One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2937: Fang Gan ascends the Throne to Start the Cloud Alliance

at this time.

Su Lang and Fang Gan cooperated with their masters and apprentices, and Jing Yunzi was indeed acted.

‘This Fang Gan’s attitude towards Su Lang is average. ’

‘It seems that Su Lang is not as powerful as the rumors. ’

‘At least, Fang Gan said that there is definitely not much to gain. ’

‘Well, the relationship between Fang Gan and Su Lang is not so close. Su Lang is taking over the hearts of the people. Fang Gan will take over as the leader. The two will definitely become rivals! ’

‘Hahaha, when the time comes, they will beat their heads, wonderful, wonderful! ’


Jing Yunzi thought so in his heart, and the smile on his face became brighter.


"Fang Gan Daoist!"

"In the next version, I will temporarily serve as the leader of the league."

Jing Yunzi stepped forward and smiled at the other side and said, "Now that fellow Daoist is promoted to the top level, it is reasonable for Daoist Fang to be the leader!"

This statement came out.

The atmosphere in the court suddenly became a little solemn.

This is one of the three new forces in the endless universe, the moment when the shocking cloud alliance's greatest power is handed over!

Fang Gan took a deep look at Jing Yunzi, then looked at Su Lang and Le Zhengnan again.

"I agree with this matter."

Su Lang said with a smile, saying that this apprentice did a good job, and it was almost impossible to leak.

"I agree too!"

Le Zhengnan nodded, Fang Gan did his part as the leader, not to mention his relationship with Fang Gan was also good.


"Thanks to you all!"

"This burden, I'll take it next!"

Fang Gan nodded heavily, and saluted Su Lang, Le Zhengnan and Jing Yunzi, and then saluted the other members of the League.

"Congratulations to the leader of Fang Qian on his ascendance!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched and he arched his hands with a smile.

"Congratulations to the leader of Fang Qian on his ascendance!"

Le Zhengnan and Jing Yunzi followed close behind.

"Congratulations to the leader of Fanggan on his ascendance!"

The rest of the eternal warriors unanimously called out!

"Thank you all!"

"From now on, we will be the master of the Shocking Cloud Alliance!"

A burst of intense light erupted from Fang Gan's eyes, and his body's breath also rushed into the sky.


The entire Jingyun Alliance fell into Su Lang's hands!


It was a feast for Fang Gan to take over as the leader of the league.

An extremely luxurious banquet was held in Hongyu Universe.

Before the banquet.

The news of Fang Qian’s promotion spread across multiple universes, and many eternal powerhouses who were watching were shocked and rushed to hear the news!


There are many heroes in the Hongyu Universe, and there are many warriors in the Nine Eternal Realm!

The banquet opens.

All kinds of rare and exotic fruits, heaven and earth treasures are brought up, opening the eyes of countless warriors and feasting their hearts on them!

This is naturally sponsored by Su Lang in secret.

During the banquet.

Fang Qian showed up and talked about it by the way, which initiated many people.

Although he doesn't have the perverted ability of a master like Su Lang, he is still able to cultivate to the advanced level of the Nine Universes by himself. It is entirely possible to give advice to the juniors.

When the banquet is over.

The name of Fang Qian has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Everyone knows that Fang Qian, a top-level leader of the Nine Universes, has appeared in the Jingyun Alliance!

Immediately afterwards.

There are many eternal powerhouses who requested to join the Jingyun Alliance on the spot.

To this.

Su Lang is naturally very happy.

He immediately asked Fang Gan to hold a receiving ceremony and beckon the members of the League!

As for the origin of the applicant, Jing Yunzi is still in charge.

He continued to release water, and the review of applicants was very lenient.

But this is on the surface.

In the dark.

Su Lang has been using the Mystery Scroll to observe every member who enters the League.

among them.

Both the Dragon Territory and the Sacred Demon Sect have added spies.

Because of Su Lang here, Ming Secret Universe Region didn't send any more people.

Xuanyu Alliance and Zangzhen Sect also have Jingyunzi, the biggest ‘undercover’, and there is no need for spies at all.

Jielong Zhouyu has increased his eyeliner because he has not yet fully trusted Su Lang.

Except for the spies of the two ancient forces.

There are also people who have ghosts in their hearts, or people who have different intentions.

But in Su Lang's eyes, these people didn't have any threats, and there was no need to refuse.

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