinked and looked around… he looked confused. As if he snapped out of a trance.

"What the…?" Djall muttered as he looked at his hands.

"...Stjarna!" Kiyome called out. Djall looked back at her, then back at the guards that entered the room, moving past Azazel's angelic golden coating of light without difficulty.

"My fun is ruined." Right hand raised, Djall's smashed through the floor, collapsing his foothold as he fell below as the stone rumbled and cracked.

"Stjarna!" Kiyome ran after him and jumped into the hole.

The girl chased after him as she landed on the pile of marble rubble beneath, surrounded by more confused elven guards rushing to the aid of their Queen. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, trying to find him, the one she failed to save.

However, despite the powers given to her… she could not see him.

She could not smell him.

She could not hear him.

She could not feel him.

This time, he left her… he left them on his own. How could she not notice him all this time…

"Stjarna! Come back!" She cried out, tears slowly trickling down her cheek.

Djall could not understand why she called him Stjarna. It resonated with him… but that was not his name. He could feel it.

Djall clicked rhythmically as he jumped out of the window, wings sprouted from his back.

It was time to withdraw for now, to gather his thoughts, as he soared through the starlit night of Alfheim illuminating the heavens.

The throne room within the Palace of Eternal Light, to put it simply, was filled with a tense atmosphere after the attempt on Titania's life.

They cleaned up the mess and imprisoned the dark elves. Amazingly, none of them were dead despite the brutality they received.

Unfortunately for Okita, the poison was still in his system despite the emergency treatment. It took Kiyome to analyze and synthesize the anti-venom with her powers to expunge it out of his system, a nasty substance designed to liquify his organs.

It was only half-effective due to the hundred Youkais nesting within Okita's body.

Titania was with her daughter alongside the Midgardians that helped save their lives.

They watched as the royal advisors, the Dukes of Andlang, discuss the current situation in a panicking frenzy.

"What were they thinking?!"

"The dark elves have gone even bolder!"

"We should prepare our army to launch a preemptive strike on those darklings!"

"With the power they have? Have you gone mad?! We should consolidate and surmount our defenses and prepare for the worst!"

"Rather, what was with that… that…. Abomination!?"

"Alright, alright, I think all of us need to take some 'chill pills.'"

Suddenly, an unexpected voice was heard, prompting everyone to turn and see a young elf sitting next to Titania, who was not nearly as surprised as everyone else.

The Midgardians stared at the… young, casual child, sitting with his feet on the table and hands behind his head. The most defining trait of the boy was a pair of antlers on his head.

That, and he wasn't even sitting in the chair. He was sitting on empty air due to his small height.

"Greetings, everyone; or since we have guests from Midgard, the better term would be….. Yo, wassup?" the boy greeted with a cheeky smile.

"...Haaaaaaahhhhhhhh." Ikala rasped as she rubbed her forehead.

Titania on the other hand, simply sighed with a wistful smile as she casually smacked the child's head.

"...Okay, uh, who's the kid?" Bikou decided to break the ice.

"Your Majesty Oberon!" The rest of the elves scrambled over their seats so they could either kneel or bow before the newcomer.

"...Your Majesty?" Vali and Issei gave the child their undivided attention, squinting with all of their focus.

The child, a king… no matter how they saw him, they could not really see him as a ruler.

The other midgardians also shared their sentiments.

"Yes, it is I, the one and only Oberon - King of High Elves extraordinaire, at your service!" the child - Oberon hopped so he was standing on his chair and gave a theatrical bow.

"Correction." Titania sighed as she smacked his head again. He was still smiling. "King of the Wood Elves."

"That too!" He giggled.

Sirzechs and Azazel exchanged a glance, wordlessly asking Azazel if that really was the king. Sirzechs pointed at Oberon while Azazel shrugged.

"Anyways, as King, I shall use my Kingly powers to calm the situation! By saying that we might be screwed and it is all the fault of Midgard!" Oberon declared to the bewilderment of the Midgardians.

"...Okay, who thought it was a good idea to make that guy king?" Issei asked.

"Just kidding!" He bonked his own head and stuck his tongue out. "For realsies, let's be real! We need your help."

His playful smile fell as his face turned serious.

Very serious and stoic.

"Titania's sister, Sycorax… is making some big plays. Yeah, the balance is disturbed by you Midgardians, but then again, we are also to blame for being content with the balance of our kind for so long. We're not used to change at this point, which is concerning. Especially you, Beast girl." Oberon pointed at Kiyome.

"...Me?" Kiyome pointed at herself.

"You have the kid's power in you, yet it's not like the one I see from the shadow elves. The power they have is, eh, incomplete. Yours…" Oberon quirked an eyebrow, "Well, if I had to say, it's like either you were blessed by Djally or he somehow turned you into one of him. So, what's the story between you two? Because if there is, by any chance, romance involved, I will remind you that he isn't even one year old. And if you somehow had a hand in this mess…"

The look in Oberon's eyes became sharp - sharper than any boy of his appearance should have.

"...Well, simply put we will turn you into nourishments of the World Tree itself." Oberon finished with a sneer.

Kiyome's expression went uneasy while Issei's expression went hard - while he did not like the subtle threat Oberon gave to Kiyome, he could not refute his point at the same time. The others exchanged glances, realizing that every elf in the room was expecting an answer.

Eventually, Kiyome composed herself and met Oberon's orbs with hers.

"This is… Quite a long story, perhaps all of us should get ourselves comfortable." the beast-tamer proposed.

In the blink of an eye, Oberon's sharp expression suddenly relaxed, as if he was not hostile in the first place, "Sure thing! Bring in some refreshments and snacks, please!" He called to the random attendants while clapping his hands.

They blinked, just registering the king's sudden order before they bowed and went out the door.

Kiyome sighed as she braced herself to explain the story between her and Stjarna.

Around fifteen minutes, she explained her story between Stjarna, now holding the name Djall, much to the intrigue, amazement, and horror of the elves not in the know.

Rossweisse also listened, intrigued by her account of the story. She did not know how personal it was for Kiyome, the girl that met the Son of the Trihexa and the Messiah… and how she felt as if she was part of the blame for Stjarna's tragedy.

For letting him fall back into the hands of his cruel creators.

"...Wow…" Oberon stopped sipping his soda.

Yes, soda. It was a soda bottle in his hands.

"...By the sun of the nine realms and the world tree… I gotta say… I didn't think that the kid raiding our kitchen had that kind of weight. Seriously. And I thought it was a good idea to try and instill our love of vegetables into the meat-lover." Oberon remarked.

Everyone blinked - Kiyome and Issei exchanged glances before the former replied, "...Excuse me, what?"

"And the kid never knew Popeye the Sailorman, to boot!" Oberon exclaimed while throwing his hands up.

At this point, Issei turned to regard Ikala and Titania while pointing at their king questioningly. The two ladies could only nod their heads in small embarrassment.

"Yeah, he was raiding our kitchen while you were having dinner. No joke," Oberon said with a serious face. "So, tell me. What do you think happened to him? Because he sure as hell doesn't remember you… and I am pretty sure he isn't under some kind of mind control. I don't see anyone that raids the kitchen for food being under that kind of spell."

Azazel then cleared his throat, "Well, putting the kitchen raid detail aside…. We have no real conclusion. If possible, we'd like to take this Djall into custody so we can learn more about him."

"...It's Stjarna."

Everyone then turned to Kiyome, "That Djall… His name is Stjarna. Something has been done to him, turning Stjarna into this Djall somehow." She concluded with a resolute tone.

"...Are you sure? Do you even know him when he doesn't know how to speak?" Oberon asked Kiyome. "What do you know about the man-eating wyrm that fell into your backyard anyways other than his habits and dislikes?"

Kiyome opened her mouth for a moment. Nothing came out, not a single retort, the silence growing the more she attempted to excavate her memories.


"You call yourself a beast-tamer, yeah? You don't seem like one since you cared more about yourself than your beasts. He's not a pokemon, you know?"

Issei could not believe that the child reached the same opinion of pre-Stjarna Kiyome.

"Yeah, you bonded with him at the last moment, but that doesn't mean you know everything about him. From what you told me, he is always a meat-eater, and he isn't as intelligent as Djally here. I don't disagree that something has been done to him, but even I can see that there is a lot of independence coming from him. Maybe if you ask him nicely, he might tell you."

"...Might tell us?" Vali asked. "What makes you think that?"

"He defended the girl over there, didn't he? Let out one helluva bloodlust." He pointed at Asia.

Everyone understood his reasoning as they looked at Asia. Kiyome almost pouted when she realized that he cared more about Asia than her… to react like that.

"You can say some of Stjarna is in him, but right now, he is Djall. I worked with animals for a long time, and we have a species that can forget things very easily and develop different personalities. Coming from personal experience, it's better to work with what you got," Oberon suggested.

"Work with… but…" Kiyome was baffled.

"He's still an infant, you know? It's not like he lost that much."

"An infant…" Kiyome muttered thoughtfully before a clarity came to her. Her confused expression shifted into something with more possibilities to explore.

Seeing Kiyome's expression, Oberon nodded before he relaxed on his seat, "Well, with that one out of the way… Who are you guys, again?"

Some of the elves sighed in exasperation at their king. Ikala rubbed her forehead in a mix of exhaustion and embarrassment.

The Midgardians stared at the child for a moment as they realized that they did not introduce themselves to the child king.

"Well, guess I'll start." Azazel volunteered.

Another fifteen minutes later, Oberon listened like an excited child hearing an awe-inspiring tale when each one introduced himself.

"Ehhhh, Azazel? The Azazel? The one that killed a crap ton of-"

"Let's not go there." Azazel interrupted, which Oberon accepted easily enough

Arthur introduced himself to everyone.

"Oh, I wondered why you looked familiar. And the sword, is that the one Nimue made?" He asked.

"Nimue?" Arthur blinked.

"Yeah. Excalibur."

"Excalibur is made by my Father." Azazel said.

"Nah, typical bullshit Christian propaganda. It's made by Nimue! Fairy-made! God drove a lot of the fairies out so he could plagiarize their work. You really think that guy is capable of that? I mean, if he is, every angel in heaven would've had an excalibur in hand!" Oberon laughed.

Azazel was about to retort, but he stopped himself when he processed Oberon's logic. He then wondered if Michael was aware about that.

Soon, everyone else finished their introductions. By then, most of the elves were eyeing Issei and Vali.

"Of all visitors, I sure as Hel of Helheim wasn't expecting two hosts of Heavenly Dragons coming here." Oberon remarked, "The White Dragon Emperor being a human-devil hybrid there is already pretty terrifying, and the red dragon one…."

