One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2811: This dog is really good at hiding


Facing the blazing killing intent of Wan Qixing and the six others, Su Lang suddenly sneered.


"Every one of you is no longer young, why are you so naive?"

A faint smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, "I don't even know if I am a clone, just say I'm dead?"

This statement came out.

The gray-robed old man, the young beautiful woman and the middle-aged Big Han were taken aback.

Indeed, the opponent has only a weak Nine Universe level aura, it doesn't look like the deity!

But at this moment.


"Su Lang, you deceived the other fellow daoists, but you can't deceive us!"

"You old cunning man, what you like most is to hide your cultivation base and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"At first you killed my clone, and then you fought with me. Which one was not like this!"

"Finally, if you weren't sent by the deity, how could you chase me so tightly!?"

"Tongding Daoist, fellow Daoists, this Su Lang is telling lies, he wants to wait for an opportunity to escape, don't believe him!"

Shang Jiuqu stood palely from the side, his voice clenched his teeth and said with a powerful voice.

"Not bad!"

"This dog is really good at hiding!"

"Everyone, don't believe his plan, this is his deity!"

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou is also a heavy nod. At first, he did not stop Su Lang carelessly, and finally caused the tragedy of the destruction of the old nest!

Hearing the words of Shang Jiuqu and Gu Jun.

The originally hesitant Emperor Tongding Zhou and others also firmed up their ideas.

They knew that Su Lang was not easy, and it was easier to accept it now.

And the reaction of the seven of them.

It was a little funny in Su Lang's eyes.

He is obviously just a clone!

The other side is waiting, like a big enemy, terribly jealous!

"Tsk tut!"

"You really give people the feeling of being bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the ropes!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched and he said playfully.

"Everyone, stop talking nonsense with him, kill him!"

Shang Jiuqu's eyes are blood-red, and his voice is low, and he said in an angry voice.


Gu Jun nodded his head heavily, "This person's status is so good, be careful that he escapes!"

"rest assured!"

"When I first came to this universe, I had already started imprisonment!"

"Now the entire natural universe is temporarily banned, and it is impossible to cross the barriers of time and space in a short time!"

The gray-robed old man Tongding Emperor Zhou smiled coldly!

Immediately after.

I saw a cold brilliance flashed through the surrounding time and space.

"Sure enough!"

Wan Qixing felt the time and space around him, trying to shuttle through the barriers of time and space, but found that he could not do it in a short time.


"I also used time and space barriers."

"This kind of confinement, even I myself can't actively open it in a short time."

The middle-aged man laughed loudly, "Look where this Su Lang child is fleeing this time!"

"This guy is pretty handsome."

The young beautiful woman stroked her lips, smiling charmingly, "After killing, I want his body!"

The crowd seemed to be talking.

In private, they are still using methods to confine the space and time of the natural universe to prevent Su Lang from escaping!

at this time.


"These imprisonment methods are really good."

Su Lang laughed and clapped his hands, "It's a pity, it's still useless for me."

He can directly take the clone back into the mysterious black space.

Any imprisonment is useless!


"Death is imminent, still stiff!"

"Everyone, kill him and avenge our dead Wu Xiu!"

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou coldly snorted, pinched in his hand, and the blue thin blade emerged, and countless small threads grew from the blade handle to connect with his arm!


Man and blade become one!

An extremely powerful aura bloomed from his body, and he reached the intermediate level of the Nine Universes.




Wanqixing, Song Yuanchen and others sacrificed their weapons one after another, and all kinds of great sounds suddenly sounded crazily.


The movement is quite large, but the quality of the weapons is not very good. They are only the weapons of the Eight Eternal Realm, and at most they are infinitely close to the level of the Nine Realms.

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