One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2658: Emperor Xiuyu Zhou shot in anger

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou saw that he was going to be a dog!

This is definitely the worst humiliation in his life!

"Su Lang child!"

"How dare you be so rampant, I will kill you today!!"

Emperor Xiuyuzhou's eyes were cracking, he gritted his teeth, and there was a snake-like roar between his teeth!

"Ha ha."

"Do you think you can kill me only if you are the only one and His Royal Highness Xiuning?"

"I tell you, even if I am here alone now, you can't kill me."

Su Lang raised his chin and looked down at Emperor Xiuyu Zhou faintly.

"Damn it, is it tolerable or unbearable!"

Seeing this, Yu Yangli squeezed his fists, his face flushed, and his breath exploded fiercely, crushing the group of eternal warriors with shallow cultivation.

"Yes, I can't bear it anymore!"

The emperor Xiu Yuzhou was originally occupied by endless anger and hatred, and was humiliated by Su Lang, leaving only a trace of clarity in his heart.

Now, being fanned by Yu Yangli again, he suddenly lost his vigilance!


Yu Yangli stopped talking, flicked his right hand fiercely, and Mieyu spear pierced the soul with a scream!

"Brother Yu Yang Lidao!"

"Even if I was seriously injured today, I will let Su Lang die!!"

When Emperor Xiu Yuzhou saw that Yang Li was in the same hatred with himself, his heart was full of fighting spirit.

The next moment!

With a thought of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou, his hands changed infinitely in a moment, forming a handprint that encompasses the world.

——Shard Yu Tianpan!


Incomparably terrifying pressure suddenly came, within millions of light years, countless folds appeared in every inch of space!

This hand mark is already the strongest one-handed attack method for Emperor Xiuyu Zhou without using the secret technique!

Its power directly reaches the top level of the Seven Universes!

at the same time.

What made Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's confidence greatly increased was that Yu Yangli also shot!

"The Secret of the Sword, Fate!"

But when Yu Yangli roared, the spear in his hand turned into a very long silver sword, carrying the smoke and mist of the sword, and it pierced out!

Where the Fateful Sword Qi passed, the time and space avenues all around were all over the faults, it was as if they had fallen into another unknown space!

Such a fierce sword move is more powerful than Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's broken Yu Tianpan seal!

And this trick has the ability to cut time and space, and the enemy can't dodge it at all!

In the eyes of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.

Xiu Ning and Su Lang absolutely must display their extreme power to be able to block them!


What made Emperor Xiu Yuzhou unbelievable.

Only Xiuning resisted.

Su Lang didn't have any defensive actions at all, but continued to watch him leisurely!

How could this be?

How could Su Lang remain indifferent in the face of such a powerful attack! ?

Does he think Xiu Ning can resist these two super powerful Seven Eternal Attacks alone!

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was puzzled and full of doubts.

The next moment.

The feeling of an extremely serious life and death crisis suddenly enveloped his body and mind.

The alarm bell in his heart was overwhelming, his whole body was upright, like falling into an ice cave, and his whole body was cold!

just like.

The Dead Gate automatically buckled him down! !

"Yu Yangli!!"

"His target was transferred to me!!"

"No, how could this happen!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou understood everything in an instant, and the whole person was furious and indignation!

But it was too late for him to resist Yu Yangli's attack.

This was an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack created by Su Lang and Yu Yangli, and it definitely wouldn't allow Emperor Xiu Yuzhou to resist.

The next moment.

In Su Lang's smile without a word.

Yu Yangli's sword pierced fiercely from behind Emperor Xiu Yuzhou, blood spattered and penetrated directly!


"Yu Yangli's predecessor's life will be shot against the master!"

"The Lord was injured in a sneak attack, what to do, what to do!"

"It's over, it's impossible for His Highness Xiuyu to be the opponent of Su Lang's trio!"


Not far away, all the eternal warriors were horrified one by one, looking at the emperor Xiuyu Zhou who was stabbed back by Yu Yangli!

Things completely exceeded their expectations.

Moreover, Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was injured in a sneak attack, almost foreseeing his ultimate failure!

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