One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2855: Thoroughly Shocking Yunzi’s Secret

Because I have just seen Shang Jiuqu, the impression is strong.

Moreover, Jing Yunzi also had some plans for Shang Jiuqu, so he had many thoughts in his mind.

right now.

A small part of these thoughts was seen by Su Lang!

And this time.

Su Lang was shocked when he saw Jing Yunzi's incomplete thoughts!

"Jing Yunzi really isn't as simple as it seems!"

"Even, the entire Jingyun Alliance is a conspiracy!"

"Me, as well as many people who have joined the Jingyun Alliance, are pawns in Jingyunzi's eyes!"

"In addition, Jing Yunzi was in the same group with Xuanyu Alliance, Zangzhen Sect, and Master Yujing!"

"Even, the four of them, the boy of the leader of Xuanyu, the boy of the master of the Tibetan sect, the middle-aged Jingyunzi of the Jingyun Alliance, the old man and the master of the Jing, are all clones created by the same powerful mind and special magical powers, and chess pieces!

"This great power... I don't know the title, I don't know the age... I don't know any information, I only know that there is such a person."

"Hey, I didn't expect it, I never expected that the people who contributed to the entire world of great controversy turned out to be the same person."

"Does this mean that he is fighting the three ancient forces with one person! It's amazing, really amazing!"

Su Lang looked at the thoughts and thoughts that had accidentally flashed through Jing Yunzi's heart, and a turbulent sea was set off in his heart.


He has entered the storm of a world of great controversy and has become a **** in the eyes of others.


If you don’t know it, you might be taken advantage of.

But now.

Now that you know the other party's plan, it's easy to handle.

Su Lang decided to frighten Yunzi's wool to his heart's content.

Jing Yunzi is that mysterious and powerful clone, there are definitely many good things!

In addition, the eternal warriors of the entire Shocking Cloud Alliance are all excellent settlers of the Infinite!

It would be great if the entire Shocking Cloud Alliance could be brought under his command.

of course.

Su Lang knew that Jing Yunzi would not let this happen.

Can only say, do your best.

Su Lang silently made a decision in his heart, and immediately looked at another piece of information

——Three ancient powers, mastering the three treasures of the innate cosmic spheres of the endless cosmos, the magnanimous cosmic bead, the cosmic cosmic bead and the chaotic cosmic bead.

These three treasures can stabilize the large natural universe, suppress the universe, and even heal the natural universe eroded by the universe.

It's just that the three ancient forces are not in harmony with each other, each has its own defenses, and it is difficult to truly unite together, and it is impossible to entrust the three treasures to the hands of one person.

"The three ancient forces want to preserve their ruling territory, but it is difficult to truly unite together."

"That's why I was taken advantage of, and gradually formed a faction against them, that is, those who seek detachment."

"At present, the world of great controversy is coming. If the three major forces still cannot truly unite and suppress the war, then the entire Lingxu Fragmented Realm is likely to be beaten completely, forming a vast universe of white realm."

"The rifts formed in the Universe White Realm in the rest of the world, such as the rift between the Yilong Universe and Doudu Universe, will also deteriorate drastically!"

"At that time, the endless universe is likely to be torn into countless parts, and then linger for a while, and finally completely dying out under the power of the universal white world!"

"The three ancient powers, the Holy Demon Cult, the Ming Secret Universe, and the Dragon Territory, what choices will they make!"

Su Lang thought in his heart, planning to find an opportunity to explore the situation of the three ancient forces.


His attention was attracted by Jing Yunzi's other thoughts, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor Yanling Zhou? Shang Jiuqu? Is this guy not dead?"

"It shouldn't be, Youtian Sword and Perfect Plunder work at the same time, and Shang Jiuqu's backhands will not work. How could he not die!"

"Shang Jiuqu is definitely dead, but Jing Yunzi's speculation is correct. This Yanling Zhou Emperor and Shang Jiuqu are extremely closely related!"

Su Lang touched his chin, thinking in his heart, "Look for a chance to see what this guy is."

at this time.

"Friend Su Lang."

"The major exercises you want have been burned!"

Jing Yunzi smiled gently and handed the jade slip to Su Lang.

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