One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 51: Finding a Way

Turns out the whole shenanigans with gender-bent Issei a.k.a Isami caused... Quite a controversy. However, if it means anything, the whole idea was not mine. But I'm still at fault for not doing any better. I can only promise the upset readers that I shall reflect on that. Now, onto the show!

The Holy Spear shattered.

With one fell strike, he shattered it, cutting down both the spear that was supposed to represent the omnipresent fame and ideals of Humanity, a weapon made by the Biblical God himself. And the spear alone did not stop the man's strike from cutting down the wielder.

Cao Cao nearly died encountering that man - no, THING, so much blood spilled.

So much loss of morale and spirit that came after, leaving a deep traumatic scar in every soul.

It took all of Georg's strength to summon the mist to send the man away to the only location he knew that would take care of him just for trespassing.

They barely managed to scrounge themselves together and stitch their wounds, their world shattered just like that spear.

The chosen of the holy spear spent an entire day staring at the spear the man shattered with his martial might alone. Unlike the other Sacred Gears, the Holy Spear of God was not the type of Sacred Gear that repairs itself automatically.

Meaning that Cao Cao was the first man to have his spear broken, not by a god, a Devil, no.

But by the hands of a man they just met, one that drove them away… half of their members left after that encounter. They have lost faith in Cao Cao and themselves.

A few weeks later , Georg watched as Indra stood before Cao Cao who was still sitting on the bed, bandaged, yet still broken inside just like the spear.

It was sad seeing Cao Cao trying to piece the broken halves of the holy spear together with powdered remains of hope and will.

"To see the Longinus broken like a common stick, to see the day, I have no words to express my surprise." Indra said.

Georg had to summon Indra. At this rate, Cao Cao's spirit would be broken forever. The spear could no longer respond to Cao Cao in its state.

"...Can you fix it?" Cao Cao begged.

It was a whisper of desperation, a level of hopelessness Georg had never seen before in Cao Cao.

"I cannot." Indra answered. "I may be a Higher God with experience in crafting Divine Items… but not even I can repair something so… masterful. It isn't something that can repair itself by just willing it like the armor-type Sacred Gears."

Cao Cao's face was trembling, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

Georg grimaced, knowing that Cao Cao was about to lose himself.

"...But there is someone that can."

Cao Cao looked up at Indra, the Sakra smiling at him while pushing his sunglasses up.

"However, he is expensive. I have never met him before, but I heard great things about him from an associate of mine."

Georg was confused.

"...I didn't think there was someone in the world that could repair a Longinus. Why haven't we heard about this person before?" Georg asked.

"There are things in this world that are older than humans, older than mortal myth. Sometimes the stories behind human legends are not what they seem."

"...And that person will fix his spear just like that? What is his usual price?" Georg asked.

"I learned of one of his most famous bargains, one he made with Vlad Tepes of Wallachia. Vlad bartered the souls of the Turkish warriors he slew in exchange for great power. So I would say… many, many human souls."

Georg and Cao Cao were stunned. They did not know that the person was the one that created the first vampire, the arch-vampire, the oldest and most famous of them all. Nor did they realize that there was someone that actually bartered with souls like the demons of the bible.

"...When will we meet this person?"

"Today." Indra answered.

The two humans stared at the Sakra.

"I already summoned him just in case. Isn't that right, Lord of the Ordog Tribe?"

Sakra gestured to the other side of Cao Cao's bed.

Georg and Cao Cao immediately threw their heads into that direction.

There was a stranger standing there. If there was one word that could describe the stranger's appearance, that would be demonic.

A crown of horns crowned his head, each curling skyward as if trying to pierce the heavens.

His skin was slightly pale, his eyes glowing gold as he returned the stare into their eyes.

Staring into the stranger's eyes was… they could not describe it. Looking at them makes them want to look away by reflex. It was like gazing into the very reflection of themselves, like he was looking at the parts of their souls that they did not wish to face, and they could only catch a glimpse of it.

His attire was something unique.

They were not sure if they were natural, the two great wings that wrapped around the man, covering him from his neck to past his feet. The man looked like he was wearing them as his robes, the feathers shining a sickly color, a dying white.

They did not know how long the man was standing there like a ghost, unseen, unnoticed.

"...A broken symbol in the hands of a child that lost his way. In all of my life since the dawn of God's age, I never thought that I would be summoned from my duties to repair the source of my kind's greatest tragedy."

The man's voice sounded young. No, there was youth, yet it was overflowing with age, carrying so many years that it could weigh on their ears.

"Can you do it?" The Sakra asked.

"Can… or should? I decided to entertain you since you are acquainted with Binbougami, but this is an affront given my history with the maker of that spear. What do you have to convince me to repair his magnum opus?"

"The Future."

The Sakra smiled.

"You cannot see the future, can you, Ermias?" The Indra accused.

The man known as Ermias stared at the Sakra in silence.

"How about a small bet? If you find great value in my words, you will heed my request and repair his Longinus. If not… you can take his soul and his longinus with you as a trophy for your troubles."

"What?!" Georg shouted at Indra. "What the hell are you-?!"

Georg suddenly choked and fell to his knees, holding his throat. He gagged on an invisible force that was threatening to snap his neck.

"Interesting…" Ermias said as he looked at Cao Cao. His eyes glowed gold once more, the color bearing a sinister light that betrays the symbol the color represents.

For the first time… or second, Cao Cao felt indescribable terror when he gazed into his eyes. There was something about this person that Cao Cao knew that antagonizing would lead to untold consequences he could not imagine.

The man walked around the bed and joined the Sakra.

He held out his hands before Cao Cao.

Cao Cao stared back at the man, understanding his intent. He gulped as he handed the halved pieces of the Holy Spear to the stranger.

The Sakra leaned into the man's ears and whispered. The man was staring at the broken Longinus for a while.

The man's lips formed into a smile. It was a sadistic smile, a type of elation usually birthed when he found an opportunity he did not expect, in the darkest of ways.

Once Indra finished whispering…


The man bellowed with unexpected explosive mirth, surprising Georg and Cao Cao.

"Oh, by the Gaia! If I had known this earlier - oh the irony, I would've done it for free!"

Ermias laughed as he gazed at Cao Cao.

