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Chapter 2649: Year-old Yuzhou Territory Power Assembly

With the arrival of more people under Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.

This colorful baby nebula has also become more and more vast!

Even Yu Yangli could not help but nodded.

"Look, with these resources, we can definitely go further!"

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou pointed to the majestic five-color nebula, haha ??smiled.


"Thank you, Daoist Xiuyu this time."

Yu Yangli gave Xiuyu a bright smile.

"Where is this, we are good brothers!"

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou laughed, looking like the brothers are good, and the three stars look like...

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Yu Yangli nodded quickly and smiled more brilliantly.

at the same time.

Fight in the universe.

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning has summoned Elder Xie and others to discuss the details of dealing with Suiyou Zhouyu.

At present, You Zhouyu already knew that his spy was arrested.

So there is no need to hide and tuck.

The four elders Xie, Yu, Cheng, and Zhong left Doudu Universe with some guardians of the Six Cosmos and more eternal warriors of lower levels.

They don't have to go to the most remote border of Doudu Zhou.

after all.

The spies from Suiyou Zhouyu had already touched the hinterland.

Moreover, the value of the natural universe in remote places is not great, and it will stretch the front too far, and giving up appropriately is a better choice.

Elder Xie and the other four chose the station point, one of which was Kongqing Universe.

The Kongqing Universe is a middle-level universe that governs many lower-level universes.

For example, the lower level, Pei Yuxiao's middle universe, such as Xiyitai, Black Ice Tower and other forces' universe.

The Nine Desolate Universe is now under the jurisdiction of Kongqing Universe.

of course.

Out of respect for Su Lang, no one dared to move the Nine Desolate Universe Region.

The advantage of passing time flow rate.

And the cobweb-like connections between the universes.

The elders can calmly monitor every universe under their jurisdiction, and once an abnormality is discovered, they can take the lead!

Elder Xie and others were not just standing there motionless.

They sent many powerful men, carrying special eternal treasures, to explore the universe.

Among them, the natural universe leaked by Emperor Xiyitai Wuxiao Zhou that had encountered the eternal spy of the Six Universes was subject to a key search.

Just get a little breath of the eternal secret agent of the six universes.

Su Lang could use the treasure hunting ancestral glider to dig out his traces and follow the vines to dig out more spies or intelligence.

time flies.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


In the age of the secluded universe accumulated by a huge amount of natural universe.

One side seemed boundless, unable to distinguish the pure white world from top to bottom.

A powerful figure is suspended, each one is an eternal powerhouse of the seven universes!

And the quantity.

Reached the terrible twenty-three!

There are twenty-three eternal powers in the seven universes, including men and women, old and young.

But in any case, all of them have extraordinary temperament, and you can see that they are not simple people.

"I am under my command for eternity, Lu Tai, was captured and killed."

An old woman opened her mouth and said that there were only two upper front teeth in her shriveled mouth, gleaming with a cold light.

She looked like a weird old rat lady.

"Doudu Zhouyu can't get any information."

"At most, we know that our people have sneaked into their territory."

A strong man composed of gray, white and black said lightly.

There is a vertical eye between his brows, and an eye covered with purple bloodshot eyes without sky.

"Did anyone get any useful information recently?"

Asked a woman with a wonderful figure, wearing a translucent veil like a bamboo membrane, but with four arms and heads.

"There is news from under my command."

"The locals of the Doudu universe he controlled infiltrated the Doudu universe, but were killed after being discovered."

"During this process, some intelligence was discovered."

An old man wearing a seven-colored robe said, "Doudou Universe, has just experienced civil strife, and has lost many Seven Eternals."

"Loss of many Seven Eternals!?"

"Could it be that one of the two parties in the infighting caused a crush on the other?"

"Which side has the power of Eight Universes?"

A short stature and a smaller head, but the appearance of a middle-aged man, Qi Zhou Eternally looked surprised.

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