One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 46: Evil of God

The first update in March! Enjoy!

The Trihexa.

A creature of the end times. A being of Eldritch origins, an unknown world from beyond heaven, beyond the stars.

The one creature that not even the Biblical God could kill, weakening the father of heaven enough for the four devil kings of old to kill the Heavenly Father at the cost of their lives.

The creature from beyond was sealed, defeated - its existence once lost to the unknown reaches of the world.


Within a Flying Fortress beyond the clouds, the creature was housed in a massive chamber under a dim light, tubes of metal and plastic injected into the massive chimeric corpse, a window on the wall where one of the two main leaders of Project 666 watched with curiosity.

Psykos stared at the one luminescent tumor that was growing out of the Trihexa…

Ever since they acquired the blood and tested it, they received astounding progress with the cells, an extreme diminishing of the negative side effects. However, the amount was small, and the substance could not be replicated.

The only answer was to inject and imbue the properties of the blood of the messiah into the massive corpse, which worked to her and Rizevim's relief.

But it was not without consequence.

"Hello, Rizevim." Psykos greeter before Rizevim even entered her watch station.

"Psykos. How are you?"

"In the middle of a documentation. Did you come here to chat or is there a problem?" She asked.

"Heh. Well, the wretched humans you spoke with… contacted me. They are requesting something I'm not sure if we should even bother."

"…Should I ask?"

"You don't. But you should know. They want… us to shelter them."

Psykos blinked as she turned to the silver-haired fossil.

"Excuse me?"

"I believe saying it one time is enough."

"What can a bunch of weak, snakes in human skin have to contribute to this organization? It isn't a place for weak cowards to thrive."

"I asked them that very question. They tried to deflect it but then they crumbled when I… cajoled."

"I don't believe we should bother with them. They already have all of the materials they need to survive and they still failed to protect themselves. We should leave them."

"I understand, but unfortunately, it is consensus for us to take a vote on this matter whenever someone wishes to join Khaos Brigade. I have to bring this up with the others first as a formality…"

Psykos pinches the bridge of her nose.

"They would reject them. There's no one that will support them."

"Again, a formality. Especially since they keep using your words against me, providing more than they expected."

"That is all I shall provide. I don't know what they are up against but they should be able to defend themselves in their position… but fine. However, let's try to convince the others to make them perish for our amusement."

Psykos knew the nature of her cohorts, and the naive bunch of false heroes would support this proposition.

"A fun idea. But enough about me, tell me about your findings here." Rizevim switched the topic as he observed the specimen before him.

"…After diffusing the solution you concocted with the sacred blood within Trihexa's system with artificial means, I expected there to be unexpected side effects as there are no documented effects the blood of Jesus has on organic matter. Here… you see the glowing bulb in the center where the core of the creature resides? That is a tumor."

Rizevim's vision zoomed at the center of the massive corpse, seeing a glowing tumor shining an iridescent green.

"I cannot read it's biology as the thing is too alien for me, so I want to see what the reaction will result in."

"That's…. Not malignant, is it?" Rizevim narrowed his eyes.

"I sincerely doubt this corpse can contract diseases, and the sacred blood is clean…"

"Why not cut it out for further examination?"

"Impossible." Psykos shook her head. "The surface area around the tumor is now impenetrable. I cannot cut through the flesh."

"Then…. Any chance that it's actually not a tumor?" Rizevim asked again.

"That's what I want to see. It is maturing at an unpredictable pace. I will set up creatures here to guard the test site in case anything happens." Psykos replied as she began to work on her current plans.

The group returned to the living room in the highest class suite, they all sat, Gold sitting on the giant couch with his elbows resting on his thighs white his fingers laced together in front of his face.

Griselda was not here, having to work on her shift in the underground bar.

"...How did the raid go?" Issei asked solemnly, the hellish scene of the cult room still fresh in his mind.

"Every suspect is apprehended and ferried off to the dungeon. And, again, I am not torturing them. Yet. The kids… I still can't believe you convinced me to house them in my five star hotel. And overwork my finest chefs." Gold said with a bit of humor.

Asia and Irina smiled at the golden macho with angelic gratitude, their wings fluttering.

In addition of Issei's group, there were two more members who recently joined their missions; Gabriel's Ace of Hearts - Mirana Shatarova, and Raphael's Ace of Clubs - Diethelm Waldseemüller, whose appearance was that of a tall gentleman in his mid 30s with black hair.

"It is great to see that justice is being restored to the world by a man of enterprise." Diethelm smiled.

"Moving on." Gold slid a series of photos on the table as well as a drawn picture. There were all the same magic circles like in the cult room. "This… is a sacrificial circle. I checked in with my sources. It is indeed magical. No one knows of its origins, but it is a type of transmitter… They do not know what it transports, but they suspect souls or something. The same circle is in every sacrificial chamber. I thought ritualistic sacrifices are out of practice. Mind explaining this to me, pigeon?" Gold gestured to Raphael.

"The pagan practices… were a ploy designed by a certain devil that shall not be named to trick men into performing vile acts in the old days for favors and devil bargains. It does not empower or grant any benefits to a Devil other than their amusement before they were culled out. However, this one…" Raphael stared at the circle with scrutiny. "It's peculiar, but I swear I saw something like this before…"

"You do?" Issei and the others were surprised.

"I… wait, I think I remember." Raphael perked his head. "There is a special sacred gear wielded by a paladin in ancient times. It is one made by God himself to empower the wielder and holy abilities through restrictive oaths and performing deeds in the name of god."

"...Wait, that sounds exactly like the Paladin class from Dungeons and Dragons." Gold remarked, earning eyes from everyone. "...What? Some of the little mes play it."

"...However, the Sacred Gear… disappeared. It hasn't been seen since the last user in the era of the Paladins. The empowerments it bestows are permanent as long as the user didn't break their sacred oaths and virtues. The magic circle appears whenever a deed is accomplished in the name of god, like bringing criminals to justice or smiting evil."

"...But why is something like that used in a sacrificial cult room?" Vali asked, looking just as disturbed by the bloody images of small skeletons chained to the walls.

