This might be a week too early, but Merry Christmas! XD

"Are you both ready?"

Genos asked, overseeing Issei and Yuuto facing off against each other in the training room. Yuuto had his Muramasa ready, pointing towards Issei, who had put up his own combat stance.

"So, I'm going to see the famous samurai Yuuto. The famous samurai wings clipper of Seraphs, the beheader." Issei casually stretched his arms out.

He was looking forward to this. He wanted to face a samurai for a while, but never got the chance.

"Yes… even though this sword was originally meant to be yours. I hope you don't mind me keeping her." Yuuto let out a smile.

"Yeah, I still want a legendary katana. You kinda owe me one." Issei playfully retorted.

"Hey, enough chatter! Go kill each other already!"

Both Issei and Yuuto glanced at a Black clone shouting from the sides, where he watched with everyone else.

"Alright… this time, I will see how far I've gone." Yuuto took a deep breath as he gripped his blade in two hands.

"Balance Break! Sword of Heresy!" Yuuto shouted as he equipped his holy-demonic Muramasa sword.

A japanese yukata with white and gold trimmings donned his form, his sword gleaming brilliantly under the artificial light.

Let's do this, Muramasa.

[Of course, master.]

On the other hand, Issei simply equipped his gauntlet and employed the Awakening Breath, breathing in and breathing out a visible white steam from his mouth.

"Show me what you got." Issei wagged his finger at Yuuto to come at him.

Yuuto tightened his grip on Muramasa.

Issei was strong - too strong for a human. Meeting him made Yuuto feel inadequate, hearing his desire to stay human instilled a sense of lacking in Yuuto's heart, as if he gave up a part of himself for something… convenient.

Along with a desire to compensate.

Then again, if he were not to accept Rias' offer when he was on death's door that night… He would not even be standing here in the first place.

Yuuto took a deep breath as he lowered his stance, pulling his blade back.

He would end this in one move. Issei remaining in his casual posture unnerves Yuuto, but he would not let it hinder him.

Yuuto made his move. He cut across the distance as Muramasa cut through the air.

The match ended in a single second.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Tsubasa gawked at the sight of Yuuto embedded into a crater he dug in the wall with his spine, webs of cracks spreading across the white surface. Muramasa slowly slipped off his fingers as he coughed, the blade transforming into her human form as she caught Yuuto before he landed.

Issei's extended fist was steaming as he released his breath.

"Yeah. I still got it." Issei smiled to himself. He was no longer afraid of his power… and Ddraig's power as well.

Rias and the other Devils ran towards Yuuto, Asia holding the Rod of Asclepius as she placed the golden staff on him.

As Yuuto's injuries were being mended, Rias asked Asia, "How is it, Asia?"

"He is alright. His chest… uh, caved in, but it's alright." Asia assured as Yuuto started grunting, opening his eyes.

"Ugh… what… what happened?" Yuuto wheezed. "Did I win?"

He looked up at Muramasa, who had already turned into her human form and was kneeling before him. He knew from her gentle smile.

"Ah… I still have a long way to go." Yuuto coughed as he felt the light of Asclepius and Twilight Healing. "Ohhh… that feels… is that Asclepius?" Yuuto asked as he slowly stood up, the pain already gone, his voice lucid.

"How is the Healing Staff, Asia?" Issei asked as he walked up to them.

"It's… it's amazing. I can feel it working with Twilight Healing." Asia said with amazement.

"It is amazing." Yuuto said as he rubbed his chest. "The pain is gone… and my breathing is normal."

"You good, Kiba?" Issei asked while checking over the Knight.

Yuuto's smile was exasperated, but still sincere all the same. "I am… Sheesh, Ise. You've gotten even stronger, it's not even funny."

"Thanks. You're going to eat those words when you go up against the other heavy hitters, though." Issei snarked playfully.


The boy turned to see Genos had caught up to them. "The technique you used just now…. What was it? It doesn't match my database at all."

Crap - Issei was not sure how he should approach this; should he tell him about Bang? But going back on the latter's back did not sit right with him.

"It's… self-taught." Issei replied first - not actually a lie, "I haven't come up with the name yet, but it worked like a charm against Kokabiel."

"Yes… and I heard that you broke your arms in the process." Genos remarked.

"...It's a work in progress." Issei looked away with a hint of embarrassment.

"Still, I'd advise you to improve your techniques, Ise. Either you get stronger to handle the feedback, or you come up with a more efficient alternative."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Issei nodded. He was going to do that anyways when he had the time.

Genos' expression was not amused at his nephew's attitude.

"...We still have time this morning." Genos said as he walked back towards the arena. "I might have observed your growth, Ise. But experiencing that growth is a different matter entirely."

Everyone perked up, especially Issei, when Genos' body let out an audible hum and its crevices gave a burning glow.

"I'm going to judge your growth personally."

"Oh…" He smirked. It was some years since he last sparred with the cyborg. He wanted to see how well his martial arts worked against someone like Genos.

He followed his uncle to the arena. Everyone only watched the Red Dragon Emperor facing off against the Demon Cyborg with bated breath, while Black simply smiled in excitement.

"Ohhhh, haven't seen this in a while." Black commented before he glanced at the others, "You better off make yourselves comfortable, kiddos. And start taking notes."

The Devil Girls and church girls gulped. They knew what Genos could do, able to contend with a overpowered Fallen Angel to the finish, holy swords and all.

Back to the arena - knowing that he was fighting Genos, Issei performed his Awakening Breath once more and put up a more solid stance. Genos also chose to play it safe, his optics and other cyber-senses were locked on Issei's form.

The two remained silent until the Boosted Gear announced the battle commencement.


Issei moved in first. He knew that Genos could beat him easily from how he handled Kokabiel, but Issei refused to make it easy. He would at least get in one good hit before he falls to the ground.

Genos simply went on the defensive, intercepting Issei's onslaught as he skidded and dashed around the arena, with Issei hot on his trails.

Issei exhaled as he boosted again, his speed increasing, not exactly doubling, as his fists flew and curved at the cyborg, all fended off by a single metal hand. To the spectators, it was a blurry chase that their eyes could not track. When eyes did detect them, they shifted into another chase, dodging their line of sight.

"Your grasp on my home's martial arts have improved." Genos nodded at Issei's attempt at the water stream technique. It was still rougher, aggressive like Garou's, with much room for improvement.

Genos retaliated - Issei blocked and redirected Genos' fist, or so he thought as Genos' hand pushed back against Issei's deflection and elbowed his face.

Issei regained his senses in a split second, and instead of halting, Issei used the momentum from Genos' attack and twisted his body around; lifting up his leg until his foot collided with Genos' lower jaw.

