One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 74: The Arrival of Lords

"Welcome, all of you. It is good to see you all again in good health."

Latia Astaroth stood by the entrance of the Underworld station, curtseying as greeted Issei and the others.

"It's good to see you too, Latia."

Rias and Sona smiled as they exchanged quick hugs with Latia, followed by the rest of the others.

Azazel, Genos, and Saitama watched from behind, Saitama's red gloves covered in green guts and gore.

"It is good to see you. How is everything after the Diodora incident?" Issei asked as he shook the Astaroth's hand.

"...I am afraid to confess that Diodora's parents have been… executed for treason." Latia replied with a bitter look.

Everyone winced at the story, albeit Issei did not feel pity at the guy. However, out of everyone's sight, Asia's expression was marred with sorrow before she shook the thoughts off her head.

"Oh…. I… To be honest, I don't feel sorry for them. I'm kind of glad they're dead," Issei admitted.

"I can understand after what Diodora has become. Uncle Ajuka uncovered what his parents put him through… how they corrupted him into what he is now. It is a terrible thing to think that they had the chance to do the same to Uncle should things work their way…"

A stunned silence fell around them as Issei and the rest imagined Ajuka turning out like Diodora under two terrible people.

"But enough about him…" Latia changed the subject and her eyes landed on Saji, who stood just a little behind Sona.

"It is good to see you again in good health, Mr. Saji. How have you been?"

Nobody missed the sight of Latia's expression brightened up by a fraction as her tone had more life when she addressed the Sitri Pawn…. Except the said Pawn himself who straightened up upon replying.

"It's good to see you again, ma'am. I've been doing fine, thank you for asking!" Saji replied with a tone akin to a child reciting mannerism from a strict parent - which caused Latia to giggle softly.

"Alright, uh, ahem. So what's the status of the Vlad the Impaler situation?" Issei asked, moving along.

"The corpses are retrieved and being identified. They are indeed wanted fugitives according to the blood tests. Ah, yes, Sir Issei, did you receive word on the status of the Rating Games?" Latia smiled.

"Oh yeah, I heard. I'm here to sign up for the action, though I want to join without the annoying hassle that is Devil politics," Issei answered.

"I'd like to call it protocol rather than politics." Latia lightly chided,

"It's politics no matter how you gut it." Issei shrugged nonchalantly. "So? Any ideas? Do I have to fight another god to the finish or something?" Issei asked.

Latia did not budge, "I'm afraid you will have to respect our laws and rules, Sir Issei. They serve a purpose, after all."

"After what I've been through with Diodora and the crap he pulled, and what I've learned about the Demons, I don't think Devil politics hold any weight to me anymore," Issei gave his opinion.

Latia sighed, almost exhausted by his nihilistic disillusionment, and how justified it was.

"May I show you the way to the enlisting center?" Latia asked.

"Yeah… guess I'll see how things play out. I hate Devil politics."

Issei grumbled as Latia led them to her chariot. It was a chariot pulled by Bicorn, the two-horned version of the unicorn, black steeds of corruption or so they say.

"No limo?" Issei asked.

"Um, I am afraid we prefer the older methods of transportation." Latia apologized.

"...Makes me wonder…" Issei decided to roll with it. There were multiple carriages made to carry groups.

Issei and his newly assigned 'Peerage' entered the first cart, Kiyome sitting across and staring at Issei while the angel girls took his side.

Rias and her group entered the second, Sona the third. Latia joined Sona's group. The adults took the fourth carriage, unfazed.

Kiyome sniffed the air as her pupils changed colors.

"What are you looking at?" Issei asked.

"The magical protections covering this carriage. I am trying to study a bit of magic on the side along with biology," Kiyome answered.


Rover panted in Asia's arms as the driver whipped the Bicorn into action.

There was not much to talk about in the carriage as the drivers pulled them across the streets. Kiyome looked out the carriage's window as she stared at the fruit vines still covering the buildings.

"Issei, did you use the meta vision while you're here last time?" Kiyome asked.

"No? Why?" He asked her.

"Whatever Garou did to the Underworld, the aura… it's different."

"I know."

"No, you don't get it. The energy of the new plant life is much different… it doesn't look like something made by magic even… I don't know how to describe it other than something like magic but it isn't. My Stjarna-imbued instincts are rattled here." Kiyome explained much to Issei's surprise.

"Well… he isn't from here. Like here-here, after all." Issei explained, wondering the difference between his dad's power and the power of those on this world, in this universe in comparison.

Most of the fruits were still here, though there were Devils in strange farming attire carefully pruning the vines and fruits covering the walls, collecting them daily.

"...We have arrived."

The driver said as the carriages stopped towards a building.

It looked no different than a modern recruitment center, American architecture, only it bore the mark of Gremory as the crimson signboard.

Everyone got out of the carriages and basked in the sight of the recruitment center.

"Alright, let's do this, Vali." Issei said as he sauntered towards the glass doors, followed by the girls of his Peerage and the others.

Behind the walls, there was a line of mythological beings at various counters numbered from one to seventy-two.

"...Didn't think this many would come… wait, is that Zeus?" Issei pointed at the man in a toga.

Everyone squinted in the direction of the laughing Greek Adonis.

"...He is." Rias was shocked.

Everyone did not expect to see the big Gods of Olympus here on this day.

"And that's Poseidon!" Sona shouted as well.

"...Zeus, Poseidon… and I think that is Hera, too. Wait, I do not see Hades," Vali mentioned.

"The guy that looks like a Lich?" Issei asked.

"Yes. Did you meet Hades?" Rias asked.

"No, but I saw a picture of him when I read the Grigory libraries on all things ghosts and the dead."

"I see. It is not surprising if he tends to keep to himself. He is always the most seclusive of the Trinity of Olympus." Rias gave her thoughts as they listened to the boisterous laughter of Zeus filling the air.

"Okay, interesting…. Let's go, girls." Issei called out, walking towards one of the empty receptions, a woman behind a glass window seeing him approaching.

"Good morning, good sir. Are you a God, Werewolf, Magician…"

"Human." Issei said. "I want to sign up as a King of a Peerage."

"Oh. And what is your name?"

"Issei Hyoudou."

The receptionist stared at him for a moment.

"...Hah. I would like to ask you to leave, good sir." She requested.

"What? Why?"

"You are the…. Twenty third Issei Hyoudou I had the displeasure of seeing. I am sick and tired of you all playing impostors, trying to get into the Rating Games using the name of the Son of the Strongest Man. And you didn't bother to shave your head bald, too."

Issei's eyes twitched as Vali snickered in the background. Kiyome also muffled her laughter while the angels smiled good-heartedly from behind.

Rias and her Peerage also broke into giggles while Saji started joining in as anger boiled under Issei's skin.

"Let us take it from here. I saw this coming, honestly," Azazel placed a hand on Issei's shoulder.

"We would like to vouch for this young man's claim as the Son of Saitama."

"Yo." Saitama waved at the receptionist.

The receptionist blinked as she squinted her eyes at him.

"...No way… And you are… The Governor General?" She asked as Azazel summoned a bunch of light spears around him and dispersed them.

"I am willing to fill in any paperwork to handle the impostor situation. So?" Azazel asked.

"I… yes. I will see what I can do."

"Kid, we can handle it from here. I suggest you find a place to stay in the meantime." Azazel suggested.

Issei sighed and relented, turning his back to the counter.

"Well, I guess I'll see the hotels around here…" Issei then took out his cellphone, planning to browse the net.

"Why would you look for a hotel?"

Issei turned to Rias.

"What's with that look? You are staying at my home, obviously." the redhead replied with a matter-of-fact tone.

