One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 72: The Other Lord

A quick announcement; the NSFW/lemon for Issei x Asia is now available in (P) - atreon! Check it out!

Millicas smiled at his parents.

Within the lounge of their personal mansion, Grayfia and Sirzechs sat on a lavish couch, a table set between them and the spirit of Lord Lucifuge sitting across the table.

Millicas sat beside the spirit, the translucent ethereal form of Grayfia's father with joy and excitement.

Lord Lucifuge held the tea cup in his hands with some application of telekinesis.

Grayfia was trembling with joy at their reunion, her stoic visage already at the brink of shattering into tears as Lord Lucifuge attempted to drink from the cup.

However, the liquid poured through him and fell on the sofa.

"...Ah." Lord Lucifuge looked down, seeing the wet stain through his translucent form. "I am… terribly sorry. I cannot help but entertain a thought experiment, but it seemed to have failed. I wonder if I should've asked for a body before I arrived with you, but then again, it will be hard for me to meet you face to face like this."

"It's no problem, father." Grayfia was a tad flustered and amused at the scene, but she managed to school her composure, "Having you here talking with us is already more than I could ever ask."

There was a moment of silence between them.

"...I have been through much." Lord Lucifuge answered. "I am willing to aid you in your battle against Lucifer. He has… betrayed my loyalty in Hell. In the worst of ways." Lord Lucifuge inhaled despite not needing breath, a reflex to contain the painful memories.

Sirzechs' face twitched. His aura flared in anger for a brief period, his nails digging into the leather of his couch.

"...I thank you for being angry for my sake. But save that anger for Lucifer. He is most likely in Cocytus, planning something. I am sure that he has spies watching the Underworld. House Naberius is most likely under his thumb. I am unsure about the other clans as too much time has passed."

Sirzechs inhaled.

"What do you know about the situation?"

Lucifuge looked up from his tea.

"...Euclid is still alive. He is working with Rizevim now as his assistant in Khaos Brigade."

That earned a reaction from the couple, as Sirzechs and Grayfia leaned forward with alarmed expressions.

"He has founded an organization of stray magicians known as Nilrem. I do not know what his organization had planned before they decided to hand me over to Diodora mostly as an insult… They do not care if I somehow fall into the enemy's hands. They are that confident in their power with the corpse of the Trihexa and the eldritch GOD pulling their strings."

"...Did you meet this GOD?" Grayfia asked.

"...Yes." Lucifuge nodded. "It was brief. Every soul in every layer of Hell, even Malebolge, saw him. He offered us freedom in exchange for our souls if we perish. I do not want to pass on to Heaven without knowing the context of this deal. His appearance caught me off guard when we saw him… he was scarred. Constantly bleeding from wounds, a massive hole in his chest and a gash drawn from his head down in a line of perfect symmetry. But his presence… it was like I was having an audience with an actual Divine being despite the malicious nature of his Aura."

"Is he more powerful than the Great Red like Saitama said?" Sirzechs asked.

"Many have been in the presence of the Great Red. I have seen the dragon for what he is. The entity is more powerful, I can taste the power, wounded as he may be… and unlike the Great Red, he has both wits and powers to do feats that are even beyond the Dragon of Dragons. And that is when the being was wounded, weakened most likely. He has a plan for us, and I have an idea that it involves his recovery using our souls."

The King and Queen were disturbed by the old devil's admittance and confirmation of their true enemy's power. Sirzechs understood GOD'S intentions when he heard from Saitama that GOD planned to devour the souls of heaven.

"There isn't much else I can tell you. I am willing to assist and earn my way out of perdition. I will not return to Malebolge and I will not be the plaything of an outer God… but enough about serious matters. Grayfia, how are you doing? Did Sirzechs treat you well? Is he a good ruler as I've heard?"

Grayfia blinked for a moment before a serene smile appeared on her face, "We devils cannot ask for a better ruler… Although I wish Sirzechs would slack off less these days."

Lord Lucifuge looked at Sirzechs with a raised eyebrow.


"It seems that you've forced my daughter into a disciplinary role. My my, I never thought you would devolve into a useless man. Or is that a hidden fetish of yours? Now that we mention it, why are you in maid attire? Are you not his Queen?" Lord Lucifuge teased.

"Ah, the maid persona is actually my own idea, father." Grayfia explained, "Truthfully, I… may still hold the same belief that Lucifuge is Lucifer's faithful attendant, so… I found being a maid is the most suitable representation."

"That's… an interesting perspective." Lord Lucifuge nodded. "A new representation of the old, I suppose."

"Indeed." Sirzechs smiled.

There was a small silence between the family.

"...Is it possible for you to forge a body for me?" Lord Lucifuge asked.

"Really? I am pretty sure that some of my magicians can partake in creating a Homunculi. Or would a golem do?" Sirzechs asked.

"Could you not clone or modify a body? Euclid and Rizevim could do that to an extent. Even more with that strange, alien woman that is working alongside him. I believe her name is Psykos," Lord Lucifuge asked.

"Unfortunately, we do not have that kind of technology." Sirzechs sadly answered.

"Shame." Lord Lucifuge shook his head. "I might have to possess someone and hide behind their flesh then. It is not something I tried, but I can do it."

"You may hide in my body, father." Grayfia offered.

"Well… I appreciate the offer, but I do not think I am ready to hide inside my daughter's body… there is something about it that seems profane and perverse that I cannot describe with words," the elder Lucifuge replied with a wry chuckle.

"Yes… To be honest, I am actually relieved that you refused." Sirzechs replied with his own wry smile, earning a sharp elbow from his Queen.

"Hahaha. Well, talking about possession… I think I may put these new abilities of mine to use now. There may be a way for this old ghost to help you transition from the shadow of Lucifer after all. Putting that aside for now…."

The Lucifuge then smiled at Millicas.

"...Mind sharing some tales of adventure to this old soul? I'd like to know a bit more of my grandson."

Sirzechs and Grayfia shared a smile and conjoined their hands, as their son beamed and began to talk to his long-lost grandfather.

"Alright, let's have some fun." Issei smiled.

Outside the ORC building, within a bounded field to deter outsiders, Issei stood across a glade, staring at Rias and her Peerage at the other side.

Lint Sellzen grinned and ran a thumb across her throat.

Yuuto gripped Muramasa with anticipation.

Ravel, Gasper, and Koneko gulped when they saw Rover panting beside Issei's shins.

Akeno smiled as sparks danced between her and Irina, the two ready to rumble at any moment.

Xenovia prepared Joyeuse and Durandal, inhaling and exhaling the tension out of her body.

Asia looked stalwart, her fairy wings fluttering as Rassei squeaked a cute warcry while flexing his tiny baby arms

Kiyome grinned at them while her fingers turned into metallic blades.

However, Millicas was absent to spend time with his family in the Underworld, leaving Rias without a Pawn.

"You ready to rumble, Rias? If you want, I won't use Boosted Gear," Issei wiggled his eyebrows.

Black served as the referee for the match; while Sona and her Peerage as well as Griselda, Tosca and Vali watched from the sidelines with curiosity with his team. Vali's team came over to watch when Vali called them about the mock rating game battle; Arthur, Bikou, Kuroka, Le Fay standing around their leader.

Bikou came with snacks, eating from a large bag of chips.

"If I force you to use Boosted Gear, it counts as a forfeit from you," Rias cockily returned fire.

"Oh ho ho! Fine, fine, have it your way. I can just Force Lightning you guys then." Issei crossed his arms.

"So, how should we do this? What's the name of the game? Capture the flag? Survival? Team battle? Something like you against Riser?"

"Anyone wanna make bets?" Bikou spoke from the sidelines, crunching another potato chip. "I'm putting five thousand yen on Issei's team."

"Fifteen thousand yen on Rias." Sona threw her piece, forcing everyone to look at her.

"Since it is a mock Rating Game, the most popular and short one is the Lightning Fast Blitz game. Basically, Peerage vs Peerage. There are usually special rules to Rating Games, but we do not have the resources or time to prepare them. Which is unfortunate. I wanted to give you the full experience, Issei." Rias winked.

"Oof. Well, better say your prayers to whatever god you believe in, because we're gonna win this."

"Oh, before that. Did you assign chess piece roles for your team members?" Rias asked.

"No? Why?" Issei asked.

