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Chapter 2864: Su Lang’s plan is prepared with both hands

The natural universe, as well as countless intelligent creatures, will usher in the end.

Su Lang is not a good person, but he doesn't want to see this scene.

However, he is also very interested in the blank pages of immortality.

Although he chose to open up a path of surpassing the ‘providing the way by force’ that no one has ever walked through, there is no need to use a blank page of eternal life.

But for this mysterious thing, it is necessary to have the clearest and complete understanding.

The general immortal page is formed from the use of the blank immortal page.

What about the blank page of immortality? how come? Appeared out of thin air? It must be impossible!

Therefore, Su Lang hopes to pick the fruit of victory from Jingyunzi's deity and get a blank page of immortality for research.

However, in this way, the battle of great controversy must be carried out, and the endless universe is bound to be damaged.

"If you stand on the side of the three ancient forces."

"It doesn't matter that their purpose is to maintain their rule."

"If they win, it's a fact that they can preserve the endless universe, but it's also a fact that they won't get a blank page of eternal life for research."

"In addition, how can I join the three ancient forces, they are old and rotten, and they are very xenophobic."

"Even if I fully disclose Jingyunzi's plan to them, they may not easily believe it.

"The key point is that their combat power is also very good. They are big bosses who have lived for countless years. It's hard to impress."

"Finally, the Sacred Demon Cult among the three ancient powers is somewhat unstable in its own position."

"It is difficult for the three major powers to truly unite, and the three major transformational universe beads cannot be collected, and they cannot prevent the deterioration of the Lingxu Fragmented Domain Universe White Realm."


Su Lang kept thinking in his heart, frowning slightly.

After a while.

He loosened his brows and made a decision.

"Since it's hard to choose."

"Then I won't choose, just make two-handed preparations!"

"I will make arrangements for both camps, and finally make the final decision depending on the situation!"

A gleam of light flashed in Su Lang's eyes, "If you can achieve both, then it will be the best result!"

Immediately afterwards.

He starts to act!

"Clone dispatch!"

Su Lang's heart moved, all the clones put down their work and appeared in front of him.

At present, the clone function has reached level 58, and the total number of clones has reached 174, all of which are true eternal levels of the Nine Universes!

This amount.

It has reached several times the number of Nine Eternal Warriors of the Shocking Cloud Alliance.

"Xing Cuan Yun He!"

Su Lang ordered again in his heart.

Part of the avatar in front of him and the twin avatars fused together to form a more powerful eternal martial artist of the Nine Universes.

"go with!"

"Find me the three ancient powers!"

Su Lang waved his big hand, and the avatars of stars and clouds disappeared from the original place and were dispatched to the rest of the universe outside of countless natural universes.

There was no movement in the whole process, and there was no sound. Except for Su Lang himself, no one knew about it.

"Baiying avatar!"

Su Lang gave another order in his heart.

One avatar unfolds the avatar of one hundred shadows, transforming one into one hundred, forming one hundred avatars of the top level of the eight universes.


Su Lang sent the remaining clones to continue to work, then took out a jade card from the collection and joined the group chat.

At this time, the information space of Jixun Yupai is relatively quiet, and there are few speakers.

"Friends of Taoism."

"Are you interested in discussing Taoism with Su Moupin Ming?"

Su Lang's yellow message appeared in the collection space, instantly making the entire collection space completely quiet.

Immediately afterwards.

It was like a stone dropped into a calm lake, causing a lot of waves!

"It's Senior Su Lang!"

"Senior Su Lang has spoken!"

"Senior, this is looking for people to discuss the Tao and exchange ideas!"

"Hey, if I could talk to Senior Su Lang, it would be an honour, but it's a pity that my strength is low."

"Me too, I'm afraid I won't be able to seize this opportunity."


Each eternal warrior was very excited at first.

But when they thought that Su Lang was a big boss who killed the seven great nine celestial intermediate powers with one enemy and seven, they didn't have the confidence to talk to Su Lang.

at this time.

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