"...Oh. Thinking about it… yeah I can see the flags and your family trying to pull some strings for shenanigan reasons." Issei could envision Sirzechs and Zeoticus Gremory doing things to further his relationship with Rias.

"No, he will not, Rias. He will stay at my place."

Everyone turned to Sona, Saji's eyes turning owlish at the suggestion.

"Besides I have a favor to ask of him. I need you to show you something in my territory."

Rias was about to retort when her eyes met Sona's - something was off, it was not Sona being cheeky or the sorts. Taking a deep breath, Rias relented, "...Very well, I trust that you will not do anything untoward?"

"Since when do you have the right to be 'untoward' to anyone?" Sona snarked. "But yes, I have a favor to ask of him."

"What's the favor?" Issei asked.

Issei was currently sitting inside a carriage with Sona and Tsubaki sitting across from him.

Issei's 'Peerage' was there with him out of curiosity and they needed a place to stay.

The rest of Sona's peerage was on the carriage following behind them.

"What do you think about my family's territory?" She asked.

"The definition of a feudal society, too much farmland for one ruling family honestly."

They just arrived at the Sitri territory, and their carriages were reducing speed as they had entered a more populated area.

Issei absent-mindedly looked outside through the carriage's window, looking at the common devils living and working in the wheat fields… and vineyards.

Just in case, Issei switched to Meta Vision since the wheat was red, and the grapes were brown.

"The crops look special."

"We're trying to include the new crops Garou introduced. Some of the flora… evolved so to speak. The grapes have a strong chocolate-like flavor for some reason, and it helps cure the common cold instantly."

"Really?" Now Issei was interested.

Within the land managed by the Sitri clan - men, women, young and… there were no elders since they all look like they were in their prime, and they were either working on fields, shops, or socializing.

The houses were like the suburbs of America, family homes surrounding a large mansion in the center.

All things considered, the Sitri had been doing well in managing their land.

The carriage went through a small forested area, until Issei saw a large construction site in a distance once the carriages were out in the open again.

Noticing the small reaction on Issei's expression, Sona's lips twitched up, "That is the Rating Game School I've been building - Auros Academy."

"Ohhhhhh…." Irina, Xenovia and Asia poked their heads out the window.

Rassei poked out of Asia's hair as well.

"So you finally did it. Honestly, I did not expect to see this before I graduated." Kiyome said as Rover climbed atop Asia's head to see.

"I can thank Garou and Khaos Brigade for that ironically…"

"By the way, since Garou defeated your sister instantly, what's she doing now? Training her ass off?" Issei asked a good question.

"I… Believe she is. When I saw her last, she was casting spells at the ocean, freezing it and unfreezing it. I did not pry any further because of how serious her face was," Sona replied.

Issei felt a remark in his throat but stifled it for now.

"What kind of favor do you want from me, anyways? Not much I can do for a noble family except coaching… wait, don't tell me. Are you asking me to…"

Sona smiled as she pushed up her glasses.

"While my school is still in construction, it doesn't mean I can teach eager young devils in advance in… a tutoring program." She winked.

"Oh ho ho. Smart." Issei nodded, impressed. "...Alright, I'll bite. Not that I've much to do while waiting for Azazel-sensei and others dealing with paperwork about…. My identity." He found himself feeling annoyed at an earlier misunderstanding.

"Thank you, that means a lot to us." Sona nodded in satisfaction, "Is there anything you want from me in return? Come to think of it, you helped us a lot in the past, after all."

"Nah, you don't have to. Besides, I did rely on you a lot to deal with the annoying stuff for me. Oh, right, I've been wanting to ask you - did you see how Latia talked to Saji earlier?"

He was no fool. He could smell the hormones emitting from the young Noble girl.

Sona sighed, "Yes, and I believe everyone in this carriage saw that."

"Since when did Latia have hots for Saji?" Issei tilted his head.

It was strange to see him catching the attention of a noble girl of that caliber. In a sense, she was above his level in many ways considering his personality.

"I believe, since that night when Saji rescued her from Diodora." Sona replied, "In fact, Latia has been making calls and sending me letters from time to time; mostly about our duties, politics, etc., but I'm pretty sure she would always ask how my Pawn is doing."

"That's… wow. Sounds like a fairy tale crush."

"I think it's kind of romantic." Irina put in her two-cents, "A damsel in distress was rescued by a dashing knight in armor. The damsel was simply grateful at first, but soon began to grow curious about her savior, leading to romance - that's so cute!" the angel gushed on.

"Like Issei and Tsubasa, only without 'rescuing' the damsel from his pet dragon dog?" Tsubaki remarked.

Rover barked as if protesting.

"I will not phrase it like that, but I do approve of this scenario." Sona nodded along, "Latia Astaroth has a respectable character and she can be a good influence on Saji. Their relationship can also serve as a bridge between the House of Sitri and the House of Astaroth."

"Sounds… politically cold. You do know Saji has his heart and eyes on you?"

Sona soon received curious looks directed to her - Saji's infatuation towards her had become something akin to a common knowledge within their circles.

"...I do." Sona's eyes shifted to her lap, "I'm simply stating the potential benefits that can come from the union between Saji and Latia. If they can find happiness together, then I will be happy for them from the bottom of my heart."

While Tsubaki simply closed her eyes in acceptance of her King's thoughts, everyone else was still curious.

"Yeah, like I said - it's nice of you and all, but what about… You and Saji?" Issei decided not to beat around the bush.

Sona glanced at Issei, and knowing that the matter would not settle with her skirting around the issue, she sighed, "...I acknowledge Saji's character - despite his rough edges, he's kind at heart, earnest, resilient and loyal. I couldn't ask for a better Pawn. However…" Sona then met everyone's gaze.

"I simply cannot imagine a future where Saji and I build a family. Saji is a good man, sure, but… I just can't return his feelings." Sona replied with a bitter smile, "Besides - I might be wrong, but I believe Nimura and Hanakai have feelings towards Saji. It feels unfair if I don't give them a chance to pursue relationships with him."


Issei felt sorry for Saji. It turns out not everyone has the same luck with the opposite sex. Issei did not expect to have such luck in the first place, yet here he was, and Yuuto was way worse than him, having more luck and charm than he should've.

"He will definitely go to the dark side for real if he heard this." Issei gave his honest opinion.

"You are exaggerating. I don't believe Saji to be that fragile," Sona scoffed.

"Maybe, maybe not." Issei shrugged, "Though… Since we're already talking about relationships here…. Now that I think about it - I learned that Rias was engaged to Riser before, but how come I never heard about you?"

"Oh, I was actually engaged to a fellow clan heir, just like Rias." Sona replied, "However, I managed to get out of that arrangement around a year before your enrolment."

Issei blinked, "...How?"

"Simple enough." Sona shrugged. She crossed her legs together and clasped her hands, "I made a statement that my life partner has to be at least as smart as me, so I challenged my ex-fiance in a chess match and won.""

"...Just like that? You got out by playing a spoiled princess?" Issei scoffed.

"A smart spoiled princess, if I may add." Sona corrected without missing a beat.

"And… this ex-fiance of yours actually accepted it?" Issei asked.

"He couldn't really protest without making a fool out of himself. Besides…" Sona's expression grew slightly uncomfortable, "I never confirmed myself, but there were rumors that my sister gave him a personal visit after the match… That might play a part."

"...Right." Issei nodded, already seeing the insinuation made. "Now I kind of feel sorry for every poor son of a bitch trying to woo you. Someone smarter than you in a chess match? You might as well announce that you are going to be single for the rest of your life."

Tsubaki gave Issei a chiding look, while Sona looked a little unamused, "I will take that comment as a compliment, Ise. But make no mistake - like Rias, I have the responsibility to preserve my family's lineage, and I will pick a husband. The said husband can prove themselves worthy by proving they have a good head on their shoulders."