Genos remained unfazed as the attack spawned an explosive burst of force that rattled the air.

"...Not bad." Genos nodded.

Then he swept Issei's standing leg with a low kick and slammed Issei's cheek into the ground.

The girls winced at the sound of the ground fracturing, a latticework of cracks webbing from Issei's head as the epicenter.

"But your execution is untidy, however." Genos added as he lifted his fist, showing a seemingly knocked out Issei resting in the cracks.

The boy got back to his feets, massaging his aching face as he spat out some blood.

"I'm not done yet!" Issei shouted as the jewel on his Boosted Gear shone - the fight had taken enough time for the Longinus to stockpile enough power to be unleashed at once.


In a blink of an eye, Genos suddenly found Issei had already closed the distance - sending a gust of wind and shockwave from his movement alone, and was standing right before him.

However, Genos widened his optics when Issei entered a horse stance, and both of his arms were moving in a familiar, circular motion.

"Take this!" Issei decided to try a different variant of the attack he used on Kokabiel, something more experimental to weed out the dumb recoil. It did not have a name but it should faze even Genos as he thrusted his palms forward.

Only for Genos to catch both of his forearms, the force dispersing prematurely into wasted gusts of wind blowing past the cyborg.

When Issei was still confused on what and how his uncle did whatever he did, Genos tugged and Issei was jerked forward, before Genos' knee was driven straight into Issei's gut.

"What was that you're trying to do?" Genos asked as he let Issei drop on his knees, coughing spit at the ground.

"Ack… something I used on Kokabiel. Though I sucked… tried to get rid of the recoil. Didn't work." Issei replied in between coughs.

"What you attempted to use was a horribly botched version of the Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist. Where did you see that move?" Genos asked.

Issei looked up at Genos.

"Uhhhh… I asked dad?"

"I didn't even tell your father about this technique. The only time I saw it was when two martial masters used it against a giant monster of great defense and regeneration." Genos added.

Eventually, Issei sighed, "...Alright. Fine. Some guy showed it to me. Honestly, I didn't even know that technique has a name." Issei relented.

Genos narrowed his eyes, "And who is this 'some guy'? Did he give any names? What does he look like?"

"Early to mid 30s, white spiky hair, he called himself 'Bang', which I think sounds sketchy."

"...Bang?" Genos asked, quirking a brow.

"...Do you know him?"

"He is one of the martial arts masters I mentioned. But the way you described him… his age should be more advanced."

"How advanced?" Issei asked.

"Enough to be your great grandfather at this point. But… I think I know who he is now. There is one other that has mastered the arts of combat even more than Bang." Genos rubbed his chin in thought.

"Oookay, way to make this confusing to me. Who's this guy, then, really?" Issei asked.

"That's him, right?"

Issei and Genos turned to see Black was approaching them with a rather pensive look on his face.


"You're talking about him, right?" Black pressed on. "That one guy who nearly became the strongest monster?"

"...Indeed. It seems he was brought here as well after the battle with that thing."

The girls who listened were confused. Akeno had a good idea what he meant.

"No, guys, seriously, who are we talking about?" Issei began to lose patience.

"...I believe it is time for us to conclude this morning exercise" Genos dismissed.

"Oh, really!?" Issei yelled with an exasperated tone, frustrated that he could not learn more about his temporary master.

Genos simply looked pointedly at his nephew in return, "It is also time for the scan on Irina Shidou to finish."

At the mention of his childhood friend, Issei glared at his uncle before he sighed in acceptance.

The morning exercise was not only meant for daily routine that day, but also to spend time waiting for Genos' machines to finish their diagnostics on Irina's condition - per Issei's prior request after Irina's small episode last night.

Inside Genos' workshop, Irina was sleeping with a specialized pod.

She was in something like a cryostasis pod like from the science-fiction movies in Issei's eyes, with a glass lid covering his friend's body as red light from a thin, sleek device attached to a mechanical limb segmented in metallic joints angled Irina from head to toe in a extremely snail-like pace,.

Genos was at a monitor, typing the keyboard rapidly.

Asia and Xenovia stood with Issei. Rassei was still around Asia's neck, chirping as it tilted his head with curiosity at such an alien environment. Rias and Tsubasa were also present, standing behind the trio.

"...This is more complicated than I expected." Genos shook his head with a deep sigh. He turned to the kids in his chair.

"How bad?"

"Have a look." Genos then gestured towards the monitor that showed an X-Ray diagram of Irina's internal structure.

The bones and the organs were present in white, tones distinguishing which was which in shape.

Genos pointed at Irina's head, the brain. Issei noticed that there were several markings on her brain…colored in dark spots.

Issei blinked with wide eyes at the image, "Are those…. Tumors or something?"

"...Something worse." Genos shook his head slowly, "Valper did more than just brainwash your friend. The results summarized that there... is an inscribed meticulous spell right on her cerebrum." Genos explained. "Enchanting on inanimate objects is more ideal since they can withstand the process without worry. Writing a spell on a living organ, especially something as vital as the brain, involves infinitely more risks." Genos added as Issei and the girls stood there, mortified by the implications.

Asia and Rias gasped at the answer, while Tsubasa and Xenovia grimaced.

"What the fuck…?" Issei cussed at the explanation.

"...We cannot simply dispel it." Genos continued. "There is no telling what such powerful magic can do to a delicate organ at such potent concentrations. The spell in interweaved so deep into her cells that it will take years of study to reverse engineer this process. Or a miracle…" Genos continued with a tone of frustration.

"...So can we do something or not?" Issei pressed.

"We can." Genos nodded with a small sigh, "This kind of complex surgery and enchantment requires specific equipment and tools. If we can get our hands on those items, it is possible to disenchant her of the spell."

"The problem now lies in, where can we find those tools?" Rias surmised, putting her fingers on her chin in thought.

"Valper is dead. We killed all of his associates as well… and St. Adonai and its surroundings are completely devastated in my battle with Kokabiel. The best chance we can find such equipment is to investigate Valper's dealings in the Church. Kokabiel might be a good source of information… depending on how willing he is to divulge his secrets." Genos surmised. "Another suggestion is to investigate the Vatican for corrupt elements in the Church for answers. Xenovia and Griselda should be able to assist as they have prior dealings with Valper before his betrayal."

"I guess we have to skip school, then." Issei remarked.

"Unfortunately, while the Vatican is a good start for investigation, I'm afraid I have to stop you there." Genos interrupted.

"What? Why?"