"It is to help assign points. Each chess piece has an assigned value that each side can accrue with each defeat. A King is worth ten points, which is you. A Queen is nine points. Each rook is worth five points. Bishops and Knights are three points each. And each Pawn is worth one point," Rias explained.

"Ah..." Issei nodded in understanding.

He looked at the girls.

"I am more befitting for the Knight role," Xenovia concluded.

""Queen!"" Irina and Asia both raised their hands.

The two angel girls blinked before they looked at each other.

"...I call dibs." Irina said.

Asia teared up, whimpering.

Rassei poked out of her hair and started giving Irina the pleading eyes, the black, beady googly eyes as it cooed pleadingly.

Everyone watched with amusement as Irina tried to resist the 'attack.'

"Aw, geez…. fine~." Irina grumbled and turned away. "I'll be a Knight like Xenovia…"

"T-Thank you!" Asia beamed.

Rassei squeaked and pumped his tiny arms up in the air with victory.

Issei snickered, "Then I guess Rover is a Rook."

"Rooks," Rias said. "Because bringing the dog is too unfair. He counts as two Rooks."

"Boooooooo. Fine," Issei grumbled. "Kiyome, what about you?"

"Hmmmm… I was thinking Queen at first but… Pawn?" Kiyome asked. "Because the Pawn is the most adaptable. I've seen the Rating Games, after all, though I do not know if my playing the role matters since I cannot be 'promoted' in any way."

"That is very true… But then again, you have Stjarna's powers. We will figure this one out later. Are you ready, Issei?"

"Oh yeah. One more thing, Rover. No atomic barks. But you can snuggle the others very hard."

Rover barked and nodded as he waddled behind Issei.

Koneko paled when Rover enlarged… and looked her way.

On cue, Koneko immediately hid behind Rias and hissed at the dog.

Issei then rubbed Rover's hide to calm him down, "Easy there, buddy. And Koneko, you too. I thought you're past this."

"Never." was all Koneko said while still glaring at Rover.

"Come on, Koneko. Give Rover a chance. He might save you one day, you know?"

Rover panted at Koneko.

Koneko only hissed. Rias gently patted Koneko's head to calm her down. Ravel looked very amused by Koneko's behavior.

"Hah… Welp. Alright, we're good. Start whenever."

"Alright! Everyone! Use the Anti-Issei and Anti-Rover formation we discussed!" Rias shouted.

"...Really?" Issei felt like laughing at the absurd codenames.

Yuuto smiled at Issei as he raised his hands to the sky.

"Muramasa!" Yuuto called out as he exuded much of his aura and gathered it into that one point above his head, summoning a… strange sword.

The sword looked ridiculous. It looked more like a bone glued to a sword hilt.

And it was big, big enough to fit Rover's giant mouth.

Rover perked at the sword when Yuuto waved it above like a flag.

"Here, boy! I made something special!" Yuuto called as he wiggled and waved the sword around, making sure that Rover was completely focusing on it.

Knowing the game at play, Issei quickly jumped and embraced Rover's neck, "No, no, Rover, Rover? Look at me, boy."

The dog treat sword started to emit an aroma, the aroma of tasty spiced meat, and it reached everyone's noses to Issei's dismay.

"Fufufufu... Did you really think I'll still be the girl that lets a dog push her and her Peerage around? Witness the true cunning of a Devil, Issei!" Rias cackled insidiously.

"You little! Rover, Rover, don't give in to the bone shaped sword. Rover! No!" Issei panicked a little when Rover started running towards Yuuto.

Griselda was smiling in amusement as she nodded in approval at Rias' tactics

"Rover!" Issei cried out.

"And…. Catch!" Yuuto then passed the giant bone-sword to Koneko, who, with her enhanced strength, tossed the bone sword until the edge of the bounded field.

"No no! Rover!" Issei wailed as Rover dragged him with him towards the bone sword. Issei fell and somersaulted before he got too far and watched his best friend follow his instincts, shrinking away from the battlefield.

"...Really?" Issei turned to the Devils, all of them smiling impishly at him.

Kiyome, Irina, and even Xenovia started snickering at Issei. Asia smiled warmly at Rover, already forgiving him.

Vali, his friends, and Sona and her Peerage even laughed at the sight. Bikou slapped his lap as he doubled down.

"Ahahahahahaha! Oh man, they got your rival good!" Bikou commented.

"How the mighty have fallen!" Vali laughed.

"Bahahahaha! Damn, I'm having a hoot! Man's best friend abandoning friend for bone!" Black even commented.

Issei flipped a finger in their direction.

"Really." Rias winked. "Akeno, Ravel, Koneko, Gasper - Anti-Issei tactics, go!"

Issei was both impressed and livid that they took out Rover so comically well. He wondered how he should handle the girls, a thunder miko Queen, a regenerating noble blonde Bishop, and a white-haired catgirl Rook.

Issei could throw an exploding holy sun arrow at them to weaken them, but that would be overkill.

So he decided to test the waters by throwing a weakened stream of God Lightning at them from his palm, wondering what they would do.

But when he looked at Gasper, he remembered about his overpowered ability to freeze things in a time-frozen-like state.

"Oh, crap!" Issei threw his God Lightning at Gasper, but his eyes flashed.

"Issei!" Irina shouted when Issei was 'frozen in time.'

Gasper nearly blinked when he saw the tendrils of Norse lightning so close to touching him. A half-second later, Gasper would know what it was like to become a french fry. If he blinked, he would free Issei from the stasis.

As for Issei, he was stuck in a panicked state, picture framed in 3D.

"Well done, Gasper!" Rias shouted as she charged at Kiyome, who was still distracted at Issei and Rover being dispatched too quickly.

Rias threw crimson pelts of erasure before Rias engaged Kiyome in melee - coating her limbs with a thin layer of her Power of Destruction to even the playing field.

However, Kiyome's eyes rolled to Rias as the heel of Kiyome's shoe was already against Rias' jaw and sent her corkscrew flying to the side, moving past Rias' crimson bullets in a blink,

Rias felt dazed for a moment there, blinking the concussion out of her eyes.

"Really?" Kiyome asked. "Engaging the one girl that can contend with Issei in close combat head on?"

Rias shook her focus back straight as she got up, seeing… fly wings sprouting from Kiyome's back.

"Also, I've seen the Chimera Fly Ghost thing. Let's see if I can move the same way." Kiyome smirked as her wings started to buzz.

Meanwhile, Yuuto proceeded to engage Irina; while Lint engaged Xenovia and Koneko kept Asia busy.

Joyeuse clashed with the katana form of Freed Sellzen, Durandal grinding against a lightsword, Lint grinning from ear to ear at Xenovia.

Then Xenovia suddenly stumbled past Lint's body when the exorcist devil became spectral, her body now intangible, a phantom no longer touched by the living realm.

"Whew, now that is adrenaline!" Lint said before she stabbed Xenovia's shoulder from behind with her sword, the dark blue metal piercing through her clavicle as the Cursed properties seeped into Xenovia's angelic blood.

"I hope this doesn't hurt you too much since, well, let's see what this can do!"

Lint jumped back, Devil wings spread as she stayed in the air.

Xenovia grimaced, underestimating the powers of Lint's Freed-katana. She then spread her wings out and chased Lint into an aerial battle.

Irina and Yuuto clashed, Irina's blood-red Clarent engaging against Muramasa's pristine, runic blade.

"I have to say, you are moving in a completely different way compared to when you fought Xenovia! It's like I'm dealing with another person!" Irina complimented through the exchange of blades.

"Well, I wasn't really myself, to be fair." Yuuto calmly replied as he parried another strike, "Your swordsmanship is formidable too." He pirouetted around Irina to strike at her openings, but her defenses and reflexes were sharp, defending against all attempted angles with the crimson Clarent.

The insignia of the Arthur family embedded on the hilt of Clarent gleamed as Irina slammed the European bastard sword down on Yuuto swiftly.

"Sister Griselda is the strongest for a reason! Heck, I think she can beat your master in a straight fight!" Irina shouted as she pushed against Yuuto with her superior might. Irina then kicked Yuuto back as she swiftly swapped her sword for Houyi's bow and shot a holy sun arrow at Yuuto, but Yuuto threw a katana at the anti-Devil projectile.

