One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2827: Daoist Su Lang is really hard

So far.

Everything that can be decomposed is decomposed!

Su Lang couldn't find anything that could continue to decompose, so he stopped.

"Don't say, this decomposition function is really addictive."

A faint smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and immediately began to deal with the rest of the spoils.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are seven corpses in the Nine Eternal Realm.

A complete eternal body in the Nine Universe Eternal Realm is definitely one of the most rare treasures in the endless universe.

But Su Lang alone got seven!

And each one is more perfect.


"Transfer the eternal life universe and the life world in the crystal wall universe!"

Su Lang took a deep breath and began this extremely vast project.


He left several clones, avatars and twin avatars.

Plus the three obtained by just upgrading the one-click clone function.

After using the Baiying clone, there are also nearly a thousand Baiying clones.

These Hundred Shadows clones helped Su Lang transfer the life continents and planets within the eternal body, with exceptional skill!

Follow the old rules.

It must be Su Lang, a treasure land with a sufficiently high level.

The rest of the land will be temporarily set aside, whether it is used as a spare, or left to Chu Xiaobei and others, it will not be wasted anyway.

Time passed slowly.

Su Lang gradually transferred all the eternal bodies of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm!

His body.

Each of the more than 60,000 crystal wall universes and worlds has the largest and most prosperous continent that the current cell space can withstand!

Countless intelligent creatures live on every continent.

Especially after accepting the wise creatures remaining in the world of the Seven Nine Eternals such as Gujun Zhoudi.

The creatures in Su Lang's body have skyrocketed!

Therefore, the incense aspiration power obtained is more and more terrifying.

Every minute and every second, countless wise creatures knelt under Su Lang's feet and worshipped, offering their most pious aspirations!

"The Land of Reincarnation and the Nest of Civilization did a great job."

"Presumably, I can't use multiple levels, and my incense emperor soldiers can upgrade again."


Su Lang felt the majestic aspiration coming from the cells in his body, and there was a ray of expectation in his eyes.

After processing the eternal body.

Su Lang's gaze fell on that secret technique.

Although Emperor Gu Jun Zhou and others did not see their complete inheritance in the body world, or other places, they only remembered it in their minds.

But this can't help Su Lang.

He had long used the secret of the word thief to steal the remaining profound meanings of some exercises, repaired and perfected them with fragments, and formed the most perfect original of the exercises.

Of course, the situation was urgent during the war. Except for Shang Jiuqu and Fengdizhou Emperor, most of the others had only stolen a part of their exercises.

despite this.

The total number of part of the exercises of the seven Nine Universes Eternal Realm adds up, and the number far exceeds all the inheritance of two or three Nine Universes!

"[Tian Jun·Huahong Zhan], [Ding Realm Domain], [Tian Jun·Jue Zhan],"

"There are also [Sudden Sword·Split Universe], [Zhenhong·Guanxinpo], [Jieming·Renwan] many, so good!!"

Su Lang flipped through the storage space and used fragments to restore the original exercises, and the corners of his mouth gradually sketched out a satisfied smile.

Next second.

He activated the one-click martial arts function and began to practice these newly acquired techniques.

Seeing the ten martial arts villains busy in the mysterious black space, Su Lang couldn't help feeling happier.


"Just count the three classics of the alchemy array and enrich your three knowledge!"

"Also, the one-key pill alchemy function can't be idle. This battle consumes a lot of pill, so I have to replenish it."

"Fortunately, there are enough trophies and material conversion function, so there is no need to worry about the type and quality of materials."


The color of thinking flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and he immediately took out some alchemy classics and read it.

"Friend Su Lang is really hardworking!"

"Even on the way, I didn't forget to study the exercises and classics, it makes me ashamed to wait!"

Jing Yunzi saw Su Lang take out the alchemy books out to read, and suddenly smiled and exclaimed.

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