"I don't know. The base design and symbology is the same, but it is heavily warped. I suspected a mutation of the Sacred Gear, but I don't know how something meant to be in the hands of good men fell into… this."

"...Is there only one of these?" Issei asked.

"Yes. There is only one… As far as I know." Raphael solemnly nodded.

"Then the true culprit behind this fucked-up cult is the wielder… What do you know about the paladin? Is he human?" Issei asked.

"Yes. He disappeared, however. We are sure he did not reincarnate into a devil or otherwise, his corpse is still missing. His soul is missing as well. I can say this because he would've been in heaven if he died normally."

The revelation brought some nervous air into the room.

"We'll look into it later. Next, Vali. Do you have anything to say?" Genos then turned to the White Dragon Emperor in the room.

"...Well, I managed to stumble into a weapon storage room. They, for some reason, are selling illegally produced weapons like the light swords and light pistols to Stray Exorcists. The ones not under Azazel, that is." Vali explained.

"What?" Issei was genuinely surprised.

"Black Arms Market. The operation is larger than we think." Vali dropped a box of files and hard-disks on the desk from his Dividing Gear, "I got a paper and digital trail - orders, transactions, all encrypted."

"I'll have them decrypted by the end of the day. What else did you learn?" Genos replied.

"That's it. There's no sacrificial cult room. I don't even know how they managed to smuggle so many weapons under the Vatican's noses, unless we're talking about a collaboration with some rogue fallen angels…"

"We'll get in touch with Azazel. He might not be the best leader, but still a good one with many people loyal to him." Raphael commented, before he turned to his Ace, "...Diethelm."

The Ace in question nodded, and brought up his own findings.

"...In my search, I also encountered a drug lab… They were using children as their slaves and test subjects."

"Of course, they were." Issei scoffed, not surprised by the immorality anymore. "What about the mind-controlled exorcist trainees you encountered? Are they…"

"I managed to incapacitate them. I attempted to search for the machine… but when I entered the room, I found no trace. They must have moved it long before I arrived. I did capture a man that can use said device. The girls… are under extensive care at the moment."

"That is good enough. And Mirana? What do you have to include?" Genos asked.

"U-um, I only managed to arrive in time to aid Irina and her friends. Lady Gabriel did all she could to send aid…" Mirana replied nervously, feeling that she was underperforming compared to the others in the room.

Gold interjected as he took out a file, "Alright, back to the topic of drugs, please read these." He gave one copy to Issei and Asia each.

They read what was written on the paper, along with the picture attached.

"You two are looking at your adopted daughters." Gold informed - causing several eyes to blink at the 'adopted' word, but chose to remain quiet in favor of listening in.

"Ms. Vicenza is….. thirteen years old?" Asia read out.

"She looked seventeen, what…." Issei followed.

Gold scoffed, He then took out more documents, "Why don't you take a careful look at her picture?"

True to the creature's words, the picture attached on Vincenza's profile was someone who was more like the younger-looking Vincenza… With black hair instead of her current white.

"The answer is body modification. It is more common where I am from, but to see it used for something so perverse, well… it is rare even for my kind." Gold added, causing Asia's face to pale and Issei's face to contort in anger.

"I would suggest diagnosing her for defects if I were you. Other than that, please visit the little rascals for me. They think the little mes are living talking plushies sent from heaven because I am giving them food and luxurious rooms after we rescued them. Which reminds me, are they permanently under my care?"

"I…. Kind of hope not." Issei replied - he could not even imagine seeing children growing up under Black's influence. "Raphael, please tell me that you can give these kids a place to call home?"

All he could imagine was the children becoming Chuunis for Black's amusement while corrupting them into human versions of him.

"…Most of the younger children are willing to give us a second. But… the older children, most of the girls, want to stay in the hotel under Gold." Raphael sadly answered.

"Excuse me?" Gold asked, "I know I am dashing, but why?"

"They… Well, they don't want to stay in the house of God anymore. They grow weary of living in squalor and ignorance."

"Understandable but… is there no one else?" Gold asked.

"You are the only one with the resources to afford these children a better future currently. There is no one else." Diethelm added.

Everyone stared at Gold expectantly. Asia was giving him hopeful eyes as she hugged Rover in her arms.

Gold's features started to crumble under the peer pressure, "I swear, everyone of you… is this payback for trolling you and Griselda? Hm? Is this some sort of sick divine penance from the dead God? To throw the one guy with the most checkered background into the role of a parent against his will?"

In a way, it kind of was, but Issei found this to be a good chance for him to do good. Gold and the Blacks were having too much fun for their own good.

"Alright! Fine! You want them to be splendid adults? I'll show you all once I'm through with them! They will be unlike anything you've ever seen!"

Issei hopes that it was in a good way.

"Speaking of adopting." Irina quipped with a curious look, "...What is this about you adopting a child again?"

Issei and Asia flinched.

"...We needed an alibi." The boy replied as Asia's cheeks grew red.

"…An alibi?" Irina's eyes grew owlish.

"It was in the heat of the moment, please spare us." Issei begged for her to leave them alone.

Gold smirked knowingly and fished out another paper and slid it on the table towards them.

Issei and Asia stared at the paper.

Vali peeked at the contents, seeing that it was the official statement that the two were parents of children's few years younger than them.

"So? Hyoudou or Argento?" Vali asked; he burst into snickers and wheezes as Irina stared at them owlishly as Issei looked down, burning from shame, while Asia buried her face in her hands.

"Head towards the top third floor." Gold offered them a key card. "You have an obligation to explain yourself before you fan their hopes too high."

"You don't have to come with me, Asia." Issei spoke as he and the girl stood in the elevator. "This is kind of my mess… I'm gonna sound like a coward here, so I'm taking quite a hit."

The door opened to the top third floor, then Issei and Asia took a deep breath.

"…Issei… Thank you. But… We're in this together. I was there with you." Asia replied with a smile on her face.

The two watched the elevator door opening, showing the top third floor of the massive building. They were very nervous. Their hearts were pounding in their chests like drums, the most nervous they ever felt in their lives.

However, a Black clone waddled from an open door on the left side of the wall, heading towards them.

"Yo, sorry for spoiling your moment, but we have a problem." Black looked concerned. "Come here, you should see this."

