One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2677: This combat power is pretty good

"Senior brother's cultivation realm has reached the Six Eternal Realm!"

Yu Yangli took a breath, "The strength of the aura on his body has directly reached the peak stage of the Seven Eternal Realm, which is higher than my previous combat power!"

"Not only that!"

"The aura of Daoist Su Lang is still growing!"

"He seems to have perfected countless crystal wall universes in a short time!"

"This is incredible!!"

His Royal Highness Xiuning saw some clues, and the whole person was dumbfounded as if he had seen a ghost.

"This kind of practice method is simply unheard of!"

"I'm afraid it's the unique secret skill of senior brother, the one that can only be used by his physique."

Yu Yang was free from the brain to make up, he could only explain this way.

"should be."

"The physique of Daoist Su Lang is probably the kind of special physique that can directly transform the energy of the universe into the origin of the universe!"

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning also said, "For this reason, Daoist Su Lang will use this extremely rich cosmic energy to cultivate on the platform."

"Yes, it should be so."

Yu Yangli nodded, and immediately followed Su Lang with His Royal Highness Xiuning, to see how much Su Lang's aura could grow.

At this time, because I have seen too many incredible things in Su Lang.

So the two of them are not surprised, they only feel that this kind of thing happened to Su Lang, it is normal...


Su Lang's side.

After the cultivation base broke through to the Six Eternal Realm, the accumulated cultivation base only consumed less than half.

More crystal wall worlds are upgraded to crystal wall universes in the surging cultivation base.

When all the accumulated cultivation bases are used up this time.

The number of Su Lang's Crystal Wall universe has reached more than five thousand five hundred.

If the six-plane eternal realm is divided into five levels: beginning, middle, high, peak, and half-step seven-planes, then it is a middle-high level.

And Su Lang's combat power has also been further improved!


"Call up my properties panel!"

As soon as Su Lang's voice fell, a panel suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human race

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Six Eternity

[Attack level]: Seven Eternity +

[Defensive Level]: Seven Eternity +

[Shenfa Level]: Seven Eternity +

[Endurance Level]: Seven Eternity +

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Huanni

[Mastering the exercises]: "The Unlimited Liyu Juntian Chaos Sutra", "Ten Thousand Fas into OneĀ·Infinite Profound Meaning" (Eternal Grade, Founding)

[Activated system functions]: one-key training function (level 55), one-key martial arts function (level 54), one-key clone function (level 54), one-key treasure hunting function (level 53), one-key alchemy function (19 Level), one-key mixer function (level 19), one-key refinement function (level 19), one-key synthesis function (level 19), one-key empowerment function (level 28), one-key enhancement function (level 14), One-key decomposition function (no level)

"This combat power can be regarded as an all-round half-step and eight cosmic eternity."

"If it were not for the higher the eternal realm, the greater the gap, I should be able to formally enter the eternal level of the eight universes in this wave of promotion."

Su Lang looked at his attribute panel and nodded slightly, thinking that his combat power was fairly acceptable.

Immediately after.

He looked at Yu Yangli and Xiuning, but saw that both of them were looking at him with bright eyes.

"Haha, luckily broke through once."

Su Lang smiled and bowed his hands to the two.

"Brother is too humble!"

Yu Yangli said quietly, "Senior Brother deserves to be Senior Brother. When I first learned about Senior Brother, Senior Brother was only at the level of the Four Universes. At this time, it is half the eternal combat power of the Eight Universes. This is really..."

"It's beyond imagination..." His Royal Highness Xiuning continued.

"There is still a lot of time, and you will soon start practicing."

Su Lang smiled, "I am just a little faster, and can be promoted earlier than you."


Yu Yangli and Xiuning were speechless at the same time.

at this time.

A voice broke the calm, it was Xiuning's jade card that had news.

"Elder Xie and they have already brought people back to Doudu Universe!"

Xiu Ning took out the jade plaque for communication and looked at her with joy, "The power of our Dou Capital Universe Region has further gathered."


"My clone has also calmed all the turmoil."

Su Lang nodded slightly, and more than a hundred clones appeared beside him waving his hands.

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