Oberon narrowed his eyes slightly at Issei - as if the King was judging him.

"...Yeah, I still can't put my fingers on what in the Nine Realms you really are. You look pretty much human, yet I also can sense the power of the Welsh Dragon, and my ancestors forbid, a demon, and…?" Oberon then shook his head, "Goodness me, you are really one piece of a complicated puzzle. What did your parents feed you with?"

"Call me a fun experiment from experience and coincidences," Issei smiled wryly.

"They're really back from their hidey hole called Kthon? And you Devil bloods are still alive?" Oberon pointed at Sirzechs and then at Vali.

"Seems that you're familiar with our Ancestor race…" Sirzechs mentioned.

"Of course! The Demiurge helped teach the fae the powers of creation!" Oberon smirked and placed his hands on his hips. "...But back to the dragon scenarios, you're not going to ravage Alfheim or something to settle your boring, repetitive rivalry, right?"

"Eh, I'm not into the destined rivalry schtick." Issei waved off. "Vali is for some reason. Mostly because he's bored."

"You are making me sound like some battle-lunatic, Ise." Vali groused.

"What, you're not?" Issei quipped.

"Now, now." Titania interrupted with an amused tone, "I can lend you boys a space for your length measuring contest. I, however, am rather curious with you." She turned her eyes at a certain holy maiden.

"M-me, your highness?" Asia pointed at herself as she was caught off-guard.

"Indeed, young lady. Asia Argento, correct? Titania earned a nod from the young angel, "Not only do you possess incredible healing powers - your energy signatures are clearly of Alfheim origins. In fact, your wings highly resemble those of the ancient faes. Considering that you are a reincarnated angel, suffice to say… you have me curious about your origins."

"U-Ummmm…" Asia looked at Issei for support.

"I'm afraid that is another long story, my Queen. You wanna hear it?" Issei asked.

"Of course. We have some time. It is best we use it to prepare and understand each other before we move."

The dinner meeting lasted longer that night.

"...Your husband is here."

Grayfia wondered how she was already so used to Djall barging into her room to talk unannounced.

"I… see." Grayfia needed a few seconds to process the information, before her expression grew concerned as she walked towards him, "Is he alright? Who else is with him?"

She was surprised that Djall already found him out.

"Others. They…." Djall trailed off, his eyebrows furrowing when he recalled his episodes when he laid his eyes on the female with brown and the other with golden hair.

"...I know you somehow called them over. How else would they come here?"

Grayfia twitched.

"I sensed it the moment you asked me where we were. I played along wondering if my senses were wrong. I was right…"

"...Did you tell my brother?" She asked, pensive.


She blinked, "Why?"

"Because I'm against you being locked up here against your will in the first place because of an impossible, insane desire."

Grayfia was surprised, refreshingly shocked by this one's independence.

"I need a… 'favor.'" Djall then asked.

Grayfia then blinked, not expecting the intelligent creature before her to request a 'favor', "...What is it?"

"I have a problem I cannot fathom. I lost control… It has never happened before. When the girl with the yellow hair was being threatened… I saw red. And I can't remember anything from that short period before I regained my clarity, when the dark elves were already kneeling before me. I want to ask, do you know what's wrong with me?"

Grayfia stared at Djall, of all things she expected from him, that was definitely not among any of them. "...Right, I believe I need a proper context of what happened. Would you care to sit down? I'll see if I can procure some tea for us."

"Blegh..." Djall made a face that reminded her of Millicas when he was misbehaving.

Like not wanting to eat his vegetables.

"...Why are you smiling?"

Grayfia blinked at Djall's question, realizing that she was indeed smiling, albeit lightly. "...Nothing. Pardon me, my mind suddenly drifted elsewhere. Anyway, please take a seat for now."

Djall tilted his head, but obliged as Grayfia went through the cupboards.

As she was searching, she heard Djall's finger tapping on the table. He was definitely as restless as a child.

"...You know. Your brother wants me to convince you to… I'm not exactly sure what he wants from you," Djall called out.

"I think I know what he wants." Grayfia sighed as she took out a small amphora and opened the lid, seeing the usual leaves she likes.

"He wants me to return to the Grayfia he knew. The ruthless warrior that served the Lucifer bloodline… though Euclid seems to want me to serve Rizevim with him."

"You don't want that." Djall commented.


"Why?" He asked.

Grayfia closed the cupboard as she brought the amphora and set it on the table. She took out the leaves with a spoon and placed them in Djall's cup.

"The Civil War. How much do you know about it?" Grayfia asked as she began to brew.

"A failing government collapsed because it was degraded. A waste of energy and flesh, people on one side fighting for a corpse whose ideas make no sense." Djall replied.

Grayfia could not help but snort as she poured into the cups, "Crude, but not incorrect." She then brought the tray over and joined Djall on the table.

"...I was on the side fighting for the corpse."

Grayfia picked up a cup and offered it to Djall. Djall slowly accepted it and sipped.

"So you were meat." The beast remarked.

Grayfia quirked a brow, "...In a way, I admit I am. And by meat, you mean…?"

"Someone with eyes, yet blind. Can think, but can't make sense. Illogical, annoying. Better to kill and recycle as food than to talk to."

Grayfia sighed softly at Djall's words, "I think they are called 'people'."

"People…." Djall repeated the word with furrowed brows.

"Not everyone deserves to be labeled as 'meat', even if they are… hard to communicate with." Grayfia further added.

"So everyone fantasizes killing someone, and would if they could?" Djall then asked.

"That's…" Grayfia trailed, unsure of what to say in return.

"I was raised surrounded by mentally ill magicians and otherwise. Is every human being like them?"

Grayfia suppressed a groan - she forgot to take into account Djall's living environment.


Meanwhile, Sirzechs was listening in from afar in the palace. His peerage, Azazel, Issei and Kiyome were also around him to learn of what was happening.

"...Grayfia is talking with Djall."

Sirzechs said while listening further.

"Can you share what you see and hear with us?" Kiyome asked.

"...I don't know…"

Kiyome grimaced. She had an idea when she recalled how Stjarna connected his mind with hers.

She walked up to Sirzechs and placed her hand on his nape and concentrated, slithering nerve tendrils onto Sirzech's skin, and under it to his surprise when their neurons connected.

And Kiyome could see him now through someone else's eyes.

"...I watched my father's subordinates through the vents." Djall continued.

"They would either practice their magic… speak their fantasies of killing famous legends like this Serafall of the Sitri meat line. Or talk about their experiments on human subjects to pass the time."

"…Please don't tell me you're planning to eat Serafall?" Grayfia did not fail to notice his calling Sitri a 'meat line.'

Djall remained silent, "...Maybe a bite."

Grayfia then let out a silent groan. Djall's eyes slowly veered away from Grayfia's judgemental eyes.

"A smaller bite?"

"What do you have against her? Did you meet her and she somehow scorned you because you dislike the concept of magical girls?"

"Magical girls? As in Witches?" Djall tilted his head.

Grayfia furrowed, "Answer my first question."

"I just want to compare her taste to… Zekram's."

Zekram's name alerted Grayfia and Sirzechs, the missing Head of the Bael clan.

"Zekr… No. No, no. Please, don't tell me that you…"

Grayfia couldn't bear to finish her sentence, imagining the horrors the man, no, monster across her inflicted upon him.

"Didn't kill him."

Then that fear died just as fast, much to Grayfia's and Sirzechs' surprise.

"He was murdered by one of the Abaddons. I stumbled upon his corpse when I visited the Nobles with Euclid. I only sampled his corpse a little. Has a bit of that alcohol in his system, but tastes way better. Very good meat, premium-raised meat. My impression of the noble bloodline as 'meat lines' came from meeting them."

"Oh…" Grayfia was starting to understand how he came to view the Devils as… "Who killed Zekram?"

"Some… annoying meatbag named Bedeze, I smelled the blood on his hand. I dislike him and his group the moment we met eye to eye. The next time he calls me a mindless beast, I will butcher and roast him alive. After feeding him his own intestines."

In the Palace, Sirzechs' Aura flared, crimson lightning crackling from his body much to his peerage's fear as they backed away from him.

"Mordax… you bastard." It was the first time Issei saw Sirzechs' calm face warped by anger to this extent.

Wrinkled, creased features and gnashing teeth revealed, it was a terrible sight.

Honestly, he was a bit terrified.

"That's… I am conflicted, because a part of me wants that to happen to him," Grayfia confessed.

"I would've devoured them all if it weren't for Uncle. He needed their help. I didn't understand why until you came along. I thought he was going to rob them blind or turn them into experimental guinea pigs or something."

How she wished that was the case as Grayfia closed her eyes, imagining the ideal scenario…

"...But I think we are moving off topic too much." Djall noticed. "The point is, I like the taste of noble devils. I think they're nothing more than premium livestock raised on the finest foods and living environment. Which is why I want to taste at least one Satan for comparison."

"...My husband is a Satan," Grayfia reminded.

"That won't stop me."

From the palace, Sirzechs' rage calmed… almost replaced by disturbance from hearing Djall's desire to taste him like an appetizer.

Kiyome was reminded when her mind wandered to the cave, all of the aquatic creatures Stjarna captured and preserved there…

Is this how Stjarna would've become if raised differently?

Kiyome wondered to herself what would happen if he was raised in a different environment… stifled with limited options.

Miss Kiyome, your… friend views me as nothing more than a choice of a premium menu. I am not sure how to convince him not to pursue me as… meat.

Sirzechs admitted with a tinge of nervousness. Kiyome could only smile wryly inside.

Yeah, let me work on that.

"And back to the other subject… you fought for those meatbags. Why did you fight for them? Is it because you were insane?"

Grayfia sighed, it was not a topic she liked, but still better than dwelling into Djall's disturbing peculiarity.

"Ignorance and stupidity rather than insanity." Grayfia replied while sipping her tea.

"Explain ignorance and stupidity." Djall asked.

Grayfia placed her tea down on the tray.

"...My family… The Lucifuge bloodline. Not a meatline, I hope." She smiled wryly. "From birth, our role is to serve our maker. Lucifer. We were… educated to not question him. Always tend to his needs, and serve him with the best of our abilities. We were kept in a bubble that isolates us from the common sense of the world. That is all that we know… All that I know until the devil Civil War."

"Tell me about those that you fought with. Are they as bad as I heard from Rizevim?"