"Fine, if you say so." Issei shrugged as he leaned back.

The carriages stopped before the Sitri Mansion.

Issei looked out and smelled the fresh air.

Before Garou and the Hero Faction invaded the place, it was a pristine mansion with a beautiful front lawn decorated with colorful flora.

The flora evolved while vines covered the gates and walls, Devil gardeners pruning the fruit off the vines grown all over the front wall. Issei noticed that the vines were cut off the mansion exterior, the mark of the Sitri on a flag planted on the roof.

"So, where are your 'tutees'?" Issei asked as he stepped out of the carriage, followed by Sona and the rest of the Peerage.

"It is nice to meet you children again."

Rias and her Peerage, including Vali and his group, stared at the smiling maid with short-blue hair, a very revealing maid dress with frilling stockings.

"...Have we met before?" Rias asked, squinting at the maid. She swore she never saw her face but…

"...Lord Lucifuge?" Koneko leaned forward and squinted very hard at the maid's aura.

"Ahahahaha. Oh, my disguise has failed." The woman chuckled, her voice still feminine, not belonging to an aged old man.

"L-L-Lord Lucifuge? Y-Y-You… Why are you…" Rias blinked rapidly, pointing at the old ghost hiding inside a woman's body.

"Oh, dear niece. Can't a ghost have fun experimenting with his powers? Besides… I wanted to see if I can fool you children, but I have failed." The maid giggled.

"What? Why? I… are you awakening to some kind of fetish?" Rias asked, flabbergasted by the old man's perversions.

It should not be a surprise since Devils were lustful beings but…

"Well, truthfully I am experimenting what it is like to be in the shoes of both genders. I am preparing myself to become a spy for Sirzechs, so I am practicing my newfound skills."

"Oh…" Everyone was pleasantly surprised to see the old ghost preparing to become active for their sake.

"I see. Old man, I want to ask you something." Vali stepped up beside Rias. "Tell me about the curse on our bloodlines. Did Lucifer have any notes or projects on how to uplift the Curse of Ophibian, and the two curses of God?"

The reason why Vali wanted to stick with Rias was because of Lucifuge. He wanted to ask the old ghost about matters relating to his quest, to absolve him of the limiters placed on him by God and the Demons.

"...Ah." 'She' looked down and inhaled.

"Follow me. We should take this to the private lounge."

Agreeing with this, Vali followed Lucifuge towards the upper floors, the others following behind them with great curiosity burning in their hearts.

Soon, they were in the luxurious room, a wide Victorian room, noble brown dominating the color of the interior while a crystal chandelier dangled above them.

"Ah, welcome everyone to… why is everyone so somber?" Sirzechs was there with Grayfia. Millicas was riding Sirzechs' shoulder, confused by everyone's faces.

"I am answering the boy's question on Lucifer's progress with uplifting the curses placed by both God and Ophibian. It is best that you listen to it as well."

Sirzechs and Grayfia remained silent, turning pensive as the 'maid' turned to the children.

"It is one of Lucifer's most ambitious projects, his greatest obsessions, even during the Great War between the three factions. I was at least privy to that as I am also one of his assistants in this matter as it involves all of our species." Lucifuge nodded to himself. "But the more we learned how the curse functions, the more desperate he became, driving him further into madness. And the more hopeless everything became."

The room grew heavy as Vali gulped, his nails digging into the skin of his palm.

"What do you mean?" Vali asked.

"The Curses of Babylon and Eden are something that is within the possibility of breaking, but Lucifer couldn't find the source of the curse no matter what. As long as it exists, nothing can break it."

"Almost nothing." Vali corrected.

"...Almost?" Lucifuge quirked a brow.

"My rival. Issei Hyoudou. He is free from the curse at birth."

Lucifuge paused for a moment, letting the words sink into him.

"...Ah, that young man that helped smuggled me here? Wait… how?"

"Turns out having the blood of the man that can decimate even the Great Red in single combat… can also absolve the curse." Vali explained.

"I see… interesting. Then you must go to the man that can break the curse and ask for his assistance as another alternative. Back to the subject, there is something empowering God's limiters on mankind and the Devils. After all, there is human ancestry in us, but the introduction of Demonic DNA managed to dilute the effects of Eden and Babylon. The source is something omnipresent yet Lucifer believes God placed the thing protecting the curses on humanity is somewhere in the highest of the heavens. However, the Curse of Ophibian… It is much more sinister."

Everyone paused as they gulped. The tension rose, ready to reach the boiling point.

"The Curse of Ophibian strengthens itself by feeding on desperation and the user's own power. Any attempts to remove it out of ill-will, desperation, hopelessness, despair, any negative emotion, will only strengthen it even more. Any requests or attempts out of desire of the victim, any external attempts to resolve the curse while the victim hopes to absolve it will even worsen it. It will consume the power, the magic, ever evolving, yet so invisible and unnoticeable… by the time Lucifer discovered it, it was too late for us all. Any further attempts will continue to drag our race into stagnation, weakness, decay."

The children, even Arthur, Bikou, and Le Fay, gawped at the ridiculous overpowered ability of Ophibian's curse.

"What? The hell?" Bikou voiced his thoughts. "A curse that OP exists?"

"If that is the term for ridiculousness, yes. And it also feeds on the hatred of the Demons as well… all contempt for our kind, in fact. Which is why if we wish for the shackles of our kind to be free, we must earn the Demons' forgiveness. It can never, ever… be removed otherwise. God tried with the help of the other pantheons by convincing them to remove all the evils in the world. If that cannot work… then nothing can. And besides, the caster gave up his life for this curse… in the end, it is justified."

Sirzechs and Grayfia grimaced. Millicas looked worried about the atmosphere of the room.

"Um, what's this about a curse?" Millicas asked.

"I'll explain later, my son." Sirzechs hoped to spare his son the burden of the past, but in the end, Millicas must learn the sins of Lucifer.

"...What can you tell me about the Demon Lords?" Vali asked.

"I only engaged them three times and I barely escaped with my life every time using the others as… fodders." Lucifuge explained.

"Each Tribe has a function, a purpose in battle. The Agiel Tribe are the masters of bioengineering, Biomancy, the manipulation of flesh and organic life. They are responsible for creating war beasts, monsters, creatures of great power to bolster their numbers while augmenting the warriors, creating plagues that can ruin countries, bring billions to ruin, poisons that even God cannot cure with ease - healers of physical wounds. The Mastema, once peaceful proud guides of the Dead, now warped into warrior necromancers, enslaving our dead to fight for them, recycling them into weapons of war, soul weapons so frighteningly similar to Sacred Gears. Healers and those that revive their fallen back into the fray."

Everyone gulped as they listened to the war veteran's story, the secret war.

"The Demiurge are makers. The opposite of the Bael, they create matter, smiths, artisans, architects. They craft the finest weapons of war, from blades, to machines, to even war golems of alien make to engage us. And the Ordog, curse masters, wielders of the forbidden arts, assassins, saboteurs, destroyers of hope, they spread their curses like a disease to sow chaos in our ranks, even blinded me with my arrogance once with a special curse. My mind was warped, my judgment tainted with frustration-turned-madness. When my mind was cleared, I nearly graced the scythe of Naamah's Lord, Taalmara."

Vali and the others reacted with confusion.

"Taalmara? Not Eistheth?"

"...What? Eistheth?"

"We met the lord of Naamah. She calls herself Eistheth… not Taalmara," Rias explained.

"Then Eistheth defeated her and took her place. Demon Lords are titles that must be earned. Power is one facet, respect of their peers is another, skills to lead are essential. Each Demon Lord has the power to challenge and defeat Lucifer… maybe even God in combat. They grow more powerful after each battle, too powerful that we have to resort to long range tactics to keep them at bay with the help of the Satans. Even God…"

His answer made everyone perplexed, for God to make a pact with Lucifer to collaborate to deal with something else than the Heavenly Dragons.