Irina clicked her tongue when Yuuto nullified her attack, the katana shattering into dust as a consequence.

"We've fought side by side, Irina! I know how much you like to abuse that bow!" Yuuto shouted.

"That's why it's awesome!" Irina and Yuuto then exchanged flying swords and exploding arrow-spears, Irina trying to bombard Yuuto and the field with devil-weakening holy splash damage, but Yuuto's swords kept negating her attacks, the Knight knowing his role to lock Irina from bombarding his friends with spamming explosive holy sun attacks.


Asia and Koneko stared at each other.

Rassei squeaked and flexed his tiny arms at Koneko then pointed at her as if daring at her to face him.

"You cannot beat me in a brawl, Asia-senpai." Koneko slowly approached the ascended angel.

"I know. Rassei!" Asia called out.


Asia and Rassei combined their powers and threw a divine beam of lightning at Koneko.

Koneko crossed her arms and blocked the purifying assault, grimacing as her Devil blood screamed against the light.

Asia was no longer the same girl in battle anymore, and her cute dragon snake friend had more strength than before.

But Koneko refused to give in as she unleashed her Devil and Nekomata powers. Once the stream of divine light was over, the Nekoshou then proceeded to close the distance between her and Asia.

Asia herself did not plan to make it easy for Koneko either. Stomping the Staff of Asclepius on the ground, Asia then erected a small barrier dome that stopped Koneko's advance.

"Holy Prison!" She trapped Koneko in a holy barrier which surrounded the Nekomata. Koneko grimaced when she felt the holy barrier weakening her by the second.


Rassei squeaked to the skies as a bolt of lightning crashed into the barrier, the lightning dancing across the holy shell before it all converged onto Koneko, electrifying her while strengthening the holy prison.

"Kuh…!" Koneko grimaced - if not for her Rook strength and further enhancements through Senjutsu and Ki, she would have gone out for the count.

Asia exhaled slowly as she was inwardly relieved - this was her first battle after Diodora. A mock battle, but still something she had to take seriously. Of course, she knew better than to go at full power, lest she would end up injuring Koneko more than necessary. That was also why Asia did not fully synchronize her connection to Rassei, leaving the Imoogi in his infant form.

"Not so fast!" Ravel swooped down from above and threw a wave of Phenex fire at Asia.

Asia yelped and summoned a barrier, the fire splashing against the golden wall and dispersed. In that moment, Ravel seized the opening and dove in at top speed, snatching the baby Imoogi from Asia's hair.


Rassei squeaked in panic when Ravel stole him from his mother.

"Sorry, Rassei!" Ravel apologized as she ascended, leaving Asia alone with Koneko.

However, Rassei certainly refused to be apart from his mother, wiggling desperately within Ravel's grip.

"Hey, ow!" Ravel hissed when Rassei zapped her with a stream of electric current. It was only thanks to her healing factor that Ravel could maintain her hold, "Will you calm down?! You are not making this any easier for either of us!"


Rassei responded by zapping her left eyeball, much to her chagrin.

Asia frowned as she aimed Asclepius at Ravel, trying to shoot Ravel down with beams of holy power. It would not harm Ravel, but just enough for her to let him go.

However, Asia realized something.

She had no experience shooting down moving targets, and she realized that Ravel was far away enough to dodge her shots with little effort.

Asia puffed her cheeks and spread her fairy wings, chasing after Ravel, leaving Koneko trapped in her prison - who, despite her strength slowly leaving her, refused to give up and was currently inspecting the wall of energy surrounding her.


As for Issei…

"A-Akeno-sempai! I-I can't hold him much longer!" Gasper shouted as he ducked, avoiding the lightning flying over his head while Issei broke out of the time stasis with a warcry.

"RAGGGH!" The enchantment shattered like glass as he heaved with irritation.

This time, he managed to break free from the stasis, annoyed.

He was aware of his stasis this time, and it was annoying, trying to break free while his sense of time was scrambled. It felt like two seconds had passed while it had been a minute in actuality, the surroundings blinking from the calm beginning into a chaotic battle like a surprise scene transition in an anime.

He was done playing nice, he would show them true terror as he dominate them into submission.

But then he was caught from the side, legs wrapped around his waist as he turned to face the ambusher. But he paused when he saw breasts clad in a very, scanty bra.

"Hi there~" Akeno greeted with a sultry tone, before she used the opening through Issei's momentary shock.

The Priestess of Lightning then proceeded to take Issei down. Both of them wrestled briefly on the ground, and the next thing Issei knew, he was trapped between Akeno's thighs in a triangle chokehold.

"Well, I was hoping to show you all of this before I do this. I am wearing a special bikini armor set I borrowed from Black's collection. He is a pure Devil at heart~" Akeno giggled.

From the spectator's side - the girls were blushing, with the exception of Griselda and Kuroka, who approved and were amused at Akeno's daring approach. Bikou wolf-whistled at the spectacle, Vali merely snorted at Issei's predicament, while Saji and Arthur blushed at the very poorly armored Akeno, clad in only thigh-high leather boots with a metal bra and crotch armor fitting her size to a T, jewels dangling from her bra to showcase her beauty. Akeno was even wearing a diadem of gold with a ruby in the center.

Despite her claims, Issei was still stronger than her, a man that defeated a Thunder God in single combat as Issei has begun to pry her thighs off him. He was still blushing like mad from the skinship.

However, Akeno's eyes gleamed - the next second, Issei's body was spasming as she electrocuted him with holy lightning, stunning him and allowing Akeno to re-affirm her hold on him.

"My my, I thought all boys love to be strangled by the legs of a beautiful woman," Akeno teased.

"...Do you really have to do that…!?" Issei gritted as he could literally smell Akeno's intoxicating scent.

"Yes? Aren't Demons weak to Holy powers?"

"On the contrary, they aren't! Not really!" Issei said, trying to resist the scent of perfume mixed with the natural scent of Akeno's maidenhood through the thin fabric. Unfortunately, Issei's nose was much, much stronger, meaning he could smell her in more defining detail in a way that was arousing his male instincts into full attention.

Since she would spam holy lightning on him, Issei lifted Akeno's whole body with his waist and back, before slamming her to the ground.

"Ugh…!" Akeno grunted, yet she did not falter. With a husky voice and flustered expression, Akeno sensually licked her lips, "Playing rough with me, aren't you? I certainly am not complaining."

"Not the time…!" Issei grunted as Akeno held Issei's head and electrocuted him through the skull again.

"Get off!" Issei fired God Force Lightning at Akeno, hoping that she had lightning resistance.

"Ahhhnn~!" Akeno moaned sultrily when the sparks danced across her skin.

"Seriously, cut it out!" Issei demanded - his pants became tighter and it did not help his case.

On the side, Irina's eyes widened as she was locking blades against Yuuto, "Wha-?! Let Ise go, you sow!"

Refusing to let this go, she forcefully broke herself away from Yuuto, who quickly caught up with her.

"Sorry, but let's leave the couple alone with their business, yes?"

"You! You sneaky Devils!" Irina had no choice but to block Yuuto's katana and defend herself.

"The only reason you're getting away with this is because I don't want to hurt you!" Issei reminded as slammed Akeno back into the ground, cracking the dirt this time.

"Mmhh…! You have to do better than that, Ise~!" Akeno replied as she kept her hold. Her scent, flushed skin and haggard breathing only made things even more awkward for Issei.

However, the two heard an unfamiliar insectoid buzz.

They turned around to see Rias flying away and tumbling across the dirt, coughing.

Akeno saw Rias sporting two black eyes and swelling cheeks.

The attacker flew and buzzed around Rias as she tried to shoot her down, moving around Rias in unpredictable angles. The way she moved was no different than a fly, turning at the most unexpected moments and curving in unpredictable directions.

It reminded him of the chimera fly Diodora used as his mount.

"Hey, I'm over here!"

Issei recognized Kiyome, seeing her playing with Rias like a carnivore playing with its food.

Rias shot a beam of Erasure straight at her, but Kiyome escaped her vision to her left.

But then Kiyome entered her sight from the right to Rias' bafflement and started pummeling Rias with a feral series of blows, finishing Rias off with a mighty uppercut which flipped Rias into the air.

"Rias!" Akeno shouted, while maintaining her hold on Issei.