He slid his hands under his winged robes, taking the spear with him. Then when he pulled his hands back out Ermias held out the Longinus to Cao Cao.

To Georg's and Cao Cao's shock, the spear was whole.

Cao Cao stared at it, confused. Was it a fake? There was no way that someone could fix it so easily just like that without any warning.

"Go on. Take it."

Cao Cao was skeptical. There was only one way to determine whether the spear was real.

He slowly reached out for his spear, gently wrapping his fingers around it, and tried to sense for the familiar pulse of energy, the spear's divine aura.

And he felt it.

Cao Cao's hand trembled as he pulled the spear in, hyperventilating.

"Cao Cao?" Georg wheezed, the force choking him disappearing.

"...It's real… I… I can feel it… it's real! T-Thank you-"

Cao Cao looked up. The stranger was no longer there.

He was gone, like an illusion born from a pigment of his imagination.

Georg and Cao Cao stared at the spot where the man once stood.

"...Who is that man?" Georg asked.

"The Bible takes into account for Demons and Devils for a good reason. The story behind the two are… more connected than you can imagine." The Sakra smiled.

"...What is he?" Cao Cao asked.

"He is the current Overlord of the Demons, Lord of the Ordog Tribe, the King of Curses, the Master of Wish Magic, Ermias Anthema Ordog."

The Nemean Lion had encountered many warriors in his time.

He fought against the Greeks, he engaged the mighty Hercules in battle, he encountered scores of self-proclaimed candidates that tried to gain his power after God turned him into what he was now.

However, it was the first time that he fought against a human with such a unique fighting style practically designed to take down those that relied on pure power.

The Nemean Lion might be hindered in his human form, but to take on someone that was like Hercules was something he did not expect.

There was no opening for the Pawn to counter, the girl too nimble and reflexive, punishing him whenever he tried to break free from this oppression.

Still, he was the Nemean Lion! Weakened or not by the bond he shared with Sairaorg, he refused to be defeated like this, helpless like some cornered animal!

Regulus roared as his aura flared, his voice a lion, a mighty king, as he retaliated.

However, the girl retaliated in return, grabbing Regulus' punch with both hands and throwing it up before she struck his face with her knee, then flicked it into a kick as Regulus Nemea flew, ragdolling into the wall of the training room, dust obfuscating him upon impact as he groaned while Isami smiled.

"Who's ready to rumble against this one?!"

Isami shouted at the other members of Sairaorg's Peerage as they stared at the defeated form of Regulus.

Kuisha Abaddon stood beside her King, Sairaorg. The rest of his peerage were shocked to see that Regulus Nemea was defeated soundly by the stranger that their King brought.

She stole a glance at him…


It was the first time she saw her King awestruck like this. It annoyed her as she grimaced.

What did this woman have that she did not, a beautiful Devil from a Noble Bloodline, and his Queen no less?

Kuisha walked up to the girl, feeling that her feminine value was at stake.

"I hope you don't mind me stealing your victory streak?" Kuisha offered herself as she smirked smugly.

It would be a good opportunity to cement the difference between them as women.

"What can you do, lady?" Isami snarked as Kuisha entered the ring. Isami started hopping on her feet, entering a small boxing stance with a smirk.

"I'll show you what I can do. Know that you are facing Lord Sairaorg's Queen - Kuisha Abaddon." She smirked.

"Right, so you're the Queen…." Isami nodded before she tilted her head slightly. "Is it just me, or you sound kind of pissed for a second. Have we met before?"

Kuisha merely snorted slightly, "Forgive me, but as far as I'm concerned, it is my duty as Lord Sairaorg's Queen to maintain the dignity of my King's peerage. Nothing personal."

"Uh-huh… Okay." Isami decided to just take it at face value.

Looking at her, the Queen was a beauty - blonde hair tied in a ponytail, blue eyes, definitely noble lady status.

Standard large breasts of devilkind, decent amount of skin revealed through her attire, her cleavage, part of her stomach, and sections cut from the sleeve to reveal her shoulders.

The two girls, well, one girl and one 'girl,' faced off, Isami still hopping on her feet.

"Come at me, girl." Isami dared with a taunting smirk.

In return, Kuisha simply eyed the younger woman analytically before she conjured a simple fireball on her palm.

Isami narrowed her eyes slightly - to begin with something so simple… What's her game here?

However, Isami's instinct that had been honed through years of hard training and battles quickly warned her about her surroundings. She quickly checked her blind spot first - only to see a hand coming out from a seemingly empty space, its palm glowing with power.

Kuisha smirked as Isami had fallen into her trap; before she conjured the fireball on her palm, her other hand - which was hidden behind her back, had used her clan's trademark 'Hole' ability, creating a passage for her other hand to launch an attack from Isami's blindspot, while her fireball was merely a distraction.

Through her transported hand, lightning shot out from her palm just when Isami ducked low, splitting her legs apart, striking the ground instead.

"...Eh?" Kuisha blinked.

"You sneaky little…!" Isami reached up and grabbed the hand before Kuisha could pull it back and pulled.

The Queen yelped, shoulder deep inside her Hole.

Isami watched as Kuisha stared back at her. The former's mind then clicked when she recalled her surname.

"I see…. So this is the Abaddon clan's famous Hole power? Huh, I kinda expected more of a black hole but… you're trapped aren't you?" Isami asked as she grinned, standing straight while holding Kuisha's transported limb with both of her hands.

Kuisha stared at Isami as she tried to pull her arm out. She grimaced as she tried again and again, yet Isami was not budging, still smirking that damnable smile.

"Do I win?" Isami asked.

"Still too soon to get ahead of yourself, girl." Kuisha smirked in return as she simply pointed her palm at Isami.

However, Isami was surprised at the sudden blinding flash enveloping her vision - the disorientation forced her to let go of Kuisha's limb to massage her throbbing eyes.

"Dammit…!" Isami clicked her tongue as her vision would need some time to fully return.

Seeing her opponent's vulnerable state, Kuisha seized the opportunity and conjured more elemental spells around her. Then, a combination of ice shards, rock pellets, fire and lightning were launched at Isami, whose vision still blurred.

In response, Isami simply took a deep Awakening Breath.


Kuisha could not believe to see Isami parried and redirected all of her elemental attacks with her hands, as if she formed a barrier around herself without magic, all while she was still practically blind.