[The Devils teamed up with the other Factions against something other than me and Ddraig?]

Albion asked.

"It is more of a private war. If you were to invade Kthon, their new homeworld… the majority of our armies was in that realm when you two started wreaking havoc. We did not expect two random dragons to disturb our war, ruining our battle plans, rearranging the routes…"

Sirzechs and Grayfia chuckled while the children smiled at the small humor.

[You make it sound like we would've lost if we fought these Demons.]

Albion accused.

"I have experienced campaigns against both you and the Demons. You and Ddraig are very powerful, but you dragons are also simple, can be handled. It might've taken the Satans, Azazel, and God to take you and Ddraig down, but the Demons are another matter. Unlike you, they have experience, intelligence, and more than enough motivation to destroy us."

"Did Azazel take part in your wars against the Demons?" Akeno asked.

"Azazel took no part of it. To do so is suicide as their numbers are few. The Fallen gain their numbers from those God cast down, so they survive by letting God and Lucifer destroy each other while they resort to guerilla tactics. They even allied with the Demons from time to time in secret for mutual survival."

Everyone exchanged glances, unsure how to handle that knowledge.

"Why is it that I never heard of anything about the war with the demons?" Sirzechs asked. "No survivor of the battles, I have found none save for the clan founders despite my resources."

"We killed the survivors in secret. And erased them from our records in cold blood."

"...What?" Sirzechs asked, stunned by the unexpectedly cruel answer.

"Knowledge of the demons was taboo before you rose to power. Their culture defies what we stand for, their hierarchy is flexible and ever evolving while maintaining its structure. Ours… is stagnant. We do not want to give up our ways… or our authority over the younger Devils. The original four want us as tools, slaves, and they want to keep it that way, four bloodlines above the rest. The demons can use more than one bloodline power, Sirzechs. They are not limited to one Bloodline power like us. Those that learned of the demons turned against us, betrayed us, sold out our information and joined their ranks. Our kind values power and strength above all else, and the Demons are above us whether we like it or not despite their small numbers. And if they learned that Lucifer damned us all in the first place…"

"Your forces will rebel and turn against the Satans." Rias finished his sentence, understanding how cruel and malicious the era of the original satans is now.

"The reason you all know this without consequence is because they cannot remove Sirzechs without starting another Civil War, be called out for treason. And I am concerned. We tried our best, God included, to keep the Demons in their realm by using their love for their people against them with our superior numbers and our positions. Now that they are returning… I do not know how powerful they have become. But that is enough ranting from this old soul. Is that enough to satisfy your curiosity, young descendant of Lucifer?"

Vali remained still before he nodded.

"Thanks… I would like to hear more about the tribes. And Lucifer later."

"That I can provide. We have talked long enough about our dark past. Please, rest here for now… I would like to learn more about this… Saitama? I believe this old man has the right to ask questions in return. I want to know if the stories about him are… accurate."

Rias smiled in return.

She would have to entertain the old ghost in return for his wisdom.

"Ohhhhh! It's him!"

"I was there at the coliseum!"

"Oh my god, oh my god! This is so awesome!"

Issei saw Devil teenagers and young adults, standing in groups out in the open plains.

They were casual, wearing jeans, T-shirts, denim, crop tops, etcetera.

Some of Sona's Peerage was there - Tsubasa, Tsubaki, and Saji. Issei's girls were there, the angel girls standing on the side with Kiyome, Asia holding Rover in her arms.

"...Quick question, are they paying you?" Issei asked Sona.

"Well, not exactly. It is free, after all." Sona winked.

"How do you want me to do this?"

Sona smiled as she walked until she was in front of the new Peerages.

"I thank you all for coming today. For too long, only nobles could take part in the battle for status, fortune, and fame, while the people, the proud people that give our species life, were denied. However, the day where your time can finally come is here. As much as I hate to admit it, magic is not a resource that many of you can rely on, as knowledge on that is… strictly limited and in short supply, and there is no guarantee that you can rely on magic as your ally like it to the Satans of new and old."

Sona gave her speech to the devils.

"But fear not, as there is another avenue you can take. I bring to you, Issei Hyoudou, the Son of the Strongest Man, the son of the very man that battled the Demon God himself!"

There were some gasps among the commoner Peerages.

Small whispers were exchanged between them, fingers pointing at Issei.

"Is it really him?"

"He's the baldy's son?"

"Woooow, he has hair. I thought that naked man's kid would be a baldy."

Issei tried to suppress the comparisons.

"Some of you are aware that he fought against Diodora Astaroth, and showed that magic is not the only avenue towards greatness. So today, Issei will teach you how to fight with your fists and legs, and how to handle magic-users. Any questions?"

At least a dozen hands shot up in the air.

"Yes. Oh, and please state your name and age before you ask your question." Sona nodded at the man who raised his hand first.

"Omeri Tianseba, sixty seven years old."

Issei blinked three times when he heard that number, this man looking so young despite being as old as his grandfather… Wherever he was.

"I heard you fought and beat a thunder god the other day, is that true?"

"...I fought two thunder gods, and they took turns. I won against Magni, but lost against Modi." Issei nodded.

Everyone clamored to hear the two famous sons of Thor. More hands shaking up, wanting to be picked. The amused-looking Sona then picked a girl.

"Yajeni Sharm, thirty-nine. U-um, does mister have a girlfriend?"

"...Yeah… girlfriends, more like." Issei admitted, eliciting several cooing from the females and jealous stares from the males.

Irina and Asia giggled at Issei's dilemma.

"Are those angels your girlfriends?"

"Rather, are they really angels? I've never seen them in the Underworld!"

"Are they going to teach us too?"

More and more questions popped out, which Issei answered with no difficulty.

"They're a new breed, honestly, and no, they're just going to watch. Unless they want to volunteer… though I don't think any of you are ready to take on your natural bane - Holy power. I heard that it hurts a lot if a common Devil touches a light spear, and you all look like you've never tasted a light sword in your lives."

They all nodded at Issei's small conjecture.

"Yes, you are all not ready to fight angels." Sona agreed. "Issei, would you teach them how to fight first?"

"Don't think they're good enough to know my martial arts, so we'll start basic. Sona, Saji, Tsubasa, you want to help me demonstrate?" Issei asked.

"I'm game; been wanting to test how much I've improved." Tsubasa volunteered as she cracked her knuckles.

"Do you really need me for this?" Sona asked.

"Need to show them how to deal with a squishy mage since a lot of you are pampered." Issei wiggled his brows.

"...I'm not pampered. Or 'squishy.'" Sona pouted - a rare, adorable sight for Saji to lay his gaze upon.

"Uh, what about me?" Saji raised his hand.

"Need to show them how to deal with Sacred Gear users, and how to handle special cases. A fighter, a mage, and someone with a dragon stuffed into him. Who wants to go first?" Issei asked.

"...If I may." Tsubaki stepped forward with her spear ready.

Not her usual halberd - Sona noted, but a spear.

The spear was elegant, with the lime green shaft bearing similar features to that of a dragonfly, the bamboo-leaf blade of the spear bearing the picture of a dragon flying to the clouds.

Tsubaki now held the Tonbokiri - a famous Japanese spear once wielded by Honda Tadakatsu, one of the great generals of Tokugawa Ieyasu, forged by Masazane, a disciple of Muramasa, so Silver said when he gave it to her.

According to Silver, he purchased it from a wealthy individual in exchange for a platinum-statue of a Chimera… no one asked where Silver got the statue from as it was obvious.