But Rias spread her Devil wings and ascended to escape from Kiyome.

But Kiyome stole an iconic move from the Western films about a certain web-slinger.

And shot thick, white webbing from her wrists, sticking to her devil wings, and yanked her back down, slamming Rias into the dirt, forcing a cough of spittle out of the red hair as she bounced.

"P-President!" Gasper shouted, before he quickly used his Forbidden Balor View from Kiyome's flank.

"...Oops." Then Kiyome dug down.

Gasper, Akeno, Rias, and even Issei stared at the spot.

She literally dug into the dirt in an instant, like a Pokemon instantly using Dig, dropping in the sea of dirt as if it turned into water.

"...Since when can Kiyome do that?" Akeno asked.

"Didn't ask… huh." Issei was very impressed how fast Kiyome was adapting to Stjarna's ridiculous abilities.

"...Eh?" Gasper as Kiyome jumped out of the dirt like a land shark, grinning sinisterly as she wrapped her arm around Gasper from behind, covering his eyes.



For Rias, it was like watching her trump card, her adorable Gasper, being spirited away in slow motion by an evil entity called Kiyome into the Earth.

At this rate, Issei might have to reevaluate her training regimen.

As for Koneko, she tried to break out of the holy barrier with her fists banging against the shell, but every time her fists made contact with the surface, it sapped her strength.

It was rare for Koneko to encounter this kind of holy power. Usually, the holy power would just react to her body like a violent chemical reaction. Perhaps because it was made by Asia - bless her kind heart. Even during a mock battle, she made sure that her technique would not harm her more than necessary.

Regardless - At this rate, she would become too weak to even stand. At the same time, the non-volatile energy dome gave Koneko more chances to analyze it. Regardless of element, what surrounded her was in the end, a mass of energy.

Read the flow of energy and become one with the flow.

The words of wisdom from Issei's story suddenly rang in her mind, as Koneko stared at both of her hands. A devil she might be, but her Senjutsu and bloodline made her not a normal one. She then stared between the energy wall and her hands, contemplating her latest theory.

She might be able to form cracks in the structure, create flaws, but it would take all of her remaining strength to do so.

Koneko breathed in and out, focusing on the flow. She placed her hand on the dome and concentrated. She must make the flow of power fight against itself, creating the one crack she needed to break through.

The flow of energy was uniform. She must force the flow to conflict against each other or divert the flow enough to weaken a single spot before it corrects itself.

She decided to try and divert the flow away from a single point, depriving the one spot of the barrier of energy, thinning it within a circular perimeter boundary before her eyes.

It was a struggle to do so while being drained continuously.

Even then, it was enough to thin that one point.


Koneko mustered all of the remaining strength in her body and struck that one point, a simple straight punch.

The dome cracked. Koneko blinked and she proceeded to ram her knuckles on the same spot a few more times. The crack spread until the whole dome shattered around her, prompting Koneko to fall to her knees and sigh in relief.

She took a few deep breaths - she was tired, but not enough to put her out of the fight. She stood up, stretching her limbs and prepared to join into the fray again…. Only for her senses to pick a foreign signature infiltrating the bounded field.

Her ears perked as she turned to the foreign Ki. She wanted to shout, but she was too weak to even move her jaw.

Rias noticed this.

Issei stopped struggling against Akeno.

The demonic power within him was reacting to something, stirring.

His instincts were alarmed as he turned towards that direction to Akeno's confusion, the miko seeing that Issei was no longer bothered by her attempts to strangle him.

"...Is something wrong?" Akeno asked, as she disentangled her legs off Issei, allowing him to stand up on attention.

"Something's coming." Issei warned in a serious tone.

Kiyome rose out of the dirt with Gasper coughing the soil from his mouth as she walked up to Issei.

"Issei. I can… smell something dangerous." Kiyome warned.

The others had stopped fighting as they noticed Issei's and Kiyome's strange behavior and tracked their line of sight.

In the distance, they could see Rover, panting in his giant form, with the bone sword in his mouth.

However, there was someone riding atop of Rover's head, hugging her knees.

Issei and Kiyome could see her.

She had a hime-style, pink-apple hair flowing down her back. Her legs were covered in thigh-high black leather boots in high heels and fishnets, and the two could see the black lace panties hidden under her pencil skirt. She was wearing a white crop-top, ruby earrings dangling from her ears in silver, her serene blue eyes looking at their direction as Rover returned to Issei and dropped the bone sword.

At that moment, everyone went silent. Ravel even turned to the absence of battle, stopping in midair as she and Asia saw the newcomer atop of Rover.

The spectators were wary of the stranger.

"...Who is that?" Saji voiced everyone's question.

"...I don't know her." Sona shook her head.

Issei and Kiyome watched as the stranger unhugged her knees and dropped down from Rover.

"Hmmmm. Your… practice battle is charming. Innocent." The woman's voice was quite… angelic. It was like a caress of the spirit through the ears, something Issei and Kiyome could not describe.

Yet there was a juvenile curiosity to it, like a young child inspecting a new object, mixed with a sense of age.

"Your friend, you raised him well. His loyalty to you, it is… sacred. You have shown him true compassion, someone that is trained for war… for carnage. And the love he has for you, it is something he will fight for at the cost of his life," the woman placed a hand on Rover's shin. Rover panted, not minding the stranger's touch to Issei's silent bewilderment.

Issei had no idea what she was saying. Kiyome immediately elongated her fingers into metallic blades the moment the woman walked up to Issei, strutting with her hips hypnotically swaying with each stop, walking like a diva with a natural flow he could not describe.

She stopped before Issei and learned forward.

Her face was so close to his, yet he was not enchanted by her lustrous beauty. Instead, he was struck with an indescribable sense of fear, even more so when her eyes started glowing a sharp, sultry pink.

She inhaled deeply, smelling him.

"...Dear Uncle Ersi's scent radiates from you. Yet you smell human? Strange, you're able to transform without losing your humanity? The possibility is there but… ahhh, you contained the power in a way no different than God's artifacts. Not bad, but it seems crude…"

Issei flinched at the name. "...What?"

"Oh, how much did Ersi tell you? About us? I am surprised that things didn't go his way… you are more special than we believe, son of the Awakened One."

Rias and the others slowly gathered around them.

Sona and the other spectators approached. Vali already summoned Divine Dividing, Arthur and Bikou taking out their weapons, Le Fay her wand.

Griselda even had her Sword of Duality out just in case.

"I am sorry, but you are trespassing on private property. Do you have business here in Kuoh Academy?" Rias inquired professionally.

"Wouldn't you consider your face a priority? It is currently unsightly."

Kiyome snickered, earning a pout from Rias, whose face was still swollen with bruises and her eyes were blue.

"Hmmm... I am tracking the wits of a very composed, sneaky man with a bad habit of breaking promises. I think he had done something I made him promise not to do, so I came here... And he did." She turned to Rias with a smile.

"Excuse me, but you are not very clear now." Issei began, "In fact, who are you?"

The woman smiled at Issei.

"Naamah." The stranger answered. "Eistheth Naamah. Lord of the Naamah Tribe, the Demon Lord of Charm, temptation… Perception. Tell me, what did sneaky old Ersi do to you?"

They were bewildered by the introduction.

She was another demon lord, yet she looked so… human and casual that they do not know how to react.

The intensity that Issei felt from Ersi was not there. She had a friendlier presence, yet Issei's demon side warned him not to let his guard around her.

Issei narrowed his eyes, contemplating his next words…

"...Are you also here to kill all of the Devils?" Issei asked, nervously glancing at Rias.

The Devil Girls and boys flinched at the mention.

"No, no. I am from the post-war generation. I did not 'spill enough blood to dye the ocean red' like Uncle Ersi liked to say." She waved off Issei's claim. "I do not bear the spite of the older demons, though I can understand their hate. It is unfair to judge the descendants of sinners when not a drop of blood of the past is on their hands. And it isn't." Eistheth smiled at them.

The Devils sighed with relief. Vali stepped forward, but Issei grabbed his shoulder.

"Vali, be respectful. I know you," Issei reminded.

"...Hah." Vali sighed.

"...I am Vali Lucifer. Descendant of the Betrayer… I once requested Ersi to remove my curse."

