"Waiting to see Lord Langdi!"

Headed by a group of martial immortals, more than 10,000 people paid their respects.

During the period, the warriors who had never seen Su Lang couldn't help but look at Su Lang a few more times, but they were immediately caught by the ‘old man’ around him, making them not rude.

"Get up."

The avatar Su Lang nodded, and turned to face the direction of the sea of ??sky, "Xiaohai, don't open the barrier yet."

This statement came out.

The sky sea barrier immediately opened a passage.

"It was the weapon spirit of the Zhun Emperor soldiers that opened the channel."

"The weapon spirit of the quasi-emperor weapon must be an ancient existence that has lived for tens of thousands of years!"

"Yes, maybe we can trace the era of Emperor Wudi of the Nine Revolutions ten million years ago!"


More than 10,000 people walked into the passage and occasionally talked with their spirits, talking about their guesses.

But where do they know.

The Sea of ??Sky was only promoted to the quasi-imperial soldier ten minutes ago, and its age had not added up to a month.

Everyone entered the area covered by the sea of ??sky, and followed Su Lang's clone to the Yaochi Saint Clan.

This large group of people was numerous and powerful, and it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Many warriors panicked, thinking that the enemy had invaded, and rushed to report to the guards everywhere.

But Su Lang's order has come down, and the guards everywhere know that they are his own, and they are not panicked.

They quickly suppressed the commotion.

But the speech cannot be stopped.

People everywhere are discussing that group.

"The person in charge should be Lord Su Lang's clone. My neighbor's second-uncle's nephew's Taoist couple works in the core of the exchange building. I have seen Master Su Lang's clone and painted a portrait. I have seen it!"

"I have also seen the portrait of Lord Su Lang. It is really handsome and extraordinary. Who dares to say that I am handsomer than Lord Su Lang, I am the first to refuse."

"Those behind the avatar of Lord Su Lang are terrifying, and various rules and visions arise wherever they pass, at least they are all great saints!"

"I have seen the description of Wuxian. The dozens of martial artists who followed the Master Su Lang clone are definitely Wuxian!"

"Oh my God, so many Wuxians are looking forward to Master Su Lang, it's really awesome!"


In addition to the ordinary warriors who are discussing, the quasi immortals and martial sages who guard the various places are also secretly communicating.

"These people are new servants accepted by the Lord!"

"Those in front are Martial Immortals, those in the rear are Quasi Immortals and Great Sages!"

"Any one jumps out, I am not an opponent, am I going to be eliminated?"

"Do you want to keep up with the Lord's steps? It's too whimsical, how arrogant the Lord is! One day he will throw us far away."

"Yes, but we should also try our best to cultivate and be a useful person. We can't apologize for the Lord's favor!"

"Hahaha, you are too discouraged. With the Lord, I will be able to reach the level of Martial Immortal one day and serve for the Lord!"

"It's reasonable, the cultivation base is not comparable, but in terms of psyche, we absolutely cannot be compared by those newcomers!"



Countless people are talking about it.

More than 10,000 people from Luntianlou and Wuquexian clan have already arrived outside the fairy palace.

In the sea of ??sky, Yaochi Yan Fa and others looked over, and were shocked by these newcomers.

Su Lang took the clone and appeared in front of everyone as his deity.

"Servants wait to see the Lord!"

As soon as he appeared, more than 10,000 people immediately knelt down, respectful and humble.

Su Lang glanced, observed each of these three thousand people, and looked at their attribute panel.

Suddenly, everyone's information was well understood.

Among this group of people, Wuxian had a total of forty-two people.

The souls of thirty-six people have been controlled by Su Lang, and there are six people who have basically nothing to do with the Wuquexian clan. They are personal friends of some Wuxians who were later brought by Amway.

In addition, there are more than 13,000 people, a total of 3,682 quasi immortals, and 10,800 Great Sage-level warriors.

This group of people, except that there is no quasi-emperor, their combat power has surpassed any quasi-emperor organization.

And now, all this group of people belonged to Su Lang.

Su Lang's forces also raised to the rank of quasi emperor in an instant.

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