Silver took them all to the mansion, the silver mansion with statues of the three posing Big Bads decorating the front yard, it was comically absurd that they could not even laugh.

Then Silver showed them all his collection, the various magical weapons and items he collected throughout the years, eliciting awe and envy from them, Issei the most.

And he gave it to some of them to maximize their survivability, so he said.

Tsubaki got the Tonbokiri, the dragonfly cutter. It was the spear so sharp that it could cut a dragon fly if it landed on the blade… and has a dragon-slayer element to it, albeit not as potent as that of Ascalon. Its sharpness surpassed Ascalon when compared, however.

Sona got the Tide Jewel, a mystical gem of Japanese myth that allows her to control the seas, amplifying her water magic.

Issei… got a crossbow, mostly because he has no actual long range weapons, and it looked more suitable for him to use if the circumstance arised.

"I've been curious to have a taste of fighting you."

Issei turned to Tsubaki. He forgot about her… she was like Sona's shadow in a sense.

"...You sure?" Issei asked as she approached him, standing before battle distance.

Issei looked around, seeing Sona nodding at him.

"...Alright. Give us some space. Let's see what you got."

The devils excitedly moved away, Sona and her peerage joining Issei's girls, and Rover.

Tsubaki clenched her cybernetic fingers around her weapon while Issei did not enter a stance.

He was not taking her seriously, Tsubaki surmised, something she could understand.

"Alright, not sure about you..." Issei spoke out as he slowly walked left. "Her name is Tsubaki Shinra. All I know is that she is a fighter with a Sacred Gear and she likes to fight with a weapon. I wanted to give you newbies a simple taste, but alright, let me show you how to handle a special case like her. Come at me."

Issei gestured with his fingers.

The tutees jittered with excitement as Tsubaki slowly approached him with her spear.

'Slowly' in Issei's eyes - for the audience, Tsubaki pretty much closed the distance in a split second, thrusting her spear towards the spot between Issei's eyes.

The students were stunned, all gasped.

The spear did not pierce his skin. Tsubaki pushed with all of her might, but she could not push through the finger and thumb pinching her blade in place.

Tsubaki dug her heel into the grass, pushing out a small trench, but Issei held strong.

"Issei… I thought this was supposed to be a demonstration. Not a chance to show off." Sona reminded.

"Can't help it." Issei stomp kicked Tsubaki's chest.

She coughed while sliding back a few meters, wiping the spit off her lips.

"...And you, nice thrust. Need a good follow up, though." Issei called out Tsubaki.

"Noted." Tsubaki inhaled as she raised Tonbokiri, twirled the spear above then left and then right before she closed the distance again.

The students watched as Issei evaded Tsubaki's spear with minimal movement, his kinetic vision seeing Tsubaki's next step before she could make her move.

He slowly stepped back as Tsubaki pushed forward, trying to at least grant the boy with each thrust and every swing of her spear.

Then Issei stepped forward before she channeled enough momentum to swing down, his forearm resting against the green shaft as he stared so close into her eyes.

"The moment I'm this close, you've lost," Issei stated as if in fact.

Tsubaki smirked, "...I beg to differ."

She opened her prosthetic palm, where Issei saw some sort of glowing hole on it.


However, Tsubaki took the spell instead.

Issei pushed her palm right up under her chin.

"Like I said, you've lost." Issei watched Tsubaki reeling from her own spell.

Swiftly, Issei chopped Tsubaki's shoulder, the blow forcing Tsubaki's feet to sink inches into the dirt.

Tsubaki grunted in pain - the strength of the Rook in her Queen trait allowed her shoulder and feet bones to stay intact. Regardless, she was brought down to her fours, with Issei looming above her, ready to deliver another blow.

"...I yield." Tsubaki knew she was already losing badly

Issei nodded and helped Tsubaki get back up, while the audience applauded.

"Quick question. Why not use your magic mirror when we fought?" Issei asked with a low tone.

"This exhibition match also serves to inspire those with no talent. Showing off my Sacred Gear early like this might end up affecting their confidence badly… and I wanted to test my strength against you. Mirror's Alice is more ideal for someone reliant on spells and projectiles, honestly. It works against physical attacks, but it is not good for repetitive attacks since it breaks after one reflect… I don't think I can use Mirror Alice against you."

"Ah, I see. Wait, why not try to wear it as a short shield instead? Spear and shield tactics?" Issei suggested.

"Ahhh… I didn't think about wearing it as a shield. I see." Tsubaki smiled at him.

"Well? What did you guys learn so far?" Issei asked the commoners.

"That we have to work hard to be as awesome as you?"

"How did you do that?! I mean, she was going to use magic but you shoved it back into her face!"


The students eagerly clamored towards Issei like moths to a flame.

"Whoa, okay! Settle down, settle down!" Issei could not get away from the noisy bunch. It was ironic that most of them… or all of them were older than him.

Living proof of the saying, 'age does not reflect maturity' and stuff like that.

Fortunately, the crowd listened to him and gradually calmed down, allowing Issei's some space to regain his bearings. He glanced back, and saw Sona was talking to a telepathic magic circle with a tense look on her face, with the rest of others curiously looking at her.

Sona soon finished talking to whoever was on the other end, and came to his side.

"Apologies for cutting things short, everyone. But this, in the end, is a simple exhibition of what you can expect once the school is finished. Please return to your homes and look forward to Auros Academy grand-opening!"

Issei blinked at Sona's words to the crowd, before Tsubaki and the rest of Sona's peerage began to guide and disperse the disappointed crowd. What really caught his eyes was the urgency of Sona's expression.

"...What happened?" Issei could tell that something came up, even Asia, Xenovia and Irina were looking ready to move out.

Sona nodded, "I just received a call from Rias - Vlad Tepes III and his army has arrived in the Capital of Lilith."

Confusion and chaos soared when a dark, abysmal gate yawned in the middle of Lilith.

The magical portal was wide and tall enough to fit armies and giants, enough to indicate another invasion.

The devils panicked as memories of the invasion months ago flashed, everyone running or flying from the scene almost immediately.

Several teleportation circles appeared, Sirzechs, Serafall, Falbium, and Ajuka, all appearing with their peerages as the armies of the Underworld gathered in record time, prepared this time, as the skies swarmed with warriors of the Underworld.

However, the first emerging from the portal was not what they expected.

It was an alien thing.

Three eyes, yet two faces half-melded together, gray tentacles tipped with barbs, fingers clasped together as the robed figure stepped through.

It was an eldritch thing, looking at it disturbed their minds, thoughts refusing to become coherent and an eerie ring started to grow in their ears despite there being no sound.

Sirzechs quirked a brow as the bat-familiar landed on his shoulder.

"Oh no…" Lucifuge spoke from the Bat's mouth.

Then a large pincer, a mantis-like claw thicker than dragon scales slammed near the creature as a titanic beast emerged.

It was heavily mutated as well, two protruding eye stalks acting as the eyes and several tendrils tipped with radiating scarlet crystals, a lobster-like thing as it crawled out.

Another giant beast emerged, swimming through the air.

It was kraken-like, hide laced with scales, two faces, one where the face of an octopus should be and another at the very tip, a dragon-like head roaring in the skies.

Each of the tentacles were monstrous, fangs and eyes and nose snapping at the air, eyes darting all around, seeing the overwhelmed Devils gathering.

"Philomath…" Lucifuge whispered as the eldritch creature walked towards them with his regiment of beasts.

Following the beasts were more humanoid creatures of eldritch form, one not even having legs, levitating. The other was a cluster of eyes grouped in the shape of a human.

There was even one that was a parody of a Naga, the lower half serpentine while the upper half was just a giant eye with a mouth.

"...Do you know what they are?" Sirzechs asked, unable to process so many alien shapes and forms that could easily mistake them as Chimeras.