"Wait, I swore I saw this before…" Coriana Andrealphus - who was watching from the side with her peers, recalled someone displaying a similar feat before…

Isami continued striking and deflecting her spells until Kuisha stopped, then the girl dashed forward with a high-speed sprint.

"Ah!" Liban Crocell, one of Sairaorg's Knights with blonde hair, gasped. "Of course! The famous video of the human against Diodora Astaroth! She fights almost like the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Sairaorg picked up the comments, surprised to hear about the correlation between the girl and the Red Dragon Emperor, the son of the man that inspired him to be what he is now. Actually, looking at her…

She bore a striking resemblance to the Red Dragon Emperor…

"How?!" Kuisha shouted, panicking as she formed a barrier between her and Isami.


However, Isami's fist penetrated through her barrier, gaining literal steam before it stopped just before Kuisha's face, the latter's eyes staring at the fist that could bash her face in upon impact.

What surprised Kuisha the most was that Isami's eyes were still closed throughout that entire duration.

Kuisha grit her teeth, unable to accept her defeat so easily and used her clan ability.

However, the human swiftly moved around her and wrapped her arm around her waist and slammed her via German suplex.

The others gawked when Isami slammed their Queen headfirst into the mattress, the Queen seemingly out cold, showing the whites of her eyes.

"I believe that is enough."

Sairaorg finally stepped into the stage, kneeling over his Queen to check on her condition.

Isami rubbed her eyes as she stood up.

"How's she? Don't tell me I broke her neck from that?" Isami asked.

"Her condition is fine." Sairaorg smiled as he picked her up, bridal style. "I will take her to her bed. I do not think I need a Phoenix Tear for her."

Sairaorg stated as he walked out of the room.

Isami was left alone with the other members of Sairaorg's peerage.


"Are you related to the Red Dragon Emperor?!" The Blonde Knight boy immediately exploded with a question.

Tsubasa watched as Rover continued sniffing the ground, a leash tied to his neck, held by one Tsubasa who was still in her scanty magical girl uniform as punishment for her misdeeds.

Her punishment for not bringing in Isami today was that she would wear an even scantier outfit, this time a cursed magical girl outfit that she could not remove until Sona approves. Meaning that Tsubasa might have to wear it during her debut at the Rating Games.

"Stupid Issei… Running away just because your girlfriend just wants to…" Tsubasa grumbled and muttered curses at Isami.

How could she not assault her when she was needy and wanted to get some alone time with her first boyfriend turned girlfriend?

She was receiving staring eyes from the civilians, a few even wolf-whistling her to her chagrin.

Rover continued sniffing the concrete before he lifted his head. He barked as he made a right turn as Tsubasa followed him… and saw the studio before her eyes.

"What the… Did Isami come back here?" Tsubasa could not help but wonder as she could only hope to follow the dog.

The dog continued sniffing as he waddled. Tsubasa looked ahead, seeing someone…

"Riser Phenex…?" She called out as she stopped.

"Hm?" Riser turned around, then he looked down to see Rover sniffing his shoes. "What is this creature?" he asked, letting Rover do as he pleased before he barked and waddled back to Tsubasa.

"You are… A Rook of Sona Sitri." Riser spoke with recognition in his tone, before his eyes landed upon Tsubasa's outfit, "Are you under the employ of your King's sister right now? I must say, it looks good on you." Riser said as he scanned Tsubasa's current attire.

"I…! My attire is not of importance right now," Tsubasa replied with a calm tone, but her face was flushed - she'd prefer the compliment to come from Issei instead of someone else, "Rather, what are you doing here with your Queen? Are you looking for Lady Leviathan?"

"Yes and no. In fact, I want to ask about an employee of hers that caught my fancy. The one she called… Isa?"

"...Huh?" Tsubasa stared at him. She turned to Riser's purple-haired Queen. The Queen clicked her tongue, definitely out of envy.

"What's going on? Wait, why are you interested in her? Did you fall in love with her at first sight on television or something?" Tsubasa asked, knowing that the only reason Riser would go for a girl is if the girl caught his fancy…

"I have had a chance encounter with the infamous Red Empress! When she fatally delivered justice against a gang of assaulters, no less! I watched from beginning to end, how she dispatched all of her foes with tomboyish grace and beauty! I tried to be cordial with her and planned to offer her a place in my Peerage… but she rejected me with a brutal clash of our skulls. I didn't realize what happened until I reformed… after that, she left me with a yearning in my heart that I didn't think was possible. I must answer to it, and bring her into my fold at any cost!"

Tsubasa's jaw dropped to the ground, completely did not expect the turn-out of events.

"...Right." Tsubasa could only reply with that one word and a slow nod, as her brain needed some time to comprehend everything.

"Is she here by any chance? My Red Empress?" Riser asked.

"I… don't know how to answer that. I am still trying to understand what you just said."

"My Lord has fallen for the brown-haired sow and wants to recruit her at all costs." Yubelluna summarized.

It took Tsubasa three seconds to parse the Queen's words.

"...Hah? HAH!?" Tsubasa's eyes nearly jumped out of her skull. "Wait wait wait wait wait wait… you?! Isami-chan?! HOW?!"

"I already explained it to you. To put it in commoner standard, I watched her fight off some hooligans, was impressed by her performance and skill, and I decided to invite her to my peerage. Then she refused by headbutting me so hard I lost half of my body… It was then I realized that my heart was struck by cupid's arrow. Do you understand me now?"

Tsubasa understood him, but she was more shocked that a guy, this guy out of all people, fell for Isami.

Tsubasa started to realize why Issei wanted to run away now and restore his real identity… she should be laughing at the scenario, but she was too shocked right now.

"I… okay, uh, I don't think it's a good idea for you to pursue her." Tsubasa carefully advised.

"Why not? She is one of a kind! Imagine what she could accomplish as a member of our race! The fame and glory she could obtain!"

There were many reasons that Tsubasa could say, though saying it would definitely break this poor soul's spirit. Or awaken something else in him.

"...She's not into guys."

Riser and Yubelluna stared at the blue magical girl for a moment. The Queen's lips curled into a satisfied smirk.

"...I have many women in my peerage."

"I don't think she's into orgies either." Tsubasa puffed her cheeks as she broke into a snicker.

