One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 394: Only a little bit more than 100 million!


Su Lang nodded in satisfaction, "Take me, I will refine the pill as soon as possible."

Rupert respectfully said, "Please don't be so tired. Rupert can wait a month and a year!"


Su Lang laughed, "You can wait, but the people in the other Silver Horn cities can't wait."


Rupert was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said ashamed, "It is Rupert who is too selfish, thinking only of himself. I am really ashamed. The nameless lord is so generous, and I worship!"

Saying that he worshiped again.

Obviously, he has been convinced by Su Lang's high spirits.

Subsequently, Su Lang came to an independent mansion under the leadership of Rupert.

The house building is full of exotic luxury, so that Su Lang also has a lot of knowledge.

At the same time, he used the "array identification" to see all the formations in the house thoroughly and learn it secretly!

Rupert didn't stay long, and after handing over the control of the house formation to Su Lang, he left.

"The formations here are independent, and Rupert has given me control. Now this is my independent space."

Su Lang sat in a bedroom, dispelled Yanluo's varied exercises, and gradually returned to his original human appearance.

"Hey, let's take a look at how much money this wave has made!"

Su Lang was incredibly excited when he thought of the bags and spatial rings full of spirit stones.

With strong expectations, Su Lang issued an order: "System, deposit the spirit stone and the spirit jade!"

"Ding! Lingshi and Lingyu have all been deposited into the system!"


The balance of high-grade spirit stones in the mysterious black space has grown rapidly, and when it stops, the amount has reached a terrifying 94 million!

"It's just barely breaking 100 million, which is really cool!"

Su Lang laughed wildly in his heart, and immediately checked the system functions he had mastered.

At present, the funds can be upgraded with one-key martial arts function (level 12), avatar dispatch function (level 11), one-key treasure hunt function (level 11), and one-key formation function (level 8)

"Each can be upgraded with only 10 million yuan. I am now more than 90 million yuan, and I can upgrade all of them in one wave!"

Su Lang ticked the corner of his mouth and immediately ordered the upgrade of these four functions.

"Ding! Consuming 10 million high-grade spirit stones, the one-key martial arts function is upgraded to level 13, and the training speed is increased to 5,096 times the basic speed!"

"Ding! Consume 10 million high-grade spirit stones, the clone dispatch function is upgraded to level 12, the number of clones is +1, and the current number of clones is 12!"

"Ding! Consuming 10 million high-grade spirit stones, the one-click treasure hunting function has been upgraded to level 12, and the number of treasure hunting flying flying gliders has increased to 10,912!"

"Ding! Consuming 10 million high-grade spirit stones, the one-key refining function has been upgraded to level 9, which can refine formations of level 9 and below!"

Immediately afterwards, the rate of harvest prompts coming from my ears also increased rapidly!

"Ding! You get a big Luo Yuanshi*1!"

"Ding! You get Zhengyi Linggen*2!"

"Ding! You got the best spirit stone*235!"

"Ding! You get the Blood Demon Yan Extreme Beast Emperor Pill*1, the Blood Demon Yan Extreme Beast Emperor Soul*1, the Blood Demon Yan Extreme Beast Teeth*4, the Blood Demon Yan Extreme Beast Fur*1..."

"Ding! You get..."

The continuous system prompts made Su Lang happy.

Wasn't he just for this moment because he came to this silver horn clan to commit a risk alone?

"There are still 50 million top-grade spirit stones left. After a wave of hard work, the one-key practice function can also be upgraded!"

Su Lang showed a look of expectation.

Soon after, he started counting other gains.

In addition to the Lingshi Lingyu earned by selling pills, Su Lang also obtained a large amount of alchemy materials and refining materials.

Because this time the silver horn tribe warriors bought Su Lang's pills in order of their status.

And these powerhouses hold most of the wealth of the entire city.

It can be said that these advanced materials obtained by Su Lang have accounted for more than half of the entire Silver Horn city.

The Canglan Continent is already rich in resources, so many treasures have been kept in this city for many years.

The total value of the materials in Su Lang's hands far exceeds the pill that he sold!

"Hey, at least several times!"

"Only those alchemy materials, I can earn hundreds of millions of high-grade spirit stones from them!"

"As for the refining materials, I have reminded them that they can only choose the type and rank of weapons, and not specify specific weapons."

"In this way, I can eat some rebates, although not many, but the value is good, not in vain."

While thinking about it, Su Lang took out a few materials from the storage space.

Promise fruit, Lingxiao gold, life stone!

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