"Oh?" She approached Vali and sniffed him. "Hmmmm… So this is what the Betrayer smells like. Or close enough. Interestingly, if you met my uncle in person, you would have your soul ripped out with a thought. My people… They have a strong belief that there is no limit to a penance worthy of the crime. Some believe that it must extend to the child as well, and some of the stories in about the tortures of Hell is inspired by the elders' rage-fueled deeds against the angels and imprisoned devils."

Everyone flinched at the imagery, admittance of the level of cruelty the demons would go to punish the crimes of others.

"I have forsaken the Lucifer Bloodline…" Vali said. "I want to know how I can convince your people to remove Ophibian's curse from me."

"Interesting…" Naamah tapped her chin in thought.

"Well, Ersi is impossible, he will do almost anything to take back the justice denied to him and our people as long as it is in their interests as well, spiritually included… and he was there when Lucifer betrayed us. Give up on Ersi. Valqar believes in honor and fortitude, so you might have to do something very impressive and worthy of the chance. Philomath… He will try to break your mind and maybe erase your memories to test you, though he still holds much enmity towards the Devils. Ermias is complicated. He is the only person that can grant your wish, he needs the consent of the majority to do so as he leads our people. He will refuse unless you bring something worthy to cast off the hatred, or manage to sway him with words. Ukoku will test you in a way you will never be prepared for, so I will not bother telling you…"

Vali did not expect to hear the woman to give him the answer.

"But as you are now, you are not prepared to face our tests. You hold pride in your blood despite claiming you forsook it. Ironically, you also simultaneously hate your human blood and see it as a weakness. You have a craving for power that you are too blind to see, a hunger that you must satisfy."

Everyone stared at Eistheth, astounded by her analysis of Vali Lucifer. Issei glanced at Vali, seeing his stunned mien.

"What do you mean, I hate my human bloodline? Is it wrong to accept the power that I have and make it my own?" Vali asked.

"No, there is no shame. But you hate weakness. Saying something and doing something against it is the definition of hypocrisy. Besides, answer this. Since when have you fought like anything else than a Devil? Other than the ways of your Devil bloodline?"

"I have Divine Dividing. I am the White Dragon Emperor."

"...An excuse, a convenient escape given to you by chance. Do not take pride in the gifts of fortune, it will only ruin you," Naamah shot him down. "Words have power, Vali. Do not dismiss your own words so casually with your actions, or no one will listen. Not even Gaia if you shout your pleas with all your might in your most desperate need. You have struggled and worked hard. But if you want to swear that you forsake the Lucifer bloodline, live up to your words. Or else you will only betray yourself until you finally meet your doom."

The way the woman transitioned from a casual, curious soul to a lecturer striking down Vali Lucifer's very existence was quiet, subtle.

Her mien was serious, stoic, unreadable.

Vali looked disturbed, his own pride and view of self attacked and dismantled.

"The curse of Ophibian isn't the only thing you should look out for. There is also the Curse of Eden and Babylon that is in you. Before you go on this path, find a way to undo your other curses. That way, you will have their attention and ears. Consider this as a test to prepare yourself for the greater test to come. Are you strong enough to take it, the one who forsook Lucifer?"

Issei was impressed by this woman's wisdom, setting Vali on a quest to prepare himself before the final test

"...I see." Vali nodded in understanding.

"What are you here to do now?" Issei asked.

She turned to Issei with a beaming smile.

"Like I said. I am here to keep an eye out on my elders and stop them from bringing my people to committing genocide."

"...Oh." Issei understood where she stood.

"Tell me, how do you feel? Where did you last see Ersi?"

"Uh, I kind of let him go…"

"Let him go?" She asked.

"I… uh, it's complicated. I let him inside Boosted Gear… without knowing the consequences."

"...You are lucky. If you were a Devil, he would've burned your life force away, triggering the one flaw. This… Juggernaut Drive?"

Issei flinched when he heard about what Ersi could do. It was definitely within his power considering what he did so far.


"Yes, he is like that. But he has honor and values." Eistheth smiled. "And… what is it about letting him go?"

"...I had to let him go in the end," Issei admitted.

"You should've kept him. I could've brought him in as proof to bring to the others, to the council and further my hold on the old veterans," she pouted.

Issei gave a wry chuckle, "...Oops?"

"Hah…. Don't. You're young. He is a crafty old Demon, he knows what to say and how to make others consider choices that fall in his favor. Damn it all." She blew up her pink-red forelocks.

"Well, it is nice to see Midgard at least. It is a bit lacking in imagination, but I guess the simplicity has its charm."

She turned around, pivoting by the heel with a fluid motion.

"I guess I can spend my time exploring the modern Gaia. You have charm, but you're not my type. I'm saying it for the girls around you, you know?"

Issei blinked and noticed the girls looking away awkwardly, prompting him to sigh and give them a flat look, before he returned to address the demon.

"...Right, appreciated. Though, you really just go sight-see and return to…. Wherever you came from?" Issei asked.

"I've never set foot here, so I must see what this world has to offer. Why? Do you have questions?"

"Well… after Ersi and, well, the matter of an invasion, the last thing we need is to have another demon lord starting trouble."

She giggled.

"Oh, you. Who knows? I don't know if another Lord will come here. But do not worry. We will not touch the human world like you think." She winked at him before she…

Issei did not see any signs - no one else did as well.

She was gone. Like a Mirage, a figment of the mind.

After several seconds of uncomfortable silence.

It reminded Issei of Binbougami's teleportation technique.

"...Okay, that happened. Everyone okay here? Also, Akeno - I think you can change back now." He asked around and he addressed Akeno - who, to her credit, understood the mood of the situation and conjured her school uniform back in place.

The others seemed to be out of their stupor and began to check over themselves.

"I like her outfit. I want to see if it matches with the bikini armor bra." Xenovia spoke out of the blue.

Everyone blinked and turned at Xenovia, and spotted faint, yet visible markings spreading on her skin. Lint happened to be the first who saw that the markings came from somewhere, which was the spot where she cut her with her new sword forged out of Freed's soul.

"Griselda, I want that jewel skimpy lingerie you had. I want to straddle Issei with it and ride him like a horse."

Irina looked perplexed, with Griselda raising her eyebrows in curiosity. The others were looking at Xenovia with eyes as wide as saucers.

"Also, can we have some morsels and lots of liver for dinner? I heard those are sex enhancers. Also, also, Ise, no need to worry about me falling out of grace or getting pregnant. I'm more than ready to be a single mother. I just want a kid with strong genes."

"Et tu, Xenovia? What is going on? You okay?" Irina asked with a worried look.

Xenovia's face had become manic by this point.

"Irina, I thank you for being my friend. But if you want, we can do it together, and try out the popular 'yuri' stuff. I heard that its popular among boys and I want to taste another girl. I feeling hot are you feeling hot actually I feel great even Issei I seeyourerectionandIwanttotasteyourgenesrightnowliedownthisinstantsoIcanmakeeveryonejealousandshoweveryoneIamthenunmberoneIrinakissmeyoufool!"

Xenovia grabbed Irina's head and then pressed her lips against hers to her shock.

Several gasps were heard, with Irina too shocked to even resist as her best friend took her lips.

"Okay, okay, that's enough Xenovia." Issei then decided to run an interference by prying Xenovia off Irina, only for the latter to suddenly lunge at him.


Through sheer reflex, Issei was able to keep Xenovia's face away from him - the girl's eyes were somewhat unfocused, as she desperately tried to kiss him.

"Seriously, Xenovia! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Issei shouted from the ground, holding Xenovia above him.

Xenovia's eyes were manic, her face was flushed, and through the touch, Issei could tell that she was burning up.



Xenovia flinched before her eyes rolled up and collapsed on top of Issei, who looked up and saw it was Griselda's quick handiwork.

Knocking her out with a karate chop.

"Goodness me, this is getting out of hand." Griselda remarked as she dusted her palms off.

Everyone slowly converged around Xenovia to check on her.

"Honestly, I find it hot and endearing. Probably better if she wasn't too cuckoo," Black admitted.

"Har har. Every boy in the world would probably try to gut me like a fish if they saw this, a girl begging a boy for sex in public," Issei picked himself up as he inspected Xenovia.

He sniffed her for a moment.

"...I smell something bitter," Issei scrunched his brows as he sniffed, tracking the scent to Xenovia's clavicle.