"Then I assume she's been into bad ones." Riser shrugged with a confident smirk remained on his face.

"...Oh my god, you're really doing this." Tsubasa was not sure what to do now. "Well… I could say good luck to you but know that this path you walk will end in your complete despair and trauma. Or awaken something terrible inside you…"

"What do you mean? Are you assuming I cannot woo the heart of a lesbian? I have not done it before, but I will succeed if I must!"

Tsubasa was amazed by Riser's uncharacteristic determination. She should ask Isami how she did it when this was over.

"Errrr, back to your question - Isami is not here... Currently." Tsubasa deflected.

"What do you mean she's not here?" Riser demanded.

"Errr, wait for at least a day or two. She is… out of the studio at the moment."

"Hmm… I see. Then I shall return here at a later date. Actually, is it possible to set an appointment with her?" Riser asked.

Tsubasa looked around, now unsure of how she should respond, "I, err, um….. Maybe? I need to talk first with everyone, like her managers, Lady Leviathan, her family… You know, it's gonna take some time, but we'll let you know as soon as possible."

Riser crossed his arms.

"Very well. I shall leave you with my card for you to contact me." Riser handed Tsubasa a shining card with a blazing theme.

She slowly accepted it and looked at it. It looked fancy as hell, the way the flames shone an iridescent pattern under the sunlight.

"Come, Yubelluna. We shall try again another time. I will not fail in my quest, no matter what!" Riser said with a fatalistic vow as he and his Queen marched off.

"...Oh god, I need to tell everyone." Tsubasa smiled as she giggled.

Issei would never live this down for as long as he lived. Actually, Tsubasa might be able to convince Leviathan to turn her back because of this.

It was a pain in the ass deflecting all the questions about her relation with 'Issei' in general but she managed to escape by convincing them that she was a distant relative to him under not the best of terms.

Even though they did not seem totally convinced.

At least she managed to procure a map of the underworld in her hands, a cell phone, and the location of Azazel's domicile…. Which was all the way outside of devil territory.

Looking back - Honestly, Sairaorg's peerage was a good bunch. All of the members shared Sairaorg's aspirations to prove that blood-purity and nobility was not the only thing that defined someone's strength and worth. Every single piece was either a hybrid, or descendant of extra clans or had fallen out of 72 Pillars, those who were outcasted by society.

Sairaorg's group was the first Peerage that garnered Isami's respect, not a glorified harem, even though the girls that are in the peerage had the hots for their king.

Isami was preparing for her trip, packing everything she needed inside her Boosted Gear - food, water, even camping gear.

She was sorry that it had to be this way, but it had to be done. If this continued, the seeds of drama would bloom out of control.

"Are you leaving?"

As soon as she had finished packing, Isami turned around to see Sairaorg addressing her from the door.

"...Would you be mad if I said yes?" Isami awkwardly asked.

"It's not like I intend to keep you here. You are free to remain and leave as you wish." Sairaorg asked with a small smile, "However, you are on the run, are you not? Where do you plan to go from here? Do you wish to return to Lady Leviathan, maybe?"

"Hell, no. Fuck that magical girl fanatic. I'm finding a way out, away from her." Isami grimaced.

"Ignoring your questionable grudge against Lady Leviathan - then where do you plan to go now?" Sairaorg asked again.

"I… may have some business at Grigori." Isami replied with a small shrug.

"The fallen angels' territory? While we are allies now, are you sure to go on your own? I mean, do you even know where it is?"

"I'll find my way there and wing it." Mostly since her father worked for the Grigori and he was the strongest man.

"That's awfully reckless of you." Sairaorg replied.

"That's all I got." Isami replied with a shrug.

"...In that case, should I offer you a guide?"

Isami blinked before she gave a small smile, "Thanks, but your peerage was kind enough to give me a copy of this map. I can adapt to things as I go."

"But I don't think the fallen would simply allow you, a random human, entry? Their perimeter is well protected. I don't think you can smuggle yourself in without triggering a political dilemma along the way. You might be contracted to Serafall Leviathan, but that's still a long shot."

"Nah, you don't need to worry about that. I got things handled." Isami gave a confident wink.

Sairaorg merely hummed before he sighed, "In that case, at least I may have something that can make your trip easier."

Isami blinked when Sairaorg gave him some kind of card with the Bael clan's insignia engraved on it.

"Since the treaty is in effect - as a sign of good will, the Grigori has given each clan of the 72 Pillars a quick-pass card. This will teleport you straight before the gate of Grigori's headquarters."

"I… Wow." For once, Isami felt… touched? At how far Sairaorg was willing to help her; there was this fuzzy feeling fluttering in her heart for some reason… Was this the first stage? Isami was now scared.

She should kick him in the balls right now and take the pass card to protect her masculine identity… but for some reason she could not.

She slowly accepted the card and inspected it.

"...You know, for someone that is dense to the advances of his own peerage, you know how to impress a girl." Isami complimented while trying to quell the feeling inside her.

"Hearing that from you? I am honored." Sairaorg nodded with his hand over his chest. "Regardless, I am glad to have met you, Isami. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Though… If it's possible, will you show me how you perform your techniques, should we meet again?"

"Errrr…" Isami felt like this was a Monkey Paw scenario, with the person not getting what he wished for in the way he wanted.

It was also infinitely more complicated when the Devil before him was a good man, a very good man.

In another life, in another timeline, Isami might have fallen for this devil… MIGHT.

But alas, she must deny him. She hoped that he would move on from her one day.

"I can promise that you will definitely be taught something good at least." Isami carefully worded.

"...Then that is all I need to hear."

Isami slowly smiled. "Right… How do you use this card thing?"

"Just focus on your destination in mind while holding on that card. Though, you might want to close your eyes when the teleportation occurred; things might get quite bright in the process."


Isami was instantly blinded by a radiant white when she tried as Sairaorg instructed.

"-Agh!? Shit!" Isami rubbed her eyes. She rapidly blinked the blur out of her eyes, shaking her head as her vision cleared.

Once her vision returned, Isami found herself standing 10 meters away from a large facility compound - for a second Isami thought she returned to the surface and was looking at some kind of massive corporate skyscraper building. Its size and make was comparable to that of the Empire State Building's in New York, only more sleek and futuristic.

And it was surrounded by a horde of fallen angels standing guard around the entrance and flying around the sky.