Issei and Asia blinked as they quickly followed the clone as they ran into the open door.

The children were gathering around the bed with more Black clones, some being held like a plushie in their arms. On the bed was Vicenza while Jolenne was tearfully calling out for her while holding her hand.

The older girl was unresponsive, as a needle connected to an IV bag was injected into her wrist.

Her eyes were fluttering, even rolled up as she was in-between consciousness and unconsciousness. Her tanned skin was looking sickly, she was sweating, drool was leaking from the corner of her lips, and her body would slightly convulse every now and then.

"What the hell did you do?!" Issei shouted.

"I knocked her out." Black answered. "She's suffering from what I think is severe withdrawal symptoms. They've been pumping her full of drugs - don't know what kind, for a while in that shithole. Now… I managed to bag something from the pharmacy, which I have connections to, and managed to stabilize her. We definitely should've checked the kids before we brought them here."

Issei silently cursed the bastards in the dungeon.

"You giving me the green light to use torture on our captives for interrogation?" Black asked.

"Do it. I don't care anymore, they don't deserve my mercy. Hah, we need to get her an ambulance…"

This day just refused to get better for them.

However, Asia then stepped forward, "U-um, is there anything I can do?"

Issei and Black turned to Asia.

Issei opened his mouth… and then he had an idea.

"Wait, we can do something. Not sure if too much of it is a good thing but…" Issei tapped his chin. "Screw it, she needs treatment ASAGDAP."

Issei summoned Boosted Gear.

"I'm going to Boost you while you heal her. Well, either you or Asclepius, not sure, but either way… let's hope it will do her some good." Issei told Asia, who nodded in return.

Issei had no idea what the effects of overused healing magic would occur in a physically healthy person. He guessed it would be something like an overdose scenario but he never heard of anything like it.

The two approached the group.

Jolenne and the others turned to them. When they saw Asia, the older boys and girls stepped in their way, spreading their arms defensively.

"Stop." One of the Blacks in a girl's arms spoke up. "She's okay. Let them through."

The boys and girls looked at each other for a moment, unsure.

"...Can you save her?" Jolenne asked.

Asia glanced at Issei, who nodded, then they smiled at the young girl.

"We will save her." Asia replied with determination.

"Please. Save my sister." Jolenne begged with teary eyes as Asia took out Asclepius.

"Fuuuu..." Issei took a deep breath - already started boosting as Asia placed the magic serpent-coiled rod over the girl.

Asia inhaled as she spread her light wings, surprising them as the Asclepius flared to golden life.


Issei placed a hand on Asia's hands as she held Asclepius with both.

The children watched as the intensity of the holy light doubled, nearly blinding them as Asia poured her all into the girl's recovery. She could feel the sickness in her system, unhealthy elements attacking her body.

She proceeded to purge all of it as efficiently as she could as Vicenza suddenly jerked forward and retched, puking all over the sheets. Jonelle and the other children watching were startled, and began panicking as Vincenza did not stop coughing.

"No, stop! You're hurting her!" Jonelle cried, only to be held back by Black.

"Easy, easy!" Black placated, before he gestured at the startled Asia to keep going, "That's how they're getting rid of the bad stuff! Let them continue!"

Asia actually paused when Vincenza's coughing did not stop, until Black intervened. She turned to Issei, who nodded again at her, before she resumed her treatment.

The treatment went on for a good 15 minutes, until the light show finally died down, leaving Asia collapsing onto her knees, with Issei catching her back.

"Good work, Asia." Issei smiled at the exhausted nun before he regarded the now-sleeping Vincenza, whose complexion had become significantly better.

"Good god, just how much did they pump into her?" Issei asked. Her sheets were filthy, the smell of it was revolting… it completely covered almost the entire bed.

"I don't want to know either by this point." Black quipped as he split himself more so they could carry Vincenza to a new bed.

Jonelle then turned to Issei and Asia - who was still catching her breath. "Is… Is my sister going to be alright?"

They heard a loud rumbling coming from Vicenza, her stomach.

"...She'll probably need some food." Issei smiled. "And we need to clean her. Can't have her waking up like that."

It looks like they would have to talk with the two at another time. Right now, he needed answers.

Issei returned to the royal suite with Asia holding his hand.

"We're back…. What'd we miss?" Issei blinked when he only saw Raphael, Touji, Genos, Diethelm and Mirana in the room; with the Seraph spoke something which prompted the two Aces to nod and teleported away - not before sending one last nod at Issei and Asia.

"The others had retired to their rooms to recuperate, and there had been…. developments." Touji explained.

"Like what?" Issei asked as he walked to them and sat down, joining them around the table. Asia followed him and sat next to Issei.

"...We have received word that our prime suspects along with some others are missing from the Vatican." Touji explained everything in less than twenty words.

"What? Wait, what do you mean the corrupt bastards are missing?" Issei asked Raphael.

He just got back from checking on the kids, and the next thing he heard was that the four archbishops in question were no longer in the Vatican along with some others they did not account for.

"The four we were planning to prosecute are gone with some we believe to be their associates. They disappeared after news of our deeds were reported to the Vatican." Genos answered.

"...Why the hell? I thought people like them would stay being an annoying bitch to the end of this like in the movies or something. What the hell?" Issei expected to confront them in trial and use Raphael's truth-curse impediment against them. "Don't tell me they just up and bailed the moment we crushed their secret operations?"

"From what I decrypted… they have good reason." Genos answered.

Light was projected from the cyborg's eyes, showing a holographic display of various files and numbers Issei could not read.

"We have received all the proof we need to implicate the suspects in trial, all of their accomplices and otherwise thanks to everyone's efforts. We have the 'bank notes' as you wanted. It is enough to skip the trial and throw them to execution. I am also currently assembling a lawsuit digitally with some associates to bring down the political elements associated with the suspects."

Issei and Asia stared owlishly at the hologram, until the former remarked, "I can't read all of them, but if what you're saying is true… then we're near the finish line."

On the other hand, he couldn't believe that they were all that careless to let that much evidence show… unless their greed was that infectious to block all rational thought.

