One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2661: The end of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou

"Xiuyu, you can go on the road with peace of mind."

Her Royal Highness Xiuning's expression was cold, and she would never forget the betrayal of Emperor Jing Zhizhou.

"I, I know I was wrong!"

"The invasion of Youzhou Domain at the age of this year is precisely when I am using people. I am willing to surrender!"

"Please, Master Su Lang, Master Yu Yangli, Xiu Ning..."

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou completely succumbed under the threat of death, groaning like a vicious dog whose waist was broken.


He did not wait to forgive, but waited for the sharp Youtian Sword!


The Youtian Sword pierced the body of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou with great ease, not even breaking a sword.

"Ding! You have the eternal soul*1, the eternal body*1, the life universe*1..."

The system prompt came.

Announcing the complete fall of Emperor Xiuyuzhou!

All the resources he collected went directly to Su Lang's pocket.

"This guy is finally eliminated."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning let out a sigh, and he didn't know whether he was sighing or sighing.


"How to deal with these people?"

Yu Yangli stepped forward, saluting Su Lang with a respectful expression, and pointed to the group of eternal strong men who were not strong.

"Senior, please spare your life, senior!"

"We are all deceived by Emperor Xiuyu Zhou!"

"His Royal Highness Xiu Ning, Master Su Lang, Master Yu Yangli, we are all forced, we refuse to submit, Emperor Xiu Yuzhou will kill us!"

"His Royal Highness Xiu Ning, we didn't do any harm to the world, we were just forced to collect a lot of resources by Emperor Xiu Yuzhou!"

"Master Su Lang, Your Highness Xiu Ning, we are willing to surrender, and we are willing to commit our crimes and make meritorious deeds to resist Suiyou Zhouyu!"

"Emperor Xiuyu Zhou is a vicious and despicable man. I have hated him for a long time. Please, please forgive me!"


Seeing Su Lang's gaze, every eternal warrior trembles with fright and keeps begging.

If there is a corner here, they have specified that they have all been shrunk to the corner and dare not move!

"Friend Su Lang."

"Although these people are under Xiuyu's command, they shouldn't be his confidantes. They can be saved."

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning glanced at the eternal warriors, turned his head and said to Su Lang.


"These people will not cause any threats if they are kept, just arrange them properly."

"My supernatural powers can control their thoughts to a certain extent, so I will deal with them."

Su Lang nodded slightly, then turned to look at those eternal warriors.

His voice was not covered up.

Therefore, everyone heard it all.

This immediately made all the eternal warriors who had escaped from the dead ecstatic.

"Little Master Xie Sulang's forgiveness!"

"Master Su Lang and His Royal Highness Xiu Ning have great kindness and great virtue, and the younger ones must pay their lives to repay!"


Each eternal warrior knelt down and thanked Su Lang, Xiuning, and Yu Yangli.

"This is the sorrow of the weak."

Yu Yangli shook his head and stopped looking at these people.

"Get up all."

"From now on, you will follow me."

Su Lang looked indifferent, but his voice was not so cold.

"Yes! Lord Su Lang!"

"I made a mistake, we should call the Lord!"

"Thanks to the Lord for your great grace!"


The eternal realm martial artists thanked them for a while, and then stood up tremblingly, and followed Su Lang very humblely.

So far.

The faction of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou was completely annihilated and became an insignificant part of history.


His Royal Highness Su Lang, Xiuning, and Yu Yangli returned to Doudu Universe with a group of eternal warriors.

Back to Ziyu Tiangong.

But the people from Xiyitai and Wang Jingchan were waiting outside Ziyu Tiangong.

Seeing them talking and laughing, they seem to have become familiar.

But the time that Su Lang spent in the Jizhen Universe was magnified a thousand times. It was naturally not a short time in the Doudu Universe, and they were completely normal.

"The young man knocked on Master Su Lang! Met His Royal Highness Xiuning, Master Yu Yangli!"

When the three of Su Lang came outside the Ziyu Tiangong, they were immediately worshipped by Wang Jingchan and others.

"Get up all."

"These people will be your colleagues in the future."

"Remember what I ordered before, don't forget."

Su Lang nodded, and threw a large group of eternal warriors behind him to Wang Jingchan and others.

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