"...They're worse." Grayfia admitted. "It is a battle to… maintain the control of the few over the many. It is never about the benefit or the future of our people in the end. Only the future of the few… a terrible future where we all must suffer for them."

Djall's throat clicked in with a contemplative tune.

"Why so obedient when raised under your parents?"

"...I am jealous of your rebellious spirit. When we're born, there are high expectations of us to follow in our parents' footsteps. We raised without knowing better," Grayfia smiled. "You were raised by Rizevim, correct? Were you as obedient in his education? Did you question it?"

"...Only if it doesn't make sense or annoys me. 'High class living' is so stifling, but I do know how to act like a proper noble. It is easy to follow the annoying postures but again, very uncomfortable."

Grayfia giggled at Djall's frown.

"My son loves our lessons together, though. He enjoys our time together."

"Then it seems that your son has inherited your insanity," Djall quipped with humor for the first time.

The humor made her smile more.

"...Why do you stay with Rizevim?" Grayfia asked. "Someone like you… you don't belong with the likes of Khaos Brigade."

Djall leaned back on his seat, his eyes wandering around in contemplation, "...Most of them are probably insane now that I think about it. Most of the magicians kept ranting about revenge against those from 'Merlin' and the other magician organizations, complaining about being exiled due to 'lack of ethics,' defending their acts as 'pursuits of geniuses,' a bunch of annoying noisemakers. The Dragons… Well, they hunger for stimulation, most of them anyways. The ones that can fight back are… decent as fighting partners for a while, makes things interesting. Though I like to feast on Grendel and Nidhogg for their meats. Dragon meat is my favorite meat. Still is."


Kiyome could not help but let out a small laugh. There was definitely some of Stjarna in there.

"The black feathers have strong parental issues, are against their brothers for going against their 'God's' way of things and all that. We do not interact much, and I get hungry whenever we do meet. The remaining Devils of the Old Satan Faction… Rizevim fed them to me. They were like lost overgrown children, clinging to Rizevim like annoying glue, so I don't blame him. Then came the Gods… they're not insane, I think? They just want revenge. Xingtian is my battlemaster, Osiris teaches me about the afterlife whenever I visit him and mostly speaks ill of his brother Ra, Balor… Well, he is not one for patience, but we do talk sometimes. What else…"

Djall tapped on his chin before continuing, "There is also Muramasa. He taught me about the importance of the art of forging weapons. We get along. There are others, I think, but to answer your question, I stay because my parents need me to kill something. Something I feel that is worth staying for."

Grayfia blinked, her mind going a mile in taking in and processing all of the information Djall just dumped on her. She realized that her tea had gone cold, "...And what is that they want you to kill?" She asked.

"GOD." Djall answered. "Not the black-feather's irrational dead parent… The GOD."

The mood of the air grew heavier. Sirzechs and Kiyome flinched at the mention of that being.

"When I was crawling through the vents, I saw something in the lab communicating with Euclid when he sat in a christian prayer. The effigy… it was the first time I felt fear." Djall admitted with a shudder. "I knew at that time that it is something that can kill me if I ever came into its attention. And I agree with Rizevim. The entity must die. There is nothing good that comes from a long-term relationship with that thing."

"...What did you see when you saw GOD?"

"Death - The end of all things."

An eerie silence came between them. The saying may be banal, but to hear it from him, it held weight.

Djall calmly took his cup and sipped, placing it back onto the tray.

"...Now back to my problem. There is nothing else to talk about them… Whenever I saw a few members of your husband's group, I… felt something resonating. Kiyome… and this 'Asia'... I feel a sense of longing when I see them. An irrational attraction I cannot describe… What is happening to me? Is it good? Or bad? Should I try to kill it?"

Kiyome jumped to hear that.

For once, Grayfia was, if only a little, genuinely amused by Djall's dilemma. "Well, I don't think it's anything bad, as far as I'm concerned."

"Is it? I don't like losing myself like that. Losing control without reason is only for weaklings."

"It happens to everyone at some point in their lives." Grayfia retorted, "Even I remember losing control over myself more times than I could count."

Djall blinked, "What happened?"

"...And that, young man - time for a lesson about privacy." Grayfia retorted again with an amused smirk.

"You're being coy." Djall stated the obvious.


"Are you going to tell me what's wrong with me?" Djall asked.

"Why didn't you go to Euclid for a conversation on this matter?"

"Even I am aware that he is… highly inept in this topic. I cannot imagine anything good coming from trusting him with this proble."

Grayfia giggled. It seemed that Euclid could use a lesson or two in parenting, even though Djall was probably every parent's worst nightmare, the beastial definition of a problem child.

"Hmmmm. I think… it is affection."

"...Huh?" Djall's expression was that of pure dumbfoundment, confusion.


Kiyome could not process that word.

Grayfia, I am pretty sure that the young man did not experience such a thing.

Sirzechs noted.

Oh, shush, let your wife tease a young man with the penchant for calling my husband premium meat.

"Affection? I… That is not the emotion I associate with… I think? Wait, are you messing with me?" Djall asked. "I don't think I see them that way. No, I am pretty sure I cannot see them as potential mates."

Grayfia snorted again, "Affection doesn't always mean desire to mate, Djall. It can mean you simply care for someone's well-being - nothing more, nothing less."

"I… I don't…" Djall looked confused. "I care for someone…. What's in it for me? What do I get in return?"

The concept of 'compassion' seemed alien yet not something he wasn't unfamiliar with, Grayfia could tell.

Grayfia looked up for a second before shrugging, "Hm… It all depends on several factors, really. Mostly on what do you and your target of affection expect in the long run."

"...That sounds needlessly exhausting," Djall replied with a scowl.

"That is because you're still young despite your vast intelligence," she giggled.

"Stop making me feel like meat," Djall frowned.

"Stop calling my husband meat."

"I refuse."

"Then enjoy feeling like meat, my young meat," Grayfia quipped with a playful smile.

She and Djall stared at each other for a moment.

"Kuh." Djall broke into a laugh. "...I cannot remember having this much fun. More than what I had spiking the meals of Uncle's servants with new poisons to see their effects."

That made Grayfia blinked again, "...You poisoned your Uncle's servants?"

"Yes. Sometimes Uncle or Father finds out and makes me eat their poisons. And teach them how to make poisons of his own with my corpse father's powers. Honestly, the reason why Euclid and Rizevim haven't fully unlocked the powers of the 'Trihexa' is because they still see themselves as what they were, not what they are now. They are not used to stepping outside the boundaries of their… comforts. Which is how I managed to help Orochi unlock all of the potential we can extract after our bonding."

Grayfia was impressed that Euclid managed to raise someone this well without corrupting him… ish.

Kiyome was not sure how to react to Djall's condition. She was under the impression that Djall would become a slave or something.

Ms. Kiyome, your thoughts are leaking into me.

Sirzechs informed.


It makes sense. If powerful beings like Djall can be enslaved, the Great Red and Ophis would be under Lucifer's service years ago. Even the Biblical God has to resort to remaking Ddraig and Albion into Sacred Gears to use their powers.

Ohhhh. That… makes better sense.

Djall suddenly perked and looked around again, eyes fixing on the roof.

"...Uncle brought a guest over." Djall noted.

Grayfia blinked.

"How do you know that?"

Djall's uncanny perception always brought questions. How could he know or see in a way she couldn't?

"I can feel it. I can see it. I want to find out. I'll see you later," Djall immediately jumped off his seat and ran out the window. As fast as he arrived, he was gone, without a sound.

Grayfia sighed with a smile.

Well, I think there is some hope for him. We just need to do something about his diet.

Sirzechs could not help but smile wryly.

Kiyome removed her hand from Sirzechs as he opened his eyes.

"Well? Whatdya find?" Oberon asked while eating a potato chip from a bag.

"...We're probably going to need some meat. A lot of meat." Sirzechs announced.

"It is rare for you to come visit, Lady Dökkálfar." Euclid politely greeted his recently-arrived guest.

Sycorax Dökkálfar hummed as she placed one leg over the other, sitting on Euclid's couch.

A crown of obsidian and onyx rested on her silvery-hair, her skin dark grey, not dark brown like most of her kin.

She was a leather-bound beauty, sharp and mysterious as the abyss, her eyes watching Euclid with a sharp focus as he arrived and poured her a glass of his favorite wine and offered it to her.

Her eyes were sharp, reptilian, the signs of having the power of the Trihexa inside her.

"I only come if this is urgent, Lord Lucifuge." Sycorax replied with a neutral, business-like tone, although she still accepted the beverage and took a quick sniff before sipping it.

"What is so urgent for you to arrive here?"

"My people are growing restless, Euclid. Many of my matrons have diligently explored the boundaries of the Trihexa's powers, and they are calling for me to go to war soon…"

"Is that so?" Euclid hummed as he poured himself a glass. "I can never understand this feud between the dark elves and the light elves."

"Isn't this feud no different than the Devils and Angels in Midgard?" Sycorax asked.

"Yes, but it is kind of idiotic in comparison… you never told me what started your feud. Since you were there, after all."

A small silence descended between the two.

Sycorax slowly sipped her wine, "...And you never told me why you wanted to interfere with our matters. Tipping the balance into our favor…"

"Is it not because we respect your abilities and wish for a long-lasting mutual relationship?" Euclid asked.

"Flowery will get you nowhere." Sycorax dismissed Euclid's deflection, "Tell me about the Son of the Beast."

Euclid paused.

Could they have noticed his arrival? No, not even he noticed his arrival. Honestly, it was hard to keep track of him due to his restlessness, never staying in one place for too long.

He even came here from the Underworld somehow. Without a Hyperspace Gate at that.

"I am afraid that he is… a child that's still under development." Euclid carefully worded.

"You created many creatures out of the Beast. Yet a random creature being born not out of your direct will has your attention the most? What makes him more special than your other creations?" Sycorax probed.

"That is not something I am inclined to answer. Even if I do have an answer, I wouldn't tell."

Not even he or his masters could explain it, honestly. They wanted to know what made him so special.

"He is a byproduct of your experiment, a result of you playing the role of Ymir." Sycorax continued.

"True." Euclid begrudgingly conceded - The woman was definitely aware of Djall. As long as Djall is not here, he should be able to stave her off.

"...Soon, the secret of Alfheim will be in our hands." Sycorax continued. "Hidden in the pillar of light that shines from their capital, they waste it instead of using it to carve a place for our kind. Now, we live in a perpetual balance. Our realm is one of the most stagnant of them all. Nifleheim, Jotunheim, Muspelheim; the Jotuns sharpen their weapons in preparation for the fabled Ragnarok, for revenge against Odin for what he did to Ymir. Vanaheim, Svarthelheim, allies of Asgard, prospering in the peace… Helheim continues to swell with the dead unworthy of Valhalla. And us… we live in a bubble of secrecy, the most inconspicuous realm. You know very well that this alliance of ours is coerced." Sycorax said.