"Ooookay, didn't see this one coming." Isami commented.

The only sign that showed that he was not in the wrong place was the several holographic projections of Grigori's insignias floating in the air around the building.

Readying herself, Isami then walked towards the main entrance, "...Right, here goes nothing."

Much to Isami's expectations, she was stopped by a couple of fallen angels guarding the gate - each of them sported two pairs of wings.

"Halt, you are entering Grigori main headquarters. State your business, please." one of fallen angels, a male in his 20s spoke as soon as Isami was a few steps away from the fence.

"Uhhh, I'm here to see Azazel?"

The male fallen angel glanced at his partner - a female fallen angel, who looked through the screen on the tablet in hand.

"...We are sorry, but an audience with Governor Azazel requires a prior appointment." the female fallen angel replied.

"Um, then, what about Vice-Governor Shemhazai?" Isami asked again - she had to at least gain entry into the building first in order to achieve her goal.

"I am afraid Vice-Governor Shemhazai is currently out at the City of Agreas. Not to mention that you also requires a prior appointment as well."

"Then… Baraqiel?" Isami tried her luck again.

"Lord Baraqiel is currently out for family matters." the female fallen angel replied with the same tone.

Isami clicked her tongue as her mind furiously ran through the other fallen angels he knew.

"...Excuse me, ma'am. But you sound like you are familiar with our superiors… May we ask who you are? We might be able to set you an appointment."

Isami blinked and stared at the guards for a few seconds before replying, "...I am the child of the strongest man."

Isami took a long pause debating whether or not she should reveal her true identity. Actually, she probably should have thought this through some more. It was probably better if she snuck in… but the security here was too tough and his sneak skill was nonexistent.

The guards raised their eyebrows at the mention of the strongest man, as the female officer looked through her hand-held console again, with her partner looking as well.

"...Issei Hyoudou?" the male fallen angel asked.

Isami sharply inhaled to calm her shame.


"Issei Hyoudou is supposed to be a man, not a woman. What are you playing here?" the female fallen angel asked with a sharper tone.

"I get that, but seriously!" Isami reasoned, "...Your asshole governor invented a gender-bending raygun and shot me with it! I am Issei Hyoudou! Yeah, I know how crazy this sounds, but it's true!"

The fallen angel guards stared at Isami for a second, before exchanging another glance to each other, as if communicating telepathically.

"Your explanation sounds sensible, considering the Lord Governor's reputation." The male guard replied, "...But your story also sounds way too convenient. As far as we are concerned, Lord Azazel doesn't simply hand his inventions out to the public."

"Who said he lent it to the public? Are you saying the strongest man is beneath you? Hmm? Hmmmm? The one that punched Michael in the face so hard he busted a mountain and cleaved the land?

"Forgive me for being rude, ma'am. But we've had at least a dozen cases where young folks around your age are masquerading as the Son of The Strongest Man in order to gain leverage over us. And to tell you the truth, all of them acted and behaved in a similar manner as you displayed just now."

"...What?" Isami blinked.

This should not be right. There was no way her fame and Dad's infamy got to this level.

"When's the last time someone tried something like this? Actually, I want to know what kind of people have the balls to try it," Isami asked, now deathly curious.

The guards exchanged glances again, with the male shrugging - prompting his partner to tap on her tablet again before showing the screen to Isami, who skimmed the page containing several profiles.

"...Did these potato-heads seriously claim to be me?" Isami asked with an incredulous look.

They were all bald.

Every single one of them, with a shaved head. However, none of their baldness could match the shiny head of Saitama's.

"...And who the hell are these people, anyway?"

"Most of them were low-class devils, runaways from Kyoto and various parts of the globe. Apparently they only knew of the Strongest Man and assumed that his appearance is genetic."

"Why the hell would they do that?"

"After some brief interrogations… they were planning to use the privilege to vandalize and steal some of our property, some plan to infiltrate the Lord Governor's lab to steal classified secrets, some want the benefits of fame and want to live well… others want to mate with our female staff members."

Isami couldn't believe how far and low some people would go for something so… petty.

"How the hell did my dad's fame spread so far anyways?"

"Words of mouth." The fallen angel guard replied easily, "Rumors and tales spread more quickly in the Underworld than you thought. It's only a matter of time until some idiots believed they could pull it off by pretending to be some guy who could single-handedly bring Heaven down to its knees."

Isami felt a vein bulge under her skin. She ground her teeth. This kind of fame, she did not want.

[Hey, partner. In case the teleportation didn't degrade your intelligence, you have one surefire way to prove yourself? One certain Longinus, perhaps?]

Isami stared at the screen as she remembered. While mentally slapping herself, she slowly lifted her left hand and summoned Boosted Gear.

"The Boosted Gear…" the male officer recognized, "I… guess that should qualify."

"Wait, one second." the female officer interrupted as she wiped her finger on the screen, before she showed it to her partner, who furrowed his eyebrows in return.

"Uh… What is it now?" Isami asked.

"...How do we know that it's a genuine article?" The guard asked again.

Isami could only sag her shoulders, "...Seriously?"

"Forgive our suspicions, but there were also two cases where the impostors crafted a gauntlet similar to the Boosted Gear."

"This is fucking ridiculous! Complete bullshit! I… wait."

A certain fallen angel appeared in his head.

"Could you summon Raynare? Either Raynare or Dohnaseek."

"...May I ask you the reason behind this?"

"I once dated Raynare. I can answer questions only the real Issei Hyoudou would know, specific knowledge these hacks don't have."

The guards shrugged at each other before the female one tapped on her earpiece, "Ms. Raynare? There is someone looking for you at the main gate, she said something about dating you before…. Understood, we'll be waiting."

Isami tapped on her toes in her wait.

It took some time, but Raynare did arrive walking out of the building behind the gate with a sigh, still in her iconic S&M black leather and boots.

"Who the hell would call for me? Do they even know how busy I…"

"Hey, Raynare… Wow." Isami blinked. "I…. am not seeing your wings there."

There were stumps where her wings should be, with some bone showing.

"...Who are you?" Ignoring the younger girl's remark about her wings, Raynare could not help but ask.

Isami blanched, "Oh, come on! You know me! You've been given a false order to assassinate me, and you disguise yourself as my girlfriend!"

