Chapter 500: Still in shock

This was really embarrassing. Chi Luoxi felt embarrassed and did not dare to look into coach Lu’s eyes.

“No, no, I didn’t drink too much. I just got tired and fell asleep in the car.”

Coach Lu explained simply. He only wanted to tease Chi luexi for fun and did not want her to have any psychological burden.

The two of them walked forward side by side.

“Why don’t we take a walk in the park at the back? The environment there is not bad. ”

Chi luexi suggested. She was more familiar with the location and road conditions in this area.

Coach Lu nodded and followed Chi Luoxi around the corner.

Back to the topic just now, he had said that he had drunk too much and fell asleep in the car.

Now that Chi yaoxi thought about it, she regretted her actions. She said she would drink some red wine, so she did. Xiao Ye was still present at the time, but he had something to do and left a long time ago.

Why couldn’t he control himself when he was drinking? he even drank too much and got drunk!

If he didn’t drink too much, the journey would only take half an hour, and he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep.

If she hadn’t fallen asleep, she wouldn’t have been photographed on her way home.

AI! It wasn’t worth it to cause so much trouble for no reason. Not only was he causing trouble for himself, but he was also causing trouble for coach Lu.


Chi luexi glanced at coach Lu, cleared her throat, and said in embarrassment,”

“I’m sorry, coach Lu, I’ve dragged you into this. Someone took photos of me last night and posted them on the internet. I’m really sorry for the trouble. ”

Lu Fei didn’t expect Chi Luoxi to mind this so much. Seeing her anxious look, he consoled her,”

“It’s okay, it doesn’t affect me much. You know, it’s usually the girls who get hurt in these rumors. Will it affect your work?”

Chi Luoxi felt rather comfortable after hearing coach Lu’s words.

It wouldn’t affect him much if he said it, but he was worried about it affecting his work.

“There will be some, but it doesn’t matter. In this industry, people will always be at the forefront of the hype. I’m used to it.”

“Well done, and no one is jealous of you. It’s not easy.”

The two of them walked leisurely on the path in the park. A breeze blew from time to time, and lovers passed by from time to time. The path was still very quiet and comfortable.

Chi Luoxi usually ran along the Riverside Road and rarely came to the park. Now, she had discovered this quiet path.

She couldn’t help but say excitedly,”

“Coach Lu, although the park is not far from my home, this is the first time I’ve taken this road. You can come here for a morning run in the future. ”

“You still have the habit of running? Not bad, no wonder’s figure is well maintained, strong and well-proportioned, only self-disciplined people have freedom. ”

Hearing coach Lu mention her figure so casually, Chi Yuexi felt a little embarrassed.

She almost blurted out the question, but she stopped herself in time.

She wanted to ask him jokingly how he knew so much about her figure, but she suddenly remembered that he was the one who had carried her home last night.

Although it was a nice compliment, Chi Luoxi lowered her head in silence and blushed a little. She was too embarrassed to continue answering.

The two of them strolled leisurely, and the river was on the other side of the road.

“The air is better over there, do you want to turn around?”

Chi luexi turned to coach Lu, who was almost a head taller than her, and suggested.

“Alright, I rarely walk around here. The environment is not bad. You lead the way.”

Chi yaoxi nodded with a smile. The two of them waited at the red light at the intersection and prepared to cross the road.

When the traffic light turned green, Chi Kexi couldn’t wait to leave.

Who knew that just as he took two steps, a small car opposite him rushed over and stepped on the accelerator to speed up.

Chi Luoxi saw it with her own eyes, but she didn’t have the time to Dodge or even scream. The only thought that flashed through her mind was ‘I’m finished’. I’m finished this time.

She even closed her eyes in fear, feeling that her fate was no longer in her control.

At this most critical moment, Lu Fei, who was behind her, did not even have the time to say anything. Without even thinking, he took a step forward and pulled Chi luexi behind him.

Chi luexi was still in shock. She felt her body being lifted into the air before she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Due to inertia, Lu Fei’s body couldn’t be retracted so quickly. The car opposite him rushed over and slammed on the brakes. The tires made a terrible screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground, but it still couldn’t stop.

When Chi Luoxi opened her eyes, she saw an even more terrifying scene. The car had charged sideways and the front of the car had turned, but it still knocked coach Lu a few meters away before it slowly came to a stop.

“Argh! Coach Lu!”

Chi Luoxi could not care less about the pain all over her body as she limped to coach Lu’s side at her fastest speed and howled,”

“Coach Lu! Lu Jiao! Wake up! Where are you hurt? Help me! Come and save her!”

Chi luexi wailed and cried as she looked at the many injuries and bleeding wounds on Mr. Lu’s body. The fear and worry in her heart almost made her lose her mind.

When the passers-by saw that there was a traffic accident and some people were seriously injured, they immediately called the ambulance number 120 and then the police.

“Miss, I’ve already called one-two-zero. Don’t worry, there’ll be a doctor and an ambulance coming soon.”

“Take a look. Is there any injury to your head? Don’t move to prevent bone and brain damage. ”

The kind-hearted people around her reminded Chi Luoxi.

However, Chi Luoxi could not hear anything now. She had never seen such a bloody scene with her own eyes and was scared out of her wits.

Her mind went blank, and all she could think of was to cry,”

“How are you, instructor Lu? I-I’m sorry. Say something!”

Chi yaoxi knew that teacher Lu had been walking behind her. He had rushed over to save her and pulled her behind him, but he couldn’t retreat so quickly.

How did this happen? How could this happen? Chi Luoxi cried and screamed as she held onto coach Lu’s hand tightly.

She hoped that he was still conscious and could still feel her desperately calling for him. She hoped that nothing would happen to him.

Teacher Lu was such a good person. God would not let him suffer such bad luck. Please bless him.

Chi Luoxi had no more strength to cry. In the end, she knelt on the ground and prayed silently.

He begged the heavens to let coach Lu go and not punish him. Even if he had to punish himself, he should not punish coach Lu.

Chi luexi’s two small hands held onto coach Lu’s big hand tightly. Her tears kept dripping on his neck, arms, and hands.

Chi luexi closed her eyes, feeling extremely remorseful.

She knew that she had accidentally stolen the role, which had led to such a big mistake. Not only was she injured, but she had also implicated the innocent coach Lu.

He was the one who suggested taking a walk by the river across the road. When they passed the traffic lights at the intersection, he was also the one who took the lead.

AI! What if something really happened to coach Lu?

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