He placed his hand on the shoulder and unrolled the shirt a little, seeing the cursed markings spreading down to her back, much more under her shirt.

"Whoa. This is new… Did anyone here do this? Unless we somehow missed an assassin in our midst," Issei noted.


Everyone then turned to Lint as she looked nervous.

"That's on me. I wanted to test out Freed a little, so… Yeah. Didn't think Freed could do that."

Everyone stared between Lint and the demon sword. The Freed Katana rattled in her hand.

"...And he is saying that he didn't know he could do that as well," Lint added.

"...Oh, Hmmm. I admit, it is my first time crafting a sword with a living soul." Muramasa noted as she transformed into human form beside Yuuto.

"Um, sorry - how did that sword come to be again?" Irina asked, finally snapped herself out from the kiss Xenovia forced herself into.

"Ah, you weren't there. I made the sword with the spirit of Freed Sellzen as the core. It was my first time doing so because I wanted to punish him for his crimes against my master. I didn't think imbuing his spirit with holy and cursed powers would give him the ability to… induce madness? Is that the correct word?"

"I think the better word is mania," Sona gave her input.

"Truly? I only intended to have the sword keep Freed's powers for the wielder to use. He must have evolved or found a way to mutate the dark and light energies."

"Good to know. I think I can use this against some pretty tough customers then," Lint smiled.

"I must ask. Is her condition temporary?" Griselda asked.

"Should be. I didn't pour too much power into the stab wound," Lint shrugged.

"That is a relief. For now, we should debrief and review what happened, the visit of another Lord, and plan our next step….." Griselda chimed in, before she glanced at her ward, "After we put Xenovia in bed. Someone also has to monitor her development, too."


Everyone jumped in surprise when the girl in question suddenly shot up from the ground with the same manic look on her face.


Xenovia had already spoken miles ahead, darting between person to person with an impressive speed.

"...No?Youguyswannagotothepark?It'sbeautifuldaysowecanplaysomethinglikeaballorcatch?I' 'sgotoKyoto?AnyonebeentoKyoto?Iheardtherearecastlesmadeoutofgoldandsilver!Let'sgo!"

Everyone then saw Xenovia running off.

"Uh-oh. Rover, catch!" Issei quickly ordered and the dog quickly caught up to Xenovia and pounced at her, trapping her body with his large paw.


"I think I heard something kinky." Black smiled sinisterly.

"Clam your mouth. Alright, let's see if we can undo her 'mania.' Though she will probably feel like burying herself alive if we do." Issei sighed as he jogged towards Rover, who still had Xenovia pinned down.

"Yeah…" Irina agreed as she followed suit. She knew she had to be there for her.

"I'm home…"

Opening the doors of his lavish mansion, Saitama casually strolled through the doors. However, upon entering the living room, he found the atmosphere in the room to be rather… Tense.

His son was there, and so were the girls, minus the one with blue hair - Xenovia? Yes, Xenovia. The other group from school was there, the ones that followed the girl with the glasses, Serafall's sister. Haruka was serving them drinks and snacks.

"Welcome home, honey." Haruka was the only one who greeted him with a smile and a quick peck on his lips, prompting the others to give him small smiles, nods and waves.

"What happened? What did I miss?" Saitama asked.

Genos - who had come home earlier and had joined the conversation, replied, "It appears…. That two demon lords just arrived in town unannounced consecutively."

"...Huh?" Saitama stared at them. "...Oh, them? The guys that Lucifer and God did terrible things to?"

"Yes, honey." Haruka was glad that her husband's memory was not getting worse.

"Did they do anything wrong?" Saitama asked.

"No. Well, one did try something, but he failed and departed. Issei claimed that the Demon Lord was… helpful in his own way. The other one, she said she was sightseeing, though it is how she managed to breach all of our security measures so easily that concerns me. Besides, how did your visit go?" Genos asked.

"Oh, right... Well, guess who decided to move into our little town?" Saitama stepped aside.

Everyone then was greeted by the sight of a pregnant woman and her husband walking in the living room.

Rias and Sona blinked at the woman's face, while Griselda's eyes widened at the sight of the man, as she stood up. The sister's face was as if she was looking at a ghost.

"...Masaomi? Masaomi Yaegaki?" Griselda spoke out the man's name with a mix of shock and horror.

"Hello, Sister Griselda. Well, if this is what you expected, I would most likely try to cut you down after making a deal with a biblical devil and do something like in the stories that involved the vengeful dead... Heh, well, tell me. Is that the case now?"

Masaomi placed his hand on the pregnant woman's shoulder.

Griselda stared at the woman who was smiling very impishly at them.

"You… how?" Griselda recognized the Devil with her voice breaking down, her calm face twisted with emotions.

"It's…. It's a long story, but…." Masaomi then stepped forward with a smile on his face, "It is really good to see you again, Sister Griselda. And congratulations on you receiving the honor to become Lady Gabriel's Queen."

Griselda's body was moving on autopilot when Masaomi spread his arms open, and the man was the one who initiated the heartfelt hug. Griselda was unsure what to do for a second before she returned the gesture in earnest.

When Griselda confirmed that what she was hugging was a real, living person, tears escaped her eyes, "...My god, Masaomi… I'm… I don't know what to say." she whispered with a small sob.

"You don't need to say anything, sister." Masaomi broke the hug, "...In fact, I'd like to officially introduce my wife to you. This is Cleria Belial, though you might have heard of her before."

The aforementioned woman stepped forward while holding her pregnant belly. This time, it was Rias and Sona who finally vocally reacted.

"Cleria Belial…." Sona was the first to comment.

"But… How? We've been told that you're…" Rias trailed off.

"Dead?" Cleria casually followed, causing the two heiresses to shrug awkwardly. The woman then lightly scoffed, "Well, I guess there's one hell of a story Old Zekram came up with. But whatever, I have more important things to focus on." She smiled fondly at the growing life in her womb, before she slightly bowed to everyone else.

"Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Cleria Belial, former overseer of this town." The she-devil of Belial then turned to smile at the other matriarch in the house, "...Haruka, it's been a long time."

"I miss you, Cleria." Haruka beamed as she and Cleria shared a light hug. "I can see you've been busy." She noted Cleria's pregnancy.

"Oh, you know, when you and your life partner lived alone on a remote island for years… The list of 'activities' could be rather limited." Cleria wiggled her eyes knowingly.

"Ooh… Care to give me the details?" Haruka returned with her own knowing smile.

"Only if you don't mind sharing yours."

Haruka and Cleria then shared giggles, while Masaomi just finished exchanging greetings and handshakes with Genos.

Everyone was still confused at the sight - particularly Griselda, Irina, Asia, Rias and Sona, along with the other devils.

"Okay, I think it's fair to say that all of us here want to know - what is going on?" Issei finally spoke up.

"Yeah, long story short. Genos and I kind of rescued them when it all went down." Saitama explained. "It was all improvised though. The gas explosion covered everything up."

"But… The report said they were near the fuel tanks. Skin contact even." Griselda pointed out, knowing the reports.

"I can be very fast," Saitama simply shrugged. "Anyway, since all of us are now in peace, they decided to move into town, they need the kids to be familiar with civilization and all."

Griselda blinked and nodded after noting Cleria's bulging stomach, "I… guess that's understandable…. Wait, 'kids'?"

Cleria giggled, "That's right - come in, Sarah, Mejiho, Sai!" She called out to the door, "Introduce yourselves to Saitama's friends and family, would you?"

On cue - three children walked in and stood in line, looking nervous on meeting new people. The curious looks directed at them did not really help the case. At least Saitama and their parents were nearby.

"These are our children - Sarah, Mejiho and Sai." Cleria introduced her children in order of the oldest to youngest.

"N-Nice to meet you! M-my name is Sarah!"


Sai on the other hand, merely nodded meekly while hiding himself behind his father.

"Aw, they're adorable!" Haruka squealed at the sight of the children, "So that is not your first? You've been very busy, indeed, huh?" She pointed at Cleria's belly, in which the she-devil gave a knowing wink.

"Aww, now I want more kids. Maybe a little sister for Issei," Haruka cooed.

"Mom….." Issei groaned, not wanting to hear about his parents' sex life.

