One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2847: All-round nine-plane combat power

This wooden sign.

It was the original exercise method he created after listening to Jing Yunzi's preaching, combined with his own knowledge.

This Su Lang original technique.

In this aspect of splitting the world of crystal wall cells, it is definitely more powerful than Jing Yunzi's method!

"When the number of empowerments is refreshed, I will instill it to the people below, Chu Xiaobei, Ji Ruxue...all need it."

Su Lang thought so, a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.


He looked at his mysterious black space.

During the period of Jing Yunzi's preaching, the cultivator has accumulated a huge amount of cultivation base, and it is time to perfect the Crystal Wall Universe in a large amount!

"The 59-level one-key training function, 7680 billion times the training speed, is awesome!"

Su Lang smiled excitedly, rubbed his hands, and immediately issued instructions, "System, start the Crystal Wall Universe function for me!"

The voice just fell.

Countless cultivation bases suddenly poured into Su Lang's body from the cultivation villain!

The huge amount of cultivation is like a Tianhe, blending into the power of the Great Avenue of Time, pouring into the crystal wall world one by one.

Immediately, these forces merged with the thousands of avenues of space in the crystal wall world, completely perfecting the entire world into a crystal wall universe that can condense the power of the universe!

Compared with the ordinary eternal warrior of the nine universes.

Su Lang's speed in perfecting the Crystal Wall Universe is simply abnormal, and he can perfect the Crystal Wall Universe on the order of tens of millions in an instant!


The cultivation base is completely exhausted, but the number of Crystal Wall Universe has also increased by more than 5,000!

That is, more than five thousand trillion crystal wall universes!

In such a short time.

Su Lang has obtained the fruits of countless millions of years of hard work by the rest of the eternal strong.

at this time.

The number of his crystal wall universe has reached 18,530!

It's not far from the true Nine Universe Eternal Realm!


"Open the properties panel!"

Su Lang's heart moved, and a panel suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human race

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Eight Eternity

[Attack level]: Jiuzhou Eternal

[Defensive level]: Jiuzhou Eternal

[Shenfa level]: Jiuzhou Eternal

[Endurance Level]: Nine Universes Eternal

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Universality+

[Mastering the exercises]: "Unlimited Liyu Juntian Chaos Sutra", "Ten Thousand Laws Return to OneĀ·Infinite Profound Meaning" (Eternal Grade, Super Yi)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 59), one-key martial arts function (level 58), one-key clone function (level 58), one-key treasure hunting function (level 57), one-key alchemy function (level 23) Level), one-key mixer function (level 23), one-key refinement function (level 22), one-key synthesis function (level 23), one-key empowerment function (level 33), one-key enhancement function (level 18), One-key decomposition function (no level)

"Finally, all attributes have reached the level of the Nine Universes!"

"The spirit level has also reached the advanced level in the realm of Huanni, which is better than Jing Yunzi!"

"Cultivating for a few more days, with the function of'spiritual cultivation', my soul will be able to go to the realm of extreme nirvana!"

"As long as the bottleneck is reached, using the function of the'Extreme Nirvana Soul', you will be able to break the barrier in one fell swoop and succeed in an instant!

"I don't know if there is a strong soul in this endless universe that has reached the realm of extreme nirvana?"

Su Lang glanced at his attribute panel and nodded in satisfaction, with some expectations for the brand new soul realm in his eyes.

of course.

The eternal body is the foundation, and it is necessary to give priority to improvement.

"I will work harder."

"If you practice for a few more days, you will be able to reach the Nine Eternal Realm!"

"At that time, my combat power will definitely undergo a qualitative change again, and the overall combat power will skyrocket!"

"And before that, I can improve other aspects, such as exercises, weapons, and formations!"


Su Lang silently calculated in his heart, even if he put his attention on the villain Xiwu.

at this time.

"Ding! "Audi Ni Linglu" has reached the super-easy level!"

Accompanied by system prompts.

It is also a large amount of exercises and secrets that have been incorporated into Su Lang's body and soul.

This exercise is also the last one of the many exercises he got in the last war.

The rest of the exercises will be completed by the way when you accumulate your cultivation base.

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