One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2730: The universe is useless, I am poor again

The sword of life has also evolved into the Seven Eternal Realm.

But the number of enhancements was slightly lower, with only five enhancements, and finally reached the primary level of the Eight Eternal Realm.

But this level is sufficient for the time being, and if you continue to strengthen it, the cost performance will be significantly reduced.

After the strengthening is over.

Su Lang also started to strengthen the qualitative change function.


Another wave of materials was consumed.

Immediately, the "indestructible" characteristics of Tianjia's eight-sided shield were strengthened.

The original "indestructible" feature is to double the defense power.

But under the action of strengthening the qualitative change function, the "indestructible" effect has become ten times!

This undoubtedly greatly increased the defensive effect of Infinity!

Originally, the damage that the defensive imperial soldiers could bear was more than their own weapon level, and they could barely resist two attacks against attacks much higher than their own.

The defense power has now become ten times that of the basic defense.

This makes it no longer a problem for Tianjia Eight-Edged Shield to block the eternal high-level of the Eight Eternals in a short time!

Let's talk about the sword of life.

After the strengthening and qualitative change, the healing effect of the sword of life has been greatly improved, almost reaching the eternal intermediate level of the eight universes!

In addition, the sword of life has the "consumption reduction" feature, which makes it more effective in actual combat!

"Next, is the world of reincarnation and the nest of civilization!"

"These two weapons are the pinnacle of the Five Eternal Realm."

"But now I have entered the Six Eternal Realm. Recently, I have killed a large number of Eternal Realm experts and plundered countless creatures!"

"For the world of reincarnation and the nest of civilization, the pressure will definitely increase greatly."


Su Lang thought in his heart, and started the weapon upgrade process in his hand.

Everything was familiar, and soon the world of reincarnation and the nest of civilization reached the pinnacle of the eternal state of the seven universes under the dual effects of evolution and strengthening!

And both weapons have completed five enhancements.

This means that they will be able to use an "enhanced qualitative change"!

Su Lang did not hesitate and immediately used the enhanced qualitative change function on them.

Neither weapon has received any special enhancements and qualitative changes, but the basic capabilities have increased, which is equivalent to a major enhancement.

Su Lang put the two weapons back into his body, and immediately looked at himself, overlooking the countless crystal wall universe.

However, a more complete system of reincarnation has been established in the realm of reincarnation!

every second.

There are countless trillions of souls passing on the road of reincarnation.

Although Su Lang has only four incense fire emperor soldiers, Xiaoluo has completed more "hells" to punish the sinful.


The current road to reincarnation is the same as the myth that Su Lang has heard before, it is full!

But under the management of countless "ghost chasers" and "ghost officials" cultivated by Xiaoluo, everything is in order.

Let's talk about the nest of civilization.

To this day, the Nest of Civilization is no longer comparable.

The spores he produced now can evolve any kind of creature that exists in Su Lang's body!


With the nourishment of a large number of eternal bodies, the Nest of Civilization has gained almost infinite energy!


After Su Lang transferred the life planets and continents in the Eternal Body, the remaining crystal wall world was difficult to use.

But after passing through the nest of civilization, these unusable eternal bodies became countless creatures in Su Lang's body.

Whether these creatures are bodies or souls, they will eventually belong to Su Lang.

This is equivalent to those eternal bodies that are indirectly used perfectly!

"There is a realm of reincarnation and a nest of civilization, which really saves countless troubles!"

With a satisfied smile on Su Lang's face, he immediately counted the consumption of these weapons for promotion.

All kinds of natural treasures are too lazy to count.

Speaking of the origin of the universe, a total of 35 million was consumed, with a balance of 12.89 million!

"The origin of the universe is really useless, I'm poor again!"

Su Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head, and took out four more pieces of Incense Fire Emperor Soldier.

Wearing heart locks, Qibao Miaoshu, Jinghuashuiyue, purple gold gourd.

In the previous wars,

Su Lang only used the first three weapons, not the Zijin gourd.

Because Si Kouyun's was too fierce, he was worried that Zijin Gourd would not be able to be locked, and that it would explode and lose a lot.

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