One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2789: The embarrassed Gu Jun and the other three


The red sword net became empty!


"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"How could he suddenly disappear from my sword net!"

"Even in the real Nine Universe Eternal Realm, it can't be done so easily!"

"What exactly is going on!!"


Emperor Gu Jun Zhou stared at his sword net with stunned eyes, he couldn't believe his eyes!

"Ah, what happened!"

"Then why Su Lang suddenly disappeared!"

"This is false, the Eight Eternal Realm can be easily escaped in the hands of the Nine Eternal Realm!?"

"I have lived for so many hundred million years. This is the first time I have seen you, the first time I have seen you!!!"

"This Su Lang is really a talent!"

Emperor Li Xuanzhou, Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing were also stunned, staring at each other.

The trace of regret in Emperor Li Xuanzhou's heart became intense, and even Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing had the same psychology.

If Su Lang can enter the eternal realm of the eight universes, it must be a very powerful one!

'lost! ’

‘People are lost! ’

‘How is this possible! ’

‘It’s impossible to escape from me in the eternal realm of the eight universes! ! ’

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou widened his eyes, looking at his hands, his eyes were full of disbelief and self-doubt.


"This kind of weird secret technique must have a lot of limitations!"

"Su Lang, this guy can't run far, I have to hurry up!"

Suddenly, Emperor Gu Jun Zhou's expression shook, and a wave of residual aura, wave, and energy condensed between his waves.

"Eye of Hollow·Che!!"

The emperor Gu Jun Zhou suddenly activated his supernatural powers, using the breath, fluctuations, and energy in his hands as the medium to search where Su Lang was.


His secret technique is only effective within a certain range, not as good as Tongyu's Divine Orb.


The secret technique is invalid!

"Do not!"

"How could there be no reaction at all!"

"Su Lang can't run that far, he is just an eternal realm of eight cosmos!"


Emperor Gu Jun Zhou exclaimed, the unbelievable in his eyes has reached the extreme!

"What, I didn't find it!"

"Then Su Lang escaped completely!"

"Even Daoist Gujun can't search for his secret technique!?"


Emperor Li Xuanzhou, Song Yuanchen and Wan Qixing were all extremely surprised.

"Three fellow daoists help me!"

Emperor Gujun Zhou did not hesitate, immediately clasped his fists to the three of them, and handed over Su Lang's breath, fluctuations, and energy.

"My cultivation is shallow, so I don't have to try."

Emperor Li Xuanzhou shook his head and refused.

"I'll give it a try!"

Song Yuanchen waved his hand to take in Su Lang's breath, fluctuations and energy, and began to cast the spell.


After a while, he also twitched his mouth and gave up silently.

"This son is so cunning! Can't you find it?"

Wan Qixing frowned, ingested Su Lang's breath and other things from Song Yuanchen's hands, and began to perform secret techniques.


He only determined Su Lang's general direction.

"East south."

"Other than that, there is no more detailed information."

Wan Qixing shook his head, also very shocked in his heart.

They shot three Nine Universe Eternals one after another, and they were unable to pursue an Eight Eternal Realm!

If this is said, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked!

'This! ’

‘How can this be good! ’

‘It’s a great loss to get out of Su Lang! ’

‘I knew that this kid could escape this way, so I should promise Emperor Li Xuanzhou, let him join the Xuanyu Alliance first, and then slowly deal with him! ’

‘No matter how bad, you can get a lot of gains if you kill him directly! ’

‘Now it’s alright, this guy is not easy, if he grows up, the trouble will be big! ’


Emperor Gu Jun Zhou felt extremely regretful in his heart, but he was too regretful.

"What should we do now?"

Emperor Li Xuanzhou looked at the three of them and said hesitantly.

The scene was silent.

The three of them were very embarrassed.

Especially Gu Jun Zhou Emperor, he understated to clean up Su Lang, but it turned out that no one could catch it anymore.

at this time!

Emperor Gu Jun Zhou suddenly changed his expression and took out a jade card for communication.

This communication jade card was used for direct contact with Shang Jiuqu, and it was just handed over to Shang Jiuqu.

Gu Jun never expected to use it so soon!

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