The only thing distinguishing them from the chimera was the eerily familiar yet alien feel to their auras.

"The Agiel Tribe… The demons are here."

The next regiment arrived when a hulking beast emerged, standing out, as this one wore armor.

It was a fusion of a minotaur and a dragon, white fire gushing out of its nostrils, three blazing Sulfur yellow eyes gazing forward as the crimson armor gleaned under the Underworld sun.

It had a large sword strapped to its back, imposing, brutal, jagged serrated spikes. Three horns, all curved and sharp as blades, sliced the air so finely they could hear it as the creature walked. The ones following him were less varied, but each had different distinguishing features, horns somethings two, one, or four, eyes ranging from three to seven, or even one.

They were warriors, they could tell at first glance.

"Valqar…" Lucifuge uttered as another teleportation circle appeared, bringing in Azazel, Genos, Griselda, and Saitama.

"Oi, oi... It's actually happening." Azazel uttered as another group entered.

Leading them was a three horned demon with glowing crimson eyes, robes ethereal and spectral in make, constantly ebbing and flowing ghastly white.

"Ersi." Azazel grimaced as his group was accompanied… by souls.

Saitama saw the souls.

"...Ghost angels?" Saitama pointed at the spectral reflections of angels and Devils.

"The Mastema are natural necromancers. Those are the finest warriors the Devils and Angels had to offer…" Azazel explained.

Then he dropped his jaw when he saw Reapers walking alongside the Mastema demons.

Standing next to Mastema was… Thanatos.

The next one was more normal.

They were more humanoid, wearing monk-like robes, but the distinguishing features were their heterochromia, eyes of different color, the left iris bearing the shape of yin and the other yang.

"And they are…?" Sirzechs asked.

"The Salpsan. They were… or still are the Tribe that helps bring balance to Gaia and its inhabitants." Azazel answered.

Their aura was rich in Ki, practitioners of the eastern arts.

The final one made Azazel flinch.

A crown of horns decorated his head, eyes fiery orange, and covering him from the neck down were angel wings.

No one knew whether the wings were the man's or if they were his clothes.

"...Ermias." Azazel grimaced as the Demon's group joined him, looking like robed cultists, black silken robes covering the demons of various distinctive features.

"He is the current Overlord, the 'Lucifer' of the Demons." Azazel explained.

Five more groups of Demons walked out as Ermias, Ersi, Valqar, Ukoku and Philomath approached Azazel and the Satans, each Demon Lord accompanied by a couple of their respective flock, the giant kraken mutant hovering above Philomath.


The eldritch demon with two faces half-melded together 'spoke.'

Everyone but Genos and Saitama flinched.

His voice… It was like a hundred difference sounds and tones spoken at once. It was less words coming out of his mouth and more like whispering tendrils digging into everyone's minds. When he spoke Azazel's name, there was a sharp, hoarse whisper of the same word following the first like a fading shadow.

Telepathy that left an uncomfortable sense of unease, a piercing ache in their minds.

"...Lord Philomath." Azazel responded. "I did not expect to see you again, here of all places."

[Times have changed.]

The whispering tendrils dug deeper, forcing some of the Devils to hold their heads.

Azazel looked up at the kraken mutant hovering above them.

"You look different the last time I saw you. Is it to intimidate those who never saw your kind before? And I remember you using your mouth to speak once," Azazel asked.

"This is our… 'olive branch.' Be grateful we did not bring our armies." The behemoth warrior, Valqar, snorted flames.

"Valqar Baphomet. It is good to see you have grown." Azazel smiled, or tried to while not feeling imposed. "Ermias… I see none of you have been idle in the years of peace. All of your powers have risen drastically…"

"Lucifer and God kept us fed with their children." Ermias, the crown-horned demon, spoke. "And we are not like you. Before, I held myself back out of necessity. Now that I have mastered my powers, I can destroy you and the pitiful replacements here with a thought… assuming that nothing has changed." Ermias turned to Sirzechs and the other Satans.

When Ermias' eyes landed on Saitama and Genos, he nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Awakened One." His tone was considerably softer than how he spoke to Azazel and the Satans.

Saitama quirked a brow.

"...Is it just me, or…. Why do you sound so polite when talking to me?" Saitama asked.

"Is it not natural when talking to the strongest man? A soul that touched the realm of true godhood, something our ancestor Atharv embraced?" Ermias asked.

Genos and Saitama widened their eyes.

"Wait. One of you attained Saitama's level of power?" Genos asked.

"Yes. But he left this world long ago. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Overlord of my people, I represent the Eleven… no, Twelve Tribes, Ermias Verickar Ordog. I am the King of Curses, the Master of Wish Magic." Ermias bowed slightly before the pair with a hand sliding out of his wing-themed robe and holding his breast.

"...Wish Magic?" Saitama asked.

Azazel blinked rapidly.

"What? You have mastered Wish Magic, the one magic Father desires most but can't use?" Azazel asked.

"I've already demonstrated. Look." Ermias pointed at Saitama.

Everyone looked at Saitama… There was hair on him.

Black hair on Saitama.

"I have granted this man's most desired wish." Ermias smiled while everyone stared at Saitama baffled.

Serafall dropped her jaw as she walked towards Saitama and placed her hand on his head.

She pulled the fibers, seeing the roots holding firmly onto his scalp.

"...It is real…" Serafall uttered with disbelief.

Saitama touched his head… he could feel it. He had hair…

"Eh?" Saitama was shocked.

"...How did you…" Genos asked, surprised as he secretly took snapshot photos of the rarest of miracles, Saitama with hair.

"The powers of ancient magic. I am more omnipotent than even the Biblical God now. Far more omnipotent." Ermias almost sounded as if he was boasting.

"Ermy. Stop showing off."

Another Demon Lord walked up to the group of five.

"Eistheth, let your Overlord grant a man a simple wish." Ermias chuckled with a rare lighthearted tone.

Her flock stood out in their own way.

What made them so strange was that they were all beautiful, horned humans wearing… very erotic armor.

"...Hi? Why are you…" Saitama pointed at her and then her group.

"Eistheth Naamah, Lord of the Naamah Tribe. We are the peacekeepers of the tribes. And yes, we know. We do like to show off our skin." Eistheth, long hair of cherry-apple, two horns curled from her temple and two imposing demonic wings of black walked on her heels, two scythes strapped to her waist on her crotch armor.

"Your… choice of fashion hasn't changed, huh?" Azazel sighed - despite knowing they could be their greatest enemies, a free show for him was still a free show. "What happened to Taalmara?"

"I had to defeat her. She is my mother."

Azazel and the rest widened their eyes.

"I will not let our people commit genocide. The old bogies here are annoyingly smart."

Ersi, the crimson-eyed demon with three horns, looked away from Eistheth's glare, his hostility gone, now almost endearing.

Her face radiated irritation as she pouted.

"Ohhhhh, fun fun! Let me join in, Eis!"

The next group was strange.

They were demons, but what made them stand out was that they were wearing casual clothes.

Human clothes.

This group looked like they were on a tour instead of invading.

"Not now, Koveran." She sighed as the one-horned Demon joined them.

The one known as Koveran did not look like a lord, wearing a small T-Shirt with a chaotic mix of colors and black jeans and sneakers. What made him stand out was his face. His face was more picture of eyes and mouth, colors ever changing slightly in strobing flickers. They do not know if he was faceless.

"And… you are…?" Azazel asked.

"Koveran Titivillus! Lord of Domination! Master of Chaos!" He introduced with an exaggerated bow.

"Oh… You're new. And refreshingly casual. Chaos, you say? Your people's power is to dominate the magic of others, even the world." Azazel said pleasantly surprised.

