One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2804: This Su Lang is really terrible


"Now, Shang Jiuqu should also be on the way to Xuanyu Alliance."

"He will not return to his lair, so as not to be chased by Su Lang and destroy his lair."

"It is estimated that it will not be long before you can see Shang Jiuqu and confirm from him that what I said is true or false."

"Unfortunately, my lair has been completely destroyed by Su Lang, and none of the immediate subordinates are spared, they are all dead."

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou sighed for the fourth time, and raised his right hand to cover the place where his left heart was, his old face was wrinkled unnaturally.


"Daoist Gujun has said so, it must not be false."

"This Su Lang is so terrible, who is he!"

"I didn't look at him directly at the beginning. I never thought he was so terrifying!"


After listening to Emperor Gujun Zhou's words, Wan Qixing and Song Yuanchen all took a cold breath, and their pupils couldn't stop shrinking.

In their opinion, Gujun Zhoudi and Shang Jiuqu are about the same as their own.

Then, Shang Jiuqu was defeated by Su Lang, and it was estimated that it would be difficult for the two of them to go up alone.

at this time.

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou spoke again.


"Su Lang may be stronger!"

Emperor Gujun Zhou took a deep breath and said, "According to the information obtained from Shang Jiuqu, Su Lang still has a variety of powerful eternal weapons and the Jiuzhou Eternal Realm, but they have not been displayed in the previous wars. !"


Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing swallowed a bit of difficulty at the same time.

According to Gu Jun's words, Su Lang defeated Shang Jiuqu without doing his best! ?

If this is done with all his strength, I am afraid that it will not be able to kill Shang Jiuqu on the spot! ?


Emperor Gu Jun Zhou spoke again.

"More importantly!"

"During the war, I found his martial arts aptitude was the most terrifying!"

"He got my seven-character secret technique, and he has already practiced far more than me. If I use the seven-character secret to fight against it, I will definitely die!"

He looked gloomy and uncertain, and slowly said: "Fortunately, I still have the remaining secret techniques..."


"This Su Lang is really terrible!"

"Yes! Even if the combat power is so strong, the qualification is so terrifying!"

"If this is to give him some time, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach the top level of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm, and get a glimpse of the higher realm that has never been seen before?"


Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing looked at each other, exclaiming, while their eyes flickered.

Su Lang is really as powerful as Gu Jun said.

Then why not talk to Su Lang and invite him to join the Xuanyu Alliance?

As for the contradiction with Gujun Zhou Emperor and Shang Jiuqu, as long as you pay a certain price, it should be resolved!


The next words of Emperor Gujun Zhou broke the illusion of Song Yuanchen and the other two.


"In my chamber."

"Your attitude towards Su Lang has made him very dissatisfied."

"And a person like him, arrogant and evil, will repay him."

Emperor Gu Jun said in a cold voice, "So, you still don't want to recruit him!"

This statement came out.

Suddenly Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing were stagnant, and they sighed together.

At the top of Gujun Zhoudi's tower, they really had a bad attitude towards Su Lang.

Even if Emperor Li Xuanzhou sent out an invitation to Su Lang, it was finally cancelled.

This is enough to leave a gap between Su Lang and Xuanyu Alliance.

If you had to recruit Su Lang, the price to pay would be much higher.

Moreover, Emperor Gujun Zhou and Shang Jiuqu may not compromise.

After all, these two were beaten to death by Su Lang.

One person was overturned by Su Langgan, burned, killed and looted, leaving no piece of armor!

"Friend Gujun, don't worry!"

"Our Xuanyu Alliance is not accessible to everyone!"

"That Su Lang comes from a weird background, he behaves viciously and viciously, and he has made enemies with Daoist Gujun. It is naturally impossible for us to recruit him."

"On the contrary, I will truthfully report this matter to the higher authorities and let the Alliance contribute their efforts to obliterate this Su Lang!"


Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing said each sentence.

After hearing this, Emperor Gu Jun Zhou nodded heavily, his face improved a lot.

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