Griselda, Sona, and Rias stared at the little ones baffled; the former could only drop her jaw at them. Griselda turned to Masaomi who could only shrug with a smile that expressed, 'what can I say?'

"Yes, I'm interested to see your family growing like mine. Oh, by the way, your husband has learned some interesting… powers. We spent time together teaching him how to transfer power to others."

Issei blinked, "...Wait, what did you say again?"

The others seemed to share Issei's question with their looks. Saitama rubbed the back of his head before replying, "Yeah….. I've been learning to do that… Power transference thing?"

"Why? You can do that? Wait, I thought you're against that stuff to begin with," Issei pointed out.

"Yeah, but things have changed. There are people out there that can help others better than I can, and we might need those kinds of people. Who are not like us, I mean."

Everyone stared at Saitama, unsure how to process his words on the importance of independence and the strength of self.

"...But I'm not giving you kids a free pass, honestly, if you think I'm gonna give you some of my power. Genos needs it more because he's a cyborg. Besides, I might blow you up. Like some of the things I tried to work with."


All thoughts on the prospect of asking for a piece of that power that nearly destroyed the Underworld disappeared.

However, before the conversation could have carried on, a loud roar was heard from outside.



"...What the hell was that?" Issei asked as everyone turned towards the source of the loud roar.

Saitama blinked, "Um…. Is Rover outside?"

"...Yeah?" Issei confirmed.


Everyone yelped in surprise when something crashed through the walls, Rover, in his full size, tumbling through the lounge as splinters, dust, and sunlight spilled into the mansion interior.

Everyone turned, seeing Rover roaring at something outside before something came in and punched Rover's head into the floor.


Everyone stared at the manfish thing.

It looked ridiculous, a man fish with biceps and bulky arms and legs.

"Mr. Carp!" Sai ran towards his newest friend.

"What the fuck…?" Issei and everyone else gawked at the monster fight.

The creature did not get to listen as Rover had immediately pounced on him again, biting on the fishman's shoulder while the said fishman struggled to break free.

"...I'll handle it." Saitama sighed and walked towards the chaos - where a large humanoid crab suddenly entered the mansion through the hole that Rover made, and joined the fray by tackling both Rover and fishman to the ground.

To be continued….

Omake/Extra - A Quirky Date: Episode 5 - Xenovia Quarta

Issei stared at the billboard sign of his supposed dating venue with Xenovia. He checked the address on his smartphone map for the third time, and the place where he was.

Did Xenovia give me the wrong address?

Xenovia happened to be really excited when she finally had the turn on going out on a date with Issei, to the point that she took it upon herself to set up the venue, time, place etc. She had asked him to go towards the address she gave him first, saying that she needed some time to 'prepare'.

Hence, Issei was confused as to why his date led him to an abandoned amusement park near the outskirts of the town.


The boy turned and saw his date jogging at him. While he was wearing his casual street clothes, Xenovia was geared up in her Exorcist outfit, along with a large duffle bag strapped on her back.

"Thanks for the wait. Are you ready for our date?" Xenovia asked with an excited look on her face.

"Date? What… Xenovia. I am confused. Please, explain why we are here in this… abandoned place."

It also explained why this place was a bit far outside of Kuoh.

"Why, because we are going to explore this place!" Xenovia answered with a proud look.

"...And why are we exploring this place?" Issei asked.

"Fufu… The truth is, I asked your mother about what an ideal date is." Xenovia replied, "...And according to Mrs. Hyoudou, a perfect date is a good combination between adventure, thrill, and romance!"

"...Okay, putting aside you asked my mom of all people about dating advice…. Why here?"

How in the world did her mind process the advice into this?

"I've looked up the internet about urban legends and stuff…" Xenovia replied while rummaging through the duffle bag, "Turns out this place is famous for several ghost sightings. So we shall purify this place!"

Xenovia then took out a few holy swords and relics - crucifix, vials of holy water, talisman etc.

Issei stared at the girl before he remarked, "...Alright. Look, Xenovia I know you've been looking forward to this date and all, but I have to ask - how in the dead God's name did you come to this conclusion?"

"Because there's no better adventure than destroying evil!" Xenovia smiled as if the sky was blue.

Issei stared at her dumbfounded. Maybe he should take her to an actual amusement park today and show her how to be normal-ish.

"...Screw it." Issei decided to roll with it and see how it goes. It might be fun in the end.

"So, tell me. Where should we start looking?" Issei would have brought snacks if he knew this was coming.

"We can always start from the center of the park - work our way out." Xenovia then handed a small radio-like device to Issei.

The boy gave the device a quick look over, "...A spirit box?"

"Oh, can you tell?" Xenovia asked while fishing out a bag of salt.

"I haven't told people this, but remember Sarui Ilugo? After my encounter with the ghost, Uncle Genos started teaching me about the basics of ghost hunting." Issei replied. "...While having me to play Phasmaphobia for a week."

Xenovia blinked at Issei, "...Okay? Anyway, let's start searching. Here is the information about the ghost-sighting, history and everything about this place that I got from the net." She then handed Issei a small notebook filled with her hand-writing.

Issei took the note as he stared at the pages.

The amusement park was once a prosperous attraction until a series of inexplicable accidents, machine failures, power surges, injury of staff and customers, eventually brought the park to ruins.

There were accounts of daredevils attempting to investigate what happened to the place, and Xenovia pieced together evidence that the area might be a haunting ground for the deceased.

"...This is before Hell was busted open?" Issei looked up at Xenovia.

There were cold spots, inexplicable power fluctuations, and erratic radio waves, signs from two paranormal investigators that entered the park.

"Mhm!" Xenovia nodded with an excited smile.

"Alright, seems interesting to encounter one of the rare cases."

"I know. What do you know about how ghosts can linger?"

"Not everyone can just remain in the physical world from extreme resentment or bitterness, otherwise we'll have more cases. Sometimes, the Veil glitches and ignores certain human spirits in the right circumstance."



"What about Devil spirits and such?"

"No exceptions for them. The Veil is designed to take priority over the nonhuman spirits since the other races are more dangerous. Unless they're using certain magic, that is. Anyways, let's do this. Let's see what kind of ghost we're doing with."

The two entered the amusement park, pushing through the dilapidated metal gate and into the untouched ground, infected with loneliness and sadness.

Issei wondered if he could use his Meta-Vision to see anything wrong. He focused his vision to see if he could switch into thermal vision or something like Kiyome saw through Stjarna.

Though he could barely enter another vision mode, it pained his eyes in the attempt, so he stopped. He wondered if he could access them if he grew in power more. He heard that Garou transformed and evolved in extreme circumstances, so he might be able to do the same since his Dad's blood flows through him.

He looked around, waving the spirit box around, a device meant to detect any spiritual chatter inaudible to human ears using radio waves and frequencies.

When they walked past the merry-go-round, Issei stopped when he felt a pair of eyes on him.

He looked at a particular horse, a black unimpressive one.

He squinted at it.

"...I think we found our ghost." Issei aimed the spirit box in that direction.

The device sparked to life, high pitch static and strobing random pitches left the speaker until it calmed down into an audible voice.

[My god, the blue haired girl is hot. Hah, how I want to take that bastard's place…]

Xenovia looked at Issei's spirit box as he looked in the spirit's direction.

"...Well." Issei pursed his lips. "I hope you can hear me. Are you the spirit haunting this place?" Issie asked.

There was silence from the spirit box. Issei squinted at the direction of the presence.

The presence moved towards him, no, it was shooting towards him like an arrow. However, Issei pulled out a talisman and shoved it into the air in front of him.


The talisman got stuck on something as the invisible spirit entered the physical world.

They could see the spectral form of the spirit.

He was an unimpressive man in rags, with stubs of facial hair, his black hair a mess. He looked like someone that would belong with Motohama and Matsuda honestly.

It was a talisman of paralysis, meant for paralyzing the souls of the deceased into place, can touch the immaterial as well.

"...Well, consider my expectations disappointed. How anticlimactic. Time to die... Or more like, pass on." Issei pulled out Chrysaor.

"Wait, please wait!" the ghost cried with his hands held up at the sight of the gleaming sword of holy power that slew evil.

"I sensed hostile intent. You were trying to possess me, weren't you?"

"N-No! No I did not!"

"Don't bullshit me. Are you the only one here? Are there others?" Issei interrogated the spirit as he placed Chrysaor on the spirit's neck.