"In the wake of Valper's crimes, there are a lot of discrepancies going on inside the ranks of Vatican officials. Many are under suspicion at the moment, painting that place into a red zone. Going there without proper preparations is the same as throwing gunpowder into the fire." Genos explained, "Touji is right to have you wait until summer vacation. The situation in the Vatican should calm down by then."

"But if we wait any longer, Irina will break down." Issei argued.

"I don't think we need to worry about that." Genos retorted, as he pointed at the monitor again.

More charts and information popped out on the screen, pointing at several parts of Irina's body.

"...Don't tell me there are even more spells tattooed in her system?" Issei commented.

"Actually, the surgeries on these parts actually work in our favor, as ironic as it sounds." Genos replied, "Despite what Valper had in mind when he operated on Irina, it appeared that he knew better than to treat her as expendable. The spells enchanted here are meant to ensure that Irina would, at least physically, endure and survive whatever Valper planned for her."

Everyone blinked at the explanation, "Okay… so what are we exactly looking at here?"

Genos then typed on the keyboard again and looked over the information, "From what I gathered, minor reinforcement enchantments were inscribed in her bones and muscles. Delicate augmentations, albeit inferior, just enough to stabilize her cells, hormones and condition without being detected. There's also…. What appears to be a stasis spell placed in her ovary… I don't need to tell you why it's there."

Issei growled with growing anger at the mention. Asia looked heart-broken, while the rest looked distraught.

"Alright, alright…. Assuming that we need to wait until summer vacation, is there anything we can do to prevent Irina's condition from getting worse?" Issei asked, "What about administering drugs to help her calm down during episodes?"

"That might work, albeit unlikely. The augmentations that had been done to her has developed her body to resist certain types of medication. Not to mention, as long as the spell remains on her brain, the best Irina can get is likely to be restless sleep."

"To begin with, what does that spell on her brain do? How does it function?" Rias asked.

"The inscription appears to react when the brain it latches on receives a certain stimuli, like a password transmitted via voice, or writing - before it controls the brain to cease its normal function, obeying only the signals or commands given by the wielder of the spell…. Which is you at the moment." Genos glanced at Issei.

"Well, good thing that I don't know how to even turn that spell on, eh?" Issei replied. "Still, it doesn't answer what we need to do to keep her stable until we can get some actual leads, wherever the hell they may be."

"...Hmmm." Genos hummed as he reclined in his chair. "We can resort to cybernetics if need be… minor implants at best to keep her hormones in check and manage her brainwaves."

"If that's the case, I want Irina to give her consent first if you want to temper on her brain. Is that okay?" Issei asked.

"Of course." Genos nodded. "For now, all of you need to get ready for school. I will take care of Irina Shidou. I also need to inform her father about our findings."

"Thanks again for lending us Rover, Ise."

"Well, it's not like this is Rover's first time coming here, so it's nothing new."

In the Kuoh Academy's old school building, the Occult Research Club plus Rover were standing in front of Gasper's room.

Rover was still a little round, showing that his body was finally starting to shrink back to normal size.

Rias had a talk with her brother last night - the latter had finally deemed the former to be strong and capable enough to bring her recluse of a Bishop out of his shell. However, based on the past experience, the heiress believed that bringing Rover along would make the process easier.

After all, Gasper's first friend was the monster dog.

Akeno then dutifully undid the magic seal attached on the door, allowing Gasper's room to be more accessible. Then, Rias opened the door, calling out, "Gasper! Guess who's here to visit!"

On cue, Rover let out a bark.

Some footsteps resounded from within the dark room, followed by Gasper's effeminate voice.


The dog barked happily and ran towards Gasper who was already kneeling, ready to catch Rover leaping into his arms.

"I miss you too, Rover!" Gasper squealed happily as if he was actually talking with the dog. His expression went a little confused when he saw Rover's 'condition'. "Uh, what happened to you, Rover?" Gasper asked, noticing Rover's… rotundness.

"He… ate a little too much." Rias worded.

Gasper looked up, seeing the other members of Rias' peerage looking at him.

"...What's everyone doing here?" Gasper noticed.

"Gasper." Rias replied with a smile, "It is time for you to start going out. I have received approval from my brother. You can now join me and your friends in school now, Gasper."

Gasper's face then paled, before he immediately scooped Rover up in his arms and quickly retreated back to his room.

"NO! I don't want to get out! Outside world is scary!" Gasper whined as he slammed the door shut.

Everybody sweat-dropped at the sudden one-eighty of Gasper's attitude.

"...So this is the Bishop?" Xenovia - who had been placed under Rias' care in Occult Research Club upon her enrollment, along with Irina, asked.

"Gasper Vladi. The boy-girl half-vampire shut-in." Issei nodded. "He even stole Rover… Welp, time for damage control."

Issei let himself in through the door as the others walked in behind him. At the corner of the dark room, Issei recognized the cardboard box sitting in the corner of the room.

"Gasper, buddy? Can we talk for a sec?" Issei then made his way towards the box, which caused Gasper to yelp. Hearing it made Issei sigh before he knelt in front of Gasper.

"Gasper. I know that the outside world is scary." Sometimes even scarier than he believed. "But cooping yourself in this tiny box won't help you deal with it. Running away won't make the scary things go away."

"Nooooo! I'm fine in this tiny box! This is my and Rover's world now!" Gasper protested. Rover whined in the box as the almost-ball dog wiggled in Gasper's arm.

"Bud, Rover doesn't like tight spaces." Issei retorted. "Come on, man. Give it a shot? You won't be alone, you know? You have friends waiting for you outside. You don't want to let them down, do you?"

Issei's words seemed to have reached Gasper, but the latter still seemed uncertain judging by the uneasy silence inside the box.

However, unexpectedly, Issei then found Irina kneeling next to him.

"Hello, there. Gasper… Right?" Irina asked with a small smile. "Nice to meet you, my name is Irina Shidou."

"...Hello." Gasper greeted. Rover was still whining inside the box.

"You know… About the outside world, it is scary, maybe cruel, even." Irina looked down, her hands balled into fists as she clutched tightly - the images and memories of the abuse she unknowingly had to endure lingered in her mind.

"Irina…" Issei whispered in worry.

"But… it's also the place where I met so many wonderful people." Irina looked up, her hand making its way to find Issei's own.

Issei stared at Irina, before he smiled and grasped Irina's hand in his.

"I… Bad things happened to me… And I probably have done even worse." Irina looked down again, "But… Someone I love told me that we can't just roll over and keep feeling sorry for ourselves… There's someone here that believes in me. If there's someone that can do that more than I can… then I should believe in myself, too, right?"