Raynare blinked once, twice, before her mind clicked, "...Issei?"

"Yes! It's me! Your asshole leader turned me into a girl for fun! Would you help me out here?!"

Raynare stared at Isami through the gate.


Raynare doubled down as she exploded with mocking laughter, pointing a finger at Isami.

"It's not funny!"

The fallen angel kept laughing for a few more seconds until she calmed down with a few deep breaths.

"My god, that's a good one…." Raynare said with an exhale. "So? What do you want from me again?"

"Convince your cohorts to let me in. I need to have a word with your asshole governor."

"Hmm…. Right, but let me ask you some questions, just to make sure that you're the real deal." Raynare replied while tapping her finger on her chin.

Isami nodded, "Shoot."

"Hmmm… Where did you take me on our first date?"

"Other than the part where you took us to the park where you revealed your S&M get-up and tried to kill me by the fountain?" Isami asked with a quirked brow.

"I suppose I did try to kill my boyfriend due to misunderstanding…. How did it go?" Raynare asked with narrowed eyes, albeit her amused smirk remained.

"Well…." Isami felt slightly awkward answering the question, "I… kind of almost killed you instead? Then I tied you up with chains from the park's fences before your friends came and picked you up. Or do you want me to go into detail about how I simply strangled you out cold?" Isami pointed out.

Raynare stared at her for a moment.

"...She's an impostor. Throw her out." Raynare concluded.

"Wha-!? Raynare, you bitch!" Isami shouted at her, turning red with so much fury and hate, clenching her fists so hard until her knuckles went white.

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes. Positive." Raynare cast a glance at him when they weren't looking, then she winked at her and stuck her tongue out at Isami. Isami promised to get her back one day.

"No, no! Don't listen to her!" Isami rebuked, before she quickly went into thinking again for what else she could do.


A new voice joined the conversation.

Isami froze at the voice. She had not heard that voice for so long since…

She looked behind Raynare, suddenly seeing the familiar ascended form of Kokabiel, the pure white eyes, the cosmic halo with the concentric orbit rings, the stellar wings of starlight.

What was different about him was that there were manacles on his wrists… and there was a very advanced metal collar attached to his neck. Literally attached, seemingly digging under his skin, signs of spikes stabbing into his neck.

Raynare and the others were sweating when they heard his voice. Raynare was trembling in her high heeled boots when she heard the voice so close to her.

"L-L-K-M-Master Kokabiel…"

"Is that really you, Issei Hyoudou?" Kokabiel asked, tilting his head with a disarming smile.

"...Kokabiel?" Isami asked. She immediately tensed and summoned the Boosted Gear upon seeing the Ascended Fallen, the Angel that destroyed everyone's perception of angels.

"I assume you are cursed in that form? I must say, your current appearance befits your current gender." Kokabiel complimented.

"...Aren't you supposed to be in jail or something?" Isami simply asked in return, ignoring the small jabs at her current condition.

"I am comfortably imprisoned." Kokabiel spread his arms open, showcasing the shackles placed upon him. "...With more privileges than most."

"Did you put Azazel and Michael into this?" Isami asked with narrowed eyes.

"The debacle our kind is in is that dire for them to turn to me."

Isami expected it but still couldn't believe it when it happened.

"And… seeing Raynare wingless means that you're training volunteers that want to be like you?" Isami followed.

"Correct. Young Raynare over here is one of them." Kokabiel glanced at the fallen angel in question, who grimaced in response.

"Ain't she a lowly grunt?"

Raynare almost hissed at her.

"Hierarchy is inconsequential when it comes to bringing our race to newer heights, to a better tomorrow. All are welcome in this trial, my boy. Or should I say my girl?'

Issei only scowled, "Are you going to help me or not?"

"I assume you are here to undo your transformation?" Kokabiel surmised.

Isami nodded, "That, and you'll get to see me kick Azazel in the balls."

"Hahahahahaha! Oh, you never cease to entertain me. Please, let the lady inside. If anyone asks, just say I invited her as a guest."

The guards glanced at each other, still nervous in Kokabiel's presence.

"I… very well." They hesitantly stepped aside as the gates opened.

"Hah, finally. And Raynare." Isami gave Raynare the middle finger.

Raynare smirked and winked back at her.

"How is the progress of your experimental training with the wingless?" Isami asked as she followed Kokabiel through the hallway.

"If you can stifle your skepticism, two managed to regrow new wings."

"What? They did? Who?" Isami asked.

"Two of the lowest class. Kalawarner and Milttelt, I believe their names are."

Isami glanced behind, seeing Raynare flinching before she looked away.

"Right…. And what do those metal decorations do for you to walk like this?"

Passing eyes sometimes stole glances at Kokabiel, filled with nervous anxiety.

"They serve to restrict my output of power to a manageable level they could handle. And if I somehow manage to overpower that function, the collar will explode, taking my head off while the rest self-destructs, using my own power to erase my existence."

Isami hummed. So they found a way to properly seal someone on Kokabiel's level.

"...Do you want to help me hold Azazel down so I can kick his balls?" Isami offered.

Kokabiel stared back at Isami for a few seconds before he simply replied with a smirk, "...I do not see why not."

Raynare was not sure whether she should interfere or not since… actually, why not? She had an affection for the Lord Governor but this was a once in a lifetime event.

As they headed towards the door with Azazel's name plated on the door, Kokabiel knocked on the door.

"Come in." Azazel's voice answered, swiftly taking off his earphones and closed down the porn-hub on his laptop screen.

The first face that came inside caused Azazel to scowl lightly, however, when his mind registered the second face, he could not help but blink.

"...Haruka?" Azazel guessed.

"Fuck you, Azazel." Isami flashed him the middle finger.

"...Ise?" Azazel's lips then grew into a wry grin when Isami's frown grew, "Well, I'll be damned. I never saw the result myself, but my god - you're looking good. Hell, you look even way better than your mother." Azazel threw a wolf-whistle at Isami.

"Kokabiel. Will you do the honors?" Isami simply asked the Star.

Kokabiel smiled.


Azazel suddenly flew out of his chair and to the wall with a gesture of Kokabiel's fingers, pressed by the invisible force called Gravity.

"Hey, what is-" Azazel stopped when he saw Isami stomping towards him, cracking her knuckles.