"I don't know how you knew of our realm's secrets. I allied with you due to your warnings of a Ragnarok greater than the Ragnarok depicted by prophecy, and you needed my sister's greatest treasure… We are approaching the climax. But I will not step towards it in the ignorance of the shadows."

Euclid sipped his wine slowly, holding the line.

"...And I know when someone is watching me from the shadows." Sycorax added. "Would you care to show yourself?"

Euclid blinked. He looked around. "...Damn it." he could not help but curse.

He spotted Djall outside the window. His head was seen, the rest hidden under the window frame.

Sycorax slowly sipped her tea. The three-eyed young man then opened the window and crawled into the room.

"...Young master, you're supposed to be entertaining my sister." Euclid pinched the bridges of his nose.

Sycorax perked, "Your sister?"

"I got curious." Djall answered. "And to think another managed to notice me. How did you know?"

"A good Queen never reveals her secrets. Not without a price."

Sycorax rose from her seat and approached the young man, her high heel leather boots sinking into the fine red carpet as she stood before him.

"Hmmmm…. How curious." The Queen mused as she began to circle around Djall in silence.

When the Queen laid her eyes upon Djall, it was like staring at the everlasting abyss - beckoning, all-enveloping, all-swallowing.

"Yes, I can feel it - Who you are. Through the power within me, your power, Son of the Beast."

"...How many of my cells did you take?" Djall asked, tilting his head.

"What is it like?" She answered with another question of her own. "Having your… essence extracted to be shared by the many?"

Djall quirked a brow, "Uncomfortable. For you weak flesh, it might be worse. Torn apart."

"Hmmm. Interesting…" The queen did not sound offended. She stopped, face to face with the young monster. She leaned forward until her face was close to his, enough that Djall could feel her soft breath against his face.

Djall was not intimidated in the slightest, the way his eyes looked at her, unshuttered, unflinching by her matriarchal beauty…. Although something began to come forth with their prolonged proximity.


"...What are you trying to do? You've been gazing at my eyes and nothing else." Djall asked.

The Queen blinked - a little surprised at the reaction, before she giggled softly, "Pardon me, you turn out to be a little more amusing than I expected. Tell me, Djall, is it? Have you ever been…" the Queen paused, as if having a shift in her mind, "...Attracted to the opposite gender?"

It was Djall's turn to blink, his expression went contemplative for a few seconds before replying, "Attracted as to their tastes… yes. They're sweet."

The Queen giggled, slightly harder this time.

Euclid was not sure whether he should correct the Queen or not. A part of him wants to see how far into the snapping dragon turtle's mouth she would put her hand in… and her reaction when she learned of the literal consequences of Djall's words.

"Well, I suppose I have heard what I need to know." Sycorax then stepped away from Djall.

"I have a proposal for us. Is he taken?" The Queen asked.

"Taken?" Euclid blinked rapidly. He wondered if he misheard.

"Did you assign an engagement with your charge?"

It took another few seconds for Euclid to come up with a reply, "I'm sorry, engagement? Did you say engagement?"

"Engagement? What engagement?" Djall looked even more confused.

"Is he not your master's official son?" Sycorax reminded.

"I…" Euclid's eyes darted back and forth between the dark elf and the monster. "He… is, but…"

No matter what angle, no matter what scenario, he could see disaster coming from this idea if left unattended.

"...And is it not your kind's way to arrange marriages to cement alliances and friendships?"

Djall stared at Euclid, asking what she was talking about. Euclid did not expect this, he needed to consult with his superiors.

"Let me… have a discussion with Master Rizevim first. This is not within my power to decide. And we need time to… contemplate."

Mostly to educate the monster on the matter or 'consuming' his chosen partner in bed the right way.

The Queen kept her smile as she nodded, "I expect an answer by our next meeting." She then nodded at Djall, "I am looking forward to getting to know you better."

Djall did not say anything as the Queen walked to the door. However, she paused by the door and looked at Djall one last time.

"A piece of advice, young Djall. There are more forms of pleasure than merely satisfying your stomach and appetite."

Djall's confusion doubled when Sycorax wreathed herself in shadow and then disappeared.

"...What is she talking about?" Djall asked, even more confused.

Euclid sighed, "...Young Master. It is time for your sex education. Right after I make a report to Master Rizevim."

It was the time for Euclid to brace himself to educate his voracious charge of the matters all adults must face… even though he was technically less than a year old. Honestly, this could be a world record if Euclid thought about it, losing one's virginity in less than a year… to royalty no less.

He made his way out of the room before Djall could question him. He had to make sure that Djall would not kill or literally eat his partner during intercourse considering his diet.

Ikala was pacing in her private chamber. Anxiety and confusion were on her expression.

Her room was filled to the brim with cute, fluffy toys Oberon gifted her from his sporadic trips to Midgard, luxurious silken tapestry from China draping from the ceiling around her bed, one of the four walls completely occupied by a massive bookshelf filled with texts on matters of magic and individual history of each of the nine realms.

Midgard has the most developed history given its diverse culture and multiple pantheons.

This day was nothing but chaos, Midgardians barging into their realm and meddling in their affairs, the revelation that the Beast now had an offspring, which was born even after it was dead, mingled with the blood of Midgard's most prominent Messiah, and that the power of the Beast's offspring flows through the blood of the dark elves.

Interrogation of the dark elves stated that they were planning to invade as the power of the Beast flows within every member of Dark Elf society.

Once they had mastered enough of the Beast's powers, they would invade Andlang and settle their feud over Alfheim's greatest secret.

"Celiphrana…" She gnawed on the nail of her thumb in her long pacing.

There was no way that she would not come to warn her of this. Unless she was under suspicion.

She stopped when she felt a draft. She looked to the window, seeing it open.

Melding into existence, casting away her invisibility, a shrouded figure sat by the window, cloaked in rags.

"...I am sorry I couldn't get here sooner, my Ikala." The figure's voice was very feminine. She undid her hood and cloth covering her face, revealing her beautiful dark elven features.

Her eyes were emerald, beautiful, glittering like green stars. However, her irises were vertical slits, reptilian.

Her beauty was like a colored reflection of Ikala's, but more mature, sharp. Her hair was silver, weaved from the finest clouds, short, tomboyish.

"...Celiph." Tears ran down Ikala's eyes as the beautiful high elf with golden hair ran towards the dark elf and wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm so sorry, Ika. I'm sorry. Are you safe, my love?" Celiphrana asked, hugging Ikala in return, sharing their mutual embrace.

"I've been with my kin and safe in my home, you fool!" Ika pushed herself away a bit without breaking away from Celiph's arms, so she could regard her with a tearful glare. "What about you? What is happening with your people? They attempted to assassinate my mother!"

"Shadowblade Agatha." Celiph replied with a shameful tone, "...She was one of ours who was drunk on the power of the Beast and overestimated her abilities. This assassination was unsanctioned by my mother. She convinced herself that she and her band could infiltrate Andlang and end the war themselves… they didn't take into account the multiple layers of protection spells your mother has on her person at all times, though." She smiled weakly. "I only found out too late. I snuck out and came as quickly as I could."

"You still haven't answered my question! And… your eyes…"

"Yes… The power of the Beast flows through me. No, the Son of the Beast… We felt his presence. We know he is here."

"Of course he is! He… The Wentara broke into the palace somehow… Ugggh! Please, what is happening? I am so confused, I am worried sick that-!"

In the spur of the moment, Celiphrana wrapped her arms around Ikala and pulled her in, their lips met. Ikala froze with wide eyes for a second before she melted into the contact.

Their lips sealed as all of Ikala's worries and stress was… sucked away by her love. Her eyes closed as their tongues danced, their bond deepening through this exchange, her eyes open as she gazed into her lover's gaze.

Celiphrana broke the kiss, a strand of saliva connected their lips.

"...Are you calm now?" She teased.

Ikala blushed heavily, "J-Just… start over slowly from the beginning…"

Celiph smiled and giggled when Ikala's ears started to flutter.

"Why don't we go to the usual place?" Celiph then tugged Ikala by her hand towards the window, "Tonight's been exhausting for both of us, I believe a good scenery change might do us good."

Ikala smiled. She closed her eyes as she held Celiphrana's hands and a teleportation circle expanded beneath them, before it whisked them away in a flash of light.

They arrived at the roof of the palace, at a spot where the glow of the twin moons of Alfheim shone the brightest, where there was no one to disturb them…

Ikala realized that security was tightened. She looked around to double check.

"Whew, no one is here. Now, please. Explain."

Celiph smiled as she lead the Ikala to the edge. They sat by the edge of the roof, side by side, the view of Andlang and the night sky before them.

"...It all started when a Devil named Euclid Lucifuge arrived in my mother's palace."


Issei and Vali just walked past another pair of guards who eyed them warily before they finally left them.

"They still don't really like us." Issei remarked as he took a sip from a bottle of drink he brought along.

He and Vali were clad in T-shirts and sweatpants; having just finished sparring in one of the empty rooms loaned by Oberon. They both now were returning to their assigned rooms while exploring the palace.

"No shit, Ise." Vali replied, "But never mind that. What was that earlier? Did that come from the Mastema bloodline since your…. Dark-half merged completely with you?"

"Yeah, neat, isn't it? It's-" Issei grinned before he suddenly paused on his tracks.

Vali also did the same, sharing the same expression with Issei, "...What is it, Ise?"

Issei pointed towards a direction behind Vali - who followed and saw what Issei was talking about. High up at the palace's roof, around the more secluded edge, a pair of figures suddenly appeared. Their enhanced eyesight quickly recognized one of the two as Princess Ikala; the other one, while unrecognized, shared the similar traits as the dark elf assassin who invaded the dinner earlier.

Issei and Vali shared a look, and with a nod, they proceeded to find their way towards the location of the pair of elves.


Ikala listened.

"...He arrived with an army of Midgardian magicians with foreign powers and abilities unannounced brazenly. It was chaotic. The Blade mistresses fought the magicians, the royal guards managing to fend off the mages. Until they showed their powers. We didn't know that they found a way to inherit the power of the Beast of Midgard."

Ikala listened with pensiveness.

