One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2680: The shocked people of the Youzhou Domain


The mirror flower water moon, the purple gold gourd, and the piercing lock all stepped into the Seven Eternal Realm, reaching the same level as the Seven Treasure Tree.

Although the strength of these four incense emperor soldiers was lower than the three eternal emperor soldiers such as the Youtian Sword, they had just entered the seven universe level.

However, it is not only sufficient for the battle at the level of the Seven Universe Eternal Realm, it can even be said to be far beyond the opponent!

Because the weapons of the eternal powerhouses of the Seven Universes are often only the Five Universes level, and the better ones are only the Six Universe level.

Just like Yu Yangli, a dignified and lonely descendant, he only possessed the Six Eternal Realm weapons with the help of Su Lang.

The same is true for Xiuning, with only six-plane weapons.

Now Su Lang has a total of seven emperor soldiers of the Seven Eternal Realm!


"A total of seven Seven Eternal Realm weapons!"

"When I dreamed, I only dared to dream of owning one or seven. This is too unreasonable!"

Yu Yangli swallowed with difficulty, only to feel that the drought died of drought, the flood died of waterlogging, and he himself was the one who died of drought!

Xiu Ning knew that Su Lang was very extraordinary, but his eyes widened at this time, and his unbelievable eyes were already filled with holes.

Through her somewhat hollow eyes, it can be seen that her heart is dull and numb.

"You don't have to be too surprised."

"The endless universe is so big, everything exists, I'm just one of the more special people."

Seeing this scene, Su Lang smiled faintly.

"From now on, I will be the pendant of Senior Brother!"

Yu Yangli took a deep breath, excited with a touch of sadness.


Xiu Ning was also prepared to say something blankly, but after reacting, the relationship between himself and Su Lang was not so close.

She was suddenly in a daze, is she already so dependent on Su Lang?

Can't you leave him for the rest of your life?

Xiu Ning thought this way, and then thought that not long ago, Xie Xuan and others half-jokingly and half-seriously let her and Su Lang be married.

At that time, she was a little moved.

If I could take the initiative back then, would I be able to call myself Madame Su now...

Just when Su Lang was promoted to the weapon.

Doudu universe, somewhere in a remote natural universe.

An old lady like a mouse, a woman with four heads and eight arms, a boy with green eyes, a man with three eyes...Everyone is advancing fast, crossing the natural universe.

But suddenly.

Everyone moved in unison, looking at each other, their expressions gloomy!

In the Doudu universe, half an hour has passed.

The Suiyou universe powers here, at this moment, received some battle conditions.

"All the spies we buried are dead!"

"The eternal power of the strong housed in the Doudu universe is also dead!"

The old lady Mouse looked extremely ugly, and the age spots on her face showed a dark and decadent color.

"Doudu Universe has taken action."

"They did take our conspiracy to kill those who made trouble."

"But... how could it be over so soon!"

The woman with four heads and eight arms couldn't help but breathe.


"Those warriors have only made chaos in less than a quarter of an hour, we have only advanced thousands of universes, and they will die!"

The green-eyed boy sighed, his eyes full of solemnity.

"It's incredible."

"Our people are scattered in various natural universes, far apart."

"Even if Doudu Universe goes all out and dispatches a large number of people, it is definitely more than this time just to hurry."

The three-eyed man opened his eyes wide, and each eye was covered with bloodshot eyes, as if countless plasma might burst at any time.

"Now our people are completely killed."

"Except for the eyeliner that must be left, there is no remnant."

The dwarf-like man squinted his eyes, "How did those guys in Doudu Zhouyu do it?"

"Don't worry about that much."

"Maybe it is a strange method, but it will not play a decisive role in the war."

"The only thing that can determine the outcome of the battle is true strength!"

The middle-aged man wearing a ragged red robe and looking like a falcon said coldly, "I have bought some time now, so hurry up."

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