"Friend Su Lang...you, have you finished reading the exercises?"

Fang Gan looked at Su Lang who was drinking tea in surprise.

Those more than 30 exercises can definitely not be completely read in a few cups of tea!

Su Lang looked relaxed, as if he had already read it.


"I looked at it roughly and got some clues."

Su Lang smiled faintly, "When I drink tea, think about it."

Hear this.

"That's it, that's great!"

Fang Gan was surprised, but he was shocked: ‘Su Lang has actually finished watching the exercises, and he has a clue so soon! This, this, true! ? ’


"Friends don't worry."

"I think about it, and there will be results soon!"

Su Lang pointed to his head, a confident smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

See here.

Fang Gan couldn't help being even more shocked.

‘Su Lang is so confident! ’

‘Could it be that the exercises I want to create are very simple for him! ? ’

"Impossible, my goal is to be at the top level of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm!" ’


He was thinking about it in a thousand thoughts, and there was a thick unbelievable in his heart.

But the previous experience made him understand that Su Lang was not ranting!

Su Lang is a humble person!

‘I don’t know how far Su Lang will do it? ’

‘Can I advance the process of creating exercises by more than half? ’

Fang Gan suppressed the horror in his heart and replaced it with a trace of growing expectations.

In a blink of an eye, some time passed.


The system prompt once again sounded ten times in a row.

This is already the fourth round ten times in a row.

It also means that the more than 30 exercises given by Fang Qian have all been completed, and Su Lang himself has completed ten exercises with the repair of fragments!

‘Oh, the practice is over again! ’

‘It’s so fast, it’s worth 3840 trillion times the speed of martial arts! ’

‘The system, activate the ten-heart martial arts function, and continue to practice the exercises for me! ’

While making a contemplative gesture, Su Lang gave instructions in his heart.

The remaining exercises, including three combined success methods, are also less than ten.

So he chose to use the ten-heart martial arts function, practice one by one!


The rest of the exercises are all done!

‘Through training is over! ’

‘I have to say that Fang Gan’s exercises are very mysterious, and are on a higher level than those of Gujun and others! ’

‘Furthermore, it’s a magnificent way, bright and upright, overbearing! ’

‘This is what I am slightly lacking. ’

‘Now, it’s a supplement! ’

Su Lang squinted his eyes, and the mystery of countless exercises emerged in his mind.

In Fang Gan's eyes, he had completely mastered the exercises that he could only practice.

And all go one step further, reaching the super-ease level!

The exercises are finished.

Next, it's time for the source of exercises function to come on stage!

'system! ’

‘Activate the source of exercises function! ’

‘Using designated exercises to deduct the highest-level exercises and secret techniques! ’

Su Lang locked in the exercises Fang Qian gave and the exercises he repaired with his divine mind, and immediately issued instructions.

As soon as the voice fell, the system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding! The source of the exercise is being deduced..."

The same as the previous deduction process.

In Su Lang's body, countless deep meanings of exercises emerged, condensed into a colorful sphere.

Immediately afterwards.

The sphere gradually became transparent, and then exploded!

The deduced secret technique is directly integrated into Su Lang's body and soul, forming an instinctive method.

'finished! ’

‘"Eternal Breath Style"! ’

‘Eternally powerful combat method with both offensive and defensive capabilities...’

Su Lang accepted the profound meaning of the new exercise and felt an extremely terrifying change in his body!

His eternal body has been madly improved on the original basis!

The defenses of the crystal wall cells of the skin on the body have increased exponentially, and the inner crystal wall universe has also expanded, and the cohesion of the power of the universe has been greatly enhanced.

Not only that.

Because the soul and body of the eternal warrior were forged, Su Lang's soul has also been improved.

It should be known that Su Lang's soul is now approaching the level of ‘Extreme Nirvana’!

It can improve his soul, which shows the power of this "eternal flood".

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