One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2698: Trying to hide from me, too naive

I saw the Boundless drew the sword of life and turned it into another golden sword like a heavenly river.

In a flash.

The Boundless slashed fiercely at itself for three consecutive times!

Three staggered sword lights penetrated into his body.


The majestic power is poured in, directly recovering one-third of the power!

The sword of life was bleak, disappearing out of thin air, and entered the interior of the Infinity.

Infinite number.

Su Lang, Yu Yangli, Xiu Ning and other 100,000 eternal powerhouses don't even want money-like pill!

For an instant.

The power of the Boundless has been restored again, and it has been restored to more than half of the original!

But this is not over yet!

Infinite number.

The eternal powerhouses have launched self-harming secret techniques one after another, just to restore more power to the Infinite.

"Death and life after death, life but no life!"

Su Lang's heart moved, and he also performed self-harming secret techniques with all the clones, and his breath soared!

To stay away.

He didn't use the secret of death or life.

But this is enough!

The power of the Boundless has recovered 80%!

next moment.

"Calling Words Secret·Illness!"

Su Lang, the twenty-seven avatars in his body, and Yu Yangli worked together to start the secret of calling characters.


Twenty-nine powerful phantoms emerged from historical time and space, rushing straight into the sky, and slammed into the dark giant palm!


Behind the Boundless, eight black jade chains soared up from the Seven Treasure Tree, coming first, piercing through the black palm prints like an evil dragon!

The powerful banning power exploded, making the black palm prints suddenly stiff, and the aura continued to decay!

at the same time.

"The world is dying, breaking a sword!"

Su Lang raised his right hand and once again cut the sky!

The Boundless Sea raised her hand synchronously, holding the waterfall-shaped Youtian Sword, severely cut out!

Sneer--! !

The black palm print was pierced again and collapsed, turning into a turbulent flow of energy!

This is like a single skill turned into a group attack spell, covering countless light years.

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying explosion suddenly sounded, and it was the phantom of the twenty-nine word-calling secret powerhouses being killed by the collapsed black palmprint.

But they also consumed a lot of energy from the black palm print!

The black palmprint of the top level of the original Eight Eternal Realm has now only left the ordinary Eight Eternal Level power.

"No, how is this possible!"

"How could he recover so fast!"

"Damn it, [Suiyou Huanyu] is exhausted, and I am already unable to fight anymore!"

"Retreat, you can only retreat——!!!"

The woman with four heads and eight arms screamed wildly in her heart, and Tang Zhufei and others in her body were also shocked.

In a flash.

The woman's eight arms pinched again.


The majestic black mist that the palm prints turned into swallowed Su Lang's Infinity, and the black mist turned into countless magical powers to kill.

"Ahahaha, come, come and **** me!"

"Don't kill me, never want to hurt my master's hair!"

Ah Jia laughed wildly, his body turned into a transparent ball of light, blocking the black mist tightly outside!

No matter how turbulent the black mist outside, he couldn't get past the thunder pond.

use this opportunity.

Su Lang and the rest of the powerful in Wuyin once again madly squeezed the pill into their mouths and quickly recovered their combat power.

far away.

The woman with four heads and eight arms suddenly showed almost imperceptible temporal and spatial fluctuations around her body.

"Want to escape?"

"Although this escape method is concealed, I want to hide from the assimilation of Doudu universe, it is too naive!"

Su Lang smiled coldly, Nianfeng Space appeared out of thin air, and pulled in the woman with four heads and eight arms!

"Do not--!!"

The four-headed and eight-armed woman, as well as 22 others including Tang Zhufei in her body, all showed panic and despair!

They have exhausted their cards, but they still haven't been able to kill Su Lang or even get Su Lang injured!

Now even the last escape method has been cracked by Su Lang!

This is simply desperate!


"Next, die!"

Su Lang let out a cold snort, waved his hands and waved eight heart-piercing black ink jade chains falling from the sky, like a black dragon hole piercing through the billowing black fog, setting off a huge wave, and violently killing the woman with four heads and eight arms!

"Suiyou·Zhoujie! Suiyou·Huanyu!!"

The woman with four heads and eight arms was pale, and in desperate situation, she once again carried out the secret technique of self-harm.

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