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Chapter 2765: Su Lang, who do you look down on

It was also when Su Lang was practicing exercises.

In a high-level cosmic region extremely far away from Doudu cosmic region.

The vast and boundless high-level universe is trembling slightly!

Within it, countless star fields were torn apart and destroyed in the time and space whistling waves!

And all this is only because the master here is angry.

However, I saw an incomparably magnificent purple-robed giant standing in the void. The giant's face was handsome and enchanting. It was in the same tune with Shang Qu Han. It was his deity, Shang Jiu Qu!

The reason why he became such a terrifying giant was entirely to vent his anger.

"Damn it!"

"Su Lang child! Choppy! Dead chopsticks!!"

"Knowing that the deity is the eternity of the Nine Universes, he even dared to oppose me and kill me the clone that was hard to cultivate!"

"You can't escape the palm of the deity, the deity will use the cruelest means to torture you until the longevity is exhausted!"


Shang Jiuqu's expression on his right hand loosened immediately, and countless gravel and soil spilled in his palm, which was a complete star field crushed by him!

For Su Lang.

He hates it to the extreme!

There are only two clones like Shang Quhan!

But now in that remote place, one was killed by the Sulang District Eight Zhou Eternal!

This is not only a great loss, but also an endless shame for him! !


"Su Lang child! You wait!"

Shang Jiuqu gritted his teeth and rattled, his eyes filled with fierce light!


With a wave of his hand, an aura condensed, it was Su Lang's aura!

"Tongyu·God Seeking Technique!"

Shang Jiuqu unfolded the tracking secret technique, turning this breath into a bead!

This was exactly the method used by Shang Quhan to chase Su Lang before, and it was no worse than the "hunting soul" of the treasure hunting ancestors.

There are countless natural universes.

This Tongyu Searching God Orb also locked Su Lang's current position!

"Still Doudu universe has not shifted?"

"Su Lang Miscellaneous, who do you look down upon!!"

Shang Jiuqu observed Su Lang's position, and he was suddenly surprised and angry!

Thinking in another way, if he is in Su Lang's situation, he will definitely move immediately, trying to get rid of the pursuit of the eternal enemies of the Nine Universes, instead of waiting for death in place.

However, Su Lang did not move!

"Do you think he can cope with the deity's attack at any time? He is so arrogant to this point?"

After Shang Jiuqu was furious at Su Lang's "abnormality", he calmed down instead, "No, he is not stupid, maybe he really has support!"


Shang Jiuqu thought of that possibility again

——Su Lang is very likely to be another eternal clone of the Nine Universes or simply rebuilt by the Great Power of the Nine Universes.

Although Su Lang has personally denied it.

But how can the enemy's words be believed?

"Is he really a clone of the Great Nine Universe or rebuild?"

"No, this matter must be investigated, otherwise you can't do it!"

"Anyway, Tongyu Mi Shenzhu has locked Na Su Lang's position, and I am not afraid of losing his trace!"


Shang Jiuqu took a deep breath, the anger on his face gradually suppressed and turned into calm.

It just so happened.

A piece of information appeared in his mind, this is his other clone, Shang Quyan sent back news.

In addition to Shang Quyan, Shang Jiuqu also has some clones, but the level of cultivation is much lower.

"Shang Quyan, have you finally found a clue!"

A hint of joy flashed across Shang Jiuqu's calm face, and he immediately checked the piece of information.

"Master is here!"

"Qu Yan, fortunately, did not humiliate his life, and finally found the whereabouts of the page of immortality in the Li Xuan universe, and some information!"

"The page of immortality of the Lixuan universe is a complete page of immortality, in the hands of Emperor Lixuan, but he has not assimilated yet."


After reading the information, Shang Jiuqu showed a smile on his face.

Although he was still very, very upset because of Su Lang, at least it was much better than before.

"The complete page of eternal life!"

"It's more valuable than the torn page in Su Lang's hands!"

"The incomplete page of immortality, even if it is assimilated to a certain extent, can enter the universal white world, it is destined to be unable to walk far in the white world, and the chance of detachment is almost zero!


Shang Jiuqu thought, with a sneer on his face.

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