"The devil introduced himself as Euclid Lucifuge, and he offered a proposal of an alliance. Even suggested a duel with mother to showcase his… Power. My mother is strong, but the devil is powerful. She had trouble facing this magician when he showed his powers. He managed to tip the balance into a stalemate for a while. Then he showed his weapons… his abominable weapons made from the flesh and souls, a twisted reflection of Midgard's infamous Sacred Gears. He made an example out of my mother in front of her people, and then offered an alliance… He knows about Alfheim's secret."

Ikala gasped.

"But… It is closely guarded! No midgardian should know about it!"

"I understand. But he knew… my mother couldn't refuse him at this point. Then he offered our kind the same power that flows through his veins... But from a different source."

Celiphrana took something from her robe and showed it to Ikala. Ikala blinked as she stared at the orb of… flesh?

It was a strange thing, like looking at a translucent frog egg, but with veins within the crystal-clear egg-like sphere twist and warp, spreading out as if trying to break free from its shell-like prison was disturbing.

"...This is the cell Euclid extracted from the Son of the Beast. Once consumed, you will inherit his power. At least, his abilities. Every Dark Elf must consume one is another part of mother's pact with Euclid… even I."

"...You couldn't refuse?"

She shook her head.

"Everyone was skeptical at first… until they discovered its boons. Instant recovery from even the gravest injury… the ability to see further, hear even the faintest of whispers from afar, the pulsing of another's heartbeat, growable armor, greater magical prowess, the nose of a wolf, and much more. The endless possibilities of this power… frightens me. Because even I am entranced by this power. I spent hours mastering it. I can survive for days without sleep, food, or drink… though the smell of blood excites me. I even tried raw Giant Centipede… the ichor of the beast's lifeblood was delicious. And it was poisonous."

"I… see." Ikala was not sure how to react to that.

"Then everyone started experimenting… dark experiments. It was small at first, with the vermin." Celiphrana grimaced. "They fed the cells to the animals and war beasts to see how they would… evolve. Then they started to crossbreed certain creatures when they realized they could splice the bloodlines of lifeforms… We are at a stage that we can tamper with life in ways Alfheim would consider blasphemy. The number of horrors there, I cannot describe…"

Ikala gasped.

"...I don't know when my mother will assemble our armies. I don't know what to do, Ikala. Everything is moving so fast, I… Those that share my sentiments, my love… They're powerless. I'm powerless… The balance of this realm is beyond me now." Celiph turned her face away in frustration.

Seeing her lover's distress, Ikala reached out towards Celiph's cheek, turning her head to face her.

"Look at me, Celiph." Ikala began, her eyes wavered in uncertainty for a second before she resolved herself, "The travelers from Midgard… They might have a way to solve all of this."

"Midgard? Travelers?" Celiph blinked, "I… did see a few people who are clearly not of Alfheim on my way to you… Are they emissaries from Asgard? Isn't their annual visit still for another few decades, at least?"

Ikala sighed, "It's… It's quite a long story. But my father and mother have declared them trustworthy…. And considering how things have devolved? I'm afraid we need to try every possible avenue."

Celiph looked down in thought, before her long ears twitched and she placed her hand over her left ear. She then nodded before turning to her lover "...Forgive me, Ika. But it's time for me to go back. My mother is looking for me."

Ikala's face was disheartened for a second before she nodded, "I understand. Stay safe, Celiph. The moons tonight shine beautiful as ever."

"...Indeed, they are." Celiphrana smiled and she planted one last kiss on Ikala before she disappeared, becoming invisible as Ikala heard her lover leapt from the edge of the palace.

Ikala remained sitting for a few more moments before she finally stood up, planning to return to her chamber. When she turned around, however, she froze when her eyes laid upon a pair of young men staring at her.

Panic grew into Ikala's eyes as her mouth wordlessly moved in sheer surprise - how long have they been there?!

"Err….." Issei was the first to speak, unsure of what to say after listening to the conversation between the elven-pair. "Good evening. Beautiful night, right?"

Upon hearing Issei's greeting, Ikala finally came up with something to say - she glared heatedly at Issei and Vali, "How long have you been standing there? How much did you hear?!" her hands were glowing with magic.

Vali, however, beat Issei to answer first, as he placed his hand on Issei's shoulder. Vali then turned towards Issei who was regarding him with a confused look. "...Really, Ise? This is even low for someone like you."

"Low? What low?" Issei asked back.

"Casually eavesdropping on an important conversation between two people… How could you be so senseless?" Vali carried on.

Issei gaped at Vali for a second before he replied, "...Oh, Fuck you." Issei then turned to the princess, "Please disregard this lying piece of shit. We came because we thought you were going to be assassinated."

Ikala stared at Issei and pointed at Vali.

"What is he talking about?" She spoke in her native tongue. "I do not speak Midgardian."

"...Really?" Issei asked while blinking. He slowly creaked his head towards Vali as a vicious idea bloomed in his head.

"Didn't you follow our conversation by the dinner table?" Issei asked.

"Mother was helping with her magic! I… alright, I might know a bit of Midgardian, but I only know Latin and the universal translation system from your realm doesn't work for us as well. You will have to speak Latin to us directly, in short. Not… whatever Midgardian derivative you were using."

In short, they were speaking Japanese on instinct, Vali and others like him too used to relying on their overpowered universal translator power.

"...He said that he understands your sentiment about loving the same gender, as he also has a special someone like you, but of course, a male." Issei spoke in the elvish tongue as his smirk… turned demonic.

Absolutely wicked.

Vali shuddered, "What? What are you saying to her?!" He demanded, noticing his malicious aura.

"...Oh." Ikala looked surprised before she turned her eyes towards Vali, "...I see. So there are midgardians like him…" she pointed at Vali, "...Who holds feelings towards those from the same gender?"

Issei paused as numerous faces entered his head, "They're rare but this guy's special someone is quite special."

He shall pair Vali with Silver. That will earn him laughs for days. Silver will roll along with it as a bonus.

"...Right." Ikala nodded, before her eyes widened and she shook her head, "Wait, no! Why are you even here?! This place should have been secluded!"

"I'm quite sharp, you know? I sensed your presence the moment you arrived. And… I kind of heard everything. This guy doesn't know Alfheim, so you're safe."

"Issei, you bastard, what did you say to her?!" Vali demanded, his voice entering one ear and out the other.

"Kuh… I know you wretched humans of Midgard have no sense of privacy. Has this been your plan all along? Snooping in our home to look for weaknesses you can exploit?!" Ikala on the other hand, remained skeptical and suspicious towards Issei.

Issei blinked, "Um, no, no, nothing like whatever you think, really." He attempted to placate the princess, "Look, we're sorry, but we thought you were in danger when we saw you two together. We didn't mean to eavesdrop, we swear." He said while raising his arms disarmingly.

Ikala then grimaced. "Oh really? This is the second time you invaded my privacy… You… elf-crazy human."

"...Excuse me?"

"Don't fool me. I know how your kind sees us Elves! I've seen… the arts!" Ikala pressed on. "Your kind's sick fantasies!"

Issei and Vali exchanged glances - the latter might not understand elven tongue, but Ikala's tone and ranting obviously implied that she was currently accusing them for something they did not comprehend.

Ikala's face was flustered as she bit her lower lip. Then she straightened herself and looked away from Issei and Vali.

"Kuh…. Enough! Just do it and get this over quickly!"

Issei and Vali's confusion then grew into shock when Ikala reached out to undo her robe and dress, revealing her creamy skin under the moonlight. Vali wisely looked away, while Issei was panicking of what the hell was going on.

When Issei looked up to see Ikala's eyes, her face was desperate as tears were welling in her eyes, "...S-s-swear to me that you won't divulge what you learned here to anyone!"

Issei turned to Vali in his panic, in which the latter only returned with his own looks that urged him to come up with anything.

"O-o-okay, okay! We swear, but please put your clothes back on first! We'll talk about this!" Issei quickly said.

Ikala stared at Issei for a second before she collected her clothes back to her person. She then walked past both dragon emperors, "...Follow me, then."

"Why?" He asked.

"So our discussion will be private… ugh. I hate today."

Saitama had absolutely no idea where he was.

There was ice at first, too much ice, then there was stone, stone architecture gilded with some golden metal here and there, Saitama could not tell.

Then he came across some giant humanoid when he arrived at the wide-as-hell bridge. The giant roared at him in a language he did not understand and attacked him.

He left the rude person behind with half of his body buried into the stone and his other half sticking out unceremoniously like a misplanted tree.

There were a lot of spooky people walking with him, though. The air was cold, yet the people coming here were barely wearing proper clothes, only torn rags. When Saitama got a closer look at one of the passersby, he had to flinch - the guy looked like a corpse.

Like, a real corpse. There were no eyes in his sockets, and his lips were gone, showing the gumless, yellow teeth.

Still, he had absolutely no idea where he was going… and the air would not stop getting colder.

"Hey, you there. Where are we going?" Saitama asked.

None of them responded to him. They just kept… walking forward on autopilot.

"Um, hello? Excuse me?" Saitama tried to get the attention of more corpse-like people. When he tried to grab the shoulder of one of them, the shoulder crumbled in his grasp to dust, causing the zombie-like creature to stumble in his tracks.

"Oh, shit! Sorry!" Saitama apologized, but the creature did not even give him a glance as he kept walking forward.

Saitama eventually sighed, concluding that he would not get any answer from these people.

He decided to follow them somewhere… Seriously, it was the first time he stuck out of a crowd now like a healthy thumb amongst the diseased that he thought about it.

More than his time in the Hero Association.

And it was too foggy, he could not see anything other than the dead walkers. He wondered if he should just run ahead with all of his might… or Serious Blow the fog away.

Wait, the fog was clearing…

There was a very fancy castle of gold-covered stone bricks. Very fancy, like Devil architecture fancy.

Saitama whistled at the size of the statue standing behind it. Some kind of woman with long hair… looks kind of familiar though.

The statue towered over the castle, even.



He was so mesmerized by the scene that he forgot about the giant dog growling in front of him. Looks like that one dog from Asgard… Ferar or something.

"You look alive. You lost too, boy?" Saitama smiled at the snarling dog, already used to Rover.

Maybe he should arrange a playdate for him.

The giant 'dog' with dark magenta fur lunged its fangs at the stranger, ready to tear out the intruder's soul for Hel.

To be Continued….

Special Omake: Millicas Gremory's Observation Journal - Case IV: Rias Gremory and Ravel Phenex

"So, who is our client this time around?" Issei asked Rias and Ravel.

It was finally the day where Millicas would see just what kind of job and assignment real high-class devils usually dabble in.

