One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2959: For survival, for detachment, kill!

In a blink of an eye.

There are not many people left in place.

The people of Zangzhen Sect were originally temporary partners, and in general they were fighting separately, so there were not many people who really formed alliances.

"Master Su Lang!"

Three senior powerhouses of the Nine Universes came to Su Lang's avatar, Blue Star Universe Emperor, with very nervous expressions.

They are considered strong.

But the dozens of old immortals at the top level of the Nine Universes that appeared just now suppressed their confidence.


"Follow behind me!"

The avatar of Su Lang smiled faintly, and a powerful force wrapped up the three of them with a wave of hands, and immediately disappeared from where they were!

at the same time.

The collapsed Lingxu Broken Domain in all directions.

In many broken universes, or in the white world of the universe, there have been pages of Zhang Yongsheng!

Even the Ming Secret Universe, the Dragon Dragon Universe, and the Saint Demon Universe have appeared.

"The Page of Eternal Life has appeared!"

"I want to be detached, I want to be detached! A complete page of immortality is a hope for detachment!"

"The page of eternal life belongs to me. Don't try to **** it from me!"

"Dear friends, I am willing to surrender all my exercise books and resources. I hope everyone will give me this page of eternal life!"

"Fart, in front of the page of eternal life, all exercises, books and resources are rubbish!"


The eternal powerhouses in these places are not like the old immortals of Zangzhen, who have multiple pages of eternal life.

Seeing a complete page of immortality, a large number of strong men rushed up like chicken blood!


The major forces have not yet started war with each other, and chaos has faintly appeared inside!

Fortunately, the high-level control of the major forces is very strong, and the chaos will soon be suppressed.

But just at this moment.

The collapsed Lingxu Fragmented Domain, under the spread and promotion of Huanyu Baijie, further gathered together!

The emergence of the page of immortality was also concentrated in the center of the remnant universe!


Shocking Cloud Alliance and Xuanyu Alliance are two major forces! The first one collided together!


Continuous and terrible collisions appeared crazily in the universe.

One by one natural universe shattered instantly, turned into a large number of world fragments, and was further annihilated under the power of the Universe White World!

at last!

In the battlefield where countless cosmic fragments and the light of the white world are intertwined.

Everyone in the Shocking Cloud Alliance and the members of the Xuanyu Alliance saw each other after countless light years!


The pages of Zhang Yongsheng emerged from the eternal armies of the two major alliances, one after another in the hot eyes of a large number of strong men! !

"To survive, to surpass, kill!!"

Xuan Xinyuan let out a hysterical roar, and brought a ninth celestial confidant around him, resolutely slew towards the Jingyun Alliance!

He knew that Emperor Aotian and Su Lang were in the same group.

But he didn't know that Fang Gan, the new generation of Jingyun leader, was already Su Lang's person! !

"Master Su Lang!" Fang Gan asked for instructions.


Su Lang smiled coldly, "Look at me giving them a surprise!"


Fang Gan took the lead, and immediately took out the nine-horse high-level weapon that Su Lang took time to build for himself, and took one step:

——"Everyone of the Shocking Cloud Alliance, kill me!!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"For the page of immortality! Kill it!"


The fighting spirit is like fire, spreading wildly in the interweaving of the black space-time rifts and the white light of the universe!

A terrifying figure trampled on the fragments of the world, holding a fierce eternal emperor soldier, crashing together!


An eternal powerhouse surrounds the pages of Yongsheng, or fights against each other, or fights a group with one enemy and two, or one person fights a group!

The aftermath of the vast battle blasted out, like a nuclear explosion that was magnified hundreds of millions of times, appearing on the battlefield!

"Die me!"

"These pages of eternal life belong to me, no one can touch them! They will all die for me!"

"Brother, you and I join forces, kill first...Ah!! You betrayed me!"


Angry roars, desperate screams, erupted in the Jinming of weapons fighting!

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