The box lifted. Gasper peeked out of it and looked at Irina for the first time… he noticed a single tear leaking out of her eyes.

"I… haven't recovered, to be honest. But I will, someday, with my friends helping me along the way." Irina then offered her hand, "So, will you come out and put your faith in your friends, and in yourself, once more?"

Gasper looked at Rias and his fellow peerage members. They were all giving him smiles of hope and encouragement… Gasper slowly lifted the box off him to the side, with Rover in hand, as he slowly stood up with a face of uncertainty.

"I… I'll try my best." Gasper hugged Rover as the dog barked.


Outside the fields of Kuoh Academy within a bounded field, the wail of a girl-boy resounded through the track and field, trees surrounding them.

"Waaagh! I can't do this!" Gasper wailed with teary eyes as he ran for his life.

Xenovia chased him, her Durandal snapping at the crybaby boy-girl with vicious swipes.

"Don't just move your legs! Use your whole body to put more power into those limbs!" Xenovia barked as she raised up her holy sword.


The said dog only barked while sitting on Asia's lap, wagging his tail. Asia smiled from the bench as Gasper jumped before the blade bit his behind.

"Rover said, 'be strong', Gasper!" Issei shouted from his spot next to Asia.

Rias and the others were helping to prepare the upcoming Peace Conference, leaving Issei, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia and Irina to look after Gasper.

When Gasper was still busy running away from Xenovia, Koneko suddenly came out from a nearby bush.

"Boo." Koneko held several cloves of garlic in hand, much to Gasper's horror.

"KYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gasper ran with twice the speed with fear as his speed booster. It kind of impressed Issei, making him wonder where he draws his energy from.

"For a wimpy half-vampire, he knows how to run." Black commented out of nowhere. Issei turned around, seeing Black popped out of the bush, munching on a sandwich he most likely stole from the cafeteria. "Reminds me of good ol' days when all I could do was run and hide."

"Really? 'Good'?" Issei snarked.

"Nah, it was hell, but nostalgic. Don't know about girl-boy, though. I wasn't an introvert when I started out…"

Issei glanced at Irina next to him.

The girl was watching, but she was not paying full attention - the signs of her recovery existed, but one year worth of abuse was not something she could easily brush off. Again, ironically, the augmentations that were done to her was the reason Irina had a fair chance to recover in the first place.

"...You okay, Iri?"

The girl smiled weakly at him - she might have acted strong when she talked to Gasper, but she could not be strong all the time. "I'm… okay, Ise. Mr. Genos has talked to me about the cybernetic implants this morning."

"...You okay with it?"

Irina took a deep breath before she nodded, "If that can help me… Then I'll do it."

Issei smiled as he wrapped his arm around Irina's shoulders, pulling her close before he planted a quick kiss on her forehead.

Koneko then cleared her throat and pouted at Issei, "PDA is prohibited during training."

Issei and Irina blushed a little at the light scolding, but the former chuckled, causing the latter to giggle as well.

"Oh, Hyoudou."

Issei and the rest turned to see Saji approaching them, clad in gym uniform and carrying several gardening tools.

"Hey, Saji. Whatcha doing here?"

"Maintaining the garden around the school before the delegates come. The school needs to look presentable when the day comes, no?" Saji replied, before he saw the sight of Gasper running around, "Oh, who's this? Another cutie joining the club?"

"Eeehhhh," Issei smiled awkwardly, "I wouldn't say that, but-"

"Oh, yeah yeah. Though she's been a secret member for quite a while." Black abruptly cut Issei off, sending the boy a quick wink before he returned to address Saji. "Say hello to Rias' Bishop, the crybaby half-vampire wimp, Gasper!"

Black sounded like an auctioneer as he pointed at the wailing girl-boy.

"The Bishop… Oh, I heard Sona said something about a secret bishop before. That's her?" Saji asked with curiosity.

While Saji was eyeing Gasper, Issei then whispered to the dwarf creature, "Black, the hell are you doing?"

"Shh. Let me have this." Black shushed in retort.

"Say, what's her special power? She has a Sacred Gear?" Saji smiled as Gasper let out another girlish cry when Xenovia slammed her blade next to him

"Err…" Issei contemplated to just spare Saji the despair and tell him the truth… but screw it, Issei chose the dark side. "She can freeze stuff within her eyes! Though, she can't control it well."

It would be hilarious in the end.

"Cool, cool." Saji nodded, "You think I can help?"

"Yes, you can."

Everyone blinked at the new voice and turned to see Azazel approaching them.

"Oh, Azazel." Issei greeted the man, having sensed him approaching earlier.

At the mention of the name, the others sans Black and Rover immediately were on their guard against this stranger.

Clad in a simple lime Yukata instead of his usual suit, Azazel scoffed while smiling at the teenagers.

"Hey, hey, hey. Settle down, kids. I'm friendly."

At the end of his sentence, twelve black wings spread, slow, drifting showers of pure night gently falling around him.

"Issei, didn't you tell them about me?" Azazel turned to the boy.

"I did… ah, right, I forgot to show them a picture of you." Issei remembered.

The girls and Saji and Yuuto turned to Issei and back at the approaching Fallen.

"Just as forgetful as your dad, aren't you?"

"Shut it. What are you doing here? You came to brag about attaining the ascension power or something?" Issei accused.

"Nah, none of that. That is still a painful work in progress. I'm here just to check-out the conference venue." Azazel waved off, "Though, I recall that the holy-demonic sword knight is a student here, right? Can I meet him? I wanna ask him a few questions."

"Sorry, but Kiba is with Rias and Lord Sirzechs." Issei replied, "You want to drop a message?"

"Hmm, bugger. Well, I'll just talk to them during the conference." Azazel then turned to Saji. "Moving on, you are a Pawn of the Sitri heiress, right? How are your folks doing? How's the prosthetics I gave y'all?"

"Prosthetics?" Saji tilted his head.

"The ones I helped made for Sona's Queen and Pawn. Seriously, those are state of the art, next generation technology." Azazel reminded.

"Ah…. Wait, you made them?!" Saji pointed at Azazel.

"Assisted." Issei corrected. "The Cyborg technology came from Uncle Genos. I told you, the original is from human science."

"Yes, yes, humans outdid us in one branch of science. Too bad there's no medal for that. On another note… I also came here to check on you," Azazel turned to regard Gasper, who was frightfully hiding behind a tree. "Forbidden Balor View, eh? Quite a powerful Sacred Gear that relies on the wielder's five senses, but can be dangerous if the wielder is not strong enough to handle it. For now, I suggest you gather whatever you can to compensate, especially outside help. Coincidentally…"

Azazel pointed at Saji. "You wield one of Vritra's Sacred Gears, right?"