"Professor Nishiura - a regular of mine who is also an archeologist and owner of the museum in town." Rias replied as she prepared her teleportation spell.

Ravel volunteered to lend Rias a hand, since she was also a fellow high-class devil.

"He submitted his request in advance, something about investigating a relic that appears to be cursed…" Ravel said as she read through the document.

"Cursed how?" Issei quirked a brow.

"It is not as advanced as the Monkey's Paw… I hope," Rias muttered the last two words.

"Is it?" Issei asked.

"Not every occult item in the world has the overpowered ability to grant wishes and mutilate the user," Rias retorted.

"Alright, what's the item?"

"We'll find out once we meet our client. Come." Rias beckoned Millicas, Ravel and Issei to join her once her spell began to power up.

They were soon teleported inside a room where another person had been waiting for them. An old man in his fifties wearing a suit under a white coat.

"Oh, Ms. Gremory. It is good to see you again." the man greeted by offering his hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Professor Nishiura." Rias returned the gesture in kind.

"And these youngsters behind you are…?" the man cocked a curious brow.

"Yes, this is Ravel Phenex who will serve as my assistant tonight." Rias gestured to the blonde, "...And this is my nephew and… his guardian who are here to observe."

Rias was about to address Issei as her boyfriend, but her professionalism refrained her from doing so.

The youngest stepped forward and greeted the archeologist, "Good evening, professor! My name is Millicas Gremory, I'll be in your care tonight!"

Issei also followed suit, "Issei Hyoudou, nice to meet you, sir."

The professor nodded with a pleasant smile before his eyes turned to Issei, "Hyoudou? No wonder your face looks familiar. You are Saitama and Haruka's boy, aren't you?"

Issei didn't expect to hear the names of his parents out of his lips, "You know my parents?"

Nishiura straightened up, "Well, I was… acquainted with your mother before she introduced me to your father, who once or twice helped me out when shipping some…. Heavier stuff in and out of the museum, if you know what I mean."

"...Mom lent you dad as your personal part-timer?" Issei summarized.

"...And problem solver. I am still baffled how she could find such a man. Seriously, I find his talents could be more in line with the military… or whatever Supernatural employment that befits his skills."

"Yeah…. I heard that sometimes." Issei smiled wryly, "But anyway, we got a job to do, right? What's the case here?"

"Ah, right. Follow me. I'll explain on the way." Nishiura gestured the youngsters to follow him and they were now walking through hallways.

"The artifact was found somewhere in rural Europe." Nishiura began his briefing as he led Rias and others, "Is it true that the doors of Hell were broken down and… well…"

"It's true…" Rias nodded.

"Agh… Damn it." The professor nearly cursed. "There has been much unrest and supernatural undeath since then. I had to barricade myself in a hidden safehouse from time to time when so much is happening. A lot of ancient, forgotten locations were stirred as if someone kicked the hornet's nest. This one is the most peculiar, it was found by a bunch of self-proclaimed paranormal investigators."

The professor led them to a store room.

Crates stacked upon crates, some with the lip open, revealing ancient relics of the before times covered in the rust and erosion of time, scars of their battle to survive the passage to the present.

In the center was a display case, a rectangular glass container placed on a pedestal. Issei switched to arcane vision, seeing invisible runic sigils painted on the glass, glowing like torchlight.

"Ever since Hell was let loose, I managed to get into contact with a couple of magicians. This glass container is enchanted with wards to contain whatever power this… ancient skull has."

Within the container was a skull.

A human skull, soil begrimed its features, dirty brown filling the cracked eye sockets.

For some reason, they could sense as if the skull was looking at them.

"The paranormal investigators donated the skull to the museum in Europe, but…"

"It's cursed, isn't it?" Issei concluded.

"Yes. At night, around the eve of midnight, those near the skull suddenly suffered terrible hallucinations and collapsed on spot. We already have twenty-two cases that need to be solved. We need your help to identify and absolve whatever power held within this ancient skull."

"Sorry to ask this, Professor… But what about you? Have you come near this thing recently? Did you suffer any hallucinations?" Issei asked the older man.

"Thankfully, no. When I made a pact with Ms. Gremory for the first time, it appears I receive some sort of protection from minor curses like hallucinations. Am I right, Ms. Gremory?" the professor turned to Rias, who nodded in return.

Issei raised his eyebrows at Rias, who looked a little smug. "That's one of the perks of making a pact with high-class devils, Ise. Depending on the number of contracts, my clients can receive some forms of blessing - whether it's fortune or protection."

"Uh huh… Don't think that's enough for the world I know. So back on track - so you are saying something is wrong with this skull over here. Did you learn anything else before we came here?"

"Regretfully, no." Nishiura shook his head slowly.

Without another word, Rias approached the display - opened the glass container so she could have a direct look at the ancient cranium. Ravel and Millicas were also not far behind her out of curiosity. Issei on the other hand, made sure that Nishiura would not get caught in the crossfire in case things went south.

After a few seconds of scrutinizing the skull, Rias then reached out to imbue some demonic power on the skull, hoping to see some reaction. However, upon touching the bony surface, the empty eye sockets suddenly flashed, causing Rias to flinch and pull her hand back.

"What the-?!"

The room was then engulfed in crimson light. When Issei regained his vision, however - Rias, Millicas and Ravel were nowhere in sight.

"...Eh?" Issei rubbed his eyes.

They were gone. He switched to various visions and looked around, his pupils and irises changing shape and color with each vision mode.

Not even the eyes of the Trihexa's child could detect them, even up and down.

"...Professor. Where did the paranormal investigators find the cranium again?" Issei asked just in case.

Nishiura shook himself out of shock upon hearing Issei's question.

"...Within… the middle of a pumpkin patch in the woods… They found it by detecting abnormal EM waves…"

"EM Waves…Shit." Issei cursed, "…I think we're dealing with a ghost. A very old one, probably…" Issei concluded, knowing the patterns.

"You've encountered ghosts?"

"When I was little. In a haunted house with a special ultimate class ghost… and then killed Evil Hell Ghosts when hell broke loose." Issei then shook his head, "But anyway…" He then attempted to reach Rias, Ravel and Millicas telepathically.

It was a simple communication spell he learned as he placed the circle on his ear. He should be able to reach wherever they are on Midgard at least-


Issei flinched. He got a connection. But the voice coming from the connection did not belong to any of his friends.

"...This is new."

Issei had never heard of magical phone calls being hijacked like this. He knew because he asked Azazel, and even he couldn't hijack magical communications because they work on a different principle.

"...How did you get into this transmission?" Issei asked.

[Hehehehe. A rude boy. Is this how the living today treat the bones of their ancestors?]

Issei blinked as he turned to the skull. For some reason, he could feel the bone smiling at him.

"Shit. Alright, where did you take my friends?"

[A very rude boy. Where are your manners to your elders?]

Issei skewed his lips. He could crush the skull, but he had absolutely no idea what this thing could do.

"...Hah. May I request where you took my friends, ancient one?"

[Your friends… hehehehe. My slumber is disturbed, and I am a little cranky. I hope you don't mind your friends entertaining my little games.]

The words caused Issei's aura to slightly leak out of his sheer rage, "...What did you do to them?"

The owner of the voice was silent for a second before replying.

[As I said, I'd like to play a game. Their bodies and souls are safe, and I haven't played since I ran out of nutritious toys that kept invading my territory.]

Issei wasn't sure what he meant by 'nutritious,' but he had an idea it might involve the spirits of the damned.

Issei took in the voice's words for a moment before his fury turned into something more akin to irritation, "...What are you, Jigsaw? Where did you send them to? What do you want with them?"

[Again, I just want to play a game. If you win, your friends will return to you safe and sound. If you don't…. They will stay with me, until we return to my home. However, keep in mind the longer they stay with me…. Let's just say that they will have the most unpleasant experience.]

Issei scowled before he sighed and picked the skull up. "Hey, professor. Where exactly did you find this thing in Europe? I'm gonna need directions." He turned towards the archeologist in the room.

Time to call the others for transportation.


"...What in the blazes?"

"Where are we?"

Rias, Ravel and Millicas opened their eyes and found themselves no longer standing in the museum with Issei and Professor Nishiura. In addition…

"...What happened to our clothes?"

They were not naked, fortunately.

But their clothes… they were nothing more than primitive, medieval, makeshift blankets of rags stitched into a mockery of modern fashion, clothes of… nothing more than a mismatch of colors, dirt and grime stuck within the cotton. Millicas himself was also wearing a dirty white dress, baggy brown shorts.

Their shoes were nothing more than leather wrapped around their feet.

[Welcome, devils of…. Gremory and Phenex Clan - didn't expect to see devils from more than one noble family. What an exciting time you must live in, I am very jealous.]

Rias, Ravel and Millicas then immediately ignored their state of clothing and focused on finding the source of the voice with a triangle back-to-back formation.

[Save it, you won't see me anywhere. You three are in my world now. It has been a while since I had fun since the last time I slumbered. Let us learn about each other until I am laid to rest once more.]

"As lovely as it sounds, I believe it's a common courtesy for the host of… Wherever this is, to show their faces and introduce themselves to us first." Rias remarked without lowering her guard.

[Unfortunately, my undisclosed identity is the main topic of tonight's itinerary.]

The voice echoed, causing Rias to grimace slightly.

[Allow me to explain what you three have to do as simply as possible; you will follow this road until you reach a village, and your task is…. Find out who I am. That will be all - simple, no?]

Rias, Ravel and Millicas blinked at the instruction given to them before the Phenex girl replied, "...I beg your pardon?"

[You heard me. Now, move your feet! Night's wastin'! Quick tips - if I were you, I would keep a low profile and avoid contact with the villagers. If it's worth anything, the village is not that big, so you won't waste too much time exploring for clues! Please, enjoy yourself! There will be a reward depending on your performance!]

"Reward? W-Why are you doing this?" Millicas asked the voice in the sky.

[Why? Oh. poor, naive boy raised in the upper class. My story isn't as glamorous as yours. Come find out who I am… and you might find your answer.]

The three gave each other uneasy miens.

"...What are we dealing with?" Rias muttered.

"Oh oh, uhhh… it is a human skull… so… a ghost?" Millicas guessed.

"A ghost? Really? That's… okay, that is fair." Ravel admitted. "But Lord Issei never told us about a ghost that can… do this…"

"Must be another special case." Rias concluded. "A ghost with abilities undiscovered… Let's play along for now. Issei is not here, I'm sure he will do whatever he can to help us."