"So… what do we do? Is the trial with Irina still a thing or…"

"Formally, it is suspended. We are currently discussing whether or not to notify them of Griselda's situation and return her status as an Exorcist. As for the missing suspects, them and their affiliates, we are going to aid the Vatican in tracking their whereabouts. Luckily, we have the best nose in this room." Genos said as he picked up and offered the panting, tail-wagging dog to Issei.

"Hah!" Issei smiled as he took his best friend, holding the happy dog.

"We're doing this? We're actually going to end this shit once and for all?" Issei might be able to get to the Underworld early and surprise Tsubasa and everyone.

"Which is bull in my case." Black popped out of nowhere and waddled to Issei. "Did you know what kind of stuff I had to do to get this here? Hmmm?"

Black held up something from his antenna tentacle. Issei and Asia stared at the item.

It was a weighing scale, a magnificent-looking one. It was made from pure gold, a carved symbol of the sun in the center, equidistant.

"...And what's that supposed to be?" the boy asked.

"The Mul Zibanu. Ever heard of the feather of maat and the scale from Egyptian myth?"

Asia and the rest nodded.

"Same principle, only it works on the living and it's a Mesopotamian version. Bought it from a sun god there, he has copies. Basically, it's a magical lie detector, foolproof or so I heard. Here, watch."

Black pointed the thing at Issei as a ray of light shone on him.

"What's your most shameful fetish?"

Issei flatly stared at Black trying to lie-proof shame him.

"I have no fetish." Issei replied with a flat tone.

The left scale weighed as the sun carving eclipsed, darkening.

"Aha! Lies!"

Issei smirked at his attempt, "Yeah, but I don't have to say what kind of fetish I have, do I?"

Issei snarked - he knew the rules. There was no way he would fall for something so simple.

"Mhmm, clever. Then how about this…." Black then smirked, "Do you want to see the girls living with you, in the outfits Griselda wore recently?"

The room fell into an awkward silence. Everyone was giving curious stares at Issei, whose expression was uncomfortable as soon as several faces came to his head.


"Oh, one more thing - this time, I will take your silence as a 'yes', so choose your answer wisely." Black added with a small grin.

"You…!" Issei fumed. "You bastard!"

He looked at Asia, seeing her furious red as her wings fluttered like a butterfly.

"…You are such a dick. Damn you." Issei took a deep breath. "Fine. Just this once. Yes, you asshole. Yes."

Black's smirked turned insidious as he giggled, lowering the truth-detecting libra.

"Let's not stray too far from the matter at hand." Genos stoically reminded.

"Yes!" Issei agreed while glaring at Black.

Rover barked in Issei's arms while Asia was still fuming red.

"We will head into the Vatican and have Rover track down the whereabouts of the suspects. He should find them given the report on Rover's effectiveness in tracking Freed Selzen, and since we can assume that they're unaware of Rover's power…"

"...They won't expect us on their tail." Issei concluded.

"Let us make haste tomorrow. The trail will decay the longer we dally." Genos advised.

It was the first time Issei visited the place where his father began his first rampage.

With the angels reincarnated from the same institution, alongside Vali, Genos, Raphael, Touji, Gold,and even Griselda, who had returned to don her usual nun attire. Rover was with them, Rassei poking out of Asia's hair to coo at the sight of the holy establishment.

"How are you feeling, Vali?" Issei asked as they approached the gate while taking in the serene scenery.

"I feel uncomfortable staying here…" Vali shuddered.

"That is your devil half reacting violently against the anti-devil wards still in place." Touji explained. "It seems your blood is diluted enough to resist them. Normally, you would feel pain at this point."

Upon reaching the gate, they were greeted by a pair of Templar guards, who noticed Raphael, who helmed the group.

"Lord Raphael." The guards saluted, before they sent warry looks at the group, particularly Irina and Griselda - who was supposed to be missing.

They flinched when they saw the golden being that accompanied the strongest man.

"Are you leering at me?" Gold threatened the two as they started trembling by the ankles.

Issei elbowed the macho.

"Pardon them. We are here to investigate the disappearance of the Archbishops who were summoned for questioning." Raphael replied.

The guards shared brief glances before they stepped aside to give passage, "Of course, sir. This way, please."

The gates opened inward, the metal creaking, allowing the group to walk inside St. Peter's complex. The group headed inside as Issei looked around.

"Hey, Gold, where's the path dad punched Michael again?" Issei asked.

"Over there." Gold pointed at the direction in the distance. "There used to be a mountain or two in that direction."

Issei smiled at the sight of the flat terrain where the mountain should be.

There were two snow-capped distant peaks on each far side, the distance between them wide enough for there to be a mountain in the middle, yet all he saw were clouds and jagged stone.

"...Huh, cool. Anyway, where are we heading now?" Issei then turned to the rest.

"To see the Pope." Raphael answered. "He along with the Isshim class angels oversee mortal affairs in our stead. We shall obtain permission to use any means necessary to bring the suspects in."

"…The Pope? Really?" Issei quirked a brow. "I thought Michael holds all the power."

"In supernatural politics, yes. With Vasco Strada aiding him." Raphael nodded. "But we are dealing with crimes committed by mortal hands. While we will also report to Strada, we need to visit the Pope first."

Issei sighed as they made their way inside.

The interior of the Vatican was as fancy as the online pictures showed, art of angels carved from marble hanging from perches high above the wall, art from the old times of Jesus and the holy virgin looking down on them while the light of the sun illuminated the building, basking the area in a holy setting.

The Pope, on the other hand, was an unremarkable person.

He was a normal humble man that did not seem adept in the world of politics. He immediately granted them permission to do as they pleased with the suspects as they headed towards Strada's location, in front of one of the suspect's rooms on the highest floor of the Vatican.

"Hello, old man non-darkshine." Gold greeted the greatest exorcist of the Vatican, one that he crushed.

"G-Greetings, Your Eminence Strada." Xenovia, Irina, and Asia bowed before the elder, which the other church folks imitate.

"At ease, children. All of you are welcome here." Vasco replied with a grand-fatherly smile. "Now, I believe there is something that this old man can do for you?"

Issei tilted his head as he sized up both Strada and Gold. Issei felt like wanting to ask if he could see the reenactment between Strada and Gold, but not the time.

