One Piece: God of Space

Chapter 558 A sudden crisis

Chapter 558 A sudden crisis

As long as you have an idea, you can be sure that the Tru Empire has already been operating behind the scenes and is ready to deal with major events at any time.

"Captain, why didn't you do some things yourself back then? Why did you let us people guard it?"

Kaido stood there, looking helplessly ahead as he spoke, then suddenly jumped directly from the sky above the island.

For ordinary people, jumping from a height of tens of thousands of meters is simply seeking death. But for such a person, who can fly directly from the air, as long as he is not willing, no matter how high the altitude is, it is impossible for him to fall to death. .

The door to everything seems to have begun to open quietly. Two years ago, two years later, the situation is completely different now. Now everyone is looking forward to only this World Government meeting.

So far, there are still about 170 countries that have joined the World Government, but not every country can participate in the government meeting. Only about 50 people can be selected from among them. When they sit together, , if there is no world government involved, it can completely determine the direction of the next world structure.

This world government conference is the focus of everyone's attention. The countries that can participate in this world government conference have actually been made public for a long time.

Although the World Government Conference that usually takes place every four years can attract the attention of many reporters, or rather newspapers, this time it is completely different.

The emergence of the Tru Empire directly caused a huge reversal in things this time.

Everyone was originally thinking that after the war between the Toru Empire and the World Government two years ago, why would it be impossible for the Toru Empire to participate in the meeting this time? But in the end the reality turned out to be exactly the opposite.

This attracted everyone's attention to this meeting.

They are all looking forward to what kind of special circumstances will arise during this process. After all, before the start of every world government meeting, all countries participating in the meeting need to report the participants. The name of Emperor Tru appeared prominently at the meeting. Among the names on the list, this made an already special meeting even more special.

As for whether this meeting can change the direction of the world? Or what is the hidden content of this meeting? This is what many people in other countries want to know.

Even as early as the World Government announced the list of countries participating in the conference, reporters from major newspapers had already begun to pour into the Tru Empire. While waiting for the response from the Tru Empire, they began to study this time. The direction of the meeting.

Almost all the headlines of newspapers have been occupied by this aspect. Even the Straw Hat Gang who reappeared two years later was also displayed in the newspaper content, but this content has long been typed to the back.

No one cares about how big a storm a small pirate group can cause anymore. They care more about what kind of sparks will happen when the two powerful giants meet now?

War is both strange and familiar to many of them. It feels far away, yet very close at the same time.

At least two years ago, the Tru Empire has refreshed everyone's understanding. No one will ever treat the Sihai region like a weakling. At least they now have enough reason to believe that whether it is the Grand Line or the New The world, in the end, can still only be compared to the four sea regions.

Of course, it is not just the Tru Empire that wants to cause trouble this time. The revolutionary army, which has been wandering in the North Sea, has now substantively controlled nearly 20 countries. They are now the same as they were two years ago. It is also completely different. The expansion of strength also makes this group of people plan to follow the footsteps of the Toru Empire, directly occupy a sea area, and collide with the World Government head-on.

In fact, within the past two years, many signs of competition between multiple forces have emerged.

Originally, there were at least dozens of forces that could compete in this world, including the world government and navy.

Including the pirate forces, but so far, there are only a few who can really take the first step.

Inside the Royal Palace of Tru.

After Chang Nuo returned from Sky Island, there were already people standing here waiting for him in the hall.

And they are not alone here. It is very rare for them to see all the current generals of the Tru Empire gathered together.

As soon as they walked into the hall, 11 people stood side by side. Chang Nuo slowly passed in front of them, then walked to the sofa area and sat down directly.

"Your Majesty the King, many members of the World Government have recently appeared in the Tru Empire. These people are extremely hidden. At least nearly two hundred have been discovered so far."

Abona opened his mouth and said.

He is currently the actual controller of the entire intelligence agency. He has already understood these things. The sources of these people are not only available now. At least when it started two years ago, the entire Tru Empire has With the entry of the foreign population, there have generally been a lot of people staying here.

"What do you mean the others are coming?"

Chang Nuo looked at the other generals calmly and said.

"Your Majesty, special circumstances have occurred in the southeastern sea area of ????the empire. The climate is very different from normal. Near the windless zone, the sea surface has begun to freeze, and the temperature has seriously dropped."

"The same goes for the northeastern region, but it is slightly better than the southeastern region. However, the sea water there has begun to heat up abnormally, and the fish living in the water have disappeared one by one. So far, they have not Can we find out the reason?"

"There is a hurricane in the southwest, and it is difficult to control now. What is the cause? In the end, it seems that these things are the same. It seems that a situation targeting the Tru Empire has begun to emerge!"

Listening to the reports of more than a dozen people, it is understandable that they are concentrated in one direction, that is, the Tru Empire has begun to face various problems.

Various incidents occur frequently in the sea area. For a large economic country that relies on commercial support, this has begun to have an extremely serious impact.

"When did it start showing up?"

Changnuo looked directly at Enelu and asked.

"It's all focused on today. It started in the early morning. It's not yet easy to tell what exactly happened."

Enel said.

"Where is the southwest direction?" Chang Nuo asked again.

"Your Majesty, at almost the same time, the investigation has begun." General Deco said.

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