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Chapter 706: Emperor head forbidden land!

I have to say that the information system of the Slaughter Tower is indeed powerful.

Within a short period of time, an incident was analyzed close to the facts.

"This son Su Lang is really amazing. He actually refined a kind of immortal weapon that can be activated only by the martial sage, and can also kill the martial immortal. It is unprecedented!"

Yin Sha Wuxian said with emotion, "If this kind of talent is brought into the control of Tuantianlou, our strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds."

"What's the use of saying these now."

Feixu Wuxian said coldly, "Qian Zihou was killed by Su Lang. We already have an antagonism between us. He must pay the price of blood."

"Feixu is right."

"The Canglan Continent has never lacked genius, nor has it lacked strange people and strangers."

"We have offended and killed us, but even if Su Lang is useful, he must be killed!"

"Otherwise... wouldn't it be someone who has the ability to scratch our beards and touch our buttocks?"

"In that case, where is our majesty and face in Slaughter Tower!?"

Tengtian Wuxian's complexion turned red, his eyes burst out with a strong killing intent, and the surrounding space was slightly distorted because of his anger.

"Su Lang, must die."

Wuxian Duanqing also spoke, and his voice was also indifferent and ruthless, like an ice stone.

"But news just came from the emperor's forbidden area, let us all support it."

Hidden Killer Wuxian had a look and hesitated, "It can be seen that they are under a lot of pressure in the first seat, and the situation is not optimistic.

The emperor’s forbidden land is related to the hope of the first emperor. Should we put aside the things here first? "

The emperor's forbidden area is a forbidden area formed by the head of a Ninth Rank Wudi who died in the battle of the mainland in the ancient times.

In addition, there are five forbidden areas, which are formed by the arms, legs, and torso of Emperor Wudi Nine Turns.

The Emperor Wudi of Nine Revolutions was the most powerful Emperor Wudi in the Canglan Continent for thousands of years.

When that was the case, Canglan Continent and Jingtian Continent went to war, and the Ninth Rank Wudi of both sides died together.

Since then, the Nine Ranked Martial Emperor has never appeared on the Canglan Continent.

After the death of the Nine Revolutionary Wudi, he used secret methods to divide his corpse and the universe of life that he had conceived into five parts, forming five forbidden areas.

He left the forbidden key to future generations to compete.

As long as you get the forbidden key, you can enter the forbidden area to explore the opportunities.

And these five forbidden lands are covered by the power of a special avenue, and Emperor Wu is not allowed to enter.

Once Emperor Wu forcefully breaks through, the forbidden area will self-destruct, and the separated life universe and Emperor Wu inheritance will also be wiped out.

In addition, the death of Emperor Wudi of Nine Revolutions was tragic and praised by others, so those who survived all uphold the will of Emperor Wudi of Nine Revolutions, not only restrained themselves from competing for the chance to become an emperor, but also ordered their own people not to participate.

The imperial forces are not allowed to participate in the exploration of the forbidden land of Emperor Wudi of the Ninth Revolution.

Once someone violates it, it will immediately be targeted.

Closer to home.

The five forbidden areas left by Emperor Wu of the Ninth Revolution can be accessed by anyone below Emperor Wu.

The forbidden area is extremely dangerous, even if Wuxian breaks in, there will be life concerns.

However, these five forbidden areas also represent the inheritance of Emperor Wudi of the Ninth Revolution, and represent the chance of becoming emperor.

In addition, these five forbidden lands have had the opportunity of becoming emperor from the four forbidden lands to be taken away, thus creating the four martial emperors in the world today.

At this time, the six inheritances left by the Ninth Rank emperor were left with the emperor's head and emperor body.

The competition has become more intense.

Therefore, once the forbidden key appears, it will cause a **** storm and a huge wave, and countless forces will take action to seize the key.

Not long ago.

The emperor's forbidden land key appeared, and countless people died for it, and even the fairy clan was destroyed.

In the end, there were only two forces competing for the Forbidden Land Key. One was the quasi-emperor organization, Tuantianlou, and the other was the quasi-emperor force, the Yongye Immortal Clan!

In order to compete for the key to the emperor's forbidden land.

The strength of the two sides has been fighting for many years, and almost all of their strength has been involved in it.

It is precisely because of this that there are only three or two big cats and kittens in the headquarter of Tuantian Tower, because the real main force is participating in the competition for the forbidden key.

In addition, because too much effort has been devoted, if any third-party forces join in, they will be expelled by the joint efforts of Tutianlou and Yongye Immortal Clan.

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