One Moo'r Plow

Not A Chapter Announcement Time. Patreon, discord, update schedule, art.

Hey hey people. Exe here. I regret to inform you that due to extraordinary circumstances -mostly regarding my fantastic driving skills and multiple feet of snow that infests the ditches here- today will a suboptimal day.

The last of such, I assure you. Please, I implore you, turn those pots of tar and feathers at another poor soul. I do bring some happy news.

The first tier of patreon is ready to launch.

I have finally, at the express bullying advice of my fellow authors, launched this venture. As of current, there are three tiers.

The first tier gets 3 chapters-1 week ahead of RoyalRoad.

The second tier gets 6 chapters- 2 weeks ahead of RoyalRoad

The third tier gets 13 chapters- just over 1 month ahead of RoyalRoad.

As of current, tier 1 is completed and will be filled by day's end. I will be writing 1-2 chapters a day. Every day. Until the rest are also topped off. Only then will my flayed fingers receive some small stipend of rest.

this would also be a great time to announce changes to the posting schedule:

RoyalRoad now receives 3 chapters a week.

I know, I know, blasphemy and heresy and lynching time. But, hear me out. This writing business is not a sprint, it's a marathon. I have foolishly written and yoloed all this content onto RR without so much as a chapter of backlog. I must now attend to that. While there are some superhuman machines out there that can reliably output insane amounts of words with little regard for what us mortals can achieve, I am not among their ranks.

As such, chapters will now be posted Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

There is a discord.

Link below :3

There is new art incoming.

No, it is not AI-made.

And with that, I will see you all tomorrow. Unless of course you've signed up for Patreon and gotten the speedball special by then.

Visit and read more novel to help us update chapter quickly. Thank you so much!

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