"I shot group 1, 310 top grade spirit stone!"

"I shot group 5, 320 high-grade spirit stones!"

"In group 98, I have 310 high-grade spirit stones!"


In an instant, there were bids for each of the 100 elixir pills.

And, after one second, the second and third rounds of bids appeared for each group of pill.

The voices of the people shouting prices came and went one after another, and it was enough for ordinary people to hear it.

If the person who didn't record the price was a powerful Martial Emperor, who could use the Ningwu-level mental power to record, I am afraid that just these prices, I don't know who called it out!

The noisy bidding lasted for a full minute, and the price of each group of pills was rising rapidly!

Under normal circumstances, the price of an 8-level perfect-quality pill is about 4000 lower-grade spirit stones.

A set of 750 pill, the value is 300 high-grade spirit stones, which is the auction reserve price.

But at this time, the price of each pill has already exceeded 350 high-grade spirit stones!

Moreover, there are still people constantly bidding!

This scene is so happy that Su Lang, and also the people of the auction house.

The more the final transaction price, the higher their rake, can it be unhappy?

Time passed, and after another moment, no one bid for all the 100 groups of pills, and the price stabilized at around 400 high-grade spirit stones.

This price is one-third more than the market price, but those warriors who bought the medicine still felt it was worth it.

Because, a set of 750 perfect quality pills!

"The first auction is over!"

"Next, there will be 75,000 pills of perfect quality!"

The attractive voice of the beautiful host sounded, "However, this time the auction is for the eighth-order five-element complex spirit profound pill!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the entire auction hall instantly boiled like a frying pan.

"Looking down, it turned out to be another pill of perfect quality, and it is more than 70,000 pieces!"

"Oh my God, how come there are so many perfect quality pills, which alchemy master made these?"

"It's horrible. There are so many perfect pills. Could it be that a super alchemist has mastered some mysterious alchemy and can refine perfect quality pills on a large scale?"

"How is this possible? I think it is likely that the Blue Star Danlou was collected from all over the Blue Star and auctioned together!"

"I think so!"


Among the people's discussion, a staff member brought the pill.

Under the guidance of the beautiful host, another hot bidding has begun!

Because of the different varieties of pill, the bidding this time was not weaker than the first one. In the end, the price of each group was 400 high-grade spirit stones.

After this round of pill auctions ended, everyone thought that the high-level pill was about to play.

However, they never expected that the next lot would turn out to be a perfect pill of tens of thousands!

And this time the pill is still the most precious cultivation pill among the 8th rank.

In their surprise, they began bidding desperately.

In the end, the price of this group of pills has exceeded 450 high-grade spirit stones on average!

Immediately afterwards, in the incredible eyes of everyone, the next lot came up-it was still a pill of perfect quality at level 8.

Not only that, the next dozen lots are all the perfect pill of order 8.

However, everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished because of the large number of pills.

There is no way, there are only 100 groups of each kind of pill, but the warriors in need don't know how many.

Even the military commanders are very interested in these pills, because these perfect quality pills also have good effects on them.

Therefore, in the face of the huge market, these 8th-order elixirs were also sold out quickly.

Those warriors who had not photographed the medicine pounded their chests, and hated their poverty deeply.

"Unexpectedly, the 8th-order pill alone caused a wave of small climaxes."

The corners of Su Lang's mouth slowly aroused, and he was looking forward to everyone's reaction after the appearance of the high-level pill.

Did not let Su Lang wait for long.

After the auction of the last 8th-order pill, the beauty host specially let everyone rest for a while.

And this also makes everyone faintly feel that the next lot is probably even more awesome!

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