"We're here to track the missing assholes." Issei answered. He picked up Rover and showed the panting dog to Strada.

"Issei, language, please. We are in front of His Eminence Vasco Strada." Touji interrupted.

Issei blinked at the reprimanding, but he complied nonetheless, "Right, sorry. We are here to track the missing suspects, err….. Your Eminence?" He ended up feeling awkward, much to Strada's own amusement.

"Ah. It is strange to see this one so little after our last encounter…" Strada smiled as Rover barked.

"Yeah. He's going to lead us to the suspects. Before we continue, did you find anything unusual in their rooms?" Issei asked.

"Some traces of rushed escape - there were even stashes containing… contrabands under their beds or deep in their cupboards." Vasco replied with a disappointed sigh.

"Yeesh." Issei did not want to know. "I don't want to know. Makes me wonder why security isn't being tightened around every political figure because of this… how many are missing?"

"Nine archbishops along with some missing exorcists and other priests we have unaccounted for. From what we found, we can skip through the trial at this point and condemn them for their sins." Vasco nodded.

"Let's do this." Issei nodded as Vasco opened the door to the room.

The bedroom was luxurious, befitting to that of an archbishop.

Luxurious drapes around the walls, a chandelier from the old times, and a bed surrounded by silk curtains of golden color. Paintings hung the walls as well as exotic perfumed items on the desk with a mirror.

"This screams corruption at first glance…" Issei muttered as he lowered Rover to the floor, "Alright, bud. Time to work your magic."

Rover barked and waddled around the room with his nose sniffing the floor. He began with the bed, where the scent of a human would be most likely the strongest, as he hopped onto the soft surface and sniffed at the pillow and the sheets.

A few moments later, Rover hopped down and returned to Gold, who knelt down and began to listen to Rover huffing and softly growling.

"Say, I've been wondering for a bit." Irina whispered to Issei, "How do you communicate with Rover?"

"It's hard to explain, actually. Just talk with the dog like in the cartoons in America, only it's a bit one-sided here. Rover can understand Japanese, but can't speak it so… I just wing it. Black and his macho counterparts can talk with each other because they share…. A similar origin."

"You still haven't told me much about them. You kind of owe me that, you know?" Irina pouted.

"Yeah, yeah, when this is all over. Seems like they picked something up."

Gold patted Rover's head one more time before he addressed the others, "My old friend emphasized more than one type of scent from the bed."

"What do you mean?" Vasco asked.

"Imagine an spry unholy man having his way with women here under the nose of actual holy men." Gold phrased.

Vasco took a deep breath while he bristled in rage and shame. "...Justice shall be delivered. We need to track these people post-haste. I will contact Lord Michael and every body-able personnel to comb through Rome. The border security will be tightened to ensure none of these men make it out of the city."

"There is also the matter of magic… Do they have access to teleportation magic? Do we have a way to seal any form of magical transportation?" Genos asked.

"We do. As a matter of fact, we have deployed an anti-teleportation barrier around Rome. Any teleportation art will require permission from at least four Seraphs, Lord Michael included. We can still catch them, they will not go far."

"Interesting. Anyways, let's move. Rover has their trail." Gold gestured to the dog sniffing the floor as he waddled out the door, weaving through everyone's feet as he turned right down the hallways.

Issei and the others followed the dog at a steady pace.

Rover continued sniffing around, barking before he waddled down the spiral stairs to the first floor.

They navigated through the large structure that was the vatican building, passing by the room of prayers and the statue of Jesus and the choir room.

Eventually, Rover started pawing at a door, whining.

"The catacombs?" Vasco uttered so softly only those with sharp ears could hear.

"...You people actually have a personal tomb dungeon?" Issei asked. "Rather, you sound like this is your first time coming here."

"This is the first time in fifteen years since the last time I came here." Vasco replied.. "Here lay the bodies of the greatest men that ever served the church since the era of God…"

"Sounds dramatic… Can you open it?" Issei asked.

Vasco nodded and brought a key. It was an old key made of iron, dangling from a keyring with other keys married with it. He inserted it into the keyhole and twisted, unlocking the door, and pulled it open.

The group continued down the stairs. There were no artificial lights, only torches on the walls burning white holy fire seemingly perpetually.

The setting grew more medieval the further they descended until they reached the bottom floor, where unpolished stone and alcoves carved into the walls as the smell of dead, dusty corpses from centuries past greeted their noses.

It looked surprisingly clean in some areas, however, no cobwebs or spiders in sight.

Rover continued sniffing around, whining a little before he stopped and rubbed his nose.

"The smell of the rotting corpses is irritating him." Gold explained as Rover resumed sniffing around.

The catacombs were indeed large as they descended down another flight of stairs leading to the deeper levels, where the gravesite grew more and more untended as cobwebs and the chittering of rats grew present.

Moving past the alcoves containing poorly crafted, rotten wood coffins, Rover arrived at a specific wall, whining as he pawed the rough stone.

"...Can I punch through the wall?" Issei asked.

The adults shared brief glances until Vasco replied, "Just be sure not to collapse the interior on us."

Issei's fist already broke through the wall, showing a tunnel in place. There was no light to illuminate the thick darkness.


Asia nodded as she glowed, shining into the darkness and revealing the path. The hole was large enough to fit five men wide as they entered one by one, Gold and Vasco forced to lean forward due to their height to Gold's chagrin.

What greeted their eyes was something they would not forget, at least for a very long time. The girls gasped in horror, with Griselda grimaced, while the men could barely look.

"Are you fucking shitting me…? Even here?!" Issei should not be surprised, but to see it here was another matter.

They entered a clearing where women were chained to the walls, bloodied and naked. Some of them even had their bodies disfigured beyond saving.

"By God's name…" Griselda uttered, completely overwhelmed by the evil present.

In the center was the same circle, only this time there was a decrepit statue of an angel in the epicenter, which caused Raphael's eyes to widen, as he approached to give the statue a closer look.

"...Do you know the angel, Lord Raphael?" Vasco asked, his tone barely containing his leaking rage.

Raphael inspected the statue.

"...No." Raphael shook his head. "No… I do not. They erased all magical traces leading to the one behind all of this."

