One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2707: Material transformation, characteristic swallowing


"Stop the current exercises!"

"Activate the function of'Ten Mind Martial Arts' and practice "Ten Thousand Hearts into One · Infinite Profound Meaning"!"

"Ten Thousand Laws into One: Infinite Profound Meaning" is a combination of countless exercises and is exclusive to Su Lang.

It is a fusion of countless exercises, a single exercise, which can be practiced directly.

Therefore, Su Lang did not hesitate to give the order.


Inside the mysterious black space.

The ten martial arts villains who were busy practicing stagnated, and then practiced again.

"The "Ten Thousand Ways to One: Infinite Profound Meanings" contains countless profound meanings, and the time to practice may be longer."

"But no matter how long it is, it shouldn't last long. At present, I have started the'Ten Heart Martial Arts', and the maximum speed of martial arts function is 96 trillion times. The rest of the eternal martial artists can never dream of it...!"

"In addition, "All the Ways to One: Infinite Profound Meaning" reaches the level of'Super Ease', which will surely bring infinite benefits, and it is worth the time spent!"


While thinking, Su Lang looked at the next system function.

At present, 310 million cosmic origins have been consumed, and there are more than 230 million!

After some consideration.

Su Lang decided to upgrade the one-key treasure hunt and one-key mixer functions, plus a cheap one-key empowerment function.

"Ding! Consumes 10 million...The number of flying gliders is 480 trillion!"

"Ding! Consumes 100 million cosmic origins, the one-click treasure hunting function is upgraded to level 55, and the number of treasure hunting flying gliders is 960 trillion!"

"Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the one-click treasure hunting function to level 55. You have obtained the new bonus function ‘Material Conversion’!"

In an instant.

The information of the new bonus function appeared in Su Lang's mind!

Material transformation: Treasure hunting flying gliders who are good at collecting heaven, material and earth treasures have the ability to transform target materials into specified types of materials!

The limitation is that the transformed material has the same quality and grade as the original material.

"Material transformation!"

"It turned out to be this kind of seemingly simple, but actually extremely abnormal function!"

"Using this function, I will never lack any kind of materials, and I can use low-grade materials to transform into advanced materials!

"The quality of the most converted materials is poor, but it can also be improved with synthesis and enhancement functions!"

"It's awesome, the functions of this system are getting better and better!"


Su Lang looked at the system function profile information in his mind, and golden light appeared in his eyes!

Now his weapon level is relatively high, many treasured eternal materials are hard to find, and it is difficult to evolve.

But now it's alright, and the evolution of weapons will no longer be blocked by some kind of material that cannot be found!


"Start the'material conversion' function!"

"Turn the Yizhen Chaos Stone into Yueyulan Tianyu! Turn Tianlixuanyousha into..."

Su Lang immediately activated the function to transform the materials that were lacking in the evolution of the Youtian Sword.

He chose to use more advanced materials as raw materials to transform them into low-cost materials required by Youtian Sword.

In this way, the quality of the material obtained is very, very high, which is perfect!

"Continue to transform, and soon Youtian Sword and other weapons will evolve again!"

There was a glimmer of expectation in Su Lang's heart, and he was immediately distracted, transforming materials and upgrading the one-key mixer function!

The material is enough, and the system function must keep up to evolve the weapon!

"Ding! Consumes 10 million universe origins, unlocks the one-key refining function to level 20, and can refining the Five Eternal and lower-level weapons!"

"Ding! Consumes 100 million cosmic origins, unlocks the one-key refining function to level 21, and can refining Six Eternity and its lower-level weapons!"

"Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the one-key mixer function to level 20, and you have obtained the new bonus function ‘Character Swallow’!"

After the system prompts.

Another brief introduction of new functions flooded Su Lang's mind.

Devouring Features: It can swallow the features of the Innate Eternal Emperor Soldiers, and avoid all negative effects!

"Character swallowing!"

"Avoid all negative effects!"

"It's another function of smashing the sky, it is worthy of a 20-level one-key mixer function!"

After reading the function introduction information, Su Lang was excited to add another point!

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