Meanwhile, Issei with the cursed skull in his hand, was standing in the midst of an abandoned field.

[...Well, I didn't expect you to finish your part so soon. You are not a devil, are you?]

Issei stared at the skull - which was apparently the real source of the voice.

"Not even you can tell the difference? I get that a lot from the living folks, you know?"

[In any case, well done. Now it's all up to your three friends to complete their own part of the game.]

"I thought you said you'll spit them out when I return you to your resting place," Issei reminded.

[Is that what you should say to a ghost that cannot pass on to the afterlife? Even if it wants to?]

Issei paused for a moment as he switched visions again, staring at the skull in detail…

"...You are bound to this place by a lot of negative energy."


"...First time I saw something this strong. What class are you? High-Class? Ultimate?"

[I do not know. I never engaged any powerful entities to test my full strength. I fed upon the malicious spirits of Hell when they decided to loiter around my grave. I grew much stronger from that… but their essence will not help me find peace. And I think eating them further cemented my hold onto the living world, as they bear the malicious energies of Hell. I cannot even enter the Veil between life and death anymore.]

"Ah. Then the normal rites won't work on you… We will need to find out your name the hard way for it to work, don't we?"

[Indeed. You are quite well-versed in this matter, aren't you?]

Issei simply nodded, "Mhmm - but seriously, where did you take my friends?"

[Let's say I'm giving them a quick tour down to a memory lane…]


"...Lady Rias."

"Yes, Ravel?"

"Are we… In some kind of horror story?"

"From the looks of things? Most likely, yes."

At the moment, in the strange land - Rias, Ravel and Millicas were hiding in one of the alley-ways in the village per the mysterious voice's direction. It did not take long for them to make their way to the said village, exploring the settlement, however….

"What is wrong with these people?" Millicas could not help but ask in a warry tone.

They were, for a lack of a better term, rabid.

They were more animal than human, drunk on paranoia, fear, all sense of reason shut down in mob mentality.

Torches, pitchforks, angry murderous intent directed everywhere like toxic radiation, the 'villagers' scoured the streets in search of something.

"Ummm… I think… we are in the medieval ages." Millicas pointed out. "Is this what humans were like in the old days? I read something about this before."

"I refuse to believe that we traveled back in time because of some ghost. That is too absurd even for me," Ravel stated.

"Maybe not in time, but…" Rias peeked out of the alleyway.


The trio found themselves shutting up and took a step further into the alley upon hearing the villager's thunderous voice. They watched as a small group walked past the alley they were in with murderous looks on their faces.

"Anyway, we can't just stay here." Rias remarked as the mob went by, "Let's start with this building - there's an open window up there."

Ravel simply stared at the open window a couple of stories above her, before she grimaced, "...Darn, did that spirit have to seal our devil powers away?"

Upon the beginning of their quest, the devils learned that they could not utilize their powers as devils, which included their ability to fly to shorten their trip. They had been trekking their way on foot.

Rias and Millicas, on the other hand, nodded at each other before the latter pressed her back against the wall and prepped her hands together, as if preparing to receive something. In response, Millicas stepped on top of Rias' waiting palm - who quickly threw her hands up at the same time the boy leapt upwards. The force and momentum of Rias' assist allowed Millicas to catch the windowsill in a single leap.

"I got it!" Millicas said as he pulled himself up with ease, his days of doing pull-ups bearing results.

As he opened the window, he saw…

A man was sitting on the bed. Hugging his knees… he was staring at Millicas.

"...Hello?" Millicas called out.

"...Hello." The man was emaciated. It was the first time he saw a human so thin-looking.

Millicas slowly crawled into the building and beckoned Ravel and Rias to follow-suit. Rias helped Ravel go up with a similar maneuver she used with Millicas - unfortunately, Ravel's less athletic constitution prompted Millicas to reach down in order to catch her by hand.

Rias ended up having to wait on the ground while Ravel and Millicas had to procure some items to help the heiress to climb her way up.

Millicas and Ravel then came up with an idea by tearing the curtains, tying up the long fabric together into a makeshift rope for Rias to latch on as they would pull her way up. It took a few minutes and some effort, but they eventually regrouped in the room where the emaciated man was still watching them without a word.

"...You picked a bad time to visit my humble village." The man weakly smiled at them.

They were wary of this weak, malnourished man.

"...Do you know what's happening?" Rias asked.

"Heh. Well… a small food shortage, a little plague here and there… a humble blacksmith thought he could help using other means than simply… praying to someone they have never met face to face… With some effort, that humble blacksmith tried to summon and… well, bind the Devil a little. Hoping to see if the Devil can do something about our village's problems where God can't."

They stared at the man. They did not think that a man like him could do something like that.

"The Devil did have some knowledge he could impart on me for a small favor… I saw no problem with it. I burned the village's church in the dead of night. The Devil kept its word and I helped apply his knowledge on crop fertilization and rotation. But… Then the inquisition came. Found out what I did… turns out God is real and saw what I did. And ordered my execution… I did what I had to do for my village. They were praying to two sticks crossed together and nothing good came out of it… is it so bad that I tried to do something about our problem other than praying mindlessly to a force that would rather watch us suffer than prosper?"

The devils only listened without a word, their expressions were that of pity.

"...Will you allow us help you?" The youngest in the room spoke, gaining a slightly alarmed look from Rias and Ravel.


"...Heh. Where would I go? The inquisition is everywhere. I'm not safe anywhere…"

"What do you want to do?" Millicas asked again, ignoring the look from his aunt.

"...I'm already a dead man. But…" The man looked up. "...Follow me… And sorry if I am a burden. I haven't eaten in days since this madness started."

The man managed to stand up, but his footing was not steady. Millicas then went in to support the man.

"Wait, just a second." Ravel called out, "Are we really doing this?" She gestured at the emaciated man. "We have an investigation to do, and all of this… seems pretty abrupt."

"But he needs help." Millicas said.



The Devils jumped at the voice of the mob and their banging at the door of the room.

The devils peeked out the front window and saw the torchlights heading their way.

"...Alright, do you know where we can go?" Rias asked.

"If we're lucky, you kids might be able to make it to the next village." The man said.

"...What about you?" Rias asked.

"...I'll be alright."

"I'm afraid that's out of the question." Millicas retorted, "We can't leave you here."

Rias then mildly glared at her nephew, "Millicas, we can't bring him with us! We can't use our powers!"

"That's not an excuse for us to leave him to those people." Millicas argued back. "I'll take responsibility for him, big-sis Rias. Please trust me!"

Rias and Ravel wanted to argue, but the noise behind the door grew louder. "...Very well, we'll take him with us." She smiled slightly at Millicas' look that did not expect her agreement, "As a matter of fact, I'm actually proud of you, if not for our own situation."

The emaciated man glanced between the trio with amused looks, "...You three are unexpectedly kind for devils."

Rias snorted, "This is just the result of good parenting. Anyway, we need to move!"

Everyone then nodded before Rias took a look outside the alley window where they came in. Once she found the coast was clear, Rias then used the same curtain as the makeshift rope to climb her way down, followed by Ravel and the emaciated man while Millicas kept watch the banging door.

Seeing the wooden door would not hold long against the angry mob, Millicas proceeded to use a nearby chair and place it against the doorknob, hoping it would buy them some more time, since the emaciated man was struggling to keep his hold on the curtain while climbing down.

Things soon escalated when the blade of an ax suddenly made a hole on the door, as the angry mob outside was out of patience and decided to break the door down to pieces.

"They are about to get in!" Millicas shouted.

Seeing the man was still mid-way, Rias then called out to him, "We are running out of time! Just jump down!"

The man blinked at the urging, then he looked at the sight of Rias and Ravel waiting below with open arms. He glanced up again to see Millicas nodding to him from the window, before he finally braced himself and let go of the curtain, letting himself to fall down.

It was only thanks to Issei and Black's rigorous physical training, combined with the man's rather light-weight body, that Rias and Ravel could catch him free-falling without much difficulty. Once they were settled, they could hear a loud noise from upstairs.

Meanwhile, Millicas saw the door finally break down and the angry villagers burst in, just when their guest had made the landing. Seeing that he had no time in climbing his way down, with the villagers approaching, Millicas decided to take a gamble - he jumped down, nearly catching his aunt off-guard as he landed on top of him.

"Oof!" While Rias was able to catch Millicas into her arms - not only she had yet prepared her footing, Millicas weighed more than the thin man she caught just now, causing her to fall on her rear.

"I-I'm sorry, big-sis…" Millicas apologized as he quickly got up and offered his hand.

"Nevermind that…" Rias grunted slightly as she accepted Millicas' hand to pull herself back to her feet, "Those people are still after us. We need to move now! I'll take point; Millicas, Ravel, I need you to guard our rear."


It was a dangerous gamble, sneaking past the angry mob, some luck, they managed to reach the road.

"There he is!"

But that was when their luck expired.

"Run!" Ravel cried out as they fled with the stranger hobbling with them.

Torch lights closed the distance, the fanatical faces of the mob illuminated, revealing the absence of reason and compromise, all of them led by a single man with a crossbow in hand.

The string released a 'thwang' sound.


The man cried out as he collapsed.


Millicas ran to him.

He saw blood staining the base of his spine.

"Ahaha… this is where we part ways, kid." The man weakly smiled.

"What? B-But-" Millicas stammered as he grabbed his hand.

But the man threw his hand off.

"Like I said. I'm a dead man either way."

The bolt bit into the base or his spine. From that point, his legs no longer function.

"But…" Millicas could not utter another word as Rias grabbed his waist and pulled him away.

"Millicas, we have to go!" Rias shouted as they ran.

"...What's your name, Mister?!" Millicas shouted.

The man laughed as he rolled over. He then unbuttoned his shirt and took off his clothes.

[I curse thee.]

Rias and Ravel stopped when they heard an otherworldly voice.

They turned around to the man. On his naked belly was an alien magic circle of unknown make despite her knowledge.

[For thou spit on my good will, trample my soul with spite unearned.]

The magic circle started to glow crimson.

[I curse thee.]

The mob stopped when the air turned hot, the sigil on his stomach started to conflagrate in burning orange.

[My love scorned in the name of delusion, I shall repay thee with rage and ire, and show thee a fire greater than the light you see true.]

"W-What is he saying?" Millicas asked.

Ravel and Rias recognized the language. The only language that they could not decipher, one spoken by Ersi.

[I shall scorch thee, break thee, destroy all thy see as true with thine life and soul, you bodies broken and trampled like my faith in men. I burn, I die, I turn, I rise! May your cries be my truth, your death a revelation to the false light's deception!]