"Yeah…? What about it?" Saji asked

"If you want to help the dhampir in his training, your absorption line can manage his magical power. He cannot control his energy at the moment."

"Huh..." Saji nodded.

Black and Issei noticed that Saji did not pick up Azazel using male pronouns when addressing Gasper.

"Wait…. How'd I do that?"

Azazel groaned, "Good grief, you've already shown some proficiency in the Rating Game against the Phenex kid. Can't you take a note or two from that fight?"

"Oh…Oh!" Saji looked away, blushing in embarrassment.

"On another note, I also came here on Black's request."

"Eh?" Issei and Saji uttered while turning to the black dwarf creature. The dwarf only responded with a devilish smile.

"Simply put… fetch you the rest of Vritra's parts for you. I already have one at my lab if you're interested."

"The rest of Vritra's…." Saji muttered, before he asked, "Then, does this mean you can make me stronger?"

"Supposedly." Azazel shrugged, "But the real outcome will depend on you. I only give you the tools, it's up to you whether you can utilize them or not."

Saji was about to respond, before he paused for a second, "...Can I talk to my King before giving my answer?"

The smile on Azazel's lips twitched a tad wider, before he nodded, "Take your time, kid. I'm gonna be here for a while, after all. Oh, on a related note, there's actually a simpler way to make that dhampir stronger - by drinking the blood of powerful creatures, like dragons, for example." Azazel then grinned knowingly. "Other than dragons, alternatively, that dog or Black's blood should suffice…. Although I cannot tell whether Gasper's body can even take them."

"Maybe you shouldn't have suggested something potentially hazardous in the first place." Issei retorted with an unamused face.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Azazel chuckled. "By the way, Vali went to visit you yesterday, did he? Did he cause trouble?"

Issei snorted while waving his hand, "With my mom there? Psht, he knows better."

"HAH!" Azazel guffawed, "Seriously, kid. If only your dad or uncle were not around, I would have tried hitting on that woman a long time ago."

"...Yeah, you'll probably end up heart broken in a gutter, all alone and sad." Issei smirked.

"How mean. Anyways, I'm heading back now. Tell your mom I said hi!" Azazel walked away and took flight, soaring higher and higher until he faded from sight.

Issei sighed at Azazel's retreating back.

"Obnoxious as ever, huh?" Black commented with a knowing smirk.

The others, on the other hand, were still tense, albeit they slowly calmed down once Azazel left.

"The governor of fallen angels was standing in front of me, yet it felt as if he's not there." Xenovia commented with a soft exhale.

"He's… surprisingly more relaxed than I thought." Irina quipped.

"Shows how far the gap is between you and him, Xenovia." Issei replied, "Azazel is strong, intelligent, and sly, but he's a pacifist. In RPG terms, he's more of a magic crafter than a battlemage. His schtick is crafting " He then clapped his hands, "And he has wisdom to share. Saji, you've heard what the man said about your gear, put it to use! Gasper, one more round then we can wrap-up for today!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh?" Gasper whined with teary reluctance.

"Come on, it's for your own good. If it cheers you up, you'll be playing with Rover this time!"

Saji tensed, Koneko also flinched as a cold shudder ran down her spine.

Xenovia and Irina blinked. "Are you sure about that, Ise? The dog seems like it can barely run right now." the former pointed at the dog's round body.

"Rover can lose more weight this way. Also, I am kinda tired of seeing him like this. Even if he is more adorable."

"True…" Irina agreed with a sad frown.

Issei then nodded, "With that out of the way…. Rover, size up!"

The dog perked up before he leapt away from Asia's lap, rolled around before he stood on his stubby legs. Gasper's confused look turned shocked when the puppy suddenly grew its size into a size of…. Adult dogs in general.

"Eeeeehhh?!" Gasper shrieked. "I-I thought Rover would be small!"

"Like hell I'll make it that easy." Issei retorted. "Now, here are the rules - Rover will keep chasing Gasper, who will have to use his Sacred Gear to keep him at bay. The game won't stop until I say so!"

On the other hand, Xenovia and especially Irina were gaping at Rover's shape-shifting power - not to mention the extra pairs of eyes that suddenly grew on its face. Irina turned to Issei, pointing at the dog with a gobsmacked face - she used to play with the creature when she was a kid, after all. In return, Issei simply shrugged with an apologetic smile on his face.

The courtyard was filled with the echoes of Gasper's cry, but at least he learned something new about Rover. Rover could run fast despite his legs still being stubby, and the dog could also run by rolling towards the dhampir like a ball.

Issei smiled at the sight of the wimpy vampire chased by a giant furball.

"Say, Black. About this morning… care to talk about this morning? Someone that is better than the two martial artists?"

"...You do know I already told you about him. He owned my ass back then, remember?"

Issei started to connect the dots.

"...No way. Him?"

"Yeah, the same one who easily destroyed my over 54 trillion worth of cells. That's him. You definitely met him if you knew something he learned from those old geezers."

Issei dropped his jaws. He met him… The Hero Hunter.

The Human Monster, the man that nearly crushed both the Monster Association and the Hero Association at once. The greatest martial arts practitioner in the world where his father was born, able to tangle with the invincible baldy until the end.

And the guy taught him….

"...Holy shit. Hooooly shit."

"Honestly, it explains why you improved despite that Demon Cyborg being a terrible teacher when you were a kid. He is that good. Don't know what he's doing here on this rock, but he's most likely doing fine if he has time teaching you out of all people how to fight like a god."

Issei could only let out a weak chuckle, as he stared at his hands. If learning from the Hero Hunter could allow Issei to go toe to toe against the likes of Kokabiel… Then he was definitely on the right path to reach his goal.

"...Damn it, if I had known, I would've begged harder to him to stay." But the guy was somewhat of an ass for him to leave after showing him a super ultimate move.

"How long did you learn under him, by the way?" Black quirked a brow.

"Days. Just… days, a week, at most. I kinda forgot but still; he was an ass, though. He left after showing me the Roaring… something…"

"Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist."

"Yes, that. I seriously am going to give him an earful the next time we meet."

"Heh, good luck with that."

Evening fell - Rias, Akeno, Yuuto and the Student Council, Saji included, ended up having to work overnight to prepare the peace conference.

Gasper himself had completely burned out after his training, thus he retired in his room back in the old school building.

"Say, why did you ask Azazel to help Saji out?"

At the moment, Issei, Black, Rover, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia and Irina were walking through downtown. Rover managed to shrink his roundness a little more. The way he walked, however, on his stubby feet garnered smiles from Asia and Irina.