Rover paddled towards the statue and sniffed it, whining a little before the dog circled around the statue.

"...What should we do with them?" Issei asked, pointing at the women.

"For now, let's get them down." Touji said, "They deserve a proper burial, and with any luck, some of them might still be breathing for us to save."

"We shall split up. Or have the Blacks handle this." Vali added, looking equally perturbed by the level of messed-up debauchery before him.

"The little mes will take some time getting here. Better to do this ourselves." Gold suggested.

Unknown to them, Irina was already walking off on her own, eyes scanning around at the horror before her. She approached one of the women, who was still chained to the wall by the arms, her body had already decayed.

As she watched the limp figure, Irina's ears began to hear noises - echoes that she could hardly register.

Marvelous specimen, isn't she? So innocent, so…. Impressionable.

Irina looked around, wondering where the voice came from. It sounded… ghostly, as if the voice was not really there, but her mind heard it.

She then paused as her eyes looked at the altar in the middle of the room, where she suddenly saw phantoms moving around.

They were like echoes, moving shades of familiar shapes… familiar voices.

She would make a great offering to our patron.

Irina blinked - patron? Her mind tried to make sense of things, but more voices and shades came to be.

She would do. Let us begin.

She watched as the one with the rotund figure held what seemed to be a knife… disemboweled what looked like a girl before the altar. The circle around the altar hummed as the eyes of the statue started leaking something… crimson from the eyes.

To Bernael, we offer this sacrifice to thee. To Bernael, may we prosper through the blood and pain of the innocent.

Irina's breath then hitched when the blade was driven through the flesh and drew blood, drenching the site with the organs of the sacrifice.

Bring in the next one.

What is happening?! No, please! Why are you doing this!? Stop!

Her stomach lurched as she recalled the face of the girl begging for her to release her.

I did not expect your charge to serve our cause so well. Is it alright for me to examine her myself?

Irina suddenly hugged herself, feeling disgusted - as if someone was feeling her up. Her bile rising at the sudden chill across her skin; her blood went cold, and fury slowly surged within her.

Her conditioning had yet to be perfected… It is better to be safe. But I can let you inspect her personally here.

"Irina? Dear?"

Touji was the first to realize her daughter's odd behavior, after laying another body down. He was about to give a quick check on her, extending his hand towards her, when his daughter suddenly spun and swung at him. His years of service as an exorcist honed his reflex enough to retreat; a nick of pain in his palm.

When he returned his gaze at Irina, he found his daughter's breathing frantic.

Her eyes were bloodshot, her breath was hyperventilating while her wings were unleashed, a sword of light in hand.

The sudden outburst garnered the others' attention; soon, Irina found herself receiving apprehensive looks from everyone. She looked at her sword and the injury on her father, before her expression contorted in horror.

Touji was not too perturbed as he was more worried than hurt. He took a step towards his daughter, "Iri…?"

"Stay back!"

Everyone paused - worried at Irina screaming at them.

"Ms. Irina…?" Asia wanted to check up on her, but she feared that she would trigger a violent reaction.


The girl snapped her head towards Issei, who was cautiously approaching her.

"You okay? Just take a breather, shall we? Calm down."

However, the girl's face looked hurt, before she closed her eyes and suddenly flew out of the room.

"Irina!" Issei called out to her, then he glanced briefly at Genos and Touji.

"Go after her. We can handle this." The older man nodded, prompting Issei to dash out of the room as well.

Issei ran after Irina down the tunnel, in the direction that they did not explore.

"Iri!" Issei shouted after Irina. There was no light here other than the light of Irina's wings showing the rocky, morbid path.

Issei could see droplets flowing down her cheeks, tears trailing behind her.

"Iri! Stop!" Issei shouted but she did not stop. "Iri! Please! We're here for you no matter what! Stay with us!"

Irina sobbed as they continued the chase. She slowed down her flight until she was gliding, then she ran on her feet to a sad deceleration until she fell on her knees, puking her guts out to the floor while sobbing.

Immediately, Issei hugged Irina, holding her tight as she sobbed, tears and bile falling onto the floor.

"I-I was here… t-they brought me here…" Irina hoarsely choked on her words. "I remember… they brought me here every week… to… to bring them… girls…"

"Shh, shh….. It's okay, it's okay." Issei turned her around so she could bury her face and cry into his chest.

"...Just let it out, take your time." He pressed his lips onto her crown while his hand running circles on her back.

"...Bernael." Irina whispered.

Issei looked down on her. The corner of his eyes noticed the ornament that held her chestnut hair was glowing - Genos' cybernetics were doing their job in calming Irina's erratic brainwaves.

"...They were doing this for… Bernael…" Her voice was shaky. The sorrow was still there, but rising from underneath like pressurized magma, was her rage.

Irina inhaled and exhaled, sobbing still with a deeper tone.

"...That name means Evil of God…" Issei blinked.

"...I don't know who Bernael is… but…" She clinched Issei's hand as tight as she could as her wings started to contort. "...Issei. If… when we meet him… I want to… would you let me the honor of killing this… bastard myself?"

Issei's face shifted in worry at the sight of Irina's wings - he did not notice at first in the dark catacombs - but outside, he had a better view of Irina's wings losing some of their original radiance, despite the color was still in shade of white. The feathers that were previously soft-looking, becoming….. Rougher, unkempt.


"I need to do this." Irina's breathing grew heavier. "For everything they made me do. For everyone here… I must do this. Or I can't-"

Issei then silenced her by sealing her lips with his own. She was startled at first, but slowly melted into the kiss. He did not break the contact despite the taste of bile and the bad breath from her earlier episode.

Irina's eyes grew softer as she calmed down, her wings returning to their normal shape.

"...One step at a time, okay?" Issei smiled, "We will get them, but for now, let's focus on making sure you are okay."

Irina stared at him with trembling eyes… she was starting to pout.

"...You're supposed to be more reserved…" She whispered.

"I'm not that kind of guy. Besides… I feel like you girls are corrupting me the longer I spend time with you all." Issei joked.

Irina giggled as she noticed the bile on his lips.