"Ohhh, informed. Well, you aren't that impressive though. Why is everything so droll, I mean, so simple. Too many right angles and rectangles, the lack of artistic expression here is pure heresy!" He complained as he gestured to the buildings of Lilith.

"Please do not demean yourself before the Bastard Race." Ersi reminded, earning frowns from the Satans and the Devils.

"Bleh, I'm here to have fun, unlike you. Anyways, where were we…"

The next group was led by a hunchback demon with a large tome in his hand, his wings the largest of the demons as he flew with his flock.

The hunchback demon landed beside his fellow lords. He was large - larger than even Valqar, the minotaur-dragon warrior.

"...Xelar Surgat. It is nice to see you again," Azazel greeted.

The Demon had large spines protruding from his back, bone spikes jutting from his elbows and two horns growing beneath his chin, qiming downwards.

His irises were pure gold, no pupils, with a dark brown sclera.

"...Azazel." Xelar Surgat greeted.

His eyes looked aged, the tome he wielded covered in black and wrapped in chains.

Another group emerged, a golden skinned demon with horns of bronze, three eyes, one at his forehead. He had no pupils, sclera gray.

His defining feature was two horns, each shaped like the hands of an old clock, the minute hand pointing up above his head and the hour hand pointing below his chin.

None of them wore clothes as their scales were their armor and clothing.

"Is this the part where I introduce myself?" The golden demon asked, observing the curious and cautious gazes from the Devils around him.

"I believe so. May we have your name, new Lord of Alastor?" Azazel asked.

"Celtaka Alastor. Lord of Destiny, Champion of Fate and Causality," The Demon Lord introduced himself.

The last of the demons bore the air of age.

Old, almost desiccated pale gray demons.

Their horns were the smallest, yet for some reason they felt unease staring at them. They bore the theme of grim reapers, lingering phantoms of death. Their lord joined the others, staring at Azazel.

This one was different from the other Lords, even from the rest of his flock.

He had no face, only pale skin, no horns, dust seemingly flaking off his skin, blown by the breeze. This one was like a shimmering mirage, reminding Saitama of Morpheus, only this one continued to flicker in and out of existence.

"...May I have the name of the new lord of Iblis?" Azazel asked.

"Weikel Iblis. Lord of Decay and Time. It is my first visit outside of Kthon," The faceless demon introduced.

Then another group entered the fray.

Each flock had their own distinguishing quirk, but this one screamed futuristic.

Emerging from the portal was a demon in a white suit, accompanied by others with strange mechanical creatures. The demons here were covered in metal armor like Valqar and his flock, but they were more futuristic, circuit lines of bright red weaving across the power armor around these demons, visorless helmets sculpted with organic patterns, like a fingerprint imprinted every part of their bodies, all seemingly-custom.

There were no right angles in their design or any symmetry, it was all too organic in theme despite the materials being inorganic.

Orbs of swirling colors in perpetual motion levitated around the demons with many unknown objects of various shapes, large clusters orbiting around the orbs of energy.

However, when the orbs of energy landed, the parts started connecting together piece by piece, magnetically sealing into each other as everyone watched the orb and pieces form into a golem like a 3D puzzle forming itself.

At least they thought they were golems.

"Fascinating…" Genos analyzed the creations, finding traces of archaic nanotechnology constituting the parts, yet the way each nanobot behaved, Genos could detect life energy from each nanospeck.

Each creation varied in shape, some humanoid, a few giant, some with hands and others with arm cannons, some with blades in place for hands.

The leader of the demon in the white suit walked, wearing a helmet.

The moment he joined the others, the faceplate separated, divided into two, each half sliding away to reveal a demon with many eyes, twelve of them.

"Dracula is arriving." The white-suit demon announced.

Ermias nodded as he turned to Azazel.

"We are here to escort the guest of honor. Make way for Vlad Tepes of Wallachia, Lord of the Vampires." Ermias announced.

The demons stepped aside to give way to the Lord of the Vampires and his group, all riding on horseback.

The eleven Demon Lords faced the Four Satans and the Governor of the Fallen Angels.

They were all riding on horseback, a notable vampire with black hair and a noble black and crimson cloak riding on his Pale Horse.

One look was enough to see that the man on the Pale Horse was Vlad Tepes of Wallachia. There were vampire nobles, Marius Tepes riding alongside Vlad on a Vampire Horse in a butler suit along with the former King of the Tepes. Lafana Tepes joined Dracula's side, her pristine beauty earning stares from some of the Devils.

Although the ones following him were a different story as some of them weren't vampires.

His followers were a strange mix. A few of them were not even vampires…

"Wait…" Azazel squinted at that one man riding behind Dracula.

He swore he recognized him somewhere.

"I am Vlad Tepes the Third of Wallachia. I hope you don't mind if I bring my patrons. I heard that they have… history with you all." The Impaler greeted and introduced himself with a polite tone, despite how intimidating his entire party was.

"...I believe we haven't met face to face before." Azazel stepped up. "Should I introduce myself?"

"I know all about you, Azazel of the Grigori, the scapegoat for all of man's evils. So, no, you do not have to."

"Alright, then let me be blunt. Why are you with them?" Azazel asked, gazing at the silent demons.

Five were them were oozing hostility, Azazel knew them from the secret war in Kthon, and he knew that they still bore old grudges.

"When I escaped from perdition, I called upon their aid once more. To give me and the allies I made in Malebolge physical bodies and become living again. The price to pay is that we must become Demons like them. So yes, while I am Vampire, I am a Demon Lord of the Tepes Tribe. The new Twelfth Demon Lord of Kthon."

The Satans and Azazel stared at Vlad Tepes before their eyes turned to the Demon Lords. No one expected Vlad Tepes to join the Demons and become a member of that race.

Azazel grimaced as he turned back to Vlad.

"...You have been busy. But again, why arrive like this? Right when the Underworld was invaded months ago?" Azazel asked.

"The last time I devoted myself to Christianity, I learned that God sided with the Ottomans behind my country's back. And God sent me to hell for defending my country to the bitter end. And I know how the Supernatural world looks at my people, so the answer is simple. We do not trust you…. Or them." Vlad turned to Sirzechs and his compatriots.

Serafall stepped forward.

"Even if you don't trust us, I believe this…. Entourages you brought with you have caused unrest among our people. Forgive us if we also start to doubt your intention for a negotiation," Serafall retorted.

She was still in her professional business suit, not in her magical girl outfit to maintain her people's image.

"And you are…?" Vlad Tepes asked.

"Serafall Levia-" Serafall flinched when she sensed the piercing gaze of the five Demon Lords.

Then Eisteth elbowed both Ersi and Ermias, forcing the hostility to cease.

"...Serafall Sitri. We recently planned to abolish the Four Satan titles." Serafall reworded.

"So you are a Clan Lord this time? Like the Lords of the Tribes?" Vlad asked.

"It is more like… one of four Overlords than clan lord to be honest," Serafall worded.

"Then you are no different, four bloodlines above the rest. You are no different than a naive girl taking the position of oppressor," Vlad criticized Serafall.

Serafall could not help but blink at the accusation.

"I… I believe there is a misunderstanding." Serafall answered.

"Four bloodlines above the rest. The voice of the other clans seems to have little matter in this society. And yet, even with that much power, you failed to discipline the manchildren still living amongst you. Not only that, you allowed the parasites among you to let loose abominations into Gaia and terrorize the world of man."

"I don't… I am afraid that there is a misconception. I am not sure why are you taking offense."

"The Chimeras. You let them loose upon Earth on purpose."

"What? No! They… How did you come to this conclusion?!" Serafall stammered, unable to react to such a ridiculous claim.

"The role of a King is to stabilize the demonic energies of the transmuted humans," Ersi approached Serafall.