"He is my toy."

The girls frowned at the black creature's response and his evil smile.

"No, seriously." Issei insisted with seriousness.

"Alright, alright, I'm throwing him a bone. The kid has a bad start, and I want to see what kind of man he'll be. But that doesn't mean I won't have fun along the way. The way the kid squeals appeals to my inner evil for some reason."

Issei could understand that. Saji's over-the-top reactions were very funny to see every time he tries to get out of any bad situation. He did not vocalize his opinion lest he earned some very strong frowns from the girls around him - case in point, Asia was glaring at the creature.

"Mr. Black…." Asia frowned cutely at Black.

"I know, I know, but I am also doing it for his own good. Don't worry about it. He'll survive at least."

Xenovia and Irina chose not to comment.

"...Bad dog." Koneko chastised.

"Bark." Black responded.

Issei stiffed a snicker as they arrived at the diner where Issei's faux peerage was working. Haruka was waiting inside there, where they would have dinner. As they entered, Issei noticed the girl behind the counter.

"Welcome, master."

"Ah. That explains why I haven't seen you around lately. 'Sup, Catherine." Issei remarked at the waitress that first welcomed him.

"Um, yes, my apologies for not telling you, Master Ise." Catherine Lazuli, dressed in the cafe's uniform, bowed from the counter. "In the light of Kokabiel's invasion, we… decide that it's time for us to reconnect with our comrades while we can, and we were given positions in this establishment."

"Good to see you're doing well," Issei nodded. "How's work so far? Actually, has my mom arrived yet?"

"Well…" Catherine's face looked a little tired, "Lord Lucifer and Lady Leviathan came earlier for early supper with their families in tow. It was… Something we really weren't prepared for."

Knowing how Sirzechs and Serafall usually act in casual settings, Issei decided not to ask anymore, though he could sympathize with the girls.

"...Yeah. You've done well holding out. What of my mom?"

"Madam and Sir Genos arrived not too long ago, though… They are currently sitting with two other customers."

"...Other?" Issei blinked and took a look at the dining area.

From the tables filled with chatter and plates of food, Issei found his mother and uncle easily enough.

Both of them were sitting and talking over their dinner with two young men.

"Tobio?" Issei recognized that handsome face anywhere, though he did not know what he was doing nowadays.

He did not recognize the other guy. That hairstyle was a bit wild and ridiculous.

Haruka noticed his gaze and smiled.

"Oh, Ise!" Haruka waved at him.

"Hey, mom." Issei waved back as they approached the table. "Hey, Tobio."

"It's good to see you again." Tobi smiled when he faced Issei.

"The hell have you been doing these days? Can't remember the last time I saw you, other than the time I beat you at arm wrestling as a kid." Issei impishly smirked.

Tobio snorted, not bothering to raise to Issei's small taunting, "I'm here as Azazel's bodyguard, along with Vali and the others."

"More like Azazel's bodyguard and Vali's babysitter?" Issei replied with a knowing grin.

Tobio laughed a little, "Your words, not mine…. But also, yes."

The two men then shared small chuckles.

"We ran to Tobio on the way here, and we met this gentleman when we arrived."

The said gentleman was a caucassian man with green eyes, clad in clerical clothes.

Asia, Xenovia and Irina, however, looked surprised at the sight.

"L-Lord Gesualdo?" Xenovia stammered, while Asia and Irina instinctively straightened themselves up.

Issei looked between the church trio and the man - Gesualdo, who just finished his third servings, judging from the pile of plates before him. The man wiped his mouth and stood up, allowing Issei to appraise him.

He noted that most of the waitresses were trying not to walk around too close, even Koneko looked high-strung.

"Xenovia, Irina and Asia Argento, right? It's good to finally meet you!" The man spoke with a friendly tone, before he noticed the others, Issei in particular, "...And you are the Red Dragon Emperor, aren't you? Thanks a lot for looking out for my juniors. My name is-"


Dulio turned around to see Black's white face so close to his, his evil smile grinning.

"Remember me~?" Black asked with a playfully mischievous tone.

Dulio then broke into small sweats, "...Yes, of course I remember you, Mr…. Black? Huh, it actually throws me off seeing you short like this."

"Just this once, I'll let it go because my base form is short." Black cackled.

Issei did not know what happened between them, as his eyes darted between the two.

"...Did you challenge the Big Bad?" Issei asked, remembering that the Perfect Platinum was sent to the Vatican.

Dulio avoided eye contact, his eyes slowly turning away.

Issei would ask Black about it later.

"Black, stop haunting our friend. Go on, Issei. Introduce yourself." Haruka intervened.

"Fiiine. But you're not coming out of this unscathed." Black promised as he shrunk down to his normal height.

"Um… Sure. Issei Hyoudou, nice to meet you."

"Dulio Gesualdo, exorcist and Lord Michael's temporary bodyguard."

The two shook hands as Black carried Rover and took his seat.

"Please, join our table. I would like to talk with you… Oh. Um, after I return from the water closet." Dulio then sheepishly excused himself away as his stomach gurgled a little.

Once Dulio left his seat to empty his bladder and bowels, Issei turned to Xenovia.

"So, who's the pretty boy with the wild hairdo?" Issei asked her since she was definitely aware.

Xenovia looked rather flabbergasted, "P-Pretty-?! That's Dulio Gesualdo, the strongest exorcist after Lord Strada, the wielder of Zenith Tempest!"

"...Really?" Issei nodded when he registered the name 'Zenith Tempest' - the second strongest Longinus. The Longinus gear that Azazel wanted to get his hands on, said to be capable of controlling the elements and weather itself.

"Did Vasco take in a disciple?" Issei asked, pointing at the direction where the exorcist headed off.

"Not exactly… The whole thing about the strongest exorcist after Lord Strada is mostly what people believe after witnessing his proficiency in using his Longinus… Which, I have to agree." Xenovia shrugged.

In the end, after some pooling, Issei, Black and Rover ended up sitting with Tobio and Dulio, while the others sat on the neighboring table with Genos and Haruka.

"So, what have you been up to since I returned home?" Issei asked Tobio. "Are you finally proposing to that childhood friend of yours? What about the other girl with the falcon? How's that punky cat lover?" Issei asked.

"Nothing like that Ise… But things with my friends are going well, thanks. Currently Azazel's been even more of a slave-driver thanks to the upcoming Peace Conference." Tobio replied. "What about you? How's life?"