"...I really do love you, Issei." She wrapped her arms around his neck. Issei swept her off her feet to her surprise. "Ah?!"

"Come on, let's go back. We need to get some answers." Issei smiled while carrying her bridal style. Irina's heart skipped a beat at her lover being so manly and dependable in the worst of times.

"...Issei. Thank you… No matter what happens, I'll always be with you." Irina thought she could allow it… even she could see the signs of her female friends.

She could let him love another without fear of him abandoning her.

"I know."

Issei returned to the others as they finished gathering the girls. The little Black clones just arrived and started carrying them out.

"Issei? How did it… oh." Touji stopped himself at the sight of him carrying his daughter back.

"Well? What did we miss?" Issei asked as he set Irina down. Irina smiled at her father, nodding at him, telling him that she was alright.

"...I am going to stay behind and tend to these girls." Vasco informed. "Someone needs to inform Lord Michael and the others of the atrocities here. I will catch up once I'm done."

"I-I'd like to help!" Teodoro volunteered, which earned a pleasant smile from the elderly man.

"...Raphael." Issei turned to the archangel. "What do you know about Bernael?"

Raphael turned to Issei.

"...Bernael? He's… one of the Isshim Class angels. He is responsible with overseeing the state of the mortal world, even inspecting the Church annually. Why… don't tell me…"

"Irina remembers." Issei answered.

"That's… He is a pure angel… tsk." Raphael clicked his tongue. "...Once upon a time, Bernael suffered a great injury to his brain in the great war."

Raphael narrated, drawing everyone's attention.

"He is a veteran that survived the great war. He has earned the respect of many angels for his service… He inspected the church as part of his annual duty."

"...The guy's name is Evil of God…" Issei pointed out.

"We prefer to not let our names define us…" Raphael sadly answered.

"Where is he now?"

"I am going to uncover that. Diethelm, Mirana, you two are with me. We are returning to Heaven. Genos, Gold, Griselda, Touji, everyone else, I will leave this to you."

Once Raphael and the aforementioned reincarnated angels vanished in a flash of light, Genos then addressed Irina. "Irina, I believe you should take a break for the afternoon."

Irina shook her head.

"I am sorry, mister Genos… but I'm alright now. I am ready to see this through."

Genos regarded Irina for a few seconds, before he turned to Issei, who simply nodded at him.

"...Very well. Be sure to mind your actions from now on. We cannot afford to let you suffer another breakdown."

Irina immediately understood. Rover barked at them as if asking if they could move on.

"Sorry, buddy. Lead the way." Issei smiled at his friend.

Rover huffed before he placed his snout to the ground and continued sniffing. They made their way down the tunnel Irina flew into.

None of them knew how far the tunnel leads but it was starting to become complex when they entered an intersection, three paths before them.

Issei grimaced until Rover turned left, still sniffing.

They do not know how long that they trekked but they soon entered a makeshift cave system. The air was humid, and there was no light other than the light of Irina, Asia, and Genos.

Genos' eyes became flashlights as the cyborg looked around, them still following Rover.

"Say…. How deep are we from the surface level now?" Issei wondered, as he could feel the significant shift in temperature.

"Unknown." Genos answered as they continued moving, past the slate walls and under the stalactites.

They continued walking through the cave system until they felt a draft. They walked for what felt like hours until they arrived at a clearing, the mouth of a cave leading to the surface.

"Um….. Where are we?" Asia asked as she looked around.

Genos' eyes beeped.

"We are somewhere around the borders of Italy… there is a highway road up ahead. I suspect this is where they manage to smuggle their victims judging by the distance."

"I cannot believe that they managed to get this far… fuckin' magic." Issei was slightly impressed.

Rover waddled towards the highway road and continued sniffing, from the dirt and stone to the concrete floor. The dog whined as he turned his head up the road; the dog immediately transformed to his true form, big enough for all of them to ride atop of them.

Irina, Xenovia and other first-timers stared at the oversized dog as the dog laid on his stomach, barking for them to ride him.

The former then turned to her boyfriend, "...Has he always been able to do that? How did I not know about this?"

Issei could only shrug knowingly.

"Creatures that can multiply, turn objects into precious metals, and this one can alter its size…" Xenovia remarked with a small huff, "What's next? The dog breathes fire?"

When Xenovia received a look from Issei, Asia, Genos and Gold, she dropped her shoulder exasperatedly, "...Oh, really?!"

"You are lucky I love you so much, Ise. I've had enough issues on my own." Irina rolled her eyes.

"Come on. You'll love riding him!" Issei grabbed her hand and ran to the giant dog. Xenovia, Touji, and Griselda stared at the dog while Vali, Gold, and Genos followed them.

"...Well, consider this my first time riding a dog." Touji decided to give up trying to resist and join them.

Griselda stared at the beast, smiling as she followed.

Xenovia prayed that the journey would be well as she joined them.

Once everyone got onto Rover, Issei and Irina at the front, Issei turned to Genos.

"Think you can hide Rover if he runs into town?" Issei asked.

"I have a cloaking device for a reason, Issei." Genos said as he deployed a drone as it casted what looked like a bounded field around them, shielding them in a dome. "Now we are unseen. Rover, follow the trail!"

Rover roared-barked as he panted, running into the distance.

[You will come to transport us within a day?]

Gilbert Dew, one of the four conspiring archbishops, sighed with relief.

He was a skinny man, his skin sucked in with wrinkles, wearing black priest clothes.

Rahmond Langley, the youngest and most visually appealing of the four stared at the blurry screen in their safehouse in the most remote region of Italy. He was a handsome blonde man with dashing features, a man of his mid-thirties.

"Indeed. Expect to be personally transported by an army of our finest creatures. You may rest in peace as you were until tomorrow."

Psykos answered, sitting on a table with his cohorts, Rizevim, the Old Satan Faction, Nilrem, and Hexennacht.

Shaalba Beelzebub watched as Psykos closed the screen.

The woman and Rizevim started to giggle as they broke down into sinister laughter.

"Ahahahahaha…. Hah... Do we all agree to leave the human wretches to their fate?" Rizevim asked the rest.

"I have not cared about them since the beginning." Shaalba scoffed.