"Wait, stop! What are you-?!"

She lifted her foot and struck the one place between his legs that he treasured above all else with all of her hate.

That day, Azazel's voice reached the highest pitch every angel in the building heard in their lives.


Akeno had a good feeling that Issei - now Isami might make her way towards Grigori headquarters in order to regain her original gender from the very inventor of her current state. Thus, she had requested her father to lead her towards the fallen angel territory.

Going inside the compound was not difficult, considering Baraqiel's position as a cadre. However, upon entering the main lobby, both Akeno and her father heard a familiar high-pitch scream echoing through the entire building.

Akeno and Baraqiel exchanged glances before they rushed towards the room to save the woman in danger… though they immediately descended into confusion when they arrived at Azazel's room, seeing Isami, Kokabiel, and a female Fallen Angel brunette watching the Lord Governor scream.

"And that! Is for all the bullshit you put me through!" Isami shouted while Kokabiel started bursting out cackling at Azazel's pitiful state.

"...Isami?" Akeno called out as Isami turned to Akeno.

"...Oh." Perhaps the satisfaction of kicking Azazel's nuts had calmed Isami down enough to an amicable level. "So, uh… hi. Don't tell me you're here to take me back."

The other Fallen Angels rushed towards the room, though they stopped upon seeing their leader on the floor with his hands between his legs, his eyes bloodshot and wheezing high pitch noises.

"...Uhhhhh… Lord Governor?" One of them asked.

"...Everyone, you may return to your stations." Baraqiel ordered.


"I will take over from here." Baraqiel assured.

Everyone stared at the cadre for a moment before they glanced at their fallen leader… unsure how to proceed, they walked out of the door, no longer alarmed as Baraqiel closed the door and locked it.

"...What did you do, boy?" Baraqiel asked while Kokabiel's cackle slowly died down.

"Vengeance." Isami smiled. "...Also I'm here to demand him to turn me back. I'm not going back there to the hell that is Serafall's studio. I will fight to the last breath, you know?" Isami warned.

"Well… Sorry to tell you this, but the only device available is being held by your uncle. So I'm afraid nobody here can help you, Isami-chan." Akeno quipped, looking at the situation with a mild amusement in her eyes.

"Bullshit, Azazel should be able to undo this spell! Come on, say something you asshole!" Isami shouted.

Azazel slowly turned his bloodshot eyes towards him. He slowly cried out in pain as he rolled over on his back, still clutching his balls.

"I believe you acted a bit too rash in your act of violence." Akeno smiled.

Kokabiel finally stopped laughing as he sighed with relief.

"...I see you enjoyed being the boy's accomplice." Baraqiel noted.

"The boy and his family are always full of surprises. Come, Raynare. Our business is concluded." Kokabiel said as he gestured to his student to follow him. Raynare cast a glance at her leader… flashing a wry smile in his direction before she walked off, following Kokabiel out of the room as they closed the door behind them.

"Even so, there's no way you will get me to go back there. I'm not leaving until I'm finally free!"

"Alright, alright, just to listen to us - we have good news and bad news." Akeno interrupted, "Let's start with the good one; Lady Leviathan and Uncle Genos have agreed to return you back to normal after one more photoshoot and meet-and-greet session."

Isami stared at the older girl before she nodded slowly, "Oookay… suspicious, but… and the bad news?"

"You…. happened to catch one particular gentleman's attention." Akeno finished with a knowing smile.

Isami furrowed her brows slightly - what gentleman? What did she do? She did take a stroll in the town….

Her eyes then went wide as her mind connected the dots, "...Oh, shit."

"Mhm. I suppose you know him already."

Isami started to sweat waterfalls as Sairaorg came into her head.

"Riser Phenex requested an audience with you and you alone."

The picture of Sairaorg shattered, suddenly replaced by the other person she really did not want to meet, her face immediately contorting with disgust.

"What? Wait, that guy?! Didn't I headbutt his upper half into oblivion the last time we met?" Isami asked.

"Riser Phenex is famous for his tenacity when it comes to women who caught his attention. Trust me, I know. I was with Rias when she's still engaged to him." Akeno nodded sympathetically.

Isami could not believe it.

"Tell him I'm gay." Isami immediately responded.

"Tsubasa did… and he is convinced that he could sway the heart of a lesbian."

"W-What?! What the hell?! T-Then…. Tell him I'm sick! No, tell him I died!"

"That obviously will not work and you know that." Akeno commented.

"That worked in Black Adder! Actually, tell him I'll cut out his balls with a light sword if he tries again!" Isami demanded.

Akeno giggled while Baraqiel let out a wry smile, the father amused by the gender-bent victim's threats.

"Well, there is one way that you can free yourself from him for good." Akeno quipped, holding a finger before her lips.

Isami blinked at her before her face lit up, "...Yes, of course! I can just kill him!"

"...Eh?" Akeno and Baraqiel blinked at the sudden conclusion.

"I have Chrysaor, Ascalon…. Pretty much weapons that are meant to kill a supposedly immortal devil like Riser!" Isami then approached Akeno and grabbed both of her shoulders, "Akeno, you are a genius!"

Isami even gave a deep kiss on Akeno's cheek, causing her face to blush like mad.

Baraqiel was dumbfounded by the sight of his daughter being kissed by another girl - who was actually a man… But still a girl at the moment, which confused him a lot.

"I…" Akeno blushed as she turned away. "I meant you challenge him in a Rating Game… to fight for your freedom…"

"Oh… Then I'll be sure to cut his head off in the Rating Game. Oh wait, he'll connect the dots if I use Ascalon, and Chrysaor isn't ideal. Baraqiel, do you have a holy sword I can borrow for that?"

Baraqiel stared at Isami completely bewildered by her casual request for the tools to murder her stalker.

"No, no, no killing." Akeno emphasized, her earlier embarrassment from the kiss on the cheek earlier was overwhelmed by her exasperation.

"Come on, I know you have the lightning sword thing you used against Kokabiel, let me borrow that."

Isami was not listening.

They were completely amazed by how rattled the girl was for her to lose her sanity in her panic to resort to murder.

"Issei, will you snap out of it! Remember that Riser is Ravel's brother!" Akeno grabbed both of Isami's cheeks and shook her out of her panic.

Akeno even slapped Isami for good measure.