"Well enough, all things considered." Issei replied with a sigh, "Kokabiel's invasion…. Left quite a lot of scars. But we'll move on soon enough. Speaking of Kokabiel, what's his status? Or is it the 'confidential until we meet in the grand conference' kind of thing?"

"The latter, I'm afraid." Tobio replied, "Though, there are a lot of voices wanting him to be sealed in Cocytus."

"Ah. Can't blame them. And he isn't because…?"

"Honestly, I think we can guess where Azazel is going with Kokabiel."

Issei understood the implications involving the desire to unlock the secrets of Ascension through him.

"By the way, I… heard of what happened during the fiasco." Tobio lowered his voice slightly, before his eyes darted briefly at Irina, who was placing her order with Mary serving her table. "That's your childhood friend, right? How's she holding up?"

"Barely." Issei sighed again, "I want to fix her as soon as I can, but the bullshit politics are in the way. Ugh, I wish I could just threaten them into giving me what I need."

"I can help with that." Black chimed from his table, chewing on the bread appetizer.

"I would prefer that you don't march through the gates like… your father did." Dulio added, having finished his cheesecake. "It will be near impossible for us to cement peace between the Three factions. I haven't been there, but I heard many stories from traumatized priests and exorcists describing your father's arrival as… the advent of God's wrath. Or, more casually, the apocalypse in bald form."

"Pffffff! T-Tell me the stories when we have the time." Issei smiled.

"They are interesting. But, moving on, I don't get much details myself, but thanks to Sister Griselda's report and testimony, Lord Michael received wind of your plight, and he's personally recruiting members to aid your quest." Dulio added, "On the downside, however, this turns out to be the one of the biggest scandals the Church has ever committed in history… tying with the exorcists summoning the wrath of the strongest man. The official orders are yet to be made, but I heard that Sister Griselda is put under house-arrest."

"Wha- That's bullshit! Why?" Issei nearly raised his voice at the news.

Dulio took a quick glance at Xenovia, before his face shifted uncomfortably, "Xenovia has been exposed to taboo knowledge involving the state of heaven. She would have been excommunicated if Sister Griselda didn't take the proverbial bullet."

"...How bad is it 'up there'?" Issei asked, his face serious. "I didn't ask this before, but how is Michael holding up? What's the difference between heaven's glory days when you-know-who still took the reins?"

Dulio grimaced. Genos and Black were silently listening in while taking in their food, Black feeding near-round Rover some salami.

"I wasn't there when… He is still around. However, I learned that blessings and miracles were much stronger back then."

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate He and Michael's performance in your personal opinion?" Issei asked.

"From my queries… a ten in His days. Followers dropped significantly to….. 5.5 or 6, by the time Lord Michael assumed the throne."


Issei, Tobio and Dulio entered a small silence.

"I think I get why Azazel wants to keep Kokabiel." Issei hummed in thought.

"It would be a blessing if Michael achieved what he did."

"...Moving on." Issei sipped his cup of water. "How's the state back in the Vatican? How bad is it?"

"Utter chaos." Dulio simply replied. "Lots of effort is put into work in order to keep the incident from leaking out to the public. Many of those that interacted with Valper Galilei in the past were apprehended for extensive questioning… Which revealed more skeletons in the closet than I'd like to count."

"I was joking about the choir boys and pedophile priests, you know?" Black interjected. "...But how much of that part is true, honestly?"

"Here are your orders." A waitress brought more steaming dishes onto the table, more of the sizable proportions on Dulio's side.

Issei glances at the maid. He did not recognize her. She had blonde hair and a face that was cute, not dissimilar to Irina's. She must be one of the human workers here.

"Perhaps it is best that Dulio leave that topic unanswered." Tobio suggested, before he took a note on Dulio's orders. "Rather, you just had your dessert, didn't you? And yet you're ordering more?"

"This time, I'm enjoying the food for the company." Dulio cheekily replied, causing the atmosphere to take a one-eighty.

"I thought gluttony is a sin in your order." Issei remarked.

"It doesn't count if it's not an eating disorder." Dulio argued as he started stuffing his mouth.

"Kuh. Alright. I'm going to wash my hands."

Issei got up from his seat and walked past the maid. He did not notice the girl smirking his way as she walked away.

She flashed a thumbs-up at a table she passed. There were three men and one boy sitting there, all in casual clothes that somewhat resembles traditional Japanese school uniform. One of them was bulky, the other had glasses, and the third was sipping coffee, smiling at Issei's retreating back.

"Ahhh, too much bullshit for one day." Issei complained to himself in the mirror as he rubbed his soap-lathered hands under the running water in the sink.

He wondered if he should use the monkey's paw to damn all the corrupt priests in the Christian churches all over the world to spite them. It was a really tempting idea…

"Still can't do it if it'll bite me in the ass though…" He muttered as he closed the faucet and started drying his hands in the blow dryer.

He was looking forward to the food, however.

As he turned towards the door and opened it…

He saw a never ending expanse of fog. Literally, instead of the homely interior of a building, there was nothing but pale white fog, fog, and more fog.

Issei closed the door. He opened it again.

"…What the FUCK?!"

Where the fuck was he? He swore that if he somehow ended up in a stray portal to the nether realm, he would punch his way out in a fit of rage.

"Yes, it can be quite unnerving for first-timers, but as long as you don't step inside there, you'll be good."

Issei turned around, and saw several people standing at the end of the restroom - one of them was the waitress who served his dinner earlier.

"I'm sorry for the sudden abduction. First? Let me-abaghf?!"

The man with glasses did not even finish his sentence as Issei's fist smashed into his face and sent him to the wall.

The other four stared at the half-buried body of their friend, only his waist and legs half dangling out of the wall as Issei seethed with rage.

"You have twenty seconds to explain to me what the fuck is happening or you'll join him in the wall."

They stared at the Son of the Strongest man.

"You… are more short-tempered than I imagined." The one with a spear awkwardly commented.

"It's been a rough day. Now, who are you and what do you want with me? I don't care what kind of ranking in this world you have, I will beat the shit out of you."

"…Wow. Are we sure we have the right boy?" The girl glanced at the other guy while the one with the bulky muscles was busy pulling the one with glasses out of the wall.

"Don't judge blood relations by their appearances, Jeanne. Apologies for our… uh, well, we are not looking for trouble here." The man, who was acting as their leader, held up his hands placatingly, his weapon leaning on his shoulder. "We actually wanted to meet you, but we can't show ourselves to the public yet. In fact, we are heroes."

"Heroes don't do shady kidnappings just to talk." Issei retorted.

The bulky man pulled the other guy out of the wall, the latter groaned on the floor.

"How are you feeling, Georg?" The leader called out.

"My head…."

