One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2745: Blood-haired man and the ancestor of Yilong

In the Doudu universe.

Somewhere in the natural universe closer to Doudu universe.

The mysterious blood-haired man hides in the void, and no one can find him.

The reason why the people from the Yilong universe suddenly appeared in the Doudu universe was naturally his handwriting.

In the Yilong universe.

With the power of one person, he conquered the entire Yilong universe, and beat fear.

Immediately, he lured him to profit, assuming that his deity was the strongest of the Nine Eternal Realm, made various promises, and also promised to lead the Eight Eternal Dragon Ancestors of the Yilong Universe to search the page of eternal life together!


Under the leadership of the Eternal Dragon Ancestor of the Eight Universes, the entire Yilong Universe is fully devoted to the blood-haired man!

at this time.

The eternal ancestor dragon of the eight universes led the eternal strong in the clan, together with the old eternal strong of blood-haired men, began to weave a net of siege against Su Lang!

Each and every eternal powerhouse is like a virus, madly invading Doudu Universe, which is much stronger than the invasion of Yuzhou Universe in the past!

Relying on the map of the universe.

The road to round-up made by the blood-haired man is very tight and perfect.

If Su Lang wants to escape, he will be able to stop him immediately!

"The net of siege has been shed."

"Su Lang must have also known the news."

"But with his combat power, he probably won't be too jealous of the Yilong universe, he won't choose to escape, but choose to fight!"

"So, he must still be in the Doudu universe now!"


There was a chill in the blood-haired man's eyes, even if he was about to call the ancestor of Yilong, he went to Doudu universe

——The so-called net of siege is just to prevent Su Lang from falling off just in case.

Only he and the ancestor of Yilong are the ones who have to face Su Lang.

But at this moment!

A message suddenly appeared in his transmission treasure.

The transmission of the Treasure Tool was very dynamic, and a trace of blue electricity broke out directly, reminding the blood-haired man of important news!


"This is the most urgent way for my guards to show up. What happened!"


The blood-haired man's expression changed, his movements stagnated, and his brows slightly frowned.

He picked up the communication treasure that not only bursts with blue current, and poured the power of the universe.


A picture is condensed.

"the host!"

"The subordinate encounters the mysterious seven eternal powerhouse, this person has almost reached the level of the eight cosmos, and the subordinate can't hold it!"

"Ah, the blood spirit broke out! I fought with you!"


In the picture, a frightened look of the eternal blue-haired man of the Seven Universes said anxiously, and he could see that there was a barrier about to break in front of him.


The barrier is broken!

The green-haired man showed a decisive expression, and he happily performed a self-harming secret technique, and his whole body suddenly exploded!


The next moment.

A white sword light occupies all of his vision.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-haired man saw his guard pierced by sword light and died directly!

"Damn it!"

"Then Su Lang has such a powerful subordinate!?"

"Moreover, I happened to be bumped into by my guard!?"

"Besides Su Lang, in Doudu Zhouyu, is there really such a powerful person?"

The blood-haired man did not see the appearance of Su Lang's avatar from the transmission projection, only saw a figure shrouded in bright light.

Separated from a large number of natural universes, he couldn't develop his spiritual thoughts to investigate only by relying on the transmission treasure.

at this time.

The sudden accident brought the blood-haired man's actions to a halt.

He took the jade card of transmission and sent orders to the subordinates in the universe near the guard to investigate.

As for himself, he set off again to the Doudu Universe.

He is fast!

The ancestor of Yilong lurking forward from other directions is also fast.

The two have entered the Doudu universe in just a few breaths!

On the platform.

"Seven Eternal Realm Warriors!"

"And it's a very strong kind!"

"The key point is that the one killed by the clone just now has no dragon veins on his body, and the exercises he practiced obviously have nothing to do with the dragon clan!"

"Could it be that this is just one case?"

Through the sharing of perception, Su Lang carefully observed the blood-haired man's guard, a trace of doubt arose in his eyes.

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