The man burned, eldritch green flames consuming his flesh as he laughed.

"Go, my friends!" His voice was now ghastly… now strangely familiar.

His wail now a spectral echo as the flames exploded, expanded into a phantasmic blaze bearing the shape… of a giant pumpkin.

"I'll hold them off! And let the name Jack strike terror in you heathens on this hallow's eve until armageddon!"

"Die, you monster!" The inquisitor held a holy cross of silver at the flaming specter.

That did not protect him from the pumpkins fiery breath as he engulfed the man in flames, reducing him to ash and charred bone much to the horror of the mob.


The devils could not help but stare at the scene in stupor, the flaming ghost pumpkin continuing to burn the mob with sweeping flames.

Watching enough, they turned and ran. Millicas could not help but wonder when he heard the man's name.


"So… how do you do that thing with the teleportation and…"

Issei sat cross-legged with the skull on his lap with nothing better to do but to stare at the pumpkin patch.

For now, all he could do was trust his friends to find out the spirit's name.

[That is a question not even I can answer.]

The skull answered.

"Come on…. I want to see if I can pull it off."

[Can you?]

The skull asked again.

"I'm a special case. I want to find out the hard way."

[Interesting… Now that I look at you more closely, you almost remind me of someone I met long ago…]


[Yes. I did recall making a small bargain with a paranormal entity when I still had legs. I thought he was a Devil at first but the more I compare him with the devils in me…]

Before the skull could answer, three bodies fell in the middle of the pumpkin patch.




Issei stared at his friends.

They landed atop each other, Rias at the bottom and Millicas at the were all groaning, back in their normal clothes.

[Ah. You're finished. Well, kids? What is my name?]

"W-what? Where are we now?" Ravel asked as she looked around.



"Where have you been?" Issei asked with a relieved tone as Rias, Millicas and Ravel joined to hug him.

"I'm not sure, but a few minutes ago we ran, then there's this green flame consuming us, then the next second… We are here!" Millicas explained quickly.

They broke the hug and then froze when they saw the skull.

[I hope you don't mind my appearance. I haven't eaten in years.]

Millicas perked.

"...Mr. Jack?" Millicas asked.

The skull smiled - to be precise, they felt it was smiling at them.

Rias and Ravel stared at the skull.

"...You're that man? The…" Ravel trailed off.

[The humble blacksmith. I am… I seem to have forgotten my name. I needed help remembering who I was. To move on. There's no one for me to punish anymore…]

"Mr. Jack…" Millicas' expression turned into a thoughtful frown, as his mind traced back to the past events.

"...What was that? The magic carved into your chest." Rias asked.

[Something the Devil… or I think he was a Devil taught me. He said to utter the incantation at hallow's eve if I were to be wronged. Then vengeance shall be mine… I didn't think it would work back then. It was exhilarating, burning the dogs of the church for a time, murdering exorcists, the inquisition… then there was silence and peace. I like pumpkins… I always loved to carve faces into them and show them to my parents. They're the only things keeping me company in my loneliness.]

"Pumpkins…?" Millicas then blinked at the mentioning.

Issei, Rias and Ravel stared at the young boy - albeit the latter widened her eyes as she also connected the dots.

"...You are the Jack O' Lantern!" Millicas snapped his fingers and pointed at the talking skull.

The name of the most famous figure in Halloween failed to enter their ears.

"...Wait, what?" Issei looked back and forth between the skull and Millicas.

"The Jack O' Lantern! Uh, your full name is Jackson Heirsmith! Mama read me stories of you every Halloween! Though no one knew what really happened. Some say you tricked the Devil and cheated death, others said the Devil cheated you…"

[Human superstition nonsense mixed with facts.]

Jack O Lantern chuckled.

[...But I thank you… now I can finally move on… But…]

"...But?" Issei quirked a brow.

[...I am conflicted. I wanted to see my parents in Heaven. But a part of me can't stand to rest in the heaven that wronged my village. For killing me just for burning a primitive shrine to that stupid god… but I don't know if I can face my fellow villagers. I'm not sure if they're up in heaven or burning in hell. And I'm not sure if God will send me to Hell for what I've done.]

"God is dead, you know?" Issei snarked.

The skull went silent for a few seconds before replying.


"Yeah. Archangel Michael is running the show up there now. Maybe you can take this chance to gloat in the faces of everyone up there. That's what I would do if I were in your shoes." Issei tempted the skull.

[Hmph….. Fuhahahahahaha!]

The skull then let out an uproarious laughter.

[Well, I guess I can use this opportunity to brag… Farewell, children. Know that I will be watching over you… I leave you with my pumpkins, Millicas. Make yourself something delicious from the plants I grew with care.]

The skull then emitted what appeared to be a viridescent mix of ethereal light and smoke that raised up to the night sky. Once the light show ended, the skull crumbled into dust in Issei's hands.

"Jack O' Lantern…. Who would've thought?" Rias remarked as she sighed in relief. "Now that I think about it, the clues that we saw before we returned here should've been obvious."

"Yeah… How's your real proper ghost experience?" Issei smiled at Rias.

"Terrifying… Unexpected… I don't want to go through that again." Rias muttered under her breath.

"What actually happened before you guys got here?" Issei asked.

"To put it simply, we were brought to the past. By the way, good job in answering the riddle, Millicas." Rias complimented her nephew.

"Wait, what? You mean, time travel?" Issei blinked. "Isn't that like top forbidden secret magic or something?"

"I'm not sure if it really is time travel, but if it is…" Ravel grimaced. "...I'm going to bring purified salts with me from now on."

"Good idea."

"I'm just glad we all made it back in one piece." Millicas replied with a tired smile, before he looked around, "Actually… Where are we again?"

"Back in the same place in Europe where the investigators found the skull… speaking of which," Issei looked at the pumpkin patch.

"Want to take some pumpkins with us?"

Bonus Omake

What the hell

Those three words rang within the minds of Issei Hyoudou and Vali Lucifer when they were brought to Princess Ikala's bedroom.

"...What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get this over with." Ikala said without even looking at them.

The reason - the elf princess was lying on her stomach on her bed, just as naked as she was earlier when Issei and Vali confronted her on the rooftop. She was burying her face into her pillow while she bucked her hips to show her shapely rear for both boys to see.

Issei and Vali exchanged another glance - Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her?

The boys then glared while occasionally elbowing each other, silently arguing who should break the ridiculously awkward atmosphere.

"I'm spent talking sense to her. You do it now."

"Me? You are the one who can speak elvish. You go talk to her!"

"You can speak Latin well enough. That will do."

"Fuck you, it was your idea to check on her that got us in this situation in the first place!"

"No, fuck you! You're about to throw me under the bus just now! This is your punishment!"

"What are you doing just standing and whispering?!" Ikala snapped, her flustered face was peeking from the pillow she buried herself into, "How long do you want me shaming myself in this pose!? I don't care which one of you wants to take the first turn, or both of you come to me all at once! Just swear to me you will not divulge what you saw to anyone!"

Since she was lashing in elvish, Issei was the only one who could understand her. With Vali raising his eyebrows at him, the red dragon had no choice but to bite the bullet again.

"...Okay, look." Issei sighed, "When you agreed to take us to your room to talk things out, I literally meant that we simply talk things out. You tell us what happened, we will listen, and we will not exploit anything out of you!"

Ikala glared from the pillow, before she slowly got up and sat on her bed, covering herself with the pillow she was still hugging.

"...R-really? You two didn't ask me to bring you here, just so you can have more privacy while violating me?" the princess asked as her hand slowly reached her blanket, her expression was still rather skeptical.

"Yes!" Issei replied with increasingly frustration, "I have a girlfriend for fuck's sake!" He deliberately omitted the plural to avoid any further misconception, "Seriously, what kind of this…. 'Arts' about us humans have you been reading!?"

Ikala simply stared at Issei and Vali as she used the blanket to cover herself better. Eventually, her blush deepened - most likely from the embarrassment of her misunderstanding. "It seems you are not lying. Then… I might be asking too much, but can you two turn around? I need to get myself dressed."

"...Haaaah." Issei held Vali's shoulder as they both turned around.

"...What is wrong with her?" Vali whispered.

"I have no fucking clue. This is too messed up."

"And here I thought you might have an elf girl in your little harem."

"Har har. Honestly, while having charms of her own… she's not my type. This is the line I cross with the girls I cross paths with."

"Hoh, so you do have lines."

"And you have too many lines, ass-man."

"Boob freak."

"Gay Prince charming."

"Magical boy Isami."

Issei's vein nearly popped at the mention.

"Okay… you can turn around now."

Issei looked back, seeing Ikala dressed. She got off the bed and walked towards a cupboard as she opened it and took out…

Wait, Issei swore he saw Japanese on it.

Ikala walked over to Issei and handed the magazine to him.

Issei stared at the magazine and accepted it, furiously flipping the page…

It was a hentai magazine, starring elves.

In various, sexually assuming positions. Not to mention the setting was where the humans enslaved the elves into their play things.

"...Father brings a lot of souvenirs back from Midgard…" She muttered and looked away.

In response, Issei and Vali simply burned the whole pile without another word.

"...And he gave one to you?" Issei asked.

"No… I found it in my mother's room…"

"Err… And why'd your mother- You know what, forget it, I don't want to know anymore." Issei shook his head, "Can we go back on track, please?!"

"...Can you keep what you saw a secret?" Ikala asked.

"Yeah? You and the Dark Elf, right?" Issei asked.

Ikala nodded.

"...Yeah, we can do that…"

She sighed with relief, "...Thank you… now… um…. Can you two leave for the time being? I need to recollect my thoughts… Oh, and you should make sure that nobody sees you leaving my room, or they will misunderstand."

Issei then beckoned Vali to leave. The latter sent one last glance at the princess before he followed Issei outside.

"Well, what did she say?" Vali asked.

Issei sighed, "...Apparently that stupid king made many of his own people believe us Midgardians as a bunch of maniacs with elf-fetish." His reply earned a quiet 'oh' from Vali. "Anyway, let's get out of here for now, we can talk with the princess later."

When the two boys turned to head back towards their quarters, however, they froze when their eyes landed on Titania herself, who had been staring at them. They maintained their stare-off for a few seconds before the queen of elves' lips grew into a smile.

The sight of the smile, however, caused Issei and Vali to inwardly sighed in defeat.

Man, I wanna go home.

The omakes end up being longer than intended, but... Well, thoughts of this chapter, everyone?

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