"Huh, what? Akeno?" Isami blinked. She did not rub her cheek.

"Have you returned to your senses now?! Are you with me?!" Akeno asked as she slapped Isami's other cheek.

Isami held out her hands placatingly, "Right, right, I'm back." She then gave a breathy exhaled, "...Sorry, this whole mess really got into my head."

"Is it really that bad?" Akeno could not help but feel a little skeptical.

"I have had two close encounters with males that fell for me. I am not going to stay as Isami anymore whether Serafall likes it or not. I've been punished enough as I am." Isami answered.

"...Wait, two?" Akeno asked, "Aside from Riser Phenex, who's the other one?"

"I'm not telling you." Isami grimaced.

Akeno's eyes became owlish.

"...No, I'm not telling you. No matter what." Isami grimaced more upon seeing Akeno's eyes.

"Right, just this once I won't push." Akeno said with a small nod. "Back on track, so are you ready to go back?"

"Will Serafall tell Riser to fuck himself off in my stead?" Isami asked.

"Um…" Akeno could only reply with uncertainty.

"Hah… fine. Fine. I guess I can deal with this bullshit for another day." Isami groused as she hung her head, exhaling with pent-up frustration.

Akeno could only smile sympathetically.

"Thank you, Issei. Also… what should we do about Azazel?"

Everyone turned to the Lord Governor who seemingly passed out cold on the floor.

"...Leave him. He kind of deserves this, to be honest." Isami suggested.

Akeno and Baraqiel exchanged glances before the former shrugged.

"I cannot argue against that logic."

"Maybe he can consider this as karmic retribution for his irresponsible mindset." Baraqiel nodded.

As the three left the room, Azazel remained in his fetal position, whimpering in pain.

To be Continued…..


[Let's use the ultimate power of friendship, Isami! Tsubasa!]

Within the Hyoudou household, Haruka giggled as she watched her son-turned-daughter 'fight' alongside Serafall and Tsubasa, Rover being their 'enemy' as the dog roared when he was blasted by three colorful streams of light.

"...Why is Issei-oniichan a girl?" Kunou asked, innocently pointing at the screen with a tilt of her head.

Kunou was an adorable little girl with golden fox ears and a swishing fox tail. She was in her usual shrine-maiden outfit, sitting on the lap of her mother.

"Oh, don't think too much about it. Isn't she so adorable?! Kyaaaah~! I want a daughter now!"

Haruka wondered if she could get Saitama to make another child with her soon since Issei already reached the peak of manhood with Irina.

"Indeed, but who's the girl with blue hair?" Yasaka frowned, "Her outfit is outrageously scandalous. Kunou, remember what I taught you about appearance?"

"Yes, mother! A lady must not show her skin so recklessly in front of people other than her husband!" the young fox replied clearly.

"Good girl." Yasaka nodded with a proud smile.

[Tee hee!]

Serafall posed in front of the camera, the dog on his back and obviously playing dead.

Isami was smiling - albeit blushing like crazy, when she posed, one leg crossing in front of the other while perking her breasts up while giving a v sign

Tsubasa was flying and showing most of her underwear while waving her wand.

Then, as the end-credits rolled, Kunou hopped off her seat, "Um, please excuse me, mother, auntie Haruka. I need to use the restroom."

"Of course, Kunou-chan. Do you need me to walk you there?" Haruka offered with a kind smile.

"Thank you, but there is no need, auntie. I memorized the house when we looked around this morning." Kunou bowed before she walked away.

"My, my, your daughter sure has grown much, Yasaka." Haruka mused as she watched the young fox disappear by the door.

Yasaka did not reply as she simply sipped on her tea, concealing her proud smile.

Silence dawned between the two mothers, sitting together without their eyes making contact.

"...I'll be honest, I didn't expect you and Kunou to drop by. I thought surely you'd still be crushed under that house in Munchkinland." Haruka was the first to speak.

"Of course, it's been a while since the last time we saw each other. I can't help but feel a little worried about your….. Declining health." Yasaka shot Haruka with a small smirk.

"Stick and stones, Yasaka." Haruka replied with a small scowl.

"My, are you describing your breakfast now?" Yasaka returned. "At least I can provide for the nation, other than a useless woman who is only good in bed."

The bulge under Haruka's skin grew more prominent as tensions flared, sparks starting to dance between them.

"...Well, coming from you, I suppose that's a compliment." Haruka quipped back.

The two matriarchs remained silent as the tension rose to the breaking point.

"...I am surprised that you have the stomach to play this game." Haruka admitted.

"Oh, I am surprised by my unbecoming actions myself… I originally wanted to be friends, or at least rivals on friendly terms."

Haruka did not expect that reply.

"I do admit that I have… acquired a very bad hobby."

"Which is?"

"...You are too active to be a mother of one."

Haruka immediately understood her hidden message.

"I didn't expect you to be a voyeur." Haruka retorted with a wry smile. "So? What do you want to know? What to hear how he… always hits the right spot in me with every thrust? Oh, wait wait… did you touch yourself down there, imagining yourself joining us?"

The fox woman blushed.

"I will leave that to your own imagination." Yasaka replied curtly. Though her tails swishing frantically back and forth was all Haruka needed to see through her.

"I have returned, mother, auntie Haruka. I hope I did not make you wait long."

Immediately, Haruka and Yasaka turned to the young fox with radiant smiles on their faces, as if the previous conversation never took place whatsoever.

"No, not at all." Yasaka replied, "Haruka and I were just chatting by ourselves. We were talking about how we're going to become one big family. I was asking Haruka if we could set up a way for us to visit here instantly."

Kunou's face brightened, "So Saitama is truly going to be my father!?"

Haruka felt like she cracked at the sentence that came out from the child. Though the way the child was beaming at them… her fox tail waving so happily with innocence…

"Aww~!" Haruka couldn't resist those sparkling googly eyes as she got up and hugged the girl.

"Welcome to our family! Oh, you're so cuuuuuute!" Haruka gushed openly, rubbing her cheek against Kunou's.

"A-Auntie~!" Kunou blushed as Yasaka smiled.

Their family grew larger today.

Thoughts? I hope that we did not depict Kuisha to be OOC here. As for Haru and Yasaka's relationship here... Well, I just thought it'd be funny to have them as frienemies. XD

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