"However, we know that this design flaw was intentional to keep the reincarnated devils on a leash, a way to keep them in their place. It is something that is within Ajuka's power to rectify, yet he didn't. We are accusing you of purposefully unleashing monsters into this world for your own sick amusement."

Azazel looked at Eistheth, seeing her click her tongue with displeasure. It seemed that she had no power on this matter.

Serafall stammered as Ajuka stepped forth.

"I am Ajuka Astaroth. I protest against your accusation." Ajuka spoke.

"Ersi Yiel Mastema, Lord of the Mastema Tribe, Lord of Souls, Master of the Ethereal. Ajuka Astaroth, I demand that you swear on your clan name and answer in truth. Do you not have the power to rectify the flaws of your transmutation pieces?"

Ajuka did not remove eye contact from the Demon Lord accusing him of intentional sabotage of the Evil Pieces.

"To become a Chimera is possible for every devil." Ajuka explained himself. "I understand that it might be possible for me to place restrictions on the Evil Pieces so that the Devils that do go astray would not become a monster so easily. I do not understand why you bring up this topic."

"Most of the filth that infested my territory came from your kind. Not to mention, one of the main instigators of Khaos Brigade come from the majority of your kind. And the angels..." Vlad answered with some vitriol, his eyes spotted Griselda who stood at the rear of the group.

"...I know that the Khaos Brigade was founded by an angel."

Griselda stepped up towards Khaos Brigade.

"I am Griselda Quarta. I am the Queen of Seraph Gabriel. I must request that all hostilities be defused before you accidentally instigate violence."

"You do not represent Heaven. You do not have that right." Vlad reminded.

"Yes, but it will take time for Archangel Michael to arrive here, so I must defend their honor in their stead."

"I see... Then their honor must not be of much value if they must follow the rules of vermin of a corrupted society."

"Corrupted? Excuse me?" Serafall blinked.

"Do you deny that supporters of the Old Satans still live among you? That there are those that ally with the ones that tried to enslave your people? Your inability to remove treasonous parasites infesting your society is more than enough to show your weakness. But still I come for the sake of peace, for our world. Some still believe that you are necessary for our survival, so I will test that claim."

"Who do you think you to talk down on us like that!?"

One of the Devils descended until he looked down on Vlad and his pale horse.

"...And who is speaking to me?" Vlad asked as he looked up.

"Bedeze Abaddon, noble head of the Abaddon Clan. I don't care if you are the Dracula, if you think you can just come here and talk down on our proud race-"

Vlad snapped his fingers.

He exploded.

What was once Bedeze Abaddon turned into a spray of blood, guts, and gore, blood splattering the Satans, Azazel, Saitama and Genos.

The sudden death froze the thoughts of everyone that saw it.

The death of the family head, instantaneously without resistance.

It was so sudden that it took a long pause for everyone to understand that Dracula killed a noble so easily… and that he killed a high-ranking Devil.

Just like that.

"...Do you know what you've just done?" Azazel asked in a horrified whisper.

"I swatted a fly. And you want him back?"

"...He's one of the Extra Devils! He…! You can't-"

"Bring the rest of the maggots here so I can end them as well if you're that concerned."

His words stunned the Satans into silence. Never before had they encountered someone so… forceful and ruthless.

Vlad lived up to his name and legend, a lesson they learned the hard way.

"So I ask again. Do you want him back?" Vlad asked.

"Wha… yes! Of course we need him!" Serafall yelled at the vampire.

Vlad raised his hand at the puddle of gore.

The blood that landed on everyone lifted, gravitating towards a… chess piece?

Everyone did not notice that chess piece before.

Blood, organs, flesh, blood congealed and bones reformed, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, then skin and hair.

Before long, Bedeze Abaddon returned to life, screaming in agony.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As he fell before Dracula, groveling, the naked devil hyperventilated.

Reeling from the shock of death and forceful rebirth.

Bedeze Abaddon was reborn to everyone's shock. The vampire warriors and nobles behind Dracula were both in awe and fear of his power.

"There. You may have your people back." Dracula looked down at the Abaddon groveling before him, their positions now reversed as Bedeze looked up at Dracula with a face of newfound fear before he let out a pathetic shriek and crawled back away from the demonic vampire.

"...Alright, that's enough." Saitama's face turned serious as he stepped forward between the demons and Satans.

"I'm not gonna let you pull that stunt again. You want to talk? Then let's talk. But if you want to fight…" Saitama's gloved fist clenched, nails digging into the red rubber.

Dracula remained stoic as he and the strongest man stood face to face.

"...Make sure no unwanted pests interrupt our meeting. Otherwise, what happens will no longer involve you." Dracula warned as he turned to the Satans, who met his gaze evenly.

"...Very well." Sirzechs nodded.

The first meeting of the current generation of Devils and their ancestor race was marked as a historical event in Supernatural history - a lesson of consequence made manifest.

To be Continued…

Omake: Internet Snoop

Tosca sighed as she just finished cleaning up Yuuto's apartment, where she was allowed to stay in for the time being.

Slumping on the modest couch in the living area, she could not help but feel disappointed. She was looking forward to spending more time and catching up with her long-lost friend, but something came up in the Underworld, and Isaiah had to go with his current master, along with Sister Griselda to learn more of the situation.

Speaking of Griselda - she had told Tosca to remain behind and that they would return before long.

Her mind then wandered to the woman(?) who had been living with Isaiah. The way Muramasa was clinging and acting around the boy brought a little pang in her chest. Are they lovers? But she heard that Muramasa was a sword turned into some sort of human-monster, how does it work?

Feeling frustrated herself for thinking about Isaiah and Muramasa, Toscal sighed as she stretched on the couch, noticing the clock that she still had time before lunch.

Tosca was still not familiar with the town, so going out might not be the best idea. There was a television, but the channels were local and she had yet to fully master her Japanese.

Thus she opted to go to Isaiah's computer - internet surfing had become one of her new hobbies, recently.

As she moved the mouse cursor around, she wondered again - does Isaiah surf the internet too? What kind of stuff does he look into?

A few seconds of contemplating later, Tosca then clicked on the browser's history menu. She did not recognize the links, so Tosca chose to open all of them in multiple tabs.

She clicked a random tab and switched windows.

Her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets when she saw something not meant for those her age.

It was the legendary… Smut she heard her friends whisper about.

Adult materials to relieve sexual frustration.

Her face was red, her innocent mind screamed to look away but her conniving curiosity demanded her to look deeper. She clicked several menus and pictures popped up, causing her face to blush a storm.

I-I-Isaiah is interested in s-something like t-t-this?

There were pictures of… cute boys tied in rope placed in a fetish like position, the women, all tall and very beautiful being in the dominant relation.

There was even some depicting a woman pulling the boys into… licking their…

And some boys had their man meat tied up.

I-Is this what happened after Isaiah being reincarnated into a devil?

Her face was a furious red as she felt something stirring within her past the shock.

She could feel something awakening deep within her as she continued browsing within the forbidden territory, the feeling growing hotter and hotter.


Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Yuuto suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

"Is something a matter, master?" Muramasa asked from next to him.

"I… It's nothing, Muramasa." Yuuto replied after briefly shaking his head. "...Just wondering if Tosca will be alright back home. We kind of… Left her behind without explaining much."

The Tsukumogami shrugged, "I'm sure she will be fine. It's not like we left her at the apartment without food and entertainment."

Speaking of entertainment - something clicked in Muramasa's mind. Her master had pretty much allowed his old friend all access in his home, including his computer and internet access.

Have I cleared and refreshed my last browsing history…?

A few seconds later, Muramasa dismissed her musing.

I suppose it'll be fine. She is still young and innocent.

…Unaware of the damage she had caused on a certain young maiden's mind.

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