"I-I-I'm the only one, I swear! Shit, I didn't think real exorcists would show up! Spare me! I don't want to pass on just yet!"

"Uh huh. Don't know if I believe you on that. So what's your story? You got murdered? Suicide? Depression?" Issei asked.

He wanted to get on with it so he could take Xenovia to a real amusement park.

"...I was dumped by the woman I gave my heart to," the ghost replied with a defeated tone.

Issei stared and shrugged, "Well, pretty close to my last guess. But tough luck on that, and good luck on your next life." He said while preparing his Chrysaor again.

"No, no, no, wait a second!" the ghost begged again.

"What is it now?" Issei had begun to feel impatient.

"Have mercy on me, please! In fact, I, err, have a proposition!" the ghost replied.

Issei glanced at Xenovia, who shrugged; he then turned to the spirit, jerking his chin forward - a silent gesture for the ghost to speak.

The ghost took a deep breath and spoke, "Lemme use your body and have a date with that girl, then I'll pass on peacefully." the ghost spoke so fast that Issei could barely grasp the point.

"...Huh?" Issei was baffled, his face contorted with confusion. "...Did I just hear you say you want to possess me?"



"...Because I want to at least date a girl before I move on."

"And why should I let you? A random stranger with… less than noble intentions take over my body? When I can just simply cut you down and boot you to the Afterlife right here and now?"

There was a small silence between them.

"...Yeah, I thought so. See ya." Issei raised his sword, with the ghost whimpering in defeat.

"Wait, Ise."

Issei paused when he realized it was Xenovia who stopped him.

"...What is it?" Issei asked, his sword already close to touching the spirit's skull to his fright.

"I would like you to accept the proposition."

"...Why?" Issei asked Xenovia, completely confused by her intentions.

"Because…. After everything we've talked about and gone through, I… Want to see if I can help him pass on without using violence."

Issei stared at her and darted his gaze back and forth between her and the spirit.

"But… it's a spirit. A perverted one."

"Hey!" The spirit called out.

"I know."

"Are you responsible for the many accidents in the park?" Issei asked the spirit.

The spirit sighed and looked dejected, "...Yes. Look, I'm not proud of what I did, okay? But I was just so angry, sad and…. Gotta say, rather jealous of those lovey-dovey couples! I'm now just asking for good company and a good time, is that too much to ask?"

"After what you did to this place, yes." Issei bluntly retorted.

"Issei… please?" Xenovia looked at him. "I… want to experience the adventure like in the Arthurian legends. Sending the poor souls to rest without raising the sword."

"But… I don't do NTR."

"...NTR?" Xenovia tilted her head.

"It involves a fetish where someone gets aroused from seeing their girlfriend or boyfriend stolen by another person."

Xenovia stared at him, trying to picture how that could be a fetish. "How… there are people like that?"

"Yes; and fortunately I'm not one of them."

Xenovia still pleaded with his eyes.

"...Fine." issei rasped. "You. One date. Make it snappy. Do anything out of line and I will literally send you to hell personally. Do you get me? I've seen what a spirit that ends up in Hell is like, and you will beg for oblivion."

The spirit's face lit up as he bobbed his head up and down rapidly. Issei gave Xenovia another look, which she returned with a reassuring smile, before he sighed and tore off the talisman from the ghost's face.

Spreading his arms wide, Issei lowered his guard, "...Alright, then. Knock yourself out. Just remember our-"

The ghost immediately had flown inside Issei's mouth before the latter could finish speaking. Xenovia then watched Issei's body spasming for a few seconds, followed by his aura fluctuating before he went still on his feet.

"Err…. Am I now speaking to…? I'm sorry, I've never gotten your name." Xenovia asked.

'Issei' wheezed and gagged.

"S-Stop! I'm sorry!" 'Issei' begged.

Then his expression reverted back to the Issei she knew, only he looked angry.

"One moment, I need to strangle some manners into this bastard," Issei informed with an angry face as in his soul realm, he was literally strangling the stranger like Homer Simpson to Bart.


The first destination was the generator room where the now-possessed Issei turned on the power and brought the whole park back to life.

The next few hours were spent by trying everything the old park had to offer. From within his own body - Issei watched that the ghost possessing him had been good on his word; just a couple of man and woman having a good time and good laugh in an old amusement park. The physical contact shared so far had been simple hand-holding, one-armed hug when his body was forced to ride several roller-coasters; all of them had not been inappropriate…. So far, at least.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Yukan?" Xenovia asked with a polite smile on her face.

The name of the ghost was Yukan Motomeru.

He was a college student that committed suicide out of heartbreak long ago.

The boy had been haunting this place ever since, bitter and angry that he could not experience true love while everyone else could.

In Issei's opinion, he wasted his life too early for the easy way out, which he remarked in Yukan's head.

On the other hand, Issei was impressed with Xenovia - the old Xenovia would have not bothered to listen to some ghost's plea and would have exorcized him there and then, no question asked. The fact that she was willing to listen to a spirit's one last wish, showed her growth in character.

Currently, both of them were in their last ride - Tunnel of Love, riding on a small boat through a canal filled with neon lights to enhance the romantic atmosphere.

"Y-Yes. I… I think I did." Yukan smiled with Issei's face while trying to ignore the searing glare behind him in the soul realm.

"By the way… Do you think I would make a good boyfriend in life?" Yukan asked.

Xenovia hummed while staring at the expression Yukan made on Issei's face before answering, "I don't see why not."

When the boy's face lit up, Xenovia could not help but feel that the sight of blushing Issei was adorable.

"...Do you think… I can… well…"

Subtly, 'Issei's' eyes started glowing green. His hand slowly sneaked around Xenovia's waist… reaching out for her rear.

Xenovia's hand immediately reached out and caught the boy's hand. However, her face remained calm as she met his startled eyes.


"Is it custom for the first date to grope the other?" Xenovia merely asked.

"...Yes?" Yukan weakly answered - What happened? Why wasn't she hypnotized?

It was a skill he used to force his victims into embarrassing themselves and destroy relationships.

"...Hey." Issei called out from 'inside'. "You had your date. Get out."

Yukan was still there, standing with spectral sweat pouring out.

"For the glory of breasts!" Yukan shouted as he jumped out of Issei's body, pouncing on Xenovia with a face of a sexual predator.

However, Yukan suddenly hit an invisible wall which repelled him away immediately. Shaking his ghostly head, Yukan floated in the air and saw Xenovia standing on the boat, with Issei slowly standing up while massaging his head.

"Are you alright, Ise?" Xenovia asked - much to Yukan's shock, she spread her wings out.

"This is the last time I let some asshole possess me like this." He glared at the floating ghost above.

"Well? Care to explain yourself, 'For the glory of breasts'?"

Yukan stared at the sword the boy conjured, and at the pair of angelic wings on Xenovia's back.

"Um…. I'll pass on if you give me a kiss on the lips?" the ghost sheepishly giggled.

Both Issei and Xenovia were not amused, more so from the former, who raised Chrysaor high.

"O-Okay, wait! A kiss on the cheek will do- GYAAAAAH~!"

Issei slashed a wave of holy power at Yukan, spiritual matter bathed in purifying light, Yukan's screams fading into echoes as he forcefully left the material world.

There was no trace of him left, not even a wisp, leaving the two alone in the boat ride.

Issei sighed while shaking his head. "...Well? How was your experience trying to help a pervert pass on?"

Xenovia looked saddened, on the contrary.

"...I am sad that it didn't end like I wanted. What did I do wrong…?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. He is, like I said, a pervert. A hopeless pervert. No wonder the girl rejected him."

Issei could imagine the reputation that guy must've had, and the girl had sense not to get involved with him.

Another moment of silence stood between them.

Xenovia looked around, seeing the interior of the love tunnel.

"...Do you think we can restore this place? Back to how it was? It would be a shame to leave this place abandoned. Everything is still working properly after so long…" Xenovia answered with another question, with a newfound fondness for this place.

"Oh? Well, I think I can. I still have Gold's credit card, and he might oblige. Hell, it might help the economy if we do," Issei smiled.

Xenovia smiled back.

"...I would like to… continue our date. In an unabandoned amusement park this time."

Issei smiled and held her hand, squeezing it softly.

"Sure thing."

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