This is a very ordinary grassroots universe, and the cosmic energy is thin.

Su Lang stopped in the next universe, because if he entered the basic universe rudely and arbitrarily, it would definitely cause huge ripples in time and space, and it would be easy to stun snakes.

"When the treasure hunt ancestral glider finds the specific location of the person, he will use the clone to replace it and shuttle past!"

Su Lang thought so, and through perception and sharing, the vision of the treasure hunting ancestral glider emerged in front of him.

But I saw the treasure hunting ancestor flying all the way.

The speed was very fast at first, but gradually slowed down, because it sensed that the target was not far away, so in order to avoid disturbing the target, it began to sneak.

"Treasure hunting ancestral gliders are also very smart!"

"It goes without saying that everyone knows that they are lurking close to the target."

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched and he waited patiently.

Gradually, a colorful star field appeared in the field of vision.

The treasure hunting ancestral glider no longer advances alone, but finds a void fleet nearby and sneaks in.

Treasure hunting flying flying gliders could have ignored the barrier of formation.

As a more advanced treasure hunting ancestral glider, it is not too easy to do this!

"The treasure hunting ancestral glider is so careful, it seems that the target is in that star field."

Su Lang nodded slightly, then cheered up and waited quietly.

The Void Fleet continued to leap into space, and soon flew to a very prosperous star field, and then stopped in a planet.


Countless warriors emerged from the void fleet and scattered around.

Treasure hunting ancestral gliders mingled in it, occasionally seen by people, and only treated as other people's pets, no one cares about him.

In the crowd.

Treasure hunting ancestral gliders pretend to be ordinary animals, running around, but in fact they are constantly moving towards their goals.

But it is very slow in order to avoid exposing its extraordinary.

"It's actually on this planet?"

"Since it has been confirmed on this planet, it is all right."

"As long as the planet is blocked, there is no need for that guy to come out!"

Su Lang nodded slightly, sent his avatars to the planet with a thought.

When the first clone appeared on the planet.

"What, a strange eternal warrior came here!"

"How is this possible? It stands to reason that only I can know this universe!"

Somewhere on the summit of a giant peak, a rickety old man suddenly changed his expression: "Damn it, won't the Doudu Universe people chase me, they can find me!?"

This rickety old man was exactly what Su Lang was looking for, the eternal spy of Suiyou Universe!

He is very alert.

Pay attention to all movements with divine mind all the time!

If Su Lang traveled through time and space before, he would definitely be spotted by him, and then he would flee without hesitation before Su Lang stopped him!

But Su Lang is also a careful hunter and doesn't make simple mistakes.

At this time, the clone was dispatched and appeared directly on the planet, and the terrifying power of time and space unfolded directly!

With the eternal power of the six universes, it is easy to interfere with the time and space of a small planet and slow the target's escape speed!


Su Lang didn't just send a clone.

Just in case, he sent ten clones.

At this moment.

The rickety old man discovered Su Lang's avatar. When he was shocked, he broke out with all his strength without any delay, and wanted to escape through time and space!


Under the interference of Su Lang's clone, he was as if mired in the mud, his speed became extremely slow!

Before he successfully crossed the barriers of time and space in the natural universe, a grey and strange space suddenly appeared, covering him!


The rickety old man was completely forced out of the ripples of time and space, and his complexion was extremely ugly!

"Hey, I caught you, the spy of Suiyou Zhouyu."

Su Lang used the clone replacement, swapped positions with one of the clones, and came to the rickety old man.

In an instant.

He then called up the opponent's attribute panel and looked at its combat power.

This is an ordinary eternal warrior of the six universes.

With the practice of those eternal warriors of Suiyou Universe, this person has at most the power left by the eternal seven universes as his trump card.

"You, you are Su Lang!!"

"Su Lang, suspected of the mysterious Nine Universe Eternal Power Inheritance Disciple!"

The rickety old man looked at Su Lang with disbelief!

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