"...He'll be fine." The girl chimed.

"Alright. Will it help you calm down if we say we know your father?" The leader asked.

Issei's eyes were slit with suspicion.

"Bald as hell, head so shiny light is somehow stronger when reflected from it?" The leader awkwardly smiled.

"…What's the one thing in the world he just can't kill?" Issei asked him the one thing only those who truly know his dad knows.

The leader smiled at the question.

"A mosquito."

Issei widened his eyes as he relaxed his shoulders. "...Alright, I guess you know my dad."

The leader sighed in relief, making sure that his sigh was not noticeable at the same time.

"...Now that's out of the way, time for introductions. My name is Cao Cao. I am the leader of this group. The lady that served your dinner earlier is Jeanne. The poor guy you socked is Georg, and the tall guy helping him out is Heracles. And the boy here is Leonardo. It's a pleasure to meet the current Red Dragon Emperor - Son of the Strongest Man."

Issei stared at them in a way that did not settle them. It was like he was staring at an unusual specimen.

"…Um, is something wrong?" Cao Cao asked.

"...Aren't they the names of, like, famous human figures?" Issei pointed out.

"Correct." Cal Cao admitted.

"…Isn't that plagiarism, then?"

Issei almost saw blood spilling from their lips. He could practically feel his words spearing their chests.

"...Ahem, t-to correct your misunderstanding, we are related to those famous figures." Cao Cao amended. "I am actually the descendant of the original Cao Cao from the history of the Three Kingdoms, while Georg over there is the descendant of Johann Georg Faust, the magician who made a pact with Mephistopheles."

Issei then raised an eyebrow, pointing at Jeanne, Heracles and Leonardo. "...And? What about those three? Is the kid the descendant of… Leonardo Da Vinci? Also, while I don't know about Jeanne, I'm pretty sure that Heracles left no living kids behind by the end of his life… unless he's secretly promiscuous."

"There is a reason why we came up with the name Leonardo, but we actually haven't looked into Da Vinci's family tree yet, so thanks for pointing that out." Cao Cao pointed, "As for Jeanne and Heracles, they are not descendants - Jeanne carried the spirit of Joan D'Arc, while Heracles inherited the spirit of the Greatest Greek Hero in history."

"...Reincarnation?" Issei quirked a brow. "Do you know how stupid that sounds? I don't know about you, but flaunting the identities of famous past figures like this feels even more plagiarizing. No, it's more like you're… leeching off your ancestors like parasites because you can't do anything original or have the balls to begin your own legends from the ground up."

Several metaphorical arrows pierced through their hearts. They look like they could barely stand, trembling on their legs as their dignity bled away.

"...His words hurt worse than the other guy." The one called Heracles commented.

Issei quirked a brow at the mention.

"Your… lashing remarks are noted." Cao Cao said. "However, we don't have much time before others start looking for you. To shorten this to twenty words or less, I want to extend an offer to you to join our group, Issei Hyoudou, Son of the Strongest Man."

Issei felt like he was being sold a pitch by a used-car salesman for some reason.

"And what does your group do?" Issei asked.

"What heroes do - defending mankind from the threat of supernaturals as their champions."

Issei quirked a brow.

"And this threat would be…? Don't tell me, are humans becoming monsters these days?" Issei asked.

They did not answer as they exchanged confused glances.

"I… have no idea what you mean, but not those kinds of threats." Cao Cao shook his head.

"...Define 'supernatural' threats, then." Issei narrowed his eyes on them.

"Tell me, Issei Hyoudou. Do you know how the relationship between humans and the supernatural works? Let's say…. How humans and Three Factions of Christianity work, for example?"

"I know how one of them operates… the other two are a bit of a middle ground for me."

"And which ones are they?" Cao Cao asked.

"The Church and the Devils… at least regarding their government so far. Having gripes with the Church more often than late, though."

"...Ah, of course. The invasion by coalition between Kokabiel of The Stars and Archbishop Valper Galilei." Cao Cao noted.

"I'm more pissed at the fat man than the angel. So, let's finish this before my dinner gets cold. What are you aiming for exactly?" Issei got straight to the point.

"...The strongest existence - the Dragon of Dragons, The Great Red." Cao Cao's smile had an ambitious hint. "By defeating the entity of that calibre, we shall prove the superiority of humanity, placing our kind above even the supernaturals that manipulate this world from behind the stage."

Issei quirked a brow at Cao Cao's answer. The silence reigned for a few seconds, until Issei broke it off with a snort, which gradually descended into laughter.


While Issei was laughing, clutching his stomach, those of Hero Faction was regarding him with various expressions.

Cao Cao and Georg was raising their eyebrows, albeit the latter was rather confused. Jeanne and Heracles were a little bemused at Issei's reaction, while Leonardo remained impassive as ever.

Some time later, Issei calmed down, and when he realised that his 'kidnappers' were still standing there, Issei blinked.

"...My god, you guys are actually serious."

"Indeed, we are." Cao Cao's smile, noticing that Issei had begun to take him seriously.

"Wow… alright, here's my take on your end goal. One… there's a lot of holes in this scheme of yours that I don't want to bother pointing them out. Two… how do you plan to 'defeat' the True Dragon?" Issei using his fingers to air-quote the 'defeat'.

"The details are classified. However, I can assure you that we have the means and a fair chance to defeat the strongest dragon."

"Like what? Some ultimate dragon slayer of dragon slayers that can hurt the two biggest baddest dragons out there?" Issei guesses.

"Something like that, yes." Cao Cao's smirk widened.

Issei narrowed his eyes, not liking the concealed meaning behind Cao Cao's expression. "Let's say that you guys manage to take the Great Red down or whatever…. What's next?"

It seemed that Issei had to do some research on the matter of dragon slayers. From their expressions, it might be a sword like Ascalon but… maybe something else. He should ask Azazel for a search reference.

Cao Cao remained silent.

"…You do have a plan for what comes after, do you?" Issei quirked a brow.

"We do have one." Cao Cao replied.

"You do know that it's basically just you guys taking the credit for the kill, not a thing for the human race overall. It won't change the fact that most of the human race are… quite vulnerable, I admit, but killing a neutral dragon who did no evil for glory can paint you as the bad guys."

"Good or bad is a matter of perspective." Cao Cao argued. "What people say will not matter when you are on top."

Issei simply kept his mild glare at Cao Cao, before he asked. "You said you know my dad… Did you invite him like the way you're doing with me now?"

Cao Cao remained silent. Issei and the leader locked gazes, the silence deafening the air and unnerving the others.

"…I think I'm gonna pass on your sales pitch."

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