One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2887: The way to be a teacher, the harder way

"Don't worry about it."

"Let me tell you about my plans and goals first."

Su Lang smiled slightly and pressed Fang Gan to sit down with a force of strength.

"Yes! Master!"

Fang Gan nodded seriously.

He really needs to understand what Su Lang wants.

What will I do in a world of great controversy? Is it biased towards preserving the endless universe, or desperately competing for the page of eternal life...


When Su Lang spoke, he was stunned.

"The goal of being a teacher is not to rely on the page of eternal life to complete detachment!"

"Because, according to the information I have now, to use the pages of eternal life to complete detachment, one must abandon the immortal body."

"Then, get eternal life just by the eternal existence of will."

Su Lang said indifferently, "But I don't want to be like this for my teacher, I want real eternal life for my teacher!"

"No... do not rely on the page of immortality to detach!?"

"But, Master, do we have other ways to escape!?"

Fang Gan first opened his eyes in amazement, and then asked in surprise.

If there are other ways of detachment beyond the pages of immortality, then there will be a second way for him to go. This is a great thing!


Su Lang's next words made his mental activities like riding a roller coaster up and down.

"Except for the page of eternal life."

"Of course there is a second way to detachment!"

Su Lang looked serious, and immediately revealed a complex expression, "It's just that, for ordinary people, this road is more difficult than detaching with the help of the page of immortality!!"


"It's harder than using the page of immortality!?"

"Yes, surpassing with the page of eternal life requires abandoning the eternal body, but the second way does not require abandoning, and the difficulty is naturally higher!"

Fang Gan sighed in his heart, and his expectations for the second path plummeted.

It is not even possible for him to detach with the help of the page of immortality, not to mention the harder way.

"Only a super power like Master... dare to go the second way!"

Fang Gan took a deep breath and asked, "It's just that, Master, what is this second way, and how should I go?"

"It's very simple."

"Make yourself strong enough!"

"As long as you have power far beyond the eternal realm, you have the hope to prove the Tao with force and complete true detachment!"

Su Lang smiled and said, "I am going to go this way as a teacher!"

"Master's ambition will surely be fulfilled!"

Fang Qianchang looked at him, his eyes filled with awe and admiration.

In the endless universe? I don't know how many eternal arrogances have been produced for countless years, but everyone has pinned their hope of detachment on the page of eternal life.

It was the first time that he saw a strong man like Su Lang who had to rely on his own strength to achieve detachment.


"True detachment, I must do it!"

"But for the blank pages of immortality, I also have some research interests."

Su Lang smiled happily, "Of course, if I can get it, I will just study it, and give it to you if you want it."

Hear this.

Fang Gan immediately shook his whole body and looked at Su Lang in surprise, "Master, what you said is true!?"

He originally only wanted to get an ordinary and complete page of immortality, pick the one that suits him, and try to detach himself.

But now, Su Lang actually promised to give it to him when he got the blank page of immortality!

For the other side, it was a great surprise!

He doesn't have the terrifying goal of Su Lang, and being able to achieve detachment with the help of the Page of Eternal Life is his greatest pursuit in this life.

"Naturally it is true!"

Su Lang nodded solemnly, "Furthermore, when the time comes to be a teacher with a complete will and eternal body detached, maybe he can directly take you out of the endless universe."


"It's true!"

"After the master proves the Tao with strength, there is no need to abandon the eternal body!"

"Disciple, I can take advantage of Master's life universe and escape from the endless universe!"

"Even if this is not detachment, you will be able to build a house at that time and look at the road to detachment. Then it will be easier to complete detachment."

"Take ten thousand steps, no more, there are still blank pages of eternal life available!"


Fang Gan murmured in surprise, he was intoxicated by the bright future!

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