"Even though they provided the key to an improved version of the power you now wield?" Psykos asked.

Shaalba remained stoic. "...They are still worthless."

"Seconded. Though, I may be interested to see how they'd end up." A woman in gothic-lolita dress commented - the representative from Hexennacht. She propped her legs on the table, looking at her nails.

"Do they have anything else of interest?" Euclid asked.

"None. The blood of Christ is all they have." Rizevim shook his head.

"Then I say we let them suffer." Euclid concluded.

"Let us move to the next subject… the state of the souls of the dead in the veil. How is the progress of our summoners?" Rizevim asked.

"Diodora is still attempting to master control over the souls he managed to harness. The souls of our ancestors… although it is difficult to corral the spirits not under Diodora's influence into not breaching the veil too early and ruin our element of surprise." Shaalba answered. "And that didn't include the souls that were there by chance. They are being disposed of."

"The other summoners on the other continents are biding their time. My witches are attempting to master the necromantic arts… though they seem to have trouble trying to persuade a fallen god."

"Which one?" Rizevim asked.

"Osiris. He is hellbound in wreaking havoc in Egypt against Horus and Ra." Walburga answered.

"At least they can be reasoned with. And the faceless eldritch entity?" Euclid asked.

"Still in place, waiting. It won't matter in the end, we can whittle down the rogue souls while strengthening the ones on our side. The 'Hero' faction will oblige in Shaalba's quest in his raid to the underworld."

"About Cattleya…" Shaalba brought up.

"Impossible. Too heavily guarded. But she will live regardless." Rizevim shot him down. Shaalba grit his teeth as Euclid and Walburgis watched.

"As for you two… how does it feel? Is the sacred blood having negative effects on you two?" Rizevim asked Shaalba and Euclid.

Shaalba stared at his hands, clenching and unclenching them with a critical look, "...No problem so far."

"It feels…. Quite invigorating, m'lord." Euclid replied.

"Good, the sacred blood isn't volatile with biology. Now… let us continue with the plan to ravage the world."

As for the convicted members of the church, they sighed with relief, completely unaware of their fate as their pursuers were already looking at the foundations they were in, an underground bunker in a remote area of Italy, someplace that should not exist in the maps or the government records.

To be Continued...


"Good, Good. Yessss... Keep that pose."

Sitting on his throne, Gold egged Griselda Quarta to maintain her posture, squatting low in a M-post with a pole between her crotch while she looked at the camera.

Griselda was in a very erotic lingerie, thigh high blue leather boots and a thong leotard, both encrusted with sapphire gems around her breasts and crotch and the rims of her boots and heels, painting her as a gem.

The Blacks continued taking many many pictures of Griselda as she shifted her pose.

Her back faced the camera, a finger on her lips with a sidelong gaze full of tempting longing.

She laid on her belly, legs kicked up while her elbows propped on the floor.

She spun around the pole, pivoting with her crotch on the metal, blowing a kiss at the Blacks as they hollered, cameras clicking like mad as Gold nodded, savoring the sight like the finest wine he ever drank.

She was a complete natural, a talent hidden within the uptight clothing.

"Yessss! Yessssss! Keep going! Just like I showed you!" One of the Blacks hollered with growing fervor.

A few minutes later, the door was opened.

"Hey, man. You've been making quite a noise - Whoa, what the hell?!"

"Sister Griselda?!"

Standing by the entrance, Issei and Irina watched with a mix of shock and silent, biting horror, the horror mostly for Irina. They were mostly exploring the hotel in their free time, checking the floors and discovering the amenities, like the indoor pool and balcony garden restaurant.

They were attracted by the hollering of Blacks. They had completely underestimated the demons.

"Oops! You kids shouldn't be here, you know?! We're working on something!" One of the clones who was working on a laptop on the desk spoke.

"Oh, Mr. Ise, Irina, good afternoon."

Griselda greeted with a soft exhale, as she just finished another maneuver and leaned against the pole, placing a wet kiss on its cold surface as she faced the camera.

Issei could not help but swallow a small lump when his eyes landed upon Griselda - clad in sexy lingerie garbed in jewels, covered in sweat after performing a pole-dancing.

Irina managed to snap him out with her next question, "What are you doing to her?!"

"Bringing her in tune with her true self." Gold smiled as Griselda lowered, sliding her back down the pole as she spread her legs teasingly while the Blacks continued shooting pictures.

Issei could not suppress his arousal.

"My god, I can't take this anymore." Issei wanted to walk away. He was just one step away from the dark dark side. "Why are you even going along like this in the first place?!"

"...I found this exercise… enjoyable." Griselda breathed a husky sigh, spiking Issei's arousal. "It… is invigorating. It somehow gives me life. I never knew I've been so out of shape with my current age."

Issei and Irina gaped at the older woman as she spread her legs wider, almost as if tempting him to cross the line of no return.

Irina shot a glare at Issei, noticing his blush, and erection when her eyes laid upon his crotch.

Issei let out a strangled cry as his girlfriend's hand shot out and slammed down onto his crotch with a vice-grip. He glanced to see Irina smiling menacingly.

"Please calm yourself down there, darling."

Issei wheezed as he saw her wings start to warp out of shape with lines of black colors, contorted by envy and anger.

"Yes, ma'am…" Issei whined.

"I think you two should leave… unless you actually want to see the kid do it to her here." Gold suggested as Griselda continued with her stripper technique, legs holding the pole as she held herself upside down, her breasts showing through the gem-encrusted bra.

"Yes, let's go." Irina immediately agreed since the temptation here was too strong for her boyfriend, and she didn't want to see him crossing the line with her mentor.

She dragged Issei out, by the balls, as Issei whinged along the way with his manhood at stake.

Meanwhile, the Black on a laptop giggled maniacally as he already set up his website.

Soon, he shall have Griselda's potential be known to all three of the Christian factions. Soon, they will bow to her true worth.

At Grigori, Azazel blinked when the notifications popped out on his computer, while drinking, that an email was sent to him. Looking at the sender, he grinned and opened the folder attached to the email.

Before he could see the content, however, his phone rang - revealing a message from a certain black dwarf creature.

Send me the receipt